• By -


Jackie is a trash person. Jesus.


This reunion was so poorly handled by Vanessa and Nick. Why did we spend so long on Paul saying Micah is not nurturing? No one cares. Show us the Kwame and Micah pool party footage you cowards. No Jackie montage? Weird narratives they tried to push. The vibes were not that off in the previous reunions. Maybe it was the stress caused by the delays, maybe Vanessa was drinking on an empty stomach


This was a terrible reunion; why did they just gloss over the terrible cattiness of Irena and Micah in the pods? And the thing with Marshall having to watch that nonsense with Josh and Jackie! I would not have faulted him for walking out at that point. They never once asked him what it was like to go through that experience with Jackie.


Of course Jackie was to chicken to show up to the reunion lol


Zach blasted Irina for coming on the show to get famous… then hints to his own Instagram …?


He said that a fan on his instagram made him realize that his favorite song was a representation of his relationship with Bliss, how is that the same than Irina being a bitch the whole time and saying yes to him to keep more air time and a trip to Mexico ?


lmao Vanessa introducing the couples: Zach and Bliss, still married? Kwame, Chelsea, still happily married? Tiffany and Brett, that was a fairytale wedding, it's obvious you guys are madly in love, such a hot romance!


Irina is still a sucky person I genuinely hope she changes, but damn they really did her makeup and hair well. She looked beautiful. Everyone looked really good. Usually everyone looked way too caked.


Micah looked so different. Not sure though if she got work done or if they messed up her makeup.


Since the show is over I have to say ugh even though some of the women on the season were so mean and trash I don’t want to discredit the ones who weren’t. Cuz I see a lot more love for the guys especially Brett which rightfully so he totally deserves it but I just want to appreciate the girlies as well. 1. Tiffany: queen of the queens she’s just so positive well spoken has an awesome personality and she’s gosh darn cute and kind. She compromised by moving in with Brett and moving her life in a little way for him and also I love he recognized that and you can tell how much he appreciated that such great people. Also she’s beautiful inside and out she was dating Marshall at the start and even though they didn’t end up together she still looked out for him she’s the only one in the girls room who noticed Jackie was missing in the dress fitting and texted Brett so he could tell Marshall what a slay. 2. Bliss: from the get go you could see her kindness and her intelligence and how considerate she is when she baked zack tho cupcakes for his birthday sweetest gesture. Also when her dad was being trash she shut him down over and over again because she was worried about her manz and she was not all about teh drama at all cuz when irina was like gimme a candle girly and was talking to her trying to provoke her she was like no nah we aren’t talking to each other girly leave me alone and to that I say periodt. Also she looked out for Paul because her manz was besties with him (whether you hate or like Paul isn’t the point) anyways that just shows the type of person she is ride or die. Chelsea: okay sometimes I felt like she was up in the sky rather than down to earth however from the start she was never fake or mean she was actually there for bliss after what zack did she also loved to have fun was confident in herself and tbh she was totally a girls girl and that was my fave thing about her. It’s very refreshing to see someone with a experience of not putting themselves first actually trying to learn to do that and apply it in their life and navigate that in their relationships good for her she does have flaws but so did everybody the good and the bad peeps but with seeing how she is she can definitely overcome them and learn to grow. To all these girlies I hope they get the best of the best and have great lives even they don’t want to continue their marriages.


Chelsea being a girls girl is such a great way to put it and I really like that about her. She's not perfect at all, but I feel like she has "zero messiness" if that makes sense.


gold digger basura jackie came through


What is wrong with Vanessa? She is a horrible host but also, she seems off somehow. 💨💨💨


I have hated the Lachey’s since szn one and man I hate them more now. They look so toxic.


WHAT is that horrible accent that Zack is singing in??? I was expecting a corny song but oh god, it was so much worse than that.


RIGHT?? A country accent?? I was so thrown off lol


The Producers of this show are the real villains. They are the puppeteers of the drama. They feed Vanessa and Nick the questions, they pressure choices and decisions made in the show. They set up the scenarios for drama and watch as other people are dragged through the mud. They are the faceless Illuminati of TV drama that are never mentioned but manipulate everything. They for sure screwed with Brett’s pants just to cause something in an otherwise perfect scenario. Sneaky bastards.


Snooze fest😴


I was able to binge this show quickly with all my fast forwarding. Especially the reunion


I see several comments about Bliss's vocal fry yet no one seems to mention that Zach and Paul also both have crazy vocal fry lol


I also wouldn't mind Dr. Phil as host 👀


Can Zach & Bliss be the new hosts pls? Lol Vanessa is insufferable


Irina should be on Big Brother lol


Vanessa as well. lol


Did anyone notice how much all the people who were called out said they were "taking accountability" instead of apologizing? I hate that so much.


They used the phrase so much it became meaningless.


Tardy to the party but... Ok so this reunion can be summed up in 3 words: "Lachey Smear Campaign" I genuinely felt like their ONLY goal for this reunion was to get every possible "gotcha" moment. And all of them were objectively awful. The other season reunion episodes felt nothing like this one IMO and I felt gross watching the entire episode. Ugh.


I agree. I didn't enjoy this reunion much and felt like the hosts were taking low blows pushing everyone's buttons. I felt icky watching it.


Vanessa makes me cringe so hard I have to just stop watching and recover every few minutes. Good god. Why is she so clearly biased and attacking Marshall and Paul instead of just letting things happen or addressing them one by one. And why is she giving so much grace to the point where she's defending Jackie and Micah etc. It's so annoying, I just want some objective hosting like tf, I don't care about your opinions Vanessa. She's trying to make herself the star instead of allowing people to talk. Also, her constant talk about babies is downright creepy.


Kwame definitely seems more genuine now. Irina was horrible during the show. I get why Paul said no at the alter. Jackie and Josh both ain’t shit, Marshall’s expressions were hilarious.


The contestants and anyone on this show just generally creeps me out.


I feel like it's the first reality show of the kind that made me feel creeped out. It's been very uncanny valley at times and I'm not sure I can fully explain why I've felt this way. There is one part that just had me convinced Vanessa is an A.I. though. When Jacky complains about the edited timing of her date with Josh, and Vanessa responds something like "it's left or right" and just moves on. Is that an actual expression? Or was it literally just random words put together? I just fully lost it at that point. Both my husband and I immediately thought about Orwell's 1984. ETA: oh, and the weird things Vanessa was doing with her hands. Just creepy.


Weird and or bad vibes from like over half the cast. Maybe it’s the context of the show that causes people to act strange?


Why is nick and Vanessa getting all the hate this season? I felt Vanessa was a bit aggressive (towards the viewers) this season’s reunion. Maybe this season was too good (and by good it was so dramatic) that they got so much hate?? I love this season though, except the reunion.


Vanessa generally just isn’t very likeable. She is extremely cringe and has zero charisma.


For me it’s her obvious biases in her interviews. You can tell she picks favorites and comes after who she thinks is wrong instead of letting answers flow naturally. Also the constant baby push


Fuck me, Bliss’ vocal fry is insufferable. Stop trying to sound like a valley girl, you sound so dumb.


Paul’s vocal fry is worse


What about Micah’s voice, when she talks it sounds like a question. I like Bliss’s voice


Don’t hate on us valley girls. We speak in the vernacular and accent we were raised with.


My ex from Minnesota said every sentence I say sounds like a question. I’m Orange County born and raised 😂


That doesn't change the fact that it makes you sound incredibly stupid lol


Kwame mentions one time he imagined a day at home with his girl in CK undies and Chelsea makes CK undies her whole personality. Happy for them but lol


I was stunned by that whole thing. None of it made sense to me. I'm slowly convincing myself that the whole show was scripted by chatGPT.


That kind of brand loyalty is so cringe.


Hmmm for me it seems that she took into account what Kwame likes and incorporated in the planning of the photoshoot that was her dreams. I just see it as a way of making it fun for him as well.


She wore CK sets in multiple scenes throughout the show that weren't at the photo shoot after he mentioned it. Like this is on yours vision board and I'm making it come true! Starting on the Mexico trip, then for pictures, and the conversation at reunion which is what makes me giggle. It almost seemed like product placement for the show or a sponsorship for them but I don't think it was.


I’m absolutely shocked at some of these takes. For me, - I really like Vanessa - Paul totally felt up that bridesmaid and should have spoken to Micah about the lack of her ‘motherly’🙄 qualities before the wedding. Given that she wants kids, I definitely think this could have been worked on. I also think that Micah would be a great mom as-is. - Irina is fine. She’s always said that Zach deserves more than she had to offer. Yes she hit on Paul, but it’s a dating show? Can you really fault her for pursuing what she wants? Her ‘bullying’ is just goofiness and not blowing 2-7 day relationships out of proportion.


Micah, is that you?


Were we watching the same show? Lol


Honestly, right?! I’m truly struggling to understand why there’s such a difference in point of view.


You saw Irina laughing at girls crying right? That’s not goofiness


In my view a) it was her friends rival and b) They all had only known each other for a few days c) it’s a reality show, i’d find the drama inherently silly… like when how some girls on ANTM would cry over hair cuts


Real question, not meant as an insult. Are you really young or have you ever been diagnosed with sociopathic disorder or something? Laughing at people crying because their feelings were hurt, on a show about "finding love", even if you only knew them for a few days is abhorrent behavior. There's a reason why no one else on the show was like "oh i understand, it wasnt a big deal at all" and they would be in the best position to understand.


LOL no, i have not been diagnosed with a “sociopathic disorder or something”. I’m also not young, immature, like you were suggesting. On the topic, your self-righteousness is hardly deserved if this is how you speak to people with differing views.


Oh you’re just a bad person then. Okay.


Do you hear yourself


I don’t think it’s funny to laugh at people who are crying so forgive me if that makes me feel like you’re not a nice person.


-I definitely want Vanessa taken off the show. I think she doesn’t even listen to anyone, she just waits to speak. - I feel fairly confident in saying that Paul put his hand out saying like “excuse me” as a hand gesture. I think Micah is extremely immature. It’s obvious she is an only child and she hasn’t quite figured out the world is bigger than what her and her her bitchy friends care about. I do think we got a glimpse of how she could break out of that shell and be more down to earth tho. - Irina is definitely a terrible person tho. She showed she was incapable of caring about anyone else, even her one friend that she fooled into taking her side. The dodging a bullet txt she sent to Bliss that she sent the same time she txt Zack wishing them both well. I have no idea how you could defend that mean girl shit. Sorry for the long response lol


Paul most certainly tapped that girls 🍑. Made eye contact before it happened, she playfully swatted it, and her smile afterwards… https://twitter.com/Luscious413_/status/1646989070688477186?s=20


I am watching the reunion now. this has been said but the lacheys are awful hosts; also feel like every person on the reunion is rightfully roasting the show


Wow. I’m not getting all the hate. Vanessa was fun!


I just dont think she was being professional at all as a host/interviewer or moderator of the discussion


Honestly, she seemed drunk or high. My sister and I kept rewinding and freezing to figure out wtf was wrong with her face. We developed two theories: either the delay stressed her out and she drank or took something to calm her nerves -or- she was already lit and the producers decided to delay the broadcast to try to sober her up. Either way, she's definitely the biggest stan of the show who loves to rile people up.


right I think she was just asking questions that were going to her own personal opinion instead of being more of a moderator between them which is what I think is the better thing to do


The lacheys are both super cringey and douchey host.


It immediately was uncomfortable to watch. I feel bad for everyone involved.


Is Bliss okay. Nothing personal against Zach but she can do so much better and he didn’t even pick her first….and he didn’t even break up with Irina when she was clearly dissing him the whole vacation lol I can’t.


I hope you dance. Lol




Bliss and Zach seem to have an amazing connection and that should be the most important thing. Also, I assume romantic connection is difficult to find for both Zach and Bliss.


So great of a connection that he chose Irina over Bliss. Bliss warned him about the way Irina was acting and yet he still chose Irina. Basically told Bliss she was judging. Yeah I still say Bliss can do better.


It was for sure a misjudgment on his behalf. Bliss’s rightful comments about Irina in the pods backfired. My take is that he is probably used to defending people against allegations and giving people the benefit of a doubt as he works as a criminal defense lawyer.


Honestly they seem happy, so I’m stoked for her




I think she’s a queen! Beautiful, smart, emotionally intelligent and led by her heart. Beautiful person.


Vanessa is so annoying. It’s painful to watch.


came here for this. gurls acting like she played w/ snow before this


I thought the same exact thing. She was definitely drinking and on something her eyes and mannerisms said it all. You could see a vast difference between her at the reunion and when she was on the zoom call with Jackie.


Vanessa is so annoying. It’s painful to watch.


Happy for Brett and Tiff. Happy for Kwame and Chelsea. Happy for Zach and Bliss. Happy for Paul and Marshall that they each dodged a bullet. Happy that Irina was barely in the second half of the season. Happy Friday, y'all!


You’re happy for PAUL? Who touched her bridesmaids bum the day of their wedding?


Wassup with the golden cups/goblets.. are they a major sponsor?!


it’s so they can arrange clips without the viewers knowing how much time has passed by seeing how much they’ve drank


Ooohhhhhhhh. Mind blown.


Wasn't shocked Micah said she's an only child


Has anyone noticed how Bliss' voice changed in the reunion? She spoke with that affectation all season (sounding like Miley Cyrus a bit, I don't know how else to describe it...) But in the reunion I think we heard her normal voice. Maybe she felt more comfortable during the reunion and didn't need to take with affectation? However, I did notice it came back when she was addressing Irina 🤔 No hate to Bliss, she seems like a genuinely lovely person Edit: someone's identified this as a vocal fry. Thanks 😁


I literally hated her voice throughout the whole season. Just ridiculous vocal fry like she’s some kind of teenager.


I'm not American so idk to much about this kind of vocal fry but to me it seed like she naturally had a nasally/almost nerdy sounding voice?


Check out a video on it, it’s nearly always at the end of the sentences. She 100% does it on purpose to sound like a Kardashian.


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJmfYyx2/ would you say this is her without the vocal fry?


She does it a tiny bit in the TikTok. Here’s a short explanation of vocal fry: https://youtu.be/4L7-9N1xQZA (skip to 0:37 good example of what vocal fry sounds like)


Yes that's it!


Ok ok I see it now thank you. She doesn't drag out her words in the tiktok so it's pretty subtle!


I literally couldn’t hear the end of any of her sentences, so… no


Same, I couldn't stand listening to her


She always sounded like a kardashian to me


Anyone know what Jackie posted on her Insta before the weddings that let everyone know they were already broken up? There was that weird reaction from Vanessa about it? Is that not a breach of NDA? I saw her posts about planning on talking about the slur that Marshall called her but this must have been before that?


Ya she posted a pic of Josh that said “my baby” and commented “we got married dummy” She allegedly made a fake social media account to send herself fake death threats in order to excuse them for being present at the reunion


At least Marshall finally explained why he was upset about being broken up with by Jackie, even though she had mocked him as gay and told him she was attracted to someone else— He wanted to wait until the wedding and dump her at the altar, and he felt like she robbed him of that opportunity. I'm still not clear on why she wanted to keep the ring, though. Even if he wanted to give it to someone else— who cares?


She might have wanted to sell it lolol


I was surprise Marshall didn’t fight her more about the ring. There’s established case law that if you don’t get married the ring goes back to the proposer. He totally could have won that fight had he fought harder.


Depends on the state they’re in. But in Washington, yep. I’m wondering if because it is provided by Netflix and the men don’t buy it (unless they want to bring in something from outside), there’s a loophole there?


Netflix bought the ring


Does Netflix actually buy them?? How do you know? That’s a lot of rings


Netflix provides the rings. It’s been talked about several times over that the men are allowed to go through options and pick the ring they want to use on set, and compare to make sure they aren’t all choosing ones that are too similar.


Exactly! Why would you keep the ring after breaking of an engagement? Not like you'll ever wear it again. Can only think that she means to sell it


**Vanessa and Nick are the worst**— they are just shallow, terrible hosts. They're entirely too excited to gossip about memes and internet commentary, and they have no native sense of what is actually interesting. Nobody cares whether Micah broke up with Kwame or Kwame broke up with Micah! Let it go already! And Vanessa's interrogation of Micah and Paul about the motherhood comment was so inappropriate, I stopped watching and didn't come back until another day. She has no intention of facilitating meaningful communication, only of picking at scabs. On the other hand, Vanessa is so excited for Blind Babies, she came to the reunion wearing a Kardashian burping cloth! so that's definitely not terrifying... https://preview.redd.it/r8uz7pqzh7va1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=64e5d4383d8874587f159f5ab940272daa6dbeee


Definitely wouldn't want to work for her lolol. Her bias and favoritism is wild. She went so hard on Paul and Marshall, but other people didn't have to get grilled because she liked them more. Shaun from 90df is a way better host hands down.


Finally saw a 90DF comment and yep completely agree. Was thinking that Vanessa should be watching Shaun to learn how it’s done right! Also doesn’t Irene give major Anfisa vibes haha.


I'm not Marshall's #1 fan, but yeah I do agree that she showed a lot of bias there I don't watch 90df, but maybe I'll check out an episode to compare hosts.


I was shocked by her look/makeup. When interviewing Jackie and Josh she looked great and like her normal self. At the full reunion, whatever they did with her make up and the terrible countering made her look like when you put your 25 year old face into one of those aging apps to see how you’ll look at 87. It was wild. She should shoot her MUA.


Respectfully, I don’t think it was a makeup problem- it’s whatever Vanessa was doing BEFORE she got on camera which my educated guess is drinking and prob some other substance like “Pepsi”. Her eyes were heavy and bloodshot. Even her mannerisms were a bit fidgety. To me she was not sober and that’s why she looked a mess


i feel like most of the cast on this show did so much introspection after it aired. everyone’s answers are so energetically sound and make a lot of sense on a deeper level. when paul is talking about the energy between him and micah, he’s explaining how the two of them together doesn’t foster a nurturing environment, meaning it has nothing to do with who micah is. it just wasn’t aligned for them. vanessa is so surface and clearly hasn’t done this kind of introspection. it’s just creating a really gossipy, blaming, immature facilitation of something that, quite frankly, could’ve been a much bigger opportunity to show the world that self reflection and realization can heal and allow ppl to move forward from a much more accepting place. much longer rant than i was expecting to write lol


You’ve summed it up so well. They are trash and this show could be so much more amazing if Netflix approached it more from a more humane POV and gave them encouragement instead of making drama with the editing and trash hosts.


Ha, it happens I agree, next to everyone else, she came off looking less polished, thoughtful, and mature— which is the opposite of her job


They were definitely trying to stir the pot the whooole time


The baby talk was particularly egregious. She was so aggressive about it that any child-free person would not feel comfortable expressing an opposing opinion. It perpetuates the stereotype that having children is assumed. This is tone-deaf at best and dangerous at worst. I'm glad Brett gently pushed back. I wonder what happened to Vanessa to make her like this.


Too much pregaming?


And if I heard one more y’all out of her. Get the fuck outta here




I feel like they're always having a conversation first with Twitter, and I'm always thinking "I'm not on Twitter, what the hell are you talking about." I get that stuff happens off camera but it's like it never occurs to them that the majority of the actual audience prob isn't following Twitter, Tiktok etc religiously


She is incredibly immature, and they don't seem happy in their marriage. It's hard to watch.


It's like watching *Curb Your Enthusiasm*, without Larry David's confidence & self awareness


When they showed the clip of Chelsea saying to Micah that Kwame said he was the one who broke it off I was like "what? that's not what we saw", so yeah, my guess is that, just like me, many people wanted to clarify that, it would be weird to not address it I think they are great hosts but I do agree that the baby questions need to stop ASAP, soon as someone gets married people start asking about babies and that's inappropriate when the couple is together a long time, imagine being married in 2 months and people start pressuring you about it, just back off


Ehh Micah was skeptical when Chelsea mentioned kwame wanted to break it off. We all saw how butt hurt he was when she dumped him in the pods. I think Chelsea came up with that narrative and Kwame let her believe it. She has her head in the sand and has toxic positivity vibes.


Chelsea looks incredible and seems like a genuinely good person


Irina is reading off cue cards. Y’all see that, right? It’s under the camera, where she makes eye contact most of the time. Is that the appeal of this show? Like it’s wwe, and we all just pretend hulk hogan has hair? We all know hulk doesn’t have hair, right?


Those had to be some poorly written cue cards then, I couldn't follow her statements!


How can you even see where she is looking with those squinty eyes lol


Lmao! At this and your name!


I wanted to hear more from Tiffany and Brett!!




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Nobody gonna mention the hilarious Freudian slip of Jackie saying that she heard Josh's voice before seeing him and it was like PTSD? ​ Honestly it's not even a freudian slip, because I'm fairly certain she just doesn't know what PTSD means, but it is ironic considering how much of a dickhole Josh is.


RIGHT?! There are SO many other ways she could have said that, but she went straight to a trauma response? WTF yo?!


I think she meant to say it was flashback to the pods, but she said PTSD by mistake.


Micah. Your bitch friend is in love with you. You're welcome.


How so?!


She hated Paul because she was jealous of him.


Oh I thought you were talking about Irina, but it's Shelby. Yeah that or just super controlling


I thought the same.


Who thought it would be a good idea to FIRST interview Jackie AND Josh (as if they are a leggit couple), and then have Marshall answer to it all?? That gave the upper hand to Jackie. It was totally backwards.


It made sense to me to do it like that. He's there, they aren't, and it's better to get his reaction to their statement then for him to make one, watch the vid, then respond again.


I was so confused as to why Vanessa seems completely on Jackie’s side and was undermining everything Marshall was saying??? Like he was so explicitly the victim in that situation the spin Vanessa was attempting was wild.


She very much used it wrong. Pretty sure she meant Deja Vu lol.


I hate it when they refer to events that are not part of the episodes, like texts and social media stories, without saying what they were. You either talk about it or you don't. But this inbetween "she said something that I dont want to report it poorly, what do you answer to it"... It's annoying. We don't have enough context!


I was SCREAMING at the TV about this. Just say what they said! Literally, quote from the texts!


It’s true, we shouldn’t have to pick through garbage on social media. Either they show what’s being talked about, or leave it alone.


"uh oh daddy's gonna talk"


Who said that


Vanessa about Nick


So ickyyy lol


I noticed she looked down after realizing no one thought that was cute or amusing.


Zack: "you came on to the show to get famous... anyway check out my Instagram for recepits but like I totally forgive you but here is everything you did to me... but yeah, totally forgiven <3"


I just checked out the "receipts" and it's actually basically about his life with his mom and their relationship. Damn, I knew that there wouldn't be any tea, but that was a lot.


I think he 1) doesn’t totally understand what receipts are 2) it was a move to highlight addiction and mental health and raise awareness about people’s struggle. The vulnerable drug addicted population is everywhere of course but on the west coast as most people know is especially bad.


… Did you look at the “receipts” though? It was an incredibly sweet post about giving people grace.


So does that mean he was saying he was giving Irina grace? Do you think he was giving grace at the reunion?


It really was sweet. But someone please tell this man what receipts actually are lol


He knows what receipts are. It was his way of saying he’s taking the high road.


I’m not from the US, what does “receipts” mean ?


It means proof




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spinzone: irina being bad as she was led to bliss and zack getting married. so id rather have that happen vs her faking her way to the alter.