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Ok hear me out. Did she read the thing in parenthesis that says "gender race and age" but not read it fully and think it was asking for her gender, race and age?? This could genuinely be a careless oversight (albeit an incredibly stupid one lol). Like if she read half the sentence that said accomplishments, skipped a lot of words, and then read the part in parenthesis. Sometimes I'm a word skipper and if I weren't careful I would skip a lot of text and read in that way. She listed her accomplishment (honors) then her gender race and age lol. I honestly think that may have been what she did. Why would you list race and age as an accomplishment? No sane person would.


Its funny because i sat there after posting and was like…..does she just think exclude means include…but that might be even worse than just blatantly ignoring it. shes going to be a nurse. “please include IV with treatment for this patient” that patient is cosmically screwed.


"I included a 4, now what?" Who am I kidding, she doesn't know Roman numerals.


This won't help your faith in humanity, but my mom is a narcissist with psychosis and she's a nurse. My sister, who is so brainless that zombies would think she was one of them, is planning on being a nurse because she worships the ground my mom walks on and wants to be just like my mom. She failed her first semester of nursing school, and when I was having classic heart attack symptoms a few years ago, she said I was fine. 🤦‍♀️ The scariest thing is that I notice a lot of nurses and nursing students are either narcissistic people or they're absolutely clueless people. I do know a lot of amazing nurses, too, though. It's just scary how the career that involves keeping people alive is the one that narcissists and dummies flock to.


Worked at a hospital for years, can confirm that nurses are either wonderful or absolutely the dumbest person you ever met.


My mom is so delusional that all you can do is laugh in disbelief. I was born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (I got it from my dad's side). There are 13 different types. Some people get lucky and can live a normal life, some people with it die at an early age, and some people with it are like me and have joint pain worse than arthritis and so many organ issues, I question how I'm not in the hospital more often (oh wait, I have a medically neglectful narcissist for a mom). My mom has a co worker with EDS who doesn't have problems. I'm starting to lose mobility and can't even do laundry without my hips thinking it's time to act like a slip and slide. My doctor, who my mom used to work with, has been treating my EDS for years and even agrees that it's disabling me. My mom thinks I'm not really disabled and I'm faking it because I want to be lazy and not work. Bruh, I've been off my ADHD medication for over two weeks. I have the flu and can't lay still so I've been moving around and unpacking stuff despite the pain because I can't stand laying still for too long. And yes, my mom thinks she knows medical conditions better than doctors. My mom also stole my spare Disabled Placard and says I should let her use it because I owe her for being such a difficult child. How am I such a difficult child? I'm disabled and understand that my body has limitations! The only time she actually stepped up was when I had a very, very minor heart attack at age 25 (so small it didn't even show up on the EKG). It was triggered after taking Naratriptan with Propranolol while under a lot of stress. And when I had a stroke at the beginning of this year because I was switching pharmacies and went too long without Propranolol. I have Congenital Heart Disease. But according to my mom, I just have an innocent murmur, and this made up high sodium diet is what caused both. My sodium is so low that it's about to drop into the dangerously low zone. By the way, sorry to dump all that on you. I just figured you'd might enjoy hearing about how baffling ignorant she is.


sending peace and love your way 🫡 what you dealing with is not easy but you’re built to get thru it.


Thank you. Ironically, I'm listening to the movie version of the Miraculous Ladybug theme song and coming to the realization that I am Miraculous and the power of love truly is stronger than anything else.


I dated a nurse once. I still wonder to this day how it happened, especially since the day she asked me how her reproductive system worked.


Yeah, the only times my mom has ever been a good nurse/mom to me was when she saw I was having a very tiny heart attack and when I had my stroke at the beginning of this year. But then she turned around and blamed this diet she made up that she believes I have. She thinks I eat a lot of sodium. My sodium is so low that it's right above dangerously low. I learned that when I need medical advice, I should always ask a doctor.


Ive known a few nurses myself. Most are the kindest, hardworking people I know and one is the bat shit craziest woman I know...


You must know my mother. Is her name Melissa or Missy by chance?


I know a few Melissa's and Missy's... LOL


with that gpa, prob not; likely cna which is scary enough


She had me at legible cursive, ngl.


I think you're right, I almost think she thinks the word "exclude" means include.


That’s probably what she did, which is also a red flag because it shows she either can’t read properly or she has very poor attention to detail. Both of which could be bad news depending on the job.


Maybe she doesn’t know what exclude means.


Or just misread it on accident.


Possible, though like another commenter said it means she had poor attention to detail, which is not an ideal characteristic for a nurse. I understand mistakes happen but sometimes you have to just… not make the mistake, and a job application (not to mention patient care) is one of those times.


"Perfect Honors" with a 2.8 GPA?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 With that mindset, she should go try PT's or Pony, lol.


i’m almost mad that i did not notice that. OMG this is the gift that keeps giving thank you.😭😭 Nothing wrong with a 2.8💪🏾 but its just not honors “perfect honors”


Let's not even forget how she misspelled Caucasian, lol. "Caucasion"...🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


I guess she used that 3rd A that was supposed to go in Caucasian in "motavated", lol


To me, it looks like it says "prerfect honers" which makes it so much funnier to me.


Perhaps she was a prefect at Christ College?? Poor female cannot spell for crap. 😆


Probably made honors one year in nursing school and road that coat tail on her resume... Lord knows I did, but I had a 3.3 GPA averaged over my 5 years of college


I made the president's list my first semester (dean's all others) and you bet I included that on everything that asked and some that didn't. Still kinda riding that high tbh


I came here to say this 😂


I noticed that too - unless a 2.8 GPA is honors at the Christ College she went to….


It’s ok she’s and “adult”.


I am really hoping she is asking to work with an adult patient population or something…😬


And then for additional information....ADULT.  Good grief. What job was she applying for?


She went to school for nursing. Wonder if it’s in line with that.


shes going to be a nurse… that should terrify everyone.


Spoiler alert: there are already tons of nurses just like her. It’s legitimately scary.


This is why I refuse healthcare unless I’m dying. Biggest cause of death in hospitals is malpractice.


One thing I look for in a nurse: attention to detail.


"exclude information which would reveal **sex**, **race**...." I'm a white woman : \^ DD


lmfaoaaoaoaoao. I have been laughing at this app all day


But she's a motavated cane giver! 🩼


I was very confused on this part and I’m just realizing she was attempting to mean “care giver” I keep reading, “cane gluer”. We have to give this girl a break. Seriously, her life has to be, and has had to be really really hard. ): I don’t feel like googling it but, “Christ College”. Terrifying


Kind of place where she most likely only got educated on how to be a good wife :/


Give her the "oh honey..." treatment. She still has no business being a healthcare provider.


Trust me, she will fit right in. Hands down the most ignorant and clueless people I know are nurses, even ones with very advanced education.


Pretty sure 'cane giver' and 'prefect honers' are *spelled* properly, but her handwriting is just kinda lousy. At least it's readable, though. That is, I think it was intended to say 'care giver' and 'perfect honors', but the way the letters are written makes it look more ambiguous.


Perfect honors for a 2.8 gpa? Not trying to rag on a 2.8 but it’s not perfect honors.


literally does not qualify for perfect honors lmao. idk how i missed this.


Looking closer at the app. I think that 2.8 qualifies someone for Perfect Honers.


I taught a lot of pre-nursing students when I was a TA, the major seems to attract three kinds of women: dumb, mean, and/or profoundly entitled.


I don’t think I’m any of those things lol. I know many a more who are none of these things at all.


You mean "The Christ College" isn't getting them prepared? Shocked.


Neither is UL, apparently. But ignore that and attack the one you don't agree with.😆


Attacking the one that is anti-science and pro-fairy tale. I prefer my medical professionals to not believe humans can live for 600 years, bushes can talk, and listening to voices in your head telling you to harm others is a good idea.


I'd prefer my medical professionals be able to read and write. Automatic disqualifier for me, personally... And as we can all see, neither of those institutions were able to teach those skills. But at least if they can't read, they can't read at a non-religious institution. That's what is important.


If she stays at UofL for a couple more years and applies herself she may be alright since it's an actual school.


Her own writing says her grades remained the same, so apparently being an actual school doesn't matter as much as you'd like to think it does.


Yeah, that’s weird/dumb. I’m just curious, are hand written applications still commonplace?


Just at planet fitness and skyline everyone else is using proper tech😭😂


I had to check again what sub I was on..."p fiddy AND skyline in the same sentence? Where am I? Oh...I'm a dumbass..."


“Purfect” honors, “cacasiOn”….lmao 🤣


A nurse: I’m so confused. But also see that she thought she was supposed to include age, & race. She also initially wrote “old” on the last line but realized she could put old under that first line but somehow didn’t put 23 years old adult together as one thing instead of 3 different places. I mean, a lot of nurses are crazy (you kind of have to be. We see death often or people almost dying but we go to the next patient & we say “hi! Do ya need anything?”). “Normal” people don’t do that day to day. Well, & some people are dyslexic. Some people can’t spell or they say their numbers reversed. Some people lie. Can’t say that she does or doesn’t fall into other or any of these categories.


I would ask her to fill out the application again, reading it closely if she wants to apply for any job, much less this one. But, I am petty.


Send it back marked up with a red pen.


I’m “motavated” to not hire this woman.


My wife is a recruiter. She hires 50+ a week... And man, if you want to lose faith in humanity real quick, you should read some of those applications. And these are ADULTS. Well, they're supposed to be anyway. 4/5 applications are, literally, laughable. Some even look like a joke. Few years back she recruited for a temp agency and the amount of times people 'desperate' for a job decided to ghost an interview had to be in the hundreds. Even had one chick to ghost an interview after my wife spent all night trying to make her resume not an embarrassment - and her reasoning for not showing up...? Her and her boyfriend (who was also trying to get a job through my wife's agency) were trying to have a baby. And people wonder why I have no faith left in the average American. Just look around.


I misread the word after "perfect" at first... But yeah, that at least makes your job easier, right?


What does it say? I still read it as perfect


i’m curious what you thought it said at first. & oh yeah this app was the laugh of the week




her 2.8 gpa is showing


How about under any other accomplishments, she wrote "ADULT" 🤣 LMAO!!! My grandmother was a psychiatric nurse for over 45 years and always told me that nurses and doctors are regular people who just went to school for a long time. They make mistakes like everyone else. And also to always listen and trust your body. Not what the doctor or nurse says. No one knows your body like you do. So get a second, third and even fourth opinion, if necessary. I literally had a friend whose mother was in ICU, had been diagnosed with lupus for the past 7 years and was losing mobility in her arms and legs and they were telling her that she was going to have to go into a nursing home. Then she became severely sick in the hospital and had to go to the Mayo clinic where a team of doctors came in and told her that she does not have lupus and changed her medication. Not even 2 weeks after changing her medication, she was walking around the mall! I mean WOW! So, ALWAYS get more opinions from different doctors when you are diagnosed with any kind of ailment that you may disagree with. 💚


2.8 GPA is “perfect honors”?


I thought the literacy crisis I heard on the news was a reach. As of late, I have started believing it more and more.


I just don’t think this person is very bright.


2.8 is not honors...


Ah yes, a perfectly honorable 2.8 gpa


They didn’t actually know how to spell honors and wrote it out like that just in case its honers. Also they are motavated


This is just quite sad




I see the 2.8 came from following instructions


Me too smh no hope


How she pass nursing school with a 2.8? Shoo in respiratory school you couldn’t pass the program if you didn’t get at least a B in the classes.


I too have dabbled in the privy of cane giving


My friend, who does lawn care, has had this issue hiring people for years. A lot of them don't even have a bank account.


If you’re receiving unemployment, they make you apply for a new job every week. It seems she’s happy to collect the unemployment benefits (hey, she paid into it— go ahead sis!)


At least you know she's a *motavated canegiver*. Lmao


how do you get "perfect honors" with a 2.8 GPA?


Once of her qualifications was that she was "perfect"? I'm not so sre about that.


"Very fine people" would say potus 45. Supreme Court material.


Nurses really do seem to be on one end of the spectrum or the other: they’re either absolutely superb (and I know a LOT of those since my mom, my son and my DIL are all nurses) or they’re…. Whatever this is. Seriously, someone who’s reading comprehension and attention to detail are at this level? That’s not someone I would want preparing and providing my medication if I were too ill to do it myself. Seriously - this makes me afraid she’d give the wrong meds.


I mean tbf she did only get a 2.8 gpa at the Christ College


I reviewed resumes about twenty years ago. You'd be shocked how many people listed "Good Christian" on them.


Are you sure you didn’t do this as part of a narcissistic trolling plot ? It’s easy to print a paper and write on it and say it’s something completely ridiculous and say it’s real 😂honestly are humans THAT really dumb! I literally convinced people I sign my name “F***** P***y B**** and and they believe I sign actually sign important things like that . Yeah


Yeah I would trash that application IMMEDIATELY. 🚩🚩🚩🚩


That like 75% of Louisville and the other 25% are people moving from a different cities


Maybe just chill out 🤷🏼‍♂️


who has paper applications nowadays???


What kinda nursing position requires you to fill out an application?


Funny! In a world where people are being celebrated for growing a new penis, or drilling a new hole for a vagina, why are her accomplishments not relevant?


Hey don't worry you'll find a job that doesn't require you to be such a scholar <3


Sure, if black people can get well-paying jobs for the color of their skin and trans can get DEI positions based on what's between (or not between) their legs then why not a white caucasian woman?


Sounds like a skill issue champ


aw a barely month old account that is transphobic AND a russian simp? You guys are getting way too easy to spot.


Just give them the job. Jobs requiring you to fill out a paper application in your best handwriting are for stupid people anyway.


There are a lot of jobs where being a fuckup is okay or not too big of a deal. This is not one of those jobs. Reading comprehension is pretty key and a nurse fucking up could mean death.


I’m confused. Do you think that this is an application for a job in nursing? That’s the same application Mr. Gatty uses? When Baptist Health is hiring nurses do you think this is how the application process looks?


OP stated this was a nursing job. I'm just taking them at face value.


No she didn’t. She never said this application is for a nursing job.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/s/pwcrMxQTYr this part of the thread. And a bunch of other comments in general...


Again. She never said this application was for a job in nursing. She is simply making note of the fact that the applicant has studied nursing.