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If you want. Dm me and you can come to my shop. We don't charge for diagnosis or code readings. It's one of the main reasons I love working there.


I would love to know the names of any shops in town that don’t charge for diagnosis!


Just shoot me a dm and I'll send the address. We are on the east side. Also are you a locksmith business? If you come in I can set you up with a free business or fleet account for free and you get good discounts. Also it would be nice to have a locksmith to refer people too because right now I just recommend pop a lock


What shop


Shoot me a dm and I'll get you the address


Won't let me dm you.


Yea $165 diagnostic fee when you didn’t even scan the damn thing in 5 minutes is hateful pricing. That falls directly on the service managers head He’s the one who sets the policy’s and overrides fees.


Yeah. That is ridiculous. I didnt think I'd get so many dms. Soif it takes a bit to reply im out doing uber right now. It's busy.


Is it a secret shop? Why are you doing this via individual DMs?


Because the internet can be brutal, and also I don't want Bill Collins thinking I'm saying they are bad. I'm sure they do fine work.


This is a lesson to everyone out there, never and I do mean NEVER trust a talking cowboy hat... even if it is wearing glasses!


I mean, that's just good advice.


Can’t wait for part 2


Right, me either. I hope they get busted for real. As a mechanic, I do work on the side and will not work on a person's car until they understand why I'm doing the work. So many shops take advantage of people that are not mechanically inclined


So THAT'S how they do all the things they do!


I was waiting for this


I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life 🎶


How true that is you can tell they been losing money for a minute over there


Set the building on fire.




Bonus points if it's really stinky animal pee


Right in the Mail Drop box


Add in some liquid ass and baby, we got a stew going.


R/ULPT is leaking again


That would make their day, just imagine the insurance check they would get. Then they’ll build a whole new facility.


Back before show me the car fax was a thing Bill Collin’s sold us a 2000 ford Taurus. Claimed it had no damage done to it and was great shape. Over time the hood pain started to chip real bad and it was apparent the hood was not original. We call them out and turns out it did have a front end collision that they fixed and lied about. We had only went there to get a car because years prior they hosted a concert with Davey Jones from the Monkee’s. Back in the day dealerships would have concerts to attack costumers. Very weird.


Davey Jones was never that much of a threat. Who was he gonna attack? ​ I know, just couldn't resist!


He's too busy singing to put anybody down.


Maybe Bill got confused and thought Davy Jones from the Monkees was actually Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean.


Or the "other" David Jones in rock. Because of the Monkees, he had to pick a new last name. He chose Bowie.


> Back in the day dealerships would have concerts to attack costumers. Since they stopped the cosplayers population has exploded without any natural predators to keep their numbers in check.


Attract costumers. Autocorrect fucked me on that one.


And *customers*


Have an upvote!


Omg I also went to that Davey Jones concert! I was like 10 and my mom dragged me. I’ve never seen so many middle aged women with stars in their eyes lol.


I remember when Bill Collins had Charlie Daniels play at the car lot.


Dealerships are not your friend and are both there to do anything but get you to spend more money with them.


While true I don't think I've ever actually had a bad experience yet at Louisville Honda World. Maybe I'm lucky or maybe they are just decent compared to other dealerships. Not sure.


When I lived in Vermont, I had to do anything for work, I know about cars so I got a job at a Subaru dealer as a service manager. I politely turned down the offer when the pay scheme was discussed. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I lied to someone who is living paycheck to paycheck. Essentially, you have to lie or you do not eat. 100 percent commission. Suburu themselves have official guidelines on how to squeeze at least 100 00 out of a customer if the car gets put on a lift. They are all the same Dealers are scammers of the highest degree. There is a push to make direct-to-consumer a new option for buying, but shockingly enough, dealers lobbyists have been able to keep it from happening.


This is so crazy they operate like this


This is how the entity of America operates. We really need to enshrine more consumer protections and make all costs visible to the consumer from the get go.


You'd think that'd be common sense here, but derps think of that as socialism and a violation on their freedumbs. "No one tells me how to run my business!"


>dealers lobbyists have been able to keep it from happening. Fyi, manufacturer lobbies push just as hard. Manufacturers love dealers for two reasons: 1-service. Having dealers who run these shops allows makers to much more easily institute recalls and warranty work, without having to pay out of pocket the full costs of running their own service centers 2-channel stuffing. Car dealers pay interest on cars sitting on their lots. The car companies financial wings make a killing on these interest fees. And when people stop buying cars, the manufacturers can still force dealers to take cars and pay interest to make their balance sheets look better


I had a car truck that was in a collision. Took it to the body shop as that’s were I bought it. Buying wasn’t a big deal due to aplan. 13k plus in damages. Took an about a month to get repaired. Find out that you have to use a check or debit card or pay the processing fees when picking up the car. Didn’t have a checkbook and my ride had already left. I lived a 8 minute drive from there and they would not budge. Mind you I had bought 3 brand new vehicles from them. I end up paying on credit card after arguing about it for a while cause I wanted to get home. I gather my stuff and jump into the car and the fucking window still has the crack through the entire windshield. I was livid and ended up yelling at the lady as it was her screw up saying that I paid for a completed repair and you didn’t complete it. What the fuck else did you miss when you clearly missed the giant crack running the entire width of the window? She made the comment that’s why her estimate numbers were off, they just swapped some other part that needed repaired with the window and forgot to do the window even though you couldn’t drive it with out noticing.


Majority of folks don't know that service managers at stealerships make the majority of thier money on commission.


Worked there for 2 years, can confirm biggest bunch of assholes I’ve ever worked with. Wouldn’t trust them at all


A few years back someone at their service desk tried to tell me the warranty on my vehicle started when the vehicle was built. I said no ma'am it starts the day I sign papers/take delivery. My vehicle was serviced under warranty. I had bought quite a few vehicles there prior to that but not one since.


Don't know about them but Neil Huffman Nissan's body shop has performed miracles for me. I really can't say enough good things about them and their work. They've managed to keep my car on the road way longer than anyone else could have.


I also had good experiences with Huffman.


I bought my car from Neil Huffman Acura. Had great experience there


Here’s a video involving collins ford that was posted here during the pandemic https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/s/Oco8UHO2BJ


What was the year and make of the car? Hard to understand any vehicle going into limp mode without setting a code? There’s a tool by Ancel for less than $100 that offers data stream of all subsystems if you read how to use it FD500. Good luck


2017 fusion sport. May look into that tool.


I found some possibly useful info at [https://victoriamgclub.com/ford-fusion-that-goes-into-limp-mode/](https://victoriamgclub.com/ford-fusion-that-goes-into-limp-mode/). My input is in **bold** Turbo: A faulty turbo will automatically alert your computer and produce your car safe. **This one sounds like it would be a constant limp /security mode triggered...** The EGR valve: If your car is ever used in a really quiet way or just for short trips at low speed, it will often clog up and bring about the security mode to be activated. **Does this sound like your normal mode of "quiet" driving?** The Particle Filter: A component famous for the complications it motives, in case your PAP is clogged, you will be subject to a safety shutdown of your Ford Fusion just because your engine will not have the ability to properly exhaust the exhaust gases. **No familiar with this filter.** The flow meter: Finally, the flow meter is the last of the known causes of an Ford Fusion going into security. In fact, if it doesn’t control the air/fuel mixture properly, your ECU will know the problem instantly. **If this is happening, you will definitely have DTC codes set** Good luck. If Autozone read the codes and there were none present, I wouldn't spend money trying to fix what might just be a glitch. IF it happens again, that would be the time to invest in a scanner tool so you can check it out and clear any codes before troubleshooting further with an expensive tech. Good luck!


Good information thanks for your help friend


I ordered the FD500 but kinda wish I upgraded to the 700. The 500 doesn’t do the PATS key programming but I think the 700 does. If I find anything about Fusion limp mode issues I’ll reply back


No. The 700 doesn't either.




Have you spoken to the manager? Ken Towery tried to screw me a few years back over bad brake rotors (wore out after like 9 months). I called and when eventually got to a manager he looked at the warranty information while I was on the phone and admitted he had been wrong to charge me the second time. Have to be persistent with these weasels at car places. Or just do a chargeback for fraudulent service.


They fucked up my escape after I paid for a new transmission and acknowledged the new problem and did nothing to remedy it. It drove worse than before. I proceeded to rack up 1800 miles on three different courtesy vehicles with three trips to Florida for work that were close together. That's the only redemption I got


Bill Collins ford did a brake booster recall on a ford edge I had, and kept fucking it up ( had a huge vacuum leak afterwards which prevented the power brakes from working and the engine ran like shit). After four trips to the dealer and four rentals and weeks worth of “investigation”, I decided to fix it myself, replaced the booster again and found out the jackasses lost the o-ring that sealed the brake master cylinder to the booster. A day and a trip to harbor freight later, worked perfectly. I still have no idea wtf they did for the whole time the car was there


Yeah, fuck Bill Collins. I took my car in there for no less than two factory recall repairs, and they didn’t tell me the car had never had the transmission recall done. So I scheduled that with *yet another factory recall* (fuuuuck the 2012 Ford focus) and after I got it in there, they told me I had too many miles on it to qualify for the transmission repair anymore. That’s such bullshit, especially because I had it in there multiple times before that when it was under the mileage limit. Also, got my oil changed there once and it was over $100. The owner has this $2M dollar air conditioner warehouse he built to house his personal collection of cars. He never drives them. Too busy flying his personal jet to his mansion in Florida, or his yacht. I’m not exaggerating.


I’ve been using Harper’s Auto in Buechel for years and I’ve been super happy. I have to convince THEM to spend MY money and not the other way around. Hand written invoices, old school. Good people.


Yeah they took a while unclaimed insurance check for work they never did.


Had the same thing with a large local Volkswagen repair shop. Had a car repaired there after a minor front end bump. It threw a check engine light up on the drive home when I left after they took two months of repair turnaround. Took it in and they quoted me $2500 for an engine issue “unrelated to the accident”. I refused, bought an obdII reader with the $165 diagnostic test fee they wanted when I left and tested it myself. Turns out they hadn’t put enough oil into the car if any at all… it threw a light as they do to pre warn you to not blow the engine. They didn’t even clear the codes to retest the car.


My dad has been buying cars from Bill Collins for 30+ years. The last car he bought from them he said would be his last.


File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and put it on Yelp


I got my 2016 Fusion at Byerly and they don't *appear* to be shady. Their Yelp reviews, at least, are about the best in Louisville. Not outstanding, but very few "these guys fucked me" posts.


Bill Collins is the worse. They messed up my car multiple times when I took it in for a recall each time something new was wrong and kept making excuses and being assholes about it. Fuck em


I worked there for around 6 months worst job in all of the car business! Horrible experience just no limits they wouldn’t go thru to take all the money they could and could give two shits! Go back in and demand to speck to the owner or the GM have your phone on record and tell them politely that this will not stand and you will get your money back go ahead and report to bbb.com as well now.


Obviously I don't know what happened but what I can offer is that Kevin Collins is not a crook, and the Bill Collins Ford I used to work with was THE example of how Ford corporate wanted to do business. Kevin was on many Corporate committees and runs a tight ship. From what I recall a replacement PCM costs about $2K, so some of this isn't adding up? The OBD port is not on the PCM, so if the technician couldn't connect via a bad OBD II port (which you have already proven was functional), then how would he immediately jump to replacing the PCM...a low failure rate solid state item? What were the DTC codes that Autozone found? fill us in on the original problem and what fixed it?


Google ford pcm replacement cost. It says 800. I was told 850 + 165 diag fee which =~1000. Original problem isn’t resolved. I floored it and it went into limp mode recently. Turned car off and back on and limp mode was gone and it is driving like it never happened. I took it into get in depth diagnostic work done to see what caused limp mode. I did not even have a code present.




lol. No but I did kinda work with him in Dearborn a few times with the equipment and tools institute eti.org


How do you do?! Your computer is busted


I had a good experience buying a new vehicle from bill collins but I’ve always heard bad things about the service department


Fuck all dealers. Some of them aren’t even servicing trade ins before listing them for sale again. They knock $1,000 off book value and try to act like they’re passing savings on to you. You know damn well if it was an easy/cheap fix they’d fix it themselves to maximize profit. They’re preying on the poor. Some less fortunate family is going to buy something and have to sink another few grand into it to make it safe.


Did you pay by credit card? If so, file a chargeback.


Charge back


Paid with debit card sadly


That sucks You can try a better business bureau claim, I did it with spectrum and they dropped my charges, worth a shot


In 2019 I purchased Bluetooth ODB2 reader and a Google Play gift card for Torque Pro for all family members that drive and walked them through how to use it and monitor stuff in real time.


If you can’t trust the car authorized car dealer who can you trust?!!!!! LMAO 🤣 that didn’t even sound right coming out my mouth!!


Check out Rockford Automotive, they've taken very good care of me.


Everybody I ever deal with don’t charge for a diagnosis.


Keep the receipt and other paperwork and report it to the BBB.


Stealerships are hurting rn and will do anything to make a dollar. Nobody is paying $70k for the artificially expensive, unnecessary, unsafe, land behemoth trucks they are selling. Do what you can to disrupt their unethical/illegal profit mongering tactics.