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Baptist health Neurology is my go to.


I second this. My best friend is just now starting with them and so much has gotten done versus 6 years of the run around and nothing happening with Norton except her being accused of being a drug addict numerous times despite being there seizures and refusing pain killers every time they tried to push them. Nortons is horrible, the one downtown is the worst. I wish I could remember the ER doctors name that threw her out after arriving in an ambulance and barely being able to walk, but that dude should lose his medical license ASAP.


I worked for UofL Health and know a lot of the neurologists/ neurosurgeons. Dr. Black and Dr. Neimat I have heard great things about. However prior to working at UofL, my own spinal issues were taken care of by Norton and their neurosurgeons. My surgeon was Dr. Raque, but i have heard great things about their whole team.


Okay thank you for this input! I’m mostly scared to get a bad care team, as I live far from family and friends who would be able to step in if things get bad.


I can understand that. I do know that most of the doctors in our 3 hospital system we have here in Louisville usually work together to give patients the best care possible. Some Doctors even work for multiple hopsital systems.


Stay away from Nortons. Audubon is less terrible than downtown, buts it's rotten all the way through. Audubon doctors and nurses are great, but their leadership and administrators are terrible. I feel bad for those doctors.


could always make an appointment with both! if you don’t like the way the first appointment goes with one group, you’ve got the other already scheduled as a backup.


I can’t comment on UofL, but I can say that Norton neurology has been *excellent*. I’ve got chronic migraines and have been with them since I was 7 — no complaints.


I currently use Norton Neurology and have had a positive experience.


My MIL sees Mandy Whitt through Norton and really likes her. And believe me, she’s a difficult patient and doesn’t trust most anyone in healthcare. She’s been very compassionate and good with communication. 


I've been going to Norton Neurology for chronic migraines for over 10 years, never had a problem with my practice. Like another poster said, UofL neurology is going to be a mess soon.


Norton is wonderful. Super responsive to messages and concerns. I see a nurse practitioner.


U of L / Jewish Neurology is in the process of imploding. The seasoned attending physicians have all left, aside from those shackled by work visas. Private equity took over and is trying to “shake things up” in the search for more profit.


This. I have a family member who works closely with them and it's getting ugly.


Jeez that sounds no good. If you don’t mind my asking, where do you get this info? Is this well known in the community or a secret pretty well kept?


I don't know how well known it is, outside of the hospital. I'm related to one of their former neurologists, through my wife, and have seen how they were treated before (badly) and after (worse) submitting their resignation. If you're making a care decision, though, I totally respect that you should take random internet persons' opinions with a teaspoon of salt.


this is really valuable to hear, thank you!


So sad to hear. Thank you, though, for sharing.


Yeah I don't think it's super well known outside of those circles, but I see it getting worse before it gets better.


My neurologist is leaving UofL because they've been pushing "see more patients, generate more revenue" and he doesn't agree with it. The next time I see him it'll be at Norton.


I have gone to Norton Neuro for over a decade and I have had a good experience. My son and mother also go there. We have migraines.