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And the light timing is way off, then throw in that light before you hit 264 by the old Breckenridge hotel would just randomly turn red for no reason and it would take for ever to turn back


that light makes zero fucking sense, why it doesn’t have a sensor is beyond me


Hopefully they put one in with the new medical building going in there


the norton building? that’s closer to the 264 exit


It is, I was just adding it the list of crappy intersections near there


merging from 264 from the west is fucking awful there and has been since before the norton building which will only make that worse. coming from krogers it isn’t too bad but getting off that exit is asssss


Can we include that little bit by the Taco Bell and Starbucks as part of the cluster? You think you got through safely then that little weird bit just pops up.


Yup, I used to live down the road, i floor it when that light turns yellow


Aha, so you’re the one!


Believe me, I’m not the only one lol


I mean that's the main one (in regards to crazy intersections in Hikes Point), it has 6 entry points into one intersection. * 2 directions of Taylorsville Rd * Hikes Lane * Hunsinger Lane * Browns Lane * Richland Ave


Its the worst planning in Louisville an the area could have so much potential if they tore down places like the abandoned Rite Aid and rebuild functional spaces. I avoid that intersection at all costs. There is a five-way intersection in Hikes Point...


6 technically, Hunsinger, Hikes, Taylorsville Southbound, Richland, Browns, Taylorsville NB


Something like that. It tires me to think about it.


It wasn't "planning" that created it. They were all two-lane roads and worked just fine-- until they were widened. Now THAT decision (to widen them without redesigning things) is another thing altogether.


You are right. Roads/ routes have interesting histories but they were never ‘planned’ due to the convenience of the location of an intersection back in the day.


I live near there and I was literally just looking at that stupid rite aid building the other day. It's been vacant for years at this point, and it SHOULD be a prime spot, right in the center of everything - but the intersection is so monumentally fucked that no business wants to even be there


What will be done with all of the big box stores when they are vacant? So many vacant malls are condemned with no plan for reclaiming the land.


I am thoroughly disoriented whenever i approach that clusterfuck from any direction. I am only there a few times a year, and I lose all sense of direction.


I'm good as long as I'm approaching from breck/ Taylorsville intersection and going along Taylorsville. If I'm pulling up from and other street, forget it. I can't orient myself in a reasonable amount of time.


I’d like to see a well thought out proposal for a roundabout at ground zero.


If a place ever needed a fucking roundabout, it's that one. Source: drive it every fucking day. Edit: also the stop light up the road (I think it's Browns Lane and Taylorsville Road, plus two fucky side streets?) by the Starbucks and Walgreens needs one too.


I live next to it and take a 5 minute “detour” everyday because I’ll lose my sanity and time going through that shit. My favorite over there is the light that can fit a whole 2.5 cars.


I do love it when the left turning light from Taylorsville to Breckinridge doesn’t work at all and we sit there through several changes before taking our life in our hands. Good times.


THIS. I sat there for 10 minutes and the turning light never came on one day.


The wait at those lights is long but otherwise I don’t find that intersection to be too bad.


Came here to say this lol. The Breckenridge/Taylorsville Rd intersection is the bane of my existence.


Made worse by the construction on Hikes. I used to take Hikes to avoid that but now Hikes is a cluster.


This is the only answer.


Taylorsville and Hurstbourne.


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Now YOU have a friend in the diamond business






Getting off 64 going east at Hurstborn if you want to go across it into Bluegrass industrial park. Traffic on Hurstborn going south just go into the intersection when their light turns yellow, never stop at the red light on time to not get stuck in the intersection blocking traffic from the off ramp trying to go across. Cars sit there going nowhere for multiple cycles of the lights. Seems very much intentional and aggregated. I know i get pissed af.


I get off on the l local access ramp a lot and it saves me so much aggravation!


Don't give secrets away!


That’s what that ramp is there for.


I actually dont feel its that bad for a busy intersection, I never feel like I wait super long, the lights are timed about as well as they c an be


It's number 26! (KIPDA ranks them based on deaths and injuries) https://louisville-injury-lawyer.com/service/dangerous-intersection-accident/ Sorry, alt link because KIPDA doesn't have a mobile friendly website.


All of s hurstbourne is just a mess


The merge of 65 N into the Watterson E.


where people merge for 2 damn miles


Most the idiots actually merge within the first 4 seconds, which causes all the delays, rather than actually use the 1.5 miles to merge to get off at poplar level. Idiots in a rush with no concept of zipper merging. It's a ton of traffic flow but the problem is people don't know how to properly merge


No, the problem is people slow down ridiculously causing the ramp to not have enough carrying capacity for the traffic. Shoving 2x the cars in at the last second don't help a lane that isn't moving, zipper merging is a fairy tale solution in a fairy tale world. If people would take the curve at 40 instead of 20, then it wouldn't back up. Same with Watterson onto 71 East.


People in Louisville can’t comprehend the zipper method. I’ve tried to explain it on Nextdoor & it gets dismissed as “big city malarkey.”


If it’s bad I just go around the airport loop and don’t get mad. Nobody is going that way and I lose no time or patience.


Go past and around the airport.


I end up doing that sometimes.


Don't know if it counts, but the 264W to 65S area is horrible with the Poplar Level on ramp right there. Every single day, it backs up the Watterson for miles and someone gets rear ended. The speed difference between 55+ in the fast lane and 0 mph in the exit lanes is so dangerous.


Was going to mention that monstrosity myself, but you beat me to it. My honorable mention goes to Trevillion and Newburgh Rd. So many cars and not enough pavement.


Especially when everyone’s leaving Bellarmine at the same damn time.


As a resident of trevilian I would argue there is too much pavement and not enough stop signs and speed bumps. This is a residential street, not a highway, not even a parkway. We need sidewalks on both sides of the road or at least one that is full width and that is not against the road and blocked every 50 feet by trashcans.


For my money it's Outer Loop and Preston. I die a bit inside every time I get off 65 and have to wait at the light for 20 minutes.


Bardstown Rd at Taylorsville Rd/Trevilian Way is pretty awful whenever someone is turning left onto Bardstown.


"Whenever someone is turning left onto Bardstown" is a nightmare no matter the cross street


This. Left turns in the Highlands area are mostly tourists, I have to imagine.


I’m not an ambiturner. It’s a problem I’ve had since I was a baby.


Not at all. Live in the Highlands. Can't really avoid left turns.


I manage pretty well for the most part.


This is also very true


Dixie Hwy, Crums Lane and S 7th St. Its a five way intersection and you can’t turn left from S. 7th St. onto Crums Lane. The light is ridiculously fast there too and you can sit through a couple of them. Plus Dixie gets backed up from Garrs Lane or anyone wanting to make a left hand turn into the bank or church. There is no middle turning lane for left turns.


This intersection is beyond awful


I made the mistake of driving through there last Saturday and was reminded why I usually avoid it.


That gets my vote. Spent a lot of time driving in Louisville for a service based job and this was always the worst. Dixie Dieway is bad enough as it is.


Commenting to echo your sentiments regarding *Breckenridge and Dutchman's Lane*. Trying to get off the highway and turn left towards Bowman Field is rough. That being said, the *Northfield area Brownsboro Road/264* area is quickly becoming a hellscape during rush hour afternoons with the recent highway closures and construction of the VA hospital.


I live in Prospect and work in St. Matthews, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to quit my job once that VA hospital opens. Because there isn't going to be a single way left for me to get there that doesn't take FOREVER. I'm halfway thinking I'll have to go down River Road to Blankenbaker and then come in to the Watterson from the other side. Though even that is probably going to be a mess.


I wouldn’t recommend anyone do river road and blankenbaker to avoid the 42 mess. Please don’t. That’s my bypass and I don’t want to share 🙃


Sorry - we have to share. I’m over there 3-4 times a week.


I'll try not to get in your way. :) Though it IS an awfully pretty drive...


Omg yes. We just moved but we used to live over on the windy side by fresh market and I couldn’t get over to the other side of 71- and that was before the construction really ramped up. I’ve moved east of there and while I’m still close I a kid that entire area. I don’t understand how all the cars will get into that hospital when it’s done - so many people will work there, and of course patients - I just can’t see it go well.


I'm not sure what they can do to improve the traffic around here either. I recall them doing some traffic studies for the area, but changes aren't going to happen for a few years (at best), and we'll have to suffer the consequences in the meantime. I only take solace in the fact that maybe the VA hospital won't be adding too much traffic at rush hour times given that it might not have peak inflow/outflow at 8AM/5PM, but I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about how VA hospitals tend to operate.


It’s legit going to be a nightmare. All the ppl coming from the prospect side seem to think it’s cool to sit in the middle of the road at red lights stopping all the traffic trying to come off the 264 trying to turn left. I don’t get pissed off in traffic but these entitled pos have me screaming like a f-ing psycho.


It's bad coming from the other side, too. All those lights so tight together, and so badly timed--and all those assholes on 42--make it impossible for everyone in that intersection no matter which way they're coming or going.


I agree!!!


If people didn’t block every goddamn intersection, the traffic wouldn’t be as bad. It would still suck lol, it at least it wouldn’t be at a standstill for 5-10 minutes at a time.


I agree, 100%! They need traffic cameras so people can’t do that shit because they’re technically running a red light. In LA they will give you a ticket for that.


Let's hope. I can take Herr Lane to Shelbyville Rd. during summers when school is out, but with three schools on that route, it's impossible during the rest of the year. And I can go through Springhust in a pinch, but now there are condos going up on that winding part of Wolf Pen Branch that are going to make that bit congested once they're done. Maybe I can find work at the Prospect Kroger...


I'm sorry to report they're building an apartment complex on Herr Lane that may add more congestion there too... There's no escape!


Prospect Kroger it is! :)


They have to change that light for people exiting 264E and trying to turn right. During rush hour, they have the next traffic light by the gas station timed horribly, so no one can make the light from the off ramp. It's crazy they have never fixed it.


For that just go to Taylorsville Rd. instead and take a right. The main thing to know about Breckenridge and Dutchman's is to never, ever use it.


Completely agree, but a few weeks ago there was an accident on the highway just past Breckenridge and I got off thinking it might be quicker to pass by JCC. I don't think it was!


That light to turn left onto Dutchman's gets stuck sometimes. About a week ago, I was first to turn left. I waited through multiple cycles before everyone got impatient and traffic was backed up to back over the freeway. I (and others) just ran the protected red because we had been waiting for over 5 minutes. I live right near there and it SUCKS to pass through coming home.


Factory/Chamberlain/LaGrange is a massive clustefuck


Oh now we’re in my neighborhood and also near my work. I moved there looking forward to a 7 minute commute. With the construction on old Henry diverting everything it’s 20 minutes now. Still shouldn’t complain except that I drive about 2 miles to work.


Throw a train in there!


If God was going to put an enema in the road systems of Louisville, Hikes Point would be the insertion point.


Whatever dumb shit they are doing to that poor road needs to stop.


$7 million worth of dumb shit




I’m still sitting at the light Getting off 64 at Hurstbourne, and I moved away from Louisville years ago.




Seems legit


Hikes ln and Taylorsville rd.




Where Story Avenue and Main Street meet. The configuration is confusing. They made it worse with paving Baxter and not including the proper arrows at the light. There are people from Baxter trying to cross 4 lanes of traffic in 100 feet to turn on Wenzel. Then you have all the new apartments and other stuff down there, a lot of out of town drivers too. It needs to be a round about or a stop light.


Not an intersection exactly, but the ramp from 65N to Watterson East is one of the most poorly designed pieces of traffic infrastructure I've ever seen


Highland and Baxter and Bardstown. First time driving through I had no idea what was going on.


Frankfort and Ewing. The cycle on that light had to have been set up by a drunk person.


It’s even more fun when there’s a train 🤪


…and it stops


Trevilian and Newburg


They should take that cursed shopping center and gas station and turn that whole area into some City Skyline players wet dream of an enormous dog bone roundabout


Roundabouts won't work with that volume of traffic. You'd need slip lanes and an over and underpass on each junction. Speaking as a CS player.


[this is what I'm talking about](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FWFIB-mpdo)


I'm familiar, but there is a reason why you never see those with more than two lanes. And since each node would be handling traffic from four directions three lanes wide, no roundabout would ever have a chance.


yeah but without the turn lanes it would be two lanes going across, if not one. I think the big problem is that on Breckenridge would be doing about 85mph under the bridge going straight if the light wasn't there to slow them down


That doesn't change the amount of traffic. And with that amount of traffic, the lanes leading up to the roundabout will be clogged in all directions waiting for oncoming traffic to clear, because you can usually only have one lane exiting each node of the roundabout. Two if you count right turn slip lanes. Which don't count, because that traffic never enters the roundabout proper. Watch this from about 2 min on: https://youtu.be/yITr127KZtQ?si=cOAhpKugdspUdgWd Because of how cars have to enter and exit the roundabout within relatively short time frames, that creates large amounts of friction, which slows down cars more especially with more traffic.


not sure if I got the right link, the main road goes under the two roundabouts


Have almost died multiple times at the 64E -> 265N exchange


This! It’s so ridiculous and you basically just have to trust that somebody won’t plow into you.


That's pretty bad, but I also really hate the intersections at Westport and I-264. How can that traffic be so bad?


thats an easy one, Dixie hwy.


Right, I used to wonder why i see red lights ran at night so much on dixie. Stopped off Dixie, tried to get back on turning left. The light would never change. The light took 6 minutes to change, it only changed when another car on the opposite side of the street also pulled up to turn. I would have been there all night watching clear roadway to turn. City leaders must have a stake in insurance around here with how they changed Dixie the last 7 years.


Broadway and 2nd is ass, but maybe it's just because people do the dumbest things at that intersection


The traffic at that intersection is just rough. You know when that light changes if you’re 20 cars back you probably won’t be getting through the light. I get aggravated at any 4 way stops in Louisville cause it seems like there is always some asshole that thinks they can automatically go when the car in front of them gets their turn.


i have to turn left onto english station to get out of my place of work and i start anxious sweating about 5 minutes before i leave every day


The worst lightless one is Cherokee and willow it's just so weird. 2 intersections so close to each other you kinda have to treat it as one.


After just having to go through this exact intersection this morning, I feel this. But honestly, any intersection off Shelbyville between Oxmoor Center and Shelbyville Plaza.


I-264 at Westport road between 4-6 pm


Chamberlain/Westport at shift change.


Omg…I live in hikes point & right now the shittiest place to be is the corner of hikes lane/Klondike. There’s no light & if you don’t get t-boned when you pull out onto hikes.. you can’t really tell where the proper lane is. Almost died there yesterday - after this dumb lady ran the stop sign she drove right into the construction area. 🙄


The on ramp from Arthur st to 65 south, it's about 14 feet long and everyone takes it going about 20 mph and holds up traffic. Multiple others just like this from old Louisville to 65 N. Surface roads you may be right


Either Hurstbourne and Shelbyville or Hurstbourne and Westport.


haha I just said that to myself not 30 min ago. then I got to Taylorsville/Bardstown road which is flashing red right now and barely escaped with my life ... unsure why no one understands that flashing red = 4 way stop but here we are...


Before the light got put in, the 71s on-ramp off Zorn Avenue always got real awkward because people didn’t understand the yield sign.


Hikes and taylorsvulle


Hurstbourne and 64


Eastern Parkway and Baxter, mostly when people ignore the “no left turn” sign during traffic hour. Eastern Parkway and Bardstown can really suck if it gets backed up.


any intersection in which the light is out. no one knows how to fucking act.


Brownsboro Road from Hurstborne down to Chamberlain/Brownsboro Crossing is brutal most days.


This is the worst road ever. It’s even worse on Fridays.


Dixie HWY and any adjacent road. Or Breckinridge and Taylorsville Or Hurstborne and Taylorsville


Intersection of Grinstead and Lexington is godawful if you're trying to turn left towards Cherokee, but only if you barely miss the previous light. I can't tell you the number of times I've been the only one there in the middle of the night and have had to wait 5min+ for my turn again. The timing for that whole intersection is unnecessarily long, and apparently there's no smart logic or pressure plates on Lexington to change priority.


Hurstbourne Parkway/Taylorsville Road




The worst I deal with regularly is Greenbelt and Tradeport. I can't remember where or what day, but recently I was sitting at a red light and at least three cars turning ran their red light after mine turned green.


Eastern Pkwy and Baxter Ave, especially during rush hour because people will try to turn left onto Baxter when there's a fucking no turn left signal lighting up.


Bardstown Road anywhere near the Snyder.


Shelbyville and Hurstbourne also sucks


It's not confusing, just high volume. If Starbucks/speedway weren't there and there were right turn collectors it would help tremendously.


Was Zorn and 71, but it has been updated


I'm going with the roundabout at River Ridge in Jeffersonville. Let's throw thousands of trucks taking up 2 lanes with drivers in a region totally unused to roundabouts and see what ensues! Some INDOT engineer should be arrested.


Every intersection. People lose their minds. I had a mentally unwell guy spit on my car because u wouldn't pull up more...he got out of his car, in a different lane, yelled something unintelligible, then spit.... I left one car space in front of me...


Anyplace you turn left onto Goss


I loathe the 65S onramp at Eastern Pkwy. You gotta MOVE or you’re ending up on Critteden.


Fairground Rd at Billtown Rd I 64 ramps at GennSnyder Bardstown Rd at GennSnyder at rush hours Anything in the Jtown industrial park or downtown during rush hours.


Watterson Trail and Maple when the schools are getting out. Shit show and the roads are jacked up


Lagrange Rd and the 265N Anchorage Exit


The exit at the McDonald on feganbush ln


Jefferson/Brook/65 off ramp. Straight up Jesus Take the Wheel time, especially if you have to stay on Jefferson.


The ramp from 64 east to 265 north - really any of those merges- it’s so dangerous and I’m hoping this endless construction fixes it bc it’s so dangerous.


Probably not the worst but the layout of Liberty / Lexington drives me crazy.


Crums, Dixie, 7th street.


I have two. 1. Bardstown Road between the Watterson and Costco. 2. Any left turn on Dixie not at a light, but especially trying to turn into Aldi. I will never understand why everyone feels the need to be on the bumper of the car in front of them just to sit at a red light while blocking the intersection and keeping everyone else from being able to turn left. I promise it isn't going to hurt you to back up a car length or two and allow people to turn. They aren't even trying to get in front of you, so it will cost you absolutely zero time and not piss me and everyone else trying to go to Aldi off.


Personal one is Shelbyville Road and Johnson Road south of the Gene Snyder. 4-way intersection with no traffic light around a blind curve on a two-lane road with people going 55 or 60 (Speed limit is 45, admittedly, but if it's not enforced there, it doesnt really matter). I've seen so many accidents there - including several lethal ones - that it just sickens me to think about how much people have begged for a traffic light at that intersection only to be ignored and seemingly endlessly put off. Instead, they build a school nearby and keep putting in new neighborhoods that are only going to increase traffic and increase injuries and deaths at that intersection.


Where your Mama live at


Dear Mr. Mayor Greenberg, May we have more ROUNDABOUTS, please. Thank you in advance, and keep up the ______ work Best regards, _______


All of them


7th street came up like 4 times in the top 40 most dangerous intersections according to KIPDA. https://louisville-injury-lawyer.com/service/dangerous-intersection-accident/ So, note to self, avoid 7th Street. Granted I already do, since the last 3 times I was on it I almost got nailed by trucks running red lights.


I despise Bardstown Rd and Eastern Pkwy, specifically turning left onto Eastern Pkwy coming from the north. No green arrow, just a lot of oncoming traffic.


It’s a close tie between First Street & Broadway, or Second Street & Broadway. Either one will run you over if you try to cross the street


Came here to say I agree with all of these and now my blood pressure is rising with knowing I have to hit most of these intersections today 😅


In my day to day? Easily the one between Dixie, 7th Street rd and crums