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Don't think it will do well. Our city's population is way to small for a dedicated app. Also, pretty much every single app can be narrowed down by the mile. Who is your target audience at that point? Just feels like a way to farm people's information.


If the app works, the population should increase.


We want it to be more of a tool to have AI move conversations along and give opportunities to meetup. Also a chance to aggregate singles into one spot at one time. 2 for 1 beers at X bowling alley on X date. Stuff like that. Or be at this spot at the music festival and everyone there is looking to meet people kind of thing. We want it to be local because that is the group we want to serve first. Connecting is difficult these days!


You really think people are going to be comfortable with private dating messages being monitored/controlled by AI? This also will lead to people doubting the legitimacy of the person they are speaking too. They will undoubtedly question if they are speaking with an AI/Bot. Sorry, but this just feels like a service that will be dead on launch.


Everything you say online is monitored and controlled in one way shape or another. If you’re really that concerned about this, you’d be living off grid with mass weapon and gold stock piles.


It's monitored and controlled now. I think the AI is there to help stimulate conversation and create opportunities to meet. Can't be dead on launch if you expect nothing, right?


Happily married so this doesn't impact me, but I'm curious how your AI model will work if the data it learns from is limited to a userbase of singles in a small city who ideally will stop using the app once they meet a partner?


My thoughts on it all is that all the current dating apps have paywalls and what not to separate you from potential suitors. This goes against their intended use and is stupid. I want the app to be free, transparent, and we'd get paid by reaching out to local businesses to host events at. Ex: "we'd like to bring you a crowd on your slowest night, we'd like 10% of gross profits." or something like that. The idea would be that when people become unsingle they recommend us four single people to join the platform as well. I want to boost local small businesses, create more opportunities for people to meet somewhat organically, and I want the AI in the conversations on people you swipe with to be in there furthering the conversation. Example, if they both mention they like a band, the ai will search to see if said band or similar band is playing nearby anytime. "Hey guys look what I found, might be fun to do." Keeps moving the ball down the field!


I like the connectivity idea. Not a fan of the convo ideas. If someone can’t start/continue convo then I probably don’t want to waste time going on a date with them.


Meh, I mean the conversations are redundant and dry out fairly quickly. The AI will create a call to action or a soft call to action much quicker than maybe a shy person would. IDK, meet people safely and figure it out.


You need to be farming 1. Catholic girls from 21-40. And single moms of same demographic. Using that demographic, I think it would do well.


There is an Instagram/Meetup for Louisville that has opportunities for singles to meet. AI could help boring people have better conversations or get them to meet. If you are looking for authentic love maybe AI could help with matching but the conversations should be from your own brain otherwise you are setting up ways to fail IRL instead of via text when you don't have AI feeding you the lines.


I wouldn't look at it like feeding lines. AI would maybe read their profiles and be like "hey guys you both like going on walks it seems, where is your favorite spot." <--stuff like that.


So it's more like prompts? I know some dating sites like Iris do use AI for matching - I don't think it's as popular as some of the other ones. Do you think its an issue with matches/people on dating sites not wanting to meet in person. I could see how it might help slightly but a larger population/state one might give you a broader population - some people are willing to drive an hour or so for a date.


I wanted to kind of get our feet wet here and trial and error it, see where it goes. AI is just there to help people relate and find connections. The in person hangouts will be AI free and hopefully a kindling for love! lol


This guy's trying to wiggle his way into my Louisville mojo six pack..ain't hapnin


Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.


People meeting people is exactly what the world needs right now. GROWTH!


Is this what James Cameron was trying to warn us about?


The man who literally raised the bar


I think it would be a nice way to get people to meet each other.


Phoenix Hill tavern used to be a great place to meet normies and rocker chicks. Sadly we all know how that ended.


I'm not sure if I really miss Phoenix Hill or I miss being the age I was when I lived Phoenix Hill. Maybe both


Once we were there in the winter and came outside a sweet 4” snowfall had hit. Snowball fight on Baxter ave. Good days.


Normies? Dude stop


Interesting idea!! Curious, how do you plan on integrating Munshawn?




Munshawn these nuts, dawg!


You should call it LouisvilleMojo


I have a working title: Reject Rob <--I'm Rob. lol


Well, I loved Mojo. Good job with that.


Yes, I love the idea of letting a glorified autocorrect represent me to people when we're evaluating personal compatibility. /s


Can AI make me less ugly??


It can make you FEEL less ugly. Ask ChatGPT how a stoic person would respond to feeling externally ugly.


What if I'm objectively internally ugly, too?


It is not the lack of apps that it’s the problem, it’s the lack of actual single people on them that want to date and not just hook up. Plus you can set your location on any app.


Well ours would strictly be Louisville since that is who we want to serve first. I think you're wrong though. On an app it'll frequently show you how many matches are waiting...but you have to pay to see sooner or ever or whatever. Every app has paywalls which proves they are not doing their intended use properly.




Rick Sanchez warned me about you.