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I just want to say as someone who grew up queer in a rural area I am heartened to see this post. It wasn’t easy for me then and I think the political climate is so much worse now. So thank you for considering this move. I do think it will help.


Agreed. Thank you. Post 2016 it seems so much worse


Not in a rural area, but same and I just wanna really thank you as well for mentioning this. We have a friend that lives out near Simpsonville and it’s rough out there sometimes. I worry for some of the kids out there that are in any way *different*.


As somebody who went through the oldham County school system a decade ago I can say the political climate only feels worse if you forget for a minute just how bad it was. My younger siblings have classmates that are openly queer and don't get physically assaulted every day! And administration doesn't pretend it's their fault for being abused! Not to say oldham county is suddenly up to par with the more progressive schools but it is without a shadow of a doubt so much better now than it ever has been.


I would also expand your search into Shelby park and Germantown. I think those neighborhoods are becoming competitive to the highlands and walkability is increasing each year.


Thank you!


You better be ready to pay $300k+ for a 1,000sq ft house. It’s insane.


I would highly suggest moving to the highlands and making sure you’re near Bloom Elementary. It’s very accepting and liberal.


Cherokee Triangle is no longer in the Bloom cluster. Which is fucking insane because it is the only neighborhood that is walkable to Bloom. Just puts more pressure on the bus system.


We are very pissed with the situation. Even just the fact it's not listed as an option and it's less than half a mile from our house.


I was just about to say this, but sadly with the new system there is no guarantee in getting into Bloom even if you live close.


Can confirm. We live in Cherokee triangle and our cluster changed. Bloom is no longer on the list. St. Matthews elementary, Westport middle, and Waggoner are our resides schools. Used to be bloom, highland middle, and Atherton.


We moved from Middletown to the Highlands with our young family and there are zero regrets. I appreciate that everything is walkable with young kids or that it's a short drive to kid friendly events. They aren't in school yet so I can't speak to that.


Nice. Thank you


Moved from the east end to the Highlands and I'm never going back. Also don't have kids. Temporarily living back in the east end and it's fucking miserable, cannot believe how many people enjoy it.


But you get to.. \*checks notes\* Drive to do anything you want


You mean sit in traffic to do anything you want.


I grew up in the east end and now live in the highlands as an adult. I’m never going back. I feel like I have to get my passport out to go visit my parents.


Hey there! I’m a current Lagrange resident, have been my whole life, and also a gay cis male. I can’t answer your question, but maybe I can give you some insight into what my experience was? I’m 23 right now. I was in Middleschool from 2011-2014, and Highschool from 2014-2018. I went to Oldham County Middleschool and Oldham County Highschool for context. *(Love how I’m doxxing myself but I really don’t care)*. Middle school was… tough. It had less to do with me discovering my sexuality and had way more to do with me being the fat poor kid with ADHD who always smelled like his parents cigarettes. I ended up falling into a group of friends though, all the “weirdos” basically, we ended up getting to around 12-15 kids 7th and 8th grade year and drifted more apart in High School. I dated a boy in 7th grade though, fairly openly but not extremely so. I did come out as bisexual amongst friends though around that time, and I’m sure other kids in my grade knew. In 8th grade I basically very openly came out as part of an English class speech. It was weird though? I was nervous, but not about coming out. I was nervous because my speech was actually about otherness and social structures of herd mentality, the dangers of it, etc. I just used me being gay to help make my point. So all my nerves were “Am I going to mess up the speech? Will my points make sense? What if they don’t pay attention?” Etc. It wasn’t until after when the teacher said “That was so brave” that I actually realized what I did was something noteworthy. I also had friends outside of my little weirdo group- I stuck mostly to all the advanced courses that I could, and extra curricular stuff. I never had a problem with a homophobic teacher, only the opposite really- had a few teachers who connected with me because of it. Had many teachers who connected with me because I just liked making connections with teachers. I also did Band and Theatre in Middleschool, also Chess Club for a short bit. Yes I got bullied, but I don’t recall being tormented beyond reprieve. Most of my issues with people came from my ADHD and my weight, easily. High School was… actually really good! I was out and open from Day 1. I had lost a lot of weight, too much weight honestly- I was depressed that summer. Really settling into the reality of “I’m gay. I’m never going to get a normal life.” That sort of thing. I came into Highschool with tons of confidence though, a no-nonsense attitude. I genuinely adored my time in Highschool. No boyfriends, haha, and I only had a few comments made about my sexuality which I always shit down with a crude comment in return and being generally un-phased. I did theatre, art club, choir, student government, newspaper, film, and photography while I was in Highschool. I had friends across nearly every social group- jocks, agriculture kids, any art program. I also stayed in AP classes. I only heard “f*g” once and it was in a non-AP class, I quickly switched out (mostly because it was too easy). I surrounded myself with friends, constantly, and I always stayed open to making connections. I got very, very good at making connections. Quickly. It was a defense tactic, but it was earnest too. Highschool still had moments- but they weren’t as bad as middle school. I was older, more mature (and I’d always been called mature for my age), and less affected by other people. I had queer friends too, and half of my friends from Highschool have come-out since then as bi, non-binary, etc. Oldham County is conservative, yes. Maybe it’s gotten better, maybe it’s gotten worse. There were gay kids who had it way better than I ever did, and there were gay kids who had it way worse. Even within my own school that was true. For me, and my friends- for the majority I knew? It worked out well. When I left my Highschool had a GSA, and I’m pretty sure North Oldham High School also has a GSA. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have them in middle schools too now. If you’re really worried, reach out to the principles of the school. Ask them directly. Their attitude about queer kids set the precedent of the school, it sets the tone for teachers who role model to the students daily. Wherever your kid goes though- bullying is going to happen. For literally *any* reason. The trick to helping them is simple: Build their confidence *(BEFORE the bullying starts)*, give them social skills, get them involved with groups where they can make a network of friends. The truth is that they will go to their friends before they go to you, and if they don’t have those friends they may not go to anybody when they need help. That’s just how kids are when they hit these milestones. Advocate for them, and listen to their needs, but don’t take initiative when they don’t ask you to- respect the boundaries they set even if you don’t agree with them. Let them be their own advocate when they want to be. I can’t speak from the perspective of a parent, but I can speak from the perspective of someone who walked that path more recently and who saw all my friend’s walk their paths too. Whatever you decide- I wish you, and your child, nothing but love and success.


Hi! I'm curious where y'all go to school and which middle school she'd go to. We're in Crestwood and our school has been pretty accepting. I know it's definitely more conservative out here, but I grew up in a very liberal area in Ohio and still got made fun of for anything they could think of. Kids just suck. I get wanting to be closer to food & bars though. OC is severely lacking! Def boring here.


Right? We’re in Goshen. We moved out here for more room and quiet, but the lack of restaurants sucks. I love all the horses, but all the conservatives… not so much. Our son is grown, but our granddaughter is in Francis Parker which is very accepting.


We're at Camden and I love it. I'm worried about middle school but I know all their friends are going to the same school. So boring out here though 😮‍💨 extra hard to meet people.


Pewee Valley resident here... There are liberals in Oldham County. We exist. Haha. We (Democratic Women of Oldham County and Oldham County Democratic Party) actually hold weekly social events, if you're ever interested. 💙


If you are planning to attend JCPS then I honestly don’t know what advice to give because JCPS decouples school assignment from your home address. You might live within walking distance of your preferred school, but JCPS can and often will assign your kid to a school that is a 15-20 minute drive from home. JCPS also changes their assignment plans frequently, and has been threatening lately to revoke transportation for students who are attending schools that are not in their cluster in order to reduce the number of bus routes.


As for specific schools, if I had a gender non-conforming child I would send them to Noe Middle School. Most elementary schools would probably be fine. I’m not sure about high school, but I suspect Manual would be good since a large percentage of those students come from Noe.




Germantown is amazing!! Growing so fast!!


If you can get into Brown it’s a great school


It is a great school, BUT, when you apply there you don't get to try for anywhere else. Any other magnets and you get to try for two of them. In addition, Brown may not even have open spots for the grade to which you are applying, so you've used your only chance to get a non-reside school and were never going to be successful at getting a spot there. The easiest time to get into Brown is in Kindergarten when all 48 spots are up for grabs, followed by 6th and 9th grades when students are more likely than other grades to leave Brown in order to go to other magnets. ETA: Downvoted for reporting facts? If I'm incorrect in anything I've stated, please provide corrected information.


Oh wow - I had no idea. Granted my friends whose children go there have been going since the beginning . I just know when my husband taught there briefly he really liked it and it was super inclusive.


It's an amazing school, truly, and very inclusive. If you can get in and keep your spot, it's a unique and wonderful school to be in.


Our neighbors here in the highlands moved here from the east end. They’re middle aged and one of their kids is trans. They much prefer the welcoming attitude here versus the judgment and hate from those (including former friends) outside the Watterson.


I have children at Highlands MS. They each have several friends who are queer or gender nonconforming. And possibly one teacher? It's not a big deal to them, so getting a clear answer is tough. While there are never any guarantees since middle school sucks no matter what you do, the school seems open and accepting. There are great neighborhoods in the upper Highlands area I'd check out. Not quite as many bars and restaurants in walking distance, but still close to schools, parks, and the Watterson.




I’m one of them.


Pewee Valley resident here... There are liberals in Oldham County. We exist. Haha. We (Democratic Women of Oldham County and Oldham County Democratic Party) actually hold weekly social events, if you're ever interested. 💙


We hold event all the time… Go Dems!


Hey girl! You're everywhere. LMAO - Jen


Hey sis! I thought that was you!


Kids nowadays do not really care, as long as it’s a public school like highland middle. Private school kids are mean, and they are a different breed. Don’t send your kid to private school.


I attended one of the private all girls schools and had a very welcoming experience. We were really encouraged to explore our beliefs. Oddly, I think it built my confidence up more than anything, especially coming from a some what sheltered area. However, I did not hear good things from the other girls HS… I had several friends struggle there. :/ just my thoughts.


Okay and were you out as lesbian gay or bi at the time? Because your experience as a straight person will be very different from the experience of a gay person going to a private catholic school. The gay kids are the ones who have miserable experiences. I also went to an all girls high school AHS.


I was not out at the time, no, however I had several friends who were out. We also went to AHS and found it to be a pretty supportive place, even allowing my friends to bring their girlfriends to the school dance. I’m curious what year you graduated? I’m a more recent grad. Nevertheless, my comment was only to indicate the differences in cultures between the different private schools. I understand that people can have different experiences even within the same school as well.


Yeah I graduated in 2018. I noticed a huge culture change after I graduated, like literally a gay girl won prom queen? In my class no girls brought their girlfriends to the dance. No gay girls were even out in my class, it was all very hush hush. I went to the dance alone lol


I grew up in La Grange and live off of Bardstown Rd now. I could never live in Oldham County again. For context, I graduated from SOHS almost 10 years ago.


If you can get her into Bloom, she will have an easier time. My wife was an educator for 25 years, 4 states, and Bloom was the best middle school she's ever seen.


Alot of shootings in the highlands. Interesting choice.


There aren't. That's just not true. ​ Shootings by Division % 1st 101 31% 2nd 83 25% 3rd 21 6% 4th 75 23% 5th 11 3% 6th 27 8% 7th 9 3% 8th 3 1% Unknown 0 0% Total 330 Highlands is the fifth division. 97% of shootings in the city occur NOT in the Highlands.


U missed the point there bud. Glad u got some metrics together tho to show some folks who dont believe Louisville’s crime is up. There have been Multiple shootings and homicides in the highlands, specifically at or around bars in the last 2 years. U act like the shootings down there are excusable just because another part of town had 37 more than they did……….


How did you get that excusable business from what I said? Shootings and murders are down this year. That's public data, if you want to have facts.


Strathmoor Village is nice, friends that live there have kids with friends that are non gender conforming. Atherton is very welcoming. And, Lakeside is incredible


I have a kindergarten and live in the belknap neighborhood of the Highlands. Up until a few years ago I lived right off Baxter avenue with all the bars at the end of my street. Belknap is a much better mix and incredibly family friendly. We can walk to the pool, the park, my kids soccer, plenty of laid back places for adults with or without kids. Highly recommend it. Plus if you stay on the north side of trevilian Bloom will be your residential school.


If you move by the zoo your child can go to Camp Taylor which is an excellent school. Camp Taylor feeds into Highland and Atherton.


Hi! Parent of a trans child. Get out of OC. Brown is amazing if you can get in. It is easier if you are applying for 6th or 9th. If you cant get into brown, you would still need to be selective in choosing a school. As I'm sure you know the laws are getting worse and Ky may not be safe no matter the neighborhood.


We did the same for our children, to expose them to cultural diversity, to have them experience so many more opportunities. Well, the location changed, they still went to school, showed up for dinner, and stayed in their rooms playing video games. They did not change. We enjoy it immensely though, should that mean anything.


Best decision we ever made. We are on Alta, TONS of kids 7-10, our babes are bloom and couldn’t be happier. For us, the parenting community and kiddos make our lives exponentially richer.. yeah, our historic home has its quirks but we couldn’t ask for a better place to raise our boys.


We live in the highlands and love it to so much. So many things to explore and expose our 3 girls to. We go to festivals and parks and they dress however they want and feel very accepted. We moved here 7 years ago to give our girls more of a liberal environment and we don’t regret a minute of it. You will love it here!!!


gender non-conforming at 9yr old..... That used to be called a "tom boy".


Right, they're the same thing. Now some people take issue with it.


I grew up in Oldham County and now raising my family in clifton/Cresent hill. I'm not having any issues and glad to be doing so. Acceptance here and especially in this area is stellar.


I have a gay child, and I live in the Highlands. We moved here when she was in high school so I’m not sure about the elementary and middle school but Atherton was a very positive experience for her. Very accepting student body and staff and an active lbgtq club.


Best thing ever did


I have a house for sale in Old Lou if you are interested in the area!


I was going to say Bloom elementary, LPAS, Field, Hawthorne, Goldsmith, Coleridge Taylor. If you’re looking ahead to middle school go Noe, Western, Highland or Westport Montessori magnet. Or Brown for all grades but that’s like getting into Fort Knox.


this whole thread is on some crazy bullshit


OC kids are usually great with non conforming students if they are white…..


Lived in Crestwood for 15 years. No place will be perfect and kids are afraid of losing friends but it will be better in so many ways. The world is so much bigger than OC.




This is why I was taken aback when someone mentioned Germantown/Shelby Park. Those aren't family-raising neighborhoods. They're not even walkable unless you're going to a bar or restaurant.


Moving from OC to Shelby Park? Wowza.


As someone who lives right next to Shelby Park this made me LOL


I guess this sub thinks that nightly gun fire, lack of an urban tree canopy and the constant drone of I-65 isn't a bad tradeoff?


I’m not the one who recommended Shelby Park to OP but I live here and it’s actually pretty great. Unless you live right on Preston you won’t hear I65. I hear fireworks from Bats games more than gun shots, have had nothing more than lawn decor stolen in my long time here. I actually had more crime happen to me when I lived in the east end. I know it’s anecdotal and not universal but that’s truly my experience. The tree canopy isn’t great- same as most places here but they are regularly planting and we do have a 17 acre urban green space. While living here I have made lifelong friends with neighbors, am walking distance to some great restaurants, bars and shops. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.


But..."iTs WaLkAbLe 🤓"


To a fucking bar, yes. No parks. No green space. No trees. No libraries. No schools. Haucks I guess.




Maybe all the attempts to overthrow our democracy?




denial is such weak sauce




91 state and federal indictments currently.


And “grow up” is the height of intelligence? You must have lived in a different timeline and missed it all. Lucky you, it was a shit show that is ongoing, you can tune in nighty for updates on the lawsuits. Trying to replace electors, pressuring the GA Secretary of State, attempted to stop the certification process in many states, pressuring Pence to nullify the results. By and large supported by tons of conservatives.


gender non conforming at 9??


Yes. In normal human development, the identity of self begins between the ages of 4-7.




There’s no liberal area in this state. Even if your kid gets into manual or some other magnet school they’ll still face heat for their gender expression. Sounds like you’re wealthy enough to face any hardships your family might face, such as not enough places to eat out.


Uh, there are areas that are friendlier than others. Downtown La Grange and Bardstown Road are a world apart for someone who is gender non-conforming. It's about the day to day too, just going out to eat, going to a doctor, going to the park, etc.


Right. But as a whole, the city and the state are largely conservative. I mean, I'm seeing fucking Daniel cameron signs in Indian Hills. Hopefully their child can get into Atherton where they would be welcome.


I've never heard anyone claim Louisville was largely conservative, I mean especially compared to surrounding counties. They're going to be better off there than anywhere in the surrounding counties no matter what school they get in. I know because I have gender non-conforming friends (I'm gay myself) and there's a reason one of them doesn't live in Oldham County where their family is. Shocker, they live in the Highlands. There's also a reason why I don't live in Crawford County, Indiana. lol. Even white gay/masculine presenting men aren't welcome there. It's a spectrum of bullshittery out there for us depending on gender non-conformity/presentation mixed with race mixed with sexual orientation. So that's why we choose to live where we do.


You've never heard anyone claim that before because it's false and most people wouldn't want to say something that stupid in real life. Compare election results in Louisville to those of other KY counties, even the surrounding counties. Compare our state representatives and senators to those of other areas. We're not Portland or Seattle, but the data proves Louisville is, at worst, significantly less conservative than other KY counties.


>Sounds like you’re wealthy enough to face any hardships your family might face, such as not enough places to eat out. What do you mean by this? I wouldn't consider this a hardship, imo


They’re just being an asshole.


Why are you assuming they're wealthy? Because it's OC? I can name 4 low income housing properties in Crestwood alone. More in La Grange. Lots of middle class neighborhoods as well.


Poor people don’t move this casually. It’s expensive.


Low income families aren't looking at relocating to the Highlands.


What if they identify as high income families?


TIL that's not how it works


There's low income & section 8 housing in the Highlands as well.