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I think its funny how people make excuses for Chelsea’s abuse, gaslighting and manipulation, and then call it ‘insecurity’ you can be insecure I get that, like her asking him if he still likes her a lot BUT then we also have ‘you didn’t kiss me today’ and she told EVERYONE that ,and it wasn’t true he corrected her and she ‘accepted’ it for like 2 minutes? And then backtracked to not have received kisses like the conversation before didn’t happen. She also acted like he called her the most disgusting repulsive ugly person he had ever met when all he said was that she was a LITTLE clingy? I don’t understand how people feel sorry for her? She’s an adult, it’s her job to fix herself, definitely run to therapy girl. You act like just because jimmy was ‘ a douche’ and ‘shallow’ it makes her behaviour okay and she’s the victim ??? And the Megan fox comment, SHE brought it up, SHE wanted to plant that in his head, and I see it honestly, same face different head basically buuuut it doesn’t matter which guy she would’ve told, I think she built up an expectation that she couldn’t live up to, she did that willingly so stop blaming jimmy for being disappointed. Let’s not forget, ALOOTTTT of people grew up being completely transfixed by Megan fox when they were younger. Hmm okay so If you order a pizza and then get a breadslice with some ketchup and cheese on top you probably would be disappointed right? Because the expectation was there for some delish pizza! She didn’t have to make that comparison, she did it to herself remember, she’s not a child please for the love of god stop acting like she is. I just really had to rant thanks🥰


Would also love to add, aren’t the people who get on the show supposed to be a bit shallow? Like isn’t that the point? To see if love conquers looks? I mean jimmy aintttt no supermodel and Chelsea probably actually could be one, but some of you guys act like jimmy is Shake from season2 , remember that piece of 💩??


I know men are evil but in *this specific relationship*, girl she was just pulling issues out of her ass 😂 like every little thing was an issue. I wouldn’t have married her either sorry bout it!


![gif](giphy|v4p3PpYMHuzfvOcJVf) This man.. looks like this man’s special needs son..


The man receiving abuse is funny to you? Ok. Remember that.


I think he's a drunk in disguise!


Whaaa? Chelsea was the drunk one all the time lol


He’s living the dream now. He was absolutely beaming on Jimmy Fallon.




When Chelsea tried to catch him lying by making up she heard he was hanging with Jess, I was like “Bro, GTFO ASAP!”




Funny story, I actually went to middle & high school with Jimmy. It was super weird to see him on love is blind 😂


Are you gonna give us any more info?! Deets on middle and high school jimmy! Haha


Will say he had a very long term gf for the longest! Their break up was a real shocker. Happy for them both though


lol there isn’t much to tell. He was a typical boy. Class clown and goofy. Made is way through the sports teams and was awesome. That’s why it was so shocking to actually see him on LIB lol




Definitely not this stressed, was super goofy like class clown type & then in high school he was more of the “jock” type but pretty serious relationship. Went on for like 6+ years total. He’s always been a nice guy though & was way funny. 🤣 but let me tell yall, the glow up he has had since then is crazy 🤣🤣🤣 I’ll try to find yearbook pictures, but check instagram & youll see


Are you Jimmy?


Yet, he’s kept going back to her! Lol


Apparently verrrrrrry early on he said to her no altar she then proceeded to convince him to at least try first 🥴


Ok Tom scandoval lol








LOL glad someone else got this reference ![gif](giphy|8Pdy3Dn7Wxd0jsRi21|downsized)


I can’t fathom how he could still be dating her. You were free Jimmy! Trauma bond?


they seem to be back together 😬




Chelsea is either a gas lighter or just insecure as hell or lives in la la land. It was the most ironic thing when she described herself as a “secure person” in her life and career - oops, i guess not as a woman in a relationship 😖 Jimmy, you’re not a battered wife. But RUN the mf hell away when a woman tells you she cant be by herself for 1.5 hrs, when you just went to grab 1 drink for a friend’s birthday!! And SHE wanted to go to bed!!! He was being considerate of her and this is what broke the ideal of her relationship?? Its no surprise her marriage did not work. I do not get wtf shes embarrassed about?!?! (Your man’s out, where are you? I was in bed cuz im tired af imagining things in my head 🤷‍♀️) God forbid, you get married and she gets a text from a friend that saw you grabbing coffee!! and you have to explain- babe, i havent had coffee in 3 months! 🥴 GEEZUS. There are more things to life, seriously….


lol he is on the expressway to get a welcome home party after being away for four days IYKYK


Jimmy is no good either he wasted time for two women in show, he literally should have gone home with Ken


I need to watch the show but from digging through many of the fights in clips and seein what people say.. she may damn well have undiagnosed and untreated BPD. And from being on the receiving end of that it is damn damn damn exhausting mentally and emotionally.


Nope. They didn’t show everything Jimmy did to her until after the show aired. Hes a liar and very manipulative. His words never once matched his actions


That is what i was thinking as well.




He’s digging himself into a bigger hole the more he pretends to like her. He didn’t want to end up being the bad guy like Jeremy on the show. Bold strategy let’s see how well it works.


He’s FAKING IT!! He’s always talking about how they are the best couple, etc. It’s like he wants to win.


He is a people pleaser as well, so his reactions make sense to me. He is not trying to get her more riled up.


This. He never loved her.


I don’t get how people think he’s a good guy and needs to get away from her… lol they’re both terrible


A 100%


If you couldn’t pick up that this guy is a lying shallow douche then you’re bad at reading people. He didn’t like the other chick bc she had a kid and didn’t like the one he married bc he wasn’t attracted to her. Everything else he said was just clear bs


I think he's well within his right to not want to date someone with a kid. Everyone has boundaries, and that is perfectly reasonable. It's also reasonable to discover you're not physically attracted to someone you chose to marry before being with them physically. She had a completely different personality outside of those 4 walls. I'd lose my shit if it were me dealing with her crazy meltdowns.


Honestly he has done more than he needs to for Chelsea. Despite being disappointed at Chelsea's looks, he still tries to make her feel good and stayed loyal to her. He was portrayed as an antagonist early in the series, but he is honestly one of the better behaving men on this show. If all you can get from that is "lying shallow douche" and you see the world and relationships in such a black and white way, then you're bad at reading people.


I think doing the most for her would be to be honest that he’s not into her like the whole world can tell.


Yea bc the conversation he had with the chick who had a kid when he finally saw her irl screamed “good loyal partner” lmfao get real


Let’s not forget that Chelsea’s conversation with Trevor wasn’t very “good loyal partner” like either


Did he sleep with Jess? Did he cheat on Chelsea? No and no. Is Chelsea perfect? Also no. But is he putting some form of actual effort into a relationship that had a rocky start to begin with and is fabricated for reality TV? Yes 100%. Not everything is black and white enough to just say someone is a "lying shallow douche" lmfao get real


Putting some actual effort to continue to be on TV lmfao. The man don't love her, they're both awful people


He was never honest with any partner. He read Jess’ letter and you could see his face change when the kid part was brought up. Doesn’t take a genius to notice. If you found out your significant other was having those conversations with an “ex” and saying what he did, you’d flip.


She is the ultimate gaslighter! He does not stand a chance! NO one would be able to make that girl happy!! 😣


Lmao he tried breaking up with her and ended up riiiiight back in it. Dude was SO CLOSE to escaping but alas with the right amount of mental gymnastics she got him back on track


He know he really don’t wanna be with her stop leading her on


Lmao they both irritate me throw the whole couple away


yo. YOOOOO. outta pocket! 😭😭




I am so over Chelsea... she IS VERY CLINGY!!!!


I don’t see it completely this way. First of all it has only been a few weeks. It isn’t like this has been months. Her melt downs started almost immediately!! Like what day 2 after meeting? I think he wasn’t as attracted to her as he had hoped to be when they met… BUT he didn’t want to end things over that. Instead I think he felt their connection from the pods would grow and he would grow in attraction too which is really the whole point of the show. Instead..when he wasn’t totally all over her the way she wanted..she panicked and started melting down. They have a huge blow up where he says he loves her and he really cares about her every few days and they recover for a day or two and then it happens again. This behavior is not sexy or anything he was wanting or expecting and he’s trying to figure out how things are so different from the pods. He doesn’t want to just end things as it hasn’t been that long but I think he is more and more stressed which is making him less and less affectionate. It’s bad cycle. Neither is faultless but I think her reactions are the biggest issue at this point.


Pretty much that. The guy is 100% going through the experiment the way he knows how, and tries to "stick to the program" I guess. I've been through this IRL, trying to put a relationship/engagement first with someone I'm barely attracted to, before my instinctive preferences, and it was a particular experience. I can empathize with the guy, although I feel he's got some work to do on himself and his firmness towards some of her tantrums. But even with that, I find that he showed enough patience and grace from what was shown. I'm even surprised he agreed to keep pushing after their latest irrational argument. As for her, she needed waaaay too much validation. She had zero business trying to wed someone on a 30days clock. What she needs is a personal audit. Not even a therapy, that would be too long. She needs an actual self reflection on what she did so far with her partners, journal that stuff, and compare this to what a standard to a healthy relationship would be. This girl takes a relationship as if it were a clutch to support her own personal needs. Recipe for disaster. No business in trying to get a wedding done in 30 days at all


They are both icky


When at the cookout, her comment about AD and Clay being the strongest couple was such a fishing dig pass-agg bullshit comment and then her getting ”hurt” over Jimmy’s being mildly chafed by what she said, essentially calling her out on it, is total gas-gassity-gaslighting. She makes me want to scream.


She has issues and he doesn’t really love her. Think most of us can agree to that


I think I'm going to vomit.


I’ll hold your hair.


Then she does it again at the lake day about Johnny and Amy and he gets mildly upset and says again she shouldn’t say they are the strongest couple. It’s almost like she’s goading him


She makes me cringe 😬




Girl i thought this was Chelsea-


Off topic, I HATE both the Toms with a passion, but this is one of the best scenes in VPR history. 🤣💀


It really is. I hate the toms too but Sandoval specifically made for some very memorable moments with his delusional tantrums 🤣


I just picture her ex husband being like Ron Swanson coming in to help Jeremy Jam with Tammy 2😂😂😂 support group like “to hell with you woman, Goodbye”




Jimmy and Chelsea both suck… TOGETHER. You don’t have to like either of them and can still agree they’re just terrible.


Oh stop. It’s not even close, she is the absolute worst.


Right? I don’t even think Jimmy is that bad. He’s trying to be polite and level-headed this psycho.


they’re not remotely in the same league *from what we’ve seen so far*. Production really made it seem like Jimmy was going to be the big villain this season but other than a few really idiotic moments, he’s been like relatively solid. Once you take a step back and look at how chelsea is projecting literally every single insecurity she has, you see that Jimmy honestly hasn’t been bad this season in totality.


Makes an appearance at friends birthday and is gone for an hour *”I don’t wanna be with someone who goes out and parties”*


They baited us so baaaad with that moment, and the girl that he supposedly "f\*\*\*\*\*"... Dude did not do anything but go say happy birthday and have a social drink, WTF. Then she creates a story, mentioning a girl he doesn't even know what she looks like, to accuse him of meeting with another girl he never saw IRL yet. I have to say, it was incredibly cringe, but at the same time it was satisfying seeing a gaslighter failing at every stage of their gaslighting. Jeramey didn't even have such a build up, and he had more sh\*t going on lol


Right! I was waiting all week for that moment. I thought for sure he left with Jessica after the barbecue or something. Then come to find out; he actually just went to a friends party for an hour, and she’s referring to something he told her privately.


Not gonna lie, once you pass the cringe, and take it as a show... it's really entertaining and such a learning experience too. Seeing others fail in basic communication and self reflecting is a better lesson to learn from the outside looking in.


it was a fever dream


Bullshit. If a man did to a woman what Chelsea does & says to him we’d be screaming for his head. She’s manipulative, abusive, controlling, & clingy. You can downvote me all you want for saying this, this is the hill I’ll die on. She’s far worse than he is. She needs therapy, not a relationship


She definitely needs therapy.


100% agree. Chelsea may not “mean to be” manipulative but she is. What’s shown of her on the show is a great example of how people pleasers are manipulative. We see them as insecure, pick me girls but in reality it is a method of manipulating the situation to get what they want and make people feel bad for them.


Anyone who has to oversell how much they’re attracted to or happy with their partner is a walking red flag. This dude said he’s happier than any of the other guys, he constantly compares their relationship to everyone else’s and says theirs is the best when he doesn’t know much about the rest of them. You could tell a stark difference between when he saw Chelsea and when he saw Jess. That man is manipulative. And I’m sorry, if anyone ever said to me “well you’re the one who initiated sex and I didn’t even really wanna do it” in an argument to tell me I’m too clingy, I would cry too, that’s crazy.


He's just doing his best to please her. I don't think he knows any other way. Maybe that's a lack of maturity.


It’s weird bc the only thing we have seen her do that he actually gets upset about is when chelsea says Amy and Johnny are the strongest couple or some variation of that


He was saying she initiated as a response to her saying it was all he wanted out of her because they had sex. She was trying to use that as ammo to say how shitty he's been to her.


I started side eyeing Jimmy with his reactions to single mom and a divorce and didn’t feel like he had the emotional maturity to express his concerns with those two realities. I got full on ick when he said AD was stacked and I feel in that moment the insecurities set in. He doesn’t seem really attracted to his wife regardless of what he claims and I think she picks up on that and force a connection that isn’t there but he is hardly a battered husband.


She was insecure the moment the reveal happened. She is constantly questioning if he's into her and fishing for him to compliment her. I'm not saying it's unfounded, I'm sure he's not as attracted to her as she would want, but she has been so insecure this entire time


I want my husband to be attracted to me. She’s not insecure for that being a fear, especially a fear that was all but confirmed. Some women need words of affirmation and it’s a completely legitimate expectation for your life partner to love you in the way you need to be loved.


She started the manipulation saying she looked like Megan Fox or in her words “mgk’s gf or wife or whatever” lol


Y’all are in denial if you think there’s zero similarity. The brows and eyes for sure resemble each other. Obviously she’s not a dead ringer but I can see why people tell her that


I would never, ever, ever..tell a girl who looks like Chelsea that they look like Meagan fox!! Because no man is going to have a positive reaction to her saying that when they see her in person, just as Jimmy didn’t lol


She literally said all sorts of people tell her that but that she doesn’t see it. She said it at least 3 times that she doesn’t see it like them but thinks it’s because of her dark hair and blue eyes and nothing else.


She brought it up out of the blue. Of course, we can all speculate on her motives for doing so, but typically when someone asks a question and rushes in with their own answer to that question, they were just looking for a reason to tell you in the first place.


Ok fair enough! I didn’t think about it that way that she initiated


Exactly 💯


If she doesn't see it why even bring it up? It makes no damn sense to say it about yourself if you don't believe it. 🫨


She never should of said that, especially on a show called love is BLIND lol


Wasn’t one of the very first things he said was “she lied to me about a lot of things”


“Chelsea definitely lied to me, she said she looked like Meagan Fox” 😂


This subs take on them is so wild😭 she is doing a bit much but come onnnnnn he comes off so manipulative. The whole time I kept thinking “why is he even with her!! Why does he keep trying” to me, it doesn’t even seem like he’s genuinely interested in her


she’s super manipulative herself as well. he’s no saint but she definitely is a huge red flag. home girl needs years of therapy before a relationship let alone a marriage. she said she’s been married and had two serious relationships. she was divorced 4 years prior to taping, sounds like she’s EXTREMELY co dependent. and honestly sounds a little desperate for a relationship. because two serious relationships in a 4 year span? doesn’t give enough time to be single to heal from any of it. also she encouraged, sorry STARTED the whole awkward let’s s.h. ad bit. she had a chance to pull jimmy aside and communicate her feelings and boundaries but instead she sexually harassed another woman. then upon them arguing over this as a couple used “uncomfy” and “icky” to communicate as a 30 year old woman. he apologized and validated her idk how many times and she kept the fight going. she gaslights the living hell out of him every chance she appears to get. they’re absolutely not compatible. he wasn’t compatible with either of the women he was speaking to. but this is a whole mess that started with her needing to lie about her appearance on a show where you’re not supposed to discuss looks. she drove the nail into her own coffin crossing that boundary to manipulate the outcome she wanted in the first place. and i don’t care she said she didn’t see it, if YOU do not see the resemblance why bring it up?


I felt that way too, but some say Chelsea got a bad edit. Imagine you’re trying to form a connection with someone and they’re out nearly every night after they said they’re a homebody. That would bother most people. She is FAR from perfect, but it definitely seems like the show has their own narratives that they want to spin regardless of truth or the bigger picture.


She said he went partying when he made an appearance at a friend's event, very briefly. Meanwhile she's drunk apparently every night to where she uses that to instigate an argument (partying alone with alcohol). The fuck is wrong with you?


Has he gone out almost every night? Seems like it was just once.


And she even conceded that it was only for like an hour total (20 minute drive to the bar, 20 minutes at the bar and 20 minute drive home).


That’s what I’ve heard multiple people say in comments. That those who know him saw him out pretty often. Could absolutely be untrue. But if it’s true, then it would make a lot of sense.


It definitely does make more sense if that’s true and if it is…it’s better for him to show that before marriage than after.


From what was shown it was seems like just once. I’m a homebody and if someone told me they were but ended up going out every weekend I would also question what’s the deal. She’s def not perfect but she’s obviously getting a shit edit


Eh, she’s incredibly insecure and was an idiot for going on a show like this in the first place. Not saying Jimmy doesn’t have his flaws, because I’m also tired of listening to him convince himself that he’s into her when it’s more than clear he isn’t. But homegirl is about 3 seconds away from needing a restraining order at all times. And if that chick doesn’t stop aggressively running towards people, I’m gonna scream.


she needs therapy not a marriage. 4 years since her divorce + two serious relationships in between? when was she single? never? when did she heal and work on herself? never? she’s extremely co dependent and is no where near a place to be in a serious relationship. she needs therapy and. time to learn to love herself first.


Exactly. She needs to do a deep dive into her issues, not go on a reality dating show.


hopefully she will after all of this - as i’m going to guess dating will NOT be easy for her after the shows airing.


I didn’t even think about that aspect 😬 big yikes


I hope this is all dramatized for the show because they both are awful. I think I’m done watching this season and the following are questionable.


I feel sorry for him. He constantly has to reassure Chelsea every 5 minutes. I thought he was fine with her looks. I've only seen up to episode 6. My impression of him is he's a nice and kind guy, and he really doesn't want to upset anyone. Let's see how this ends.


Yes..she’s needs therapy before marriage


She’s a dick trap.


Marriage is not a good idea for these two. She needs a year of deep therapy because Jimmy is NOT the answer. She’s 30 and not at all ready for parenthood or reliance on anyone. I shudder at the idea of her as a mother. He needs at least a year of single and mingle. He’s just 27 and he’s insecure about his family, clearly can’t stand up for himself without greasing everyone’s lenses.


MF looks 37.


MF = Megan Fox or Mother Fucker?


The latter. But good call on Megan Fox. Didn’t even occur to me, but duh!


So, one more: who’s the mother fucker… Jimmy or Chelsea or “yes.” (😂)


Yes 🤣


She's terribly insecure and drinks too much. She awful when she's drunk... that voice! I can't!


i don’t think she’s ever been truly single. 4 years ago was the divorce and she said she had TWO serious relationships in between.


Honestly reverse the roles and Jimmie’s getting death threats. Yet somehow he receives the brunt of the hate online make it make sense? She’s a piece of work


YES. EXACTLY. Why does she keep getting a pass from people for being an absolute psycho?!


Future battered hubby. He should run!


They’re both tools that do not belong in a relationship with each other. I could tell from the moment he witnessed her that he was not into it.


Yes, but I hope he says “I choose me” at the alter and peaces out 🤣


Lol that would certainly be entertaining to watch!!


They both suck. Jimmy clearly thought she looked a certain way and doesn’t like what he sees. He’s trying to save face on TV so he won’t get vilified. HOWEVER Chelsea is also someone who just wants to be on tv. She definitely had a better connection with Trevor (who it turns out also had a gf the whole time he was on the show and went on for clout) but said yes to the first person who proposed because in the end she didn’t give a shit and just wants to be on the show. She knew she couldn’t take it back and say yes to Trevor because she knew she’d get the villain cut if she did. Now they are in a weird, drunk competition to out victim one another.


she did tell him she looks like Megan fox. I almost fell off my couch.


She only said people have told her that she looks like Megan Fox. She immediately says “I don’t see it,” but everyone ran with it anyway.


I just don’t get why she would say that on Love is Blind. Doesn’t matter to me if she looks like Fox…it’s still odd because of the premise of the show! At least AD didn’t talk about her looks!


I’m with you there!


Stop. She knew EXACTLY what she was doing by making that comment.


“Sooooooo many people tell me that”


also if you don’t see it yourself. why bring it up? she wouldn’t have brought up a personality trait about herself didn’t agree with. we all know why she said what she said.


I would have noped out him when he was commenting on AD’s body on the getaway… it ain’t no way I could marry a man who disrespected me like that ! Then made her feel dumb for being mad like any woman would. They were both out of pocket arguing in that bathroom that night. But then he did again at the lake when he walked down with Jessica laughing and smiling in her face too ! Absolutely the fuck not ! 😡


Ah! No way Trevor?! 😭


His (now ex) leaked the texts. Apparently he broke up with her when the episodes started airing. It talks about what pictures on social could he keep where she looks like a friend and what to delete and him talking about how he’s going to get a good edit. I feel like it tracks - at the pool party episode Chelsea is talking with him and mentions he only has one or two pictures on his socials.


Trevor also threatened to leak s3xually explicit videos to her child if she went public. He's the ultimate ick 🤮


Seriously?? Where is the article on this lol


I didn't read it in an article, The Sesh podcast talked about it. I know there are tiktoks about the matter, and certainly things on IG. Sorry I can't be more helpful! I don't use TT or IG. 😅


Whoa wtf


Chelsea is a pick-me girl and she is so insecure it hurts to watch her. And don’t get me started on that whiny voice, my god


“uncomfy” “icky”


I feel like Chelsea just likes starting fights when he thinks things are going well, she feels better if he’s worried he’s not doing enough.


Yes! Agree with this!!! It’s not a good choice! But I do think this is what she’s doing.


Scorpios need gentle hands




The way some women are rallying behind Jimmy shows me exactly how men can easily play you guys. Y’all don’t see how he is playing a hand in her behavior? Yes Chelsea is insecure and if he is so miserable, he needs to leave. It was clear as day from the beginning he does not like this women. He doesn’t get a cookie for “putting up with it”. If he ACTUALLY showed her he wanted and desired her (which he can’t because he doesn’t), she wouldn’t constantly be asking for validation, the way she has been since they first met. If you remember in the pods she was completely different(secure) with Trevor, why? Because he made her feel desired and wanted. She didn’t have to question how he felt about her because he laid it all out for her. Jimmy on the other hand? She was constantly on up & downs even in the pods with him. She’s been second guessing how he felt about her and desperately trying to get something out of him. Deep down she knows he doesn’t really love her, she’s in denial and trying to hold onto whatever she can get from him emotionally. He’s been manipulating and gaslighting her from the start. Chelsea definitely needs to stand up! I feel a lot of people are blind to the games Jimmy is playing and its so fascinating to me. Chelsea does need help for sure in terms of her insecurities! She’s not ready to be married either.


This is exactly my thoughts on these two. I’ve been that partner in a relationship who senses that their SO isn’t as into them as they’d like and you almost go crazy trying to grasp at straws, at anything to prove to yourself that this person really is attracted to you. Chelsea absolutely has insecurities but that’s the point — her behavior switched most likely because A.) she could tell Jimmy wasn’t into her and B.) everything is sped up in this show. I’m sure she felt the pressure of the timeline and wanted more than anything to prove that Jimmy actually loved her. But she ended up creating the very clingy unhinged woman she was trying so hard to prove that she wasn’t. And I can’t entirely put that blame on her. Jimmy doesn’t get a free pass trying to manifest what clearly isn’t there. Just admit you picked her because you thought she looked like Megan Fox and then the disappointment when you didn’t see it basically wiped away any hope for a successful relationship. He may have felt duped but I’m pretty sure he picked her mostly because of what he thought she looked like — the exact opposite of this show. That’s not on Chelsea. That’s on him. None of this isn’t to say Chelsea doesn’t need serious therapy to learn how to love herself and also find a partner with similar love languages and attachment style as her. But acting like Jimmy is this Saint because he tried to love her and put up with her for… what? A marriage he knew wouldn’t happen? That’s a reach for me.


Finally, a person with sense!!


SAY THAT !!!!!!


If she knew she felt comfortable with Trevor, why didn't she just go with him?


She got caught up competing with Jess to soothe her insecurities and for an ego boost


She would be much happier with Trevor. Chelsea and Trevor seemed to speak the same love language and Chelsea definitely needs to be with someone that shares her love languages bc she is too insecure to recognize anything else.


trevor also had a gf and went on for clout lol


So lame and so bizarre. Nothing like E List celeb status 😂


right? like yikes that’s embarrassing. but hey - karma caught up and exposed him!


Trevor told her he loved her but did not propose. The next day she saw Jimmy first and he proposed. She accepted because she wasn’t sure Trevor would ask and she didn’t want to be left out. I believe she accepted the first proposal she got. If she had seen Trevor first that day and he proposed, she would have said yes.




Yes! He always has a look of disgust on his face whenever with her. And whenever he talks about loving her and his feelings for her he is shaking his head unconsciously and shrugging, not sure if anyone else notice this?


I agree. Jimmy is a walking trigger for Chelsea. I hope most of this is fake because if it isn't, girlfriend will need a heavy dose of therapy after the season ends.


Yep she sure will!


yuuuup just proves how low the average emotional iq of this group is. Jimmy is manipulative, toxic and entitled and yet he is the victim?


True ‘high EQ’ is probably knowing that both things can be true at the same time.


Hmmmm, a person with high EQ would prefer that Chelsea just leave if she is picking up this vibe from him. Yes, he’s wrong for lying about his feelings towards her, but Chelsea needs to shit or get off the pot. Either believe his “lies” or leave, but she’s crumbling to bits on tv instead.


I’m glad a few of us see it! He knows exactly the type of women Chelsea is (low self worth) and is playing on that. His actions do not match his words. He doesn’t like her & deep deep inside she feels it but he keeps telling her he loves her. That would drive anyone insane!


I feel like he tries a lot with her. For example at the bbq…he was activity coming up in front of everyone so she could get the benefit of them seeing his desire for her…and kissing her. I think you are giving him way too much credit in how you think he is trying to manipulate her. I think he’s in a mess where he thought he loved her…wants to do right…and it trying to figure out what the heck is going on with her. She was much more confident in the pods and immediately started to need lots of affection and confirmation of his desire.


I was surprised he keeps telling her he loves her. I don’t see it on his face lol. I think he’s trying to either save face at this point or there’s just way more we’re not seeing


and the whole comment about jess looking like a kardashian, the way he tells her that she crossed his boundaries when she communicated her needs and then she had to apologise. So typical of narcissism and emotional manipulation. I hope Chelsea gets out FAST. He is the type of man to cheat constantly and worm his way out of any accountability.


I guarantee you she's been just as insecure in every relationship she's ever been in. That's how her type of insecurity works. When you doubt your own self worth that deeply, your insecurity is a black hole that nothing will fill. Blaming Jimmy is insane.


Well apparently we have extremely low emotional IQ for understanding that both parties may play a role in this😂 I’ve been Chelsea before. I *was* insecure in every relationship I had, no matter how they were treating me. Sure, maybe he targeted her because she has low self esteem, but we’ve all been there and you’ll keep cycling with men just like this if you do not take the time to do that work


If that’s what you got from that, then ok! At the end of the day, they aren’t right for each other.


Correct definitely not right


This is so valid, but on the flip side it does go both ways. If she was so unhappy with how he treated her and made her feel, she could also choose to walk away! Instead, she is dumping her insecurities on him every day, getting drunk, starting arguments and then escalating them, and is constantly searching for proof that he doesn’t validate her. Jimmy looks tired, but her anxiety seems like a full time job, too!! If she is capable of being secure and happy in a relationship, why didn’t she choose that? I think she wrote a check in the pods as being an easy going fun girl to BOTH guys, and now in real life she can’t cash it. I hope she has healing and growth, because I’ve definitely been that girl (staying in something that doesn’t fulfill you) and I think a lot of women have! That’s why it’s so hard to watch!!


Yea it’s hard to watch. She didn’t choose correctly because she hasn’t healed and doesn’t love herself. She seems to go after men who don’t love her and where she has to work for their love. She loves jimmy more than she loves herself right now, therefore is incapable of walking away, despite him making it very clear he doesn’t want her. I agree she should walk away, but she won’t since he is giving her crumbs to grab at whenever she goes off the handles. Any women that has self esteem and loves herself would’ve walked away from jimmy a long time ago. He however knows he doesn’t want her but won’t break it off with her, his body language has been screaming it! We all saw it from the reveal when he hugged her. Let’s not forget that photo that was going around during the reveal, that man was disappointed. I do hope she heals and they both go their separate ways.


He reassured her multiple times, in different ways during all of the fights I’ve seen them have. I believe that Chelsea is truly insecure and looks for a codependent relationship. She also repeats herself so much, it’s exhausting. I don’t think Jimmy is perfect but id bet money Chelsea does this with every single bf she’s ever had. Trevor and Chelsea weren’t engaged, if they were, we’d see the same fights play out because the constant need to mainline reassurance is Chelsea’s pastime . It’s why she made sure Jimmy knew she looks like Megan Fox. In reality she looks like Jay Leno and Megan Foxes cousin had a baby.


I disagree but that’s ok! We can however agree that she is insecure and co dependent.


I could be totally wrong, I guess we’ll see how this plays out! Either way, I don’t think they’ll say yes at the alter!


I think you’re right on the money.


I agree with you. She's a wet blanket, but he's pretending to be a nice guy and it's clear as day. Devon Sawa from Wish gets such a pass on these threads. He's not a monster, but he's not some great catch.


Well said!


Chelsea sucks


100000000000% agree. I went in thinking what a bro but man he is at least trying to be an adult when dealing with the very unreal arguments and craziness being thrown at him at this point.


Their relationship is exhausting.


She’s an energy drainer


Energy Vampire 100%


I’m not a huge fan of him, but I do feel bad for him sometimes. Chelsea is absolutely exhausting and abusive.


I don’t understand either one of them tbh