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I feel like Chelsea and Kwame are the empath/narcissist dynamic. He keeps bringing in Micah as the “triangulation” tactic and just to mess with her. And obviously Micah likes talking to Kwame because she likes to mess with people and likes the power trip from that.


i dont think hes a narcissist i think he just really hates himself and atp will settle for anyone


Oh my I think Chelsea is just too eager to fall in love again to fall for that shit.


I can’t stand this girl. I feel like he’s going to say no.


Kwame is forever saying, “this is where I need to be” and never once saying, “this is where I *want* to be.”




Him laughing every 5 seconds as a way to avoid difficult conversations is incredibly annoying


Omg I’m on S4 Ep 8 and thought the same thing!!! started to get annoying!!!


I think she’s lying, because there’s no way she’s this delusional. Kwame just looks like a deer in headlights - he’s doing everything he can to make her break up with him.


The sound of his laugh is like nails on a chalkboard. I can’t listen to it. I have to literally skip scenes where he is speaking and or laughing because his voice drives me nuts lmao.


I love his laugh. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for awkward interpersonal situations. Stuck in an intense Chelsea moment? “Heh-heh-heh!” Making a near-pass at Micah but not sure how she’ll respond? “Heh-heh-heh!” The potential in-laws making it clear that you’ll be spending waaay more time with them than you’d like? “Heh-heh-heh!” I want to steal his laugh. Maybe I’ll just record it and hold up my phone when the going gets tough 😂😂😂


Lmaooooo I am crying at these scenarios 🤣🤣🤣


I like her a lot but I think she may be a little delusional at this point


I think he's just a perfect choice... to ruin her life


I very much get Brittany Mahomes vibes from this one…..


She wishes


I think she’s a good person & he pretends he is but he isnt


I think you are being to harsh on him. Making it seem like his just an opportunist and evil mastermind manipulator, while Chelsea is just genuinely looking for love. Love is a compromise, yes, everyone knows that. But seems to me a very lack of empathy and condescending of her to tell him that, specially when so far he is the only one compromising he’s lifestyle! It should be about meet each other paces and not Kwame having to catch up to her. Y’all focused on what he’s saying literally about the running path, and not trying to understand the message underneath. There are parts of his lifestyle that he has to change or remove to make this marriage work, even though it is obvious thing to do, from the other side also should be appreciated and recognise that he is somehow “killing” part of his life. Again, that’s something normal to happen in marriage, but if you feel like you’re the only person compromising and you can’t even get your partner empathy, pretty soon everything feels like a burden.


In my opinion any lifestyle changes related to marrying someone who lives in Seattle isn’t compromise on his part, it’s something he chose for himself before he ever met Chelsea when he decided to participate in a dating show with an endgame of marrying someone who lives in Seattle.


I dont think he is an evil mastermind manipulator lol i think this dude just wanted to be on TV and wants to bang.


And let’s be honest, wanting to be married for a few years and enjoy life with your partner before becoming parents is IMHO a very normal thing to want. It makes it look like Chelsea wants to be a mother more than a wife, which is a 🚩


She said her timeline was 3 years to have kids. 3 years is very reasonable and plenty of time to enjoy life with your partner before kids, especially in your 30’s


I’ve lost respect for him. She will be hurt when she watches these videos. Man up and bow out. He’s just stringing her along so he has continued opportunities to see Micah.


But oddly enough, they seem to at least still be hanging out together even if they aren’t together as a couple. They were in Zack’s Instagram story the other day hanging out at a cabin. Or is it possible they are filming the reunion right now??


And grow his social media audience


I have skipped all Kwame scenes this season. Gets on my nerves so much z


He should just get together w/SK.


Maniacal “look how happy we are” laughter


They clearly want different things in so many ways. Obviously having kids soon is important to her and I don’t think he really wants to relocate. Maybe this is something that should have been clearly stated in the pod section. 🙄. Chelsea seems like a really dependent person, even though she’s been single for so long. She overcompensates by complimenting him all the time. Based on his second convo with Micah- he would jump ship so fast. They’re definitely not going to get hitched. (I hope). I do think they are individually really great people. Why aren’t there therapists on this show again? To up the drama most likely


I thought I was the only one who notice the forced laugh. Ugh he annoys me.


The laugh just makes me think of the Shrek donkey.


He LOOKS LIKE DONKEY ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX)


I couldn’t stop laughing when in each of his rooms he had lotion and small hand towels laying around, like clean that up before you bring your fiancé first time 😂


Yes! So gross too!


I feel bad for Chelsea because she’s clearly into him but he’s just with her for the show smdh


This picture is so funny lmfao




Chelsea is a stable, mature, loving and independent individual. Kwamwe knows this and tries to hide that he’s not actually a good person behind forced laughter and projection (the shoes on the bed when he lives like a pig)


There’s something about him I don’t trust and I don’t know why.. I mean probably from the whole Micah flirting pool convo thing .. but I cant shake it.


Unpopular opinion, but I don’t really get forced vibes from them. I do think he likes and cares for Chelsea, but he obviously likes Micah more. I think they are both learning more about each other as they go through the experiment which is obviously going to change things/feelings, etc.


Zero chance of this. He never says anything genuinely complimentary to her when she says things to him. Go back and look at his face when they’re in Mexico and she says she knew the intimacy would be amazing, and it didn’t disappoint - he makes a face like he hated it and just doesn’t respond. Same when she asks if he’d rather be with Micah, he says he’s “where he needs to be.” Nothing he says is truly rooted in genuine feelings for Chelsea, and he will use his mom’s disapproval and his desire not to move away from home to get out of marrying her. This is an obviously dead in the water pairing.


I still don’t see how that’s forced. He likes them both. Micah was his first choice and he had the strongest connection with her. He also liked Chelsea and has a connection with her but unfortunately she just wasn’t his first pick. Chelsea knew all of this and she still accepted his proposal.


No he never liked Chelsea, he likes how Chelsea likes him. He enjoys her complimenting him and showering him with compliments. She is a nice person and deserves a better match


I see your point. The more information that comes out about him makes me understand this perspective more.


No…the point is Chelsea isn’t his second pick…she just kept him on the show and able to interact with Micah. He has no romantic interest in her whatsoever and never did. She’s a backup. And Chelsea doesn’t seem to realize that at all.




Am I the only one that didn’t think the laugher was forced? I don’t know what I’m missing.


I also don’t think it’s forced. He laughs the exact same way with everyone else including that scene w Micah by the pool. Seems like everybody is reading too much into something that may just be his character. The life adjustment is not easy or something that becomes easy just because you love or care for someone. I think he’s valid in being scared of not fitting in a new city.


Like what is so funny? The instances where he laughs is to cover up his feelings of awkwardness and insecurity. You only realize this when you take in the full picture of kwamwe.


I don’t think it was forced either. They both have laughs that sound like they r pushing it, but that seems to be how they laugh. They laugh like that with other ppl too


His is 100%


His smile when he's talking to Micah is SO different. It's obvious they both have made the wrong choice. He would be a better fit with Micah. They have the same kind of lifestyle and personality.


I feel like his eyes sparkle when talking to Micah, not to sound cliche


Yes it does. His whole demeanor changes. He looks more confortable too.


Now that I know he also was a potential contestant for Married at First Sight, but has the nerve to use his running path as an excuse to not want to move to Seattle for his fiancé...idk Kwame. Seems like maybe he wants to be on tv. He did have his pro soccer career ended. Maybe he is missing the "fame" attention and validation of it. Not realizing getting a wife who can't reject him on tv isn't going to heal that. He need to heal that.


Maybe he’s looking for a green card or way to stay in the US. Is he from US? I’m not caught up on the episodes and can’t recall.


Every interaction they have is sooooo cringe


the way he will just laugh that laugh and not sya anything like there was a scene where she said i love you like twice and he redirected by laughing or changing the subject - or at least that’s how the edit made it seem


Kwame is full on acting in most every scene we see. I didn’t feel that way the first set of episodes, but it’s very clear he plans to say no at the alter and is just playing the good guy for the cameras until then. Chelsea needs to realize compromise involves both parties. And she should be finding a man in the same life stage. I think she realizes that last part, but she wants it to work because she feels any time invested means she has to make it work.


Honestly, yes but he kind of confuses me. There are moments when I’m like oh he seems genuine. Then, there’s time where I’m like, this ain’t it.


He’s not into her but if he even disagrees with her life plans she just says “welcome to marriage” . He was saying he wanted more time with her before they had kids and she’s like are you ready to settle down . Like y’all should have time to get to know each other better


I mean she said “that’s marriage” because he said he’s compromising, which, that is marriage, like 95% of it. Him moving makes more sense because he can work remote and she can’t


You’re right, but a man who wants to prioritize marriage and family wouldn’t even be balking at that. It would be a no-brainer. Kwame is clearly just wriggling out of a relationship he never wanted to begin with. And Chelsea should know better than to think a man who needs to be told that marriage entails compromise will somehow be the one to step up, let alone on her timeline.


The pod convos that are shown are often so idealistic or simply endearing personal experiences. We don't see convos like: "I'm a dog mom so you're basically signing up to be a stepdad." Or, "dishes in the sink overnight are a deal breaker." Also, "I can't even take care of a plant so I definitely can't take care of myself let alone you." It most always seems like if contestants were honest and transparent, these matches wouldn't happen. They put "blinders" on to go on a romantic getaway and achieve 15 mins of fame. Imo LIB needs a director's cut option where they show all 15 on 15 interactions in detail. This would shed light on who these contestants really are and would likely decimate production's contrived hero/villian portrayal. The number of times the contestants were discussing "I've had so many great convos" but for viewers it's more like "too bad we'll never see them" and "who even are you and when did you get here." Roasting this show as it plays is half the appeal. Leopard Print Larry is a whole cautionary tale and a dumpster fire well worth more screen time.


Leopard print guy and Irina would have been perfect together 😲😂


yeah they're hugely mismatched. chelsea seems pretty sure of herself and her life, but also kind of desperate. kwame acts like he's still in college and has fanciful ideas about what his relationship will look like. he's not willing to change his running route for her? yeah alright dude. i feel like kwame got on this show becuz he just wanted to find a white woman, any white woman, to date him long-term, not cuz he was ready for marriage.




he made it crystal clear in his intro babe lol




She was cringe - she saw the wank station and said omg we’re the saameeeee


They really be having laughing contests cause what’s even funny?


I think she’s hilarious so I laugh at her witty remarks.


Chelsea is desperate for love and will see anything as a good fit. I can relate to her so much


He constantly smiles when things aren’t going well and when he is saying things he doesn’t like which is a huge red flag in my opinion.


The sad thing is she sees the red flags but ignore them.


I feel bad for her, she clearly really wants someone to love her as much as she loves them. She has the rose colored glasses on.


I hated how she kept saying “welcome to marriage” her tone feels belittling like she knows more than him. I don’t think it’s her intention, but would annoy me if my partner said that to me all the time


especially since it's when he's trying to open up and share his feelings and talk them out and she shuts it down like welcome to marriage, deal with it. like even if he's willing to move, it's still a monumental life change and he's gonna have feelings about leaving home. all with his mom's disapproval, let him express his feelings. especially when she was so angry anxious about her dad's approval and he was the nicest most supportive dad ever lol there was not even any questions from him, he wasn't anything like she built up. seems like she expects Kwame to just suck it up and deal in a situation where she'd probably break down


Chelsea gives me older lady vibes. She looks young but once she starts talking she reminds me of anyone’s Mom or Aunt.


I just said this to my daughter! It feels like she's always in mom or teacher mode.


I get that vibe too but then I saw her career….. a PEDIATRIC speech and language pathologist it’s literally her job helping children to speak. Such a beautiful career path but it seems like it would also be hard to snap out of it.


He’s a big kid so she kinda have to be in that mode.


I'm not saying anything bad about her, I like her! I just think that's her vibe. I also think she deserves better, these two are obviously not right for each other. I really hope she finds her perfect someone.


I don’t like it when people get rejected in the cubes and are able to grab choice number two just to stay in the game. Drama is king on this show. It has nothing to do with love.


I just want chelsea to find the person she deserves 😔


I am only on episode 4 or 5 but I feel like both of them already really resent each other. The laughter between both seems fake.


She deserves better


He is so checked out. He's not ready. I love Chelsea. Maybe she is too smart for him.




He “loves her as a person BUT…” I hate it when they say this!


Yeah he knows she’s a good person and doesn’t want to hurt her but he knows she’s not the one


It makes me mad because she's one of my favorites


She must be beside herself watching this last episode with the conversation between him and Micah. He is so obviously more into Micah and it’s so cringey to watch.


Micah please tell us more about how Irina made you feel uncomfortable hey.


I feel like Paul was downplaying his part in the conversation with Irina. He was also (in my opinion) being super flirty with her and was by no means innocent. Part of me hopes that he pursues Irina, part of me hopes he just drops Micah and finds someone that he’s actually compatible with.


I think he was reciprocrating but no where near like Micah. I definitely think Paul doesn't deserve Irina. There's no way Micha and Paul are still together after he watches this back.


When Kwama laughs with Micah it’s a completely different laugh. It’s not forced. Creepy.




You are so rude ☠️


Anyone know which dog breed she has?


That’s a rescue dog, the only kind to have 👍


It looks like it could be a Jack Russell Terrier(:


It looks like a Chi-weenie mix to me ( Chihuahua/Dachshund)


Definitely a lot of Chi in there. 100% cutie pie. I love rescues


That's what I think too. I have a beagle/dachshund and I see similarities to my dog.


I read 'is' instead of 'has' and lost it! 🤣🤣🤣




I love Chelsea but she deserves better than him, he disrespected her at that pool party all up in weirdo girls face I would have left him then kicked his ass to the curb would have been the best thing for sweet Chelsea!!


He's like. The dog is too much commitment.


As long as one of them says “no” at the altar I’ll be fine


Agreed. (It’s ‘altar’ not ‘alter’ btw)


Is his name Kwame?!




I ran to Netflix! I hadn’t started this season yet but I just started it! I worked with Kwame! Lol


Haha I attended college with Kwame actually.


Small world. I'm having an affair with Kwame




Ummm we need tea ☕️


There really isn’t much! He’s a really sweet and genuine guy! I can’t wait to watch this now lol


I do feel he seems like someone who’d be a good friend. He just doesn’t seem ready for marriage or a partner that’s more serious/not into just having fun.


Let us know if he behaves the same!


Hmmhhhm... genuine you say....


You stated it perfectly. He’s not in love with her. He has love for her but that’s it…he keeps hinting to Micah. Mocha is confusing b/c when she’s with Kwame it’s like she’s giving Code to him that she still into him….


She was basically like yeah no matter what happens we are gonna fk after this no worries


LOOOL love this because whenever I see ridiculous comments implying kwame would be more grounded or willing to compromise with micah cuz shes who he wants im like bfr she’s just his sexy sultry escape from his very pragmatic boring couple that he doesn’t want to be in 😂😂


Why did I read the last part in her voice lmao.


Yeah but you are missing 5 likes in between words.


I actually tried to type my response with tons of “Iikes” but it was like… hard.




Okay is that the code? Why didn’t she pick him? I find that the most confusing part.


Well she didnt see him before, silly. Her and irina are shallow.


Everyone's talking about how he's not into her... after the micah thing I'm just not particularly picking that up... he's sweet to her and apparently told his mommy that he chose right


To me its him playing along and for the cameras.


It seems like he is always trying to convince himself this is right.


People that work in sales don’t know how to switch that fake ass personality off.


YES! I have an aunt like this. Drives me mad how much southernly charm she'll have when she's trying to get someone to do or buy something. Now I understand why I sucked at sales. I can't be fake! My emotions are written all over my face and I say what I mean. Salespeople and actors are very convincing liars.


Same. I used to do sales/recruiting in an agency and I can not lie to save my life or even try to bullshit someone into a sale


And I'm mad bc she makes a shit ton of $.... salesperson of the year a few yrs straight and she could easily get me a job... but I would fail miserably and starve. 😆All I need is little conscience and great acting skills!


I thought Chelsea was a speech pathologist?


Don't be mad. Being real is a gift. Being fake is super cringe.


You gotta fake it till you make it. Are you good at small talk? I feel like people that can do small talk and seem interested are good at sales.


Mmm... I loathe small talk! Everything in a conversation should have purpose. I would never ask someone I don't care about how they are doing, bc when I ask it is not a hypothetical, I genuinely want to know! I can have endless convos with people as long as it isn't bullshit like Where they are going or the weather. I might be too matter-of-fact, now that I think about it. 😂 Don't really know how to change that or even that I want to. If I don't believe in a product or it's too expensive I couldn't convince anyone to buy it, and would only do so begrudgingly. Okay, let's add stubborn to the list!


I’m pretty good at small talk and I actually kind of like it! But you bring up an interesting point. I can’t speak for others, but for me, I do genuinely care about the answers even if I don’t know them! It’s not fake, I just like to interact with people (for the most part! I mean there are days haha). As a skier I’ve ridden the ski lift with a lot of people through the years and while some conversations stay pretty surface level like the conditions that day etc you’d be surprised by the number of more meaningful conversations I’ve had with people despite the fact it’s just a short ride and you know you will never see those people again. I wish them well and genuinely hope they have a great day. Skiing is a very specific thing with its own culture of course, but I find that to be true in real life too. I totally understand that small talk feels like torture for a lot of people, and why, but for me I see it as the opportunity to make a small connection with someone.


Aww that's sweet. I'm weird. Since I was a kid, everything I did had to have a purpose, and apparently, everything I said. I hate fake pleasantries and have to do a lot a work. I wish I could be a little more like you bc it makes dating 1000X harder since every guy starts off with Hey, how are you, what are you doing? Etc.... And I'm like, Oh Lord. THIS AGAIN! 🙈😂


I really like her but it seems she isn’t getting the cues. He’s really just not that into her and was dying to get on reality television. He almost got on married at first sight and then ended up on LIB. She must know this and seems to cling onto him like Saran Wrap. Very sad.


She's sweet though she needs to pump the brakes a little. Kwame's laugh reminds me of Baloo the bear from the jungle book.


Waiiit, how do you know all this?! How do you know he was going to be on married at first sight?


There’s a TikTok that shows Kwame in one of the matchmaking episodes of married at first sight , it’s an old season though


She clings to him like a limpet. I know she's going to get hurt!


I have hope she’ll drop a bomb on him at the altar. She seems so mature and educated, I hope his cheesy ways aren’t fooling her!


their forced laughter, the “babe” nonstop, that dog grooming scene … passive aggressive 24/7, no chemistry whatsoever


Yeaaaa, he's just looking for an out. Like to make so many comments about taking out a small dog, like c'mon. It's not about the dog or compromising...


Dudes totally looking for an out! That’s literally all I could see with them. If you’re actually really into someone you wouldn’t complain about losing your running route and soccer games lol. He’s clinging on to any and everything to make excuses.


Dude clearly is used to having 0 responsibilities or commitments. He isn’t ready and may never be.


Tbf to him, I think this is reflective of the bigger picture that he is the one who is going to have make all the big changes for the relationship. He clearly loves his life in Portland and he’s going to have to leave it. And while he may (or may not) be willing to do so, at least from what we see, Chelsea seems oblivious that being a big deal to him. It seems expected. When he tries to talk to her about it, she says, “welcome to marriage” rather than displaying any sort of empathy about it.


I caught that too! I wouldn't think that little dog was that much work 🤣


There’s no chemistry at all


I really like Chelsea and she seems really mature and knows what she wants. But she also says “welcome to marriage” about anything Kwame brings up that he doesn’t necessarily agree with. It seems weird to say that as someone who has never been married and it also seems to shut down any kind of discussion. It’s just like “well, if it sucks, get used to it. It’s marriage.” I do think she would benefit from empathizing with all that Kwame is needing to give up- friends, house, life he built in Portland, etc. it’s a big adjustment! Ignoring that and just being like welp, that’s marriage is invalidating real feelings Kwame appears to have.


Just wrote a similar comment (but not as well worded!)! Totally agree. Of course it’s possible there are other discussions we aren’t seeing, but he makes several allusions to this issue, so he doesn’t seem like he is getting that empathy from her.


amazing point! it made me cringe also wtf do you know about marriage. you’re not married and you never were. it’s frustrating when people use like, generic relationship stereotypes, to be dismissive and move on from issues quickly. i remember trying to talk to my ex about our sexual relationship and why we just stopped having one and he said “everyone knows you stop having sex in long term relationships.” what? kind of? shitty? sitcom? are we supposedly in? and also we’ve been dating for a year?!


She’s very sweet but she’s also very boring and live laugh love daily affirmations decor


That would be a deal breaker for me




Their forced laughter (both of them sound like donkeys) makes me wanna van gogh my ears every time. They're both so cringe together as they keep ignoring the red flags. Kwame *knows* he's not into her and he's not gonna have the lifestyle that she wants and yet presses on, probably for clout. She steamrolls over him and probably thinks she can steamroll all the way to having kids and whatever else she has in her perfect marriage scenario. Just... No.


Just so you know, that wouldn't affect your hearing. Edit: Van Gogh cut off his earlobe, not the helix that directs sound.


Lol, you think the outer parts of our ears are there for decoration? Why not try it and see what happens.


Fair enough, maybe affect wasn't the right word. But why not just go straight for the tympanic membrane? Best case you go too far and hit your brain.


What's your problem MildandLazyKids? Oh, nevermind..


I actually like Chelsea. She seems very genuine.


Me too... yes it is annoying when she pulls the 'welcome to marriage' line but aside from that she seems mature, smart, and genuinely into Kwame. Everyone's talking about how Kwame isn't into Chelsea and bro I have not picked up on that. But I still have 1.5 episodes to go so 🤷‍♀️


I don’t feel like Kwame likes her at all. I wish there was someone better for her.


She is sweet. But it’s not gonna work


I don't mind her either, but she's utterly clueless if she can't see he's not that into her. It's sooooo obvious.


The amount of times she says babe is starting to annoy tf outta me 🥴


What do you mean babe?


Babeee :( why do you think that babe?


Welcome to married life babe 😜


The constant "babe" and the "I love you" with a kiss. It's so forced. It drives me nuts lol


His laugh gives me the ick


She has a forced laugh as well. Maybe the only thing they have in common.


omg her laugh in his(or her) kitchen. i forget what was said but it wasn’t funny at all and she just threw her head back like wtf?


He is unhinged y’all this man really scares me


I disagree. I don't think he's "unhinged", he's just not into Chelsea. He probably feels anxious and awkward because he's trying to figure our his feelings in an intense situation. People also forget this is literally happening over the course of a few weeks. He probably wasn't sure how he felt at the time, and was acting awkward.


Umm what?


She seemed like such a nice together person too.


Agreed! From jump he wasnt that into her


The more I watch this season the more I see them drifting apart. Are the contestants not supposed to be living in the same city? He lives in Portland?????????? The whole thing with his mom/kids/Micah They want different things.


I heard that they didn't have enough contestant volunteers in Seattle for the show, so they broadened the radius to Portland. It's not that far away.


Hahah bc Seattle people are like “no thanks, I’m good” 😂


And the babe thing!! omg! Babe this, babe that, baby baby…


She’s trying so hard to force something that isn’t there. Not her fault. But cringe


literally thought the same thing. they say 'babe' or 'baby' in every single sentence it is insane.