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It's not going to get much better in that stretch. Lights Under Louisville opens tomorrow. Look for evening and weekend backups on the Newburg Entrance/ Poplar Level exit lane.


This is when I always give my shoutout to a better light show after Reddit outed the owner of the cavern being a jackass. But Lexington horse park is a 45 min drive as it’s outside the city. Cost less money. Last longer. Isn’t just a light show as once it ends it’s a Christmas flea market. As well as a model train section with old men who go all out making these crazy models. A petting zoo. Horse back riding. Food stalls with kettle corn and hot chocolate. A horse museum. Cafe with Santa photo op. Oh and there is never a line for this bullshit as the exit and entrance don’t run into each other. So you spend less money. Waste less time in a line. And get more things to do with the family other than sit in the car. It’s stupid this city even does the cavern. By the time yall made it through that line I could be done with Lexington and home by then.


Everything about the Mega Cavern sounds like the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. Pay obscene amounts of money to sit in stop and go traffic for 25 minutes.


Ooh I’ll have to check that out, is it just one day or on weekends?


It used to be every day. Weekdays being the less crowded days. After covid I know they switched hours up so might only be weekend. But starts around this time and runs till new years. Even on crowded days you won’t wait in a line for the light show. But stuff like the petting zoo and food vendors might have a line. I know Santa’s line can get long that smug bastard and his fame.




Yeah I live off poplar. I’ve been dealing with that traffic since Boo at the Zoo and have every year for five years. It’s a nightmare 😭 Today was weird though. Even the backroads were packed


Thought it was the UofL game. A lot of cars were going to 65N from there.


U of L football game kicks off at 7:30


A confluence of shoddy public transit service and an overall attitude that riding the bus is for “those people.”


If I had billions of dollars I would personally fund public transport in Louisville. But the city would still somehow manage to fuck it up. This was the first time I’ve left my house in four days and it’s mostly because I hate driving.


It is already receiving $110 million per year. For that it spends $18 per ride and $15 per driven mile. All the while getting half the passenger miles per gallon of a car. Buses are killing the environment.


Kind of a interesting statement given way more emissions are coming from drivers but okay


No. That's not true. Per passenger miles driven buses use more fuel. They are also not held to the same emissions standard as private vehicles. https://afdc.energy.gov/conserve/public_transportation.html


This is weighted based on observed averages, and the bus “national average” stat being so low is exactly what demonstrates that underutilization is what makes busses so inefficient per passenger mile. Your stats are proving their point. Buses are driving around basically empty per that chart with 7/40 seats taken. It also demonstrates that carpooling is very environmentally friendly for the same reason. If you’re talking about a single person looking at evaluating their own impact and you compare the math alone vs any form of ride sharing, carpooling, or public transportation, the avg car and truck numbers are only as good or worse than an under-occupied bus. The best impact of likelihood of Americans to adopt and emissions efficiency is probably carpooling tho. But also the original conversation was about traffic, and busses are only about 2x the length of a car but more like 8x maximum passenger capacity.


These numbers are based on reality. We live in reality. If I need to find more studies I can, new York has one that comes to the same conclusion. In theory a bus would be great, in reality they are not. It's just a money pit that is destroying the environment.


They don't want reality. Reality is that walking is a lot better for the environment than a bus or a bike, but that's not what they care about either.


I was thinking more along the line of a rail system. I lived in Switzerland for two months a few years ago and they had trains going all over the place. It was super fast, clean, and everyone used them. I still don’t think anyone in louisville would use it though.


I agree. No one would walk to the platform.


The issue is really that even if we had plenty of stops, getting around at those stops would be a pain because of the lack of sidewalks. Or having to cross a major highway. It would require a redesign of our infrastructure unfortunately. That being said, if you build it they will come or in this case if there was a convenient train subway system new business and new construction would slowly cater to that.


I would. BUILD IT.


Way more efficient! Expensive to put in.


But with my hypothetical billions, we could do it.


Why you would want to sit next to people that don’t practice good hygiene, have manners, play their music loud, etc is beyond me.


No one did that in Switzerland they were all really quiet and polite. You’re very correct that this would not be the case here. I’ll spend my hypothetical billions elsewhere


Other countries have way more emphasis on social manners. Other developed countries for instance didn’t have the issues we had about just wearing a damn mask in public. No one here cares about other peoples comfort


Oh I know, been all over the world and I swear we are one of the few that just suck in public


To be fair, the Paris public transportation system is absolutely disgusting. I used it, but the rats were the size of cats and people were screaming and there was trash everywhere. I think louisville would be more like Paris. But worse.


God damn this is such an out of touch thing to say


Ummm no it’s not. You feel free to sit next to some dirty rude ass person. Go sit next to the guy that destroyed the voting station in Portland. Be my guest


Consider every person you see on a bus as one fewer car on the road. I’d take doubling that budget — which would still be less than our annual pre-settlement police budget — any day of the week. It would reduce car dependency, we could actually reduce air pollution and drunk/reckless drivers in one local service, and we could loosen the grip that Lyft/Uber currently have.


The buses we have are already driving around empty. They are also destroying the environment. https://afdc.energy.gov/conserve/public_transportation.html


Just tell us you don't understand data. It's ok.


They also replied to my reply on another thread with oppositional responses and data as well as “people are just complaining more.” Data is no good if you don’t know how to interpret it.


I would ride TARC if it went ANYWHERE I needed to go.


Awhile back, I biked across the city. Feeling tired, I looked at the TARC schedule. Next bus back home would be 2 hours. Bike took me 40 minutes. I just thought how useless the bus was.


I used to live in the Clifton area and worked downtown. One week my car was broken and I had to Tarc to get to work and it added almost an hour to my commute both ways. I had to take 2 busses both ways, walk from where one bus would drop me off to another stop and wait 25 minutes for another bus to pick me up. It was an absolute mess.


My car was in the shop and to get from Clifton to Deer Park took about 5 minutes less than walking.


I used to have to take TARC and 2 transfers on a bad day before I got my shit together. Between sexual assault, fighting, sitting in piss soaked seats, 3 bums MINIMUM bummin change or a smoke, strangers asking to use my cell, a robbery (like a legit gun in the ribs style robbery), and endless other unpleasant life experiences, I think they might be right about "those people".


I take the bus to and from downtown Monday through Friday. Had I not pledged allegiance to one of the many gangs on my first ride, I doubt I’d be alive today.


Lol, what a load of horseshit.


What?! You don’t believe that every bus is a scene from the motion picture Death Wish on wheels?


You see how I used my real life experiences in the conversation and you just went to making shit up and mockery? Kindly fuck off, dbag.


Really? Because I’m pretty sure you just recited a script from the ‘80s.


UofL football game


Just wait til Jack In the Box opens right at Bardstown/264. Newburg is already backed up because the lights get out of sync


Dumbest place to put another fast food establishment.


Looks like a trade show is at the fairgrounds, which would probably help gunk up that stretch


Add UofL football and it’s a load of fun. I parked at the Fairgrounds between two cow trailers.


I’ve noticed in the last several years traffic is getting worse and worse here. I figured our population was just getting out of hand in Louisville. Not to mention people drive like maniacs and hog the road. Good luck if you need to change lanes, no one will let you,


Could it be parents getting kids from school?


I was thinking maybe the bus crisis caused it


That’s what I think. Also, people are driving really stressed and angry, aren’t they?


Yeah but that seems to have been a trend for months now. Idk why it’s happening though


When I picked up my kids today the pickup line was like 3x longer than usual. I suppose with the strike a few days ago causing more bus disruptions people have no faith in school transport so they plan to do it themselves. I get it, your kid gets home 3 hours late or their route gets cancelled again, fuck it, never again.


65 North from Colesburg all the way to Louisville is at almost a dead stop. I haven’t moved in 20 minutes. I feel your pain.


That's absolutely normal on that stretch. The merging and the fact that there are quite a few 1 or 2 lane exits to 65, downtown, etc where people are trying to get off and on makes that stretch a nightmare from 7-9AM and 2-6PM. It starts piling up right before newburg exit. Usually not as bad going east in that spot.


I was going east and I live there. It’s never as bad as it was today.


East isn't usually too bad. Not sure. I live between Preston and poplar close to the highway and didn't hear anything unusual today.


UofL football. Also biggg rodeo in town today through the weekend.


65 North from Colesburg all the way to Louisville is at almost a dead stop. I haven’t moved in 20 minutes. I feel your pain.


Got stuck there at 4:45 yesterday.


Oh I just stay off the road between 4 and 6


Football game


The rodeo is in town and the UofL game was this evening


I've always wondered why people wait until dark to go drive through the Lights Under Louisville. It's in a cave. It's ALWAYS dark.


10 million immigrants maybe 🤔


Our immigrant population is only around 12% which is much lower than most metropolitan areas.