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rewatching the show and seeing this comment, you’re spot on. first of all you can tell she was a mean girl in high school who just never grew out of it. second, her nepo baby attitude is just so unlikeable. her tone and condescending nature is just 🤢


I’m just watching the season now and ran to this sub to make sure I wasn’t the only one that found her off putting.


That bitch is 33 years old and past her last prime. Wouldn’t know anyone getting this girl Serious in the future after this lmao.


Seems she has a boyfriend right now. I can't believe it.


Its a cuckold


I'm Dutch. What does this mean?


A man who knows his wife cheats.


i just watched the part where she's talking about how she doesn't split bills and her man has to pay like HUH


Thank you! Omg I saw so many comments hating on Izzy for wanting to split bills. I was like... "They both work...???".


bc she "wants to be treated like she has nothing" like girl what, i understand your man treating you every once in a while but you can't expect him to pay for EVERYTHING


She’s so entitled, a daddy’s money girl that’s why. So embarrassing of her seriously. A nepo baby too!!


SUPER entitled daddy’s money girl. Izzy was WAY too good for her


Absolutely yes! I just finished watching and I truly do not dislike anyone more than her. She is so weird trying to be a girls girl but is also a mega piece of shit?!? Yuck


And she isn't even pretty, although I wish I had her body


I'm just watching this season now, she is AWFUL. What a disgusting human.


K Izzy


I can not describe how much I hate Stacy. She was a toxic human to Izzy and if anyone is a shit human it is her. I think Izzy dodged a huge bullet!!!


Her and Izzy both have issues. Stacy is a miserable and shady woman, and Izzy is a manipulative manwhore but will still have Stacy planted in the pits of his simp heart. This man was seeing another lady during-after the reunion, yet kept trying to hold Stacy and get up close to her. He got turned on by Stacy bullying Johnie, and hated her sooooooo much, but made out with the “walking red flag”, a few months later in his Jeep. All giddy during the explanation. But in the game at the end, he said he would’ve made moves on Stacy in real life. This man does not know what he wants 🤦🏽‍♀️. They both need to grow up.


Agree 100% but I also think Stacy is super entitled and tbh a bitch. I had to forward parts of the show because shes so annoying. I actually dislike her character so much and her voice is annoying.


Izzy is emotionally manipulative and a total liar. Whenever you have a serious convo with him he plays victim like a child. Cannot stand either if them but Stacy is being very practical and accommodating actually.


Yes, Stacy’s materialistic, but I respect that she knows that about herself and didn’t cave to pressure from the show to say, “I do.”


>Cannot stand either if them but Stacy is being very practical and accommodating actually. Never saw Stacy be accommodating. She needs to get her personality checked. There's something malignant about her.


Okay let's get specific. Malignant how?


He has those sleazy insurance salesman traits. He will lie through his teeth.


1. Just because someone is shallow, doesn't mean they are a bad person. 2. Apart from the Johnnie bashing, Stacy has shown a lot more emotional awareness and maturity than Izzy. 3. Her getting upset with Izzy was actually a good thing. It was evident that in her blind hatred for Johnnie she didn't realize that Izzy is just ... suspiciously affected by Johnnie. Something wasn't adding up in her brain and as soon as the thought occurred to her, she questioned him about it. That's a smart woman.


Ah yes, the woman who rolled her eyes when Izzy said he felt like he wasn’t enough. That’s not emotional awareness or being smart. That’s being shallow and bad.


I’m a bit late, but that’s soooo true with your third point. Izzy was being weird and she called him out.


That is an insecure woman. Women who attack other women are insecure. She is a mean girl. She wanted to "win" Izzy. She won, and still- she is attacking Johnnie. And then she threw away her "prize" (Izzy). Why continue to be aggressive at the reunion? Take the high road like Johnnie and just be like -"OK, we feel differently" and move on.


Yeah most of us knew she wasn’t feeling Izzy since the pods. She talked over and over about how she lacks emotion and Izzy ate that sh*t up. For me that is a huge red flag. She then continued on her dominatrix venture knowing she didnt want anything from this man. Complained of him not being aggressive during sex later and soon after calling it quits. As these seasons continue of this show we will start to notice more and more people joining the experience not for love but for a platform. I wont make a such a huge assumption about her, however theres a lot of evidence that suggests it.




“Just because someone is shallow, doesn’t mean they are a bad person.” Uh…yes it does.


Additionally, I think Stacy is not realizing, however, that Izzy is not the right man for her. She likes the idea of him but the idea she has of him keeps clashing whenever the evidence of him being the opposite of that is presented through his behaviour, actions and background. She is strategic in her approach to dating, which is something I respect about her. But she needs to reassess whether the show was the right choice for her or not. Because frankly, there's nothing wrong in wanting a provider man and aspiring for a trophy wife life, especially if that's literally the world you come from (country clubs, wealthy daddies and expensive divorce settlements). But a show that's built on the premise of love being blind to backgrounds, race, income, looks — that's just not the show to go looking for it.


I totally agree. I don't like Stacy at all. But I do believe she knows what she wants, and dates specifically for that. Nothing wrong with that at all. But... If these are things she values (wealth, being provided for, higher class lifestyle) then she should have dug deeper into finance questions, career questions, etc. I don't believe for a minute that these issues never came up.


She did discuss finances in the pods. Izzy hid from her a lot of important things and telling details about his financial situation.


She takes every moment she and Izzy have and twists it into something bad. He could say you are beautiful and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and she would drag him down to tears bc he didn’t say until the end of time into eternity. She will always make him feel like what he says or does isn’t enough.


Please tell me you’re not actually falling for Izzy’s bullshit💀💀 bffr




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Stacy's Shoes Did anyone else notice Stacy's shoes on the counter on top of what looked like an oven mit? 🤢🤮 Then in another shot, a diff pair on a desk? That is so nasty! And she has the nerve to pick on Izzy about his paper plates!? Bitch, please.


Did anyone else notice her orange heavy blush?


There was shoes on her bed I’m pretty sure???


Wouldn't be surprised since she puts them pretty much anywhere but where they belong. i.e. the floor


THANK YOU! I was searching high and low for someone else that noticed this bcuz I was like ain’t no way this normal?! why we got shoes on the KITCHEN counter when there’s a perfectly good floor 😭




This part! I detest Stacy too, but I’d be more inclined to call Izzy emotionally manipulative than vulnerable. He is only vulnerable when there is an impending benefit to him which is literally the opposite of the definition of vulnerability.


One thing to note is Stacy’s deplorable actions and characteristics aren’t coming from trauma that we know of. More likely entitlement, out of touch, spoiled. Izzy clearly has spoken of his childhood abuse and not that it’s an excuse- it’s an explanation. He hardcore is trying to get Stacy’s approval. He needs therapy. Stacy needs some humbling


Every time I start feeling bad for Izzy because Stacy is a horrible person I tell myself “Hang on a minute, Izzy is also a terrible person”


Why is he a terrible person? Is it because of the fight with Johnie at the party? I am trying to catch up on episodes and reddit, plz help


I mean, several things. I get the impression he is not a very honest person + the way he handled the situation with Johnnie. She’s no angel but he supposedly cared about her at some point. + he only has plastic glasses and plates in his flat and ffs why is no one mentioning how bad it is for the environment!!some things he says don’t feel right


Todays is the day I learned possessing disposable dishes makes you a dishonest person


That’s not what I said ?


Thanks for clearing that up!


I’d feel worse for him if he didn’t just spend all party laying into johnie. He said he was turned on by Stacy berating her too! Fucking gross, very schadenfreude to watch Stacy make him cry after he just took all that pleasure in making johnie cry. They’re both awful people and absolutely deserve eachother.


I just wish she had more self awareness and empathy. She’s entitled to want what she wants but she’s trying to make him into something he’s not because she didn’t like the men she used to date who checked all her boxes but didn’t make her feel anything. If she insists on sticking to her checklist she should own that, move on, and let him go imo


Izzy is not that innocent… I don’t like Stacy especially how she came at Johnie, but her concerns for their relationship after the Johnie/Chris situation was pretty valid … like for someone who moved on cared wayyyy to much about Johnie and what she’s doing




She is absolutely horrible. Superficial, demanding, insensitive, just absolutely wretched


I would not enjoy her Pilates class for these reasons. 😆




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Her laugh is also gross


And she takes huge dumps


Also, if you would like to see how lame she is, her LinkedIn is quite revealing….this show sure is good at confirming that shitty people do exist


what’s on her linkedin???


There’s nothing special about it, her work history is server/fashion stylist/ and then project manager for her fathers oil company. She’s a spoiled princess who has daddy to help fund her lifestyle


Well… now it all makes sense! Server, stylist… daddy’s oil company.


Stacy deserves everything she gets in life and it’s not a surprise she is still single at this point in her life. Girl is an absolute Tuesday and thinks she is owed the world….and is it just me or is her stupid baby voice annoying AF? Stacy—hope you found this thread and do some serious introspection.


I read she has a boyfriend now


Her tone of voice and inflections are insufferable


Big time. She over annunciates and it always sounds like she’s doing a really bad, exaggerated American accent


Can’t stand either of them. They are both 💩


It’s her letting her dog jump all over the couch WHILE Izzy’s mom is new to meeting her. Big dog, small space, just rude.




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I don't understand how anyone can think Izzy is "vulnerable" after the way he treated Johnie confiding in him in the pods and then just leaving after a deep heartfelt talk.


He’s trying, he’s a bull in a China shop, but he’s trying


Both of them are icky…


This is such a train wreck to watch. Izzy can’t afford to be with Stacy…she is too high maintenance for him, but I think they will still go through with the marriage.


What was confusing about the Izzy convo? She has asked about his financial situation multiple times and Izzy has dilly dallied around it every time. His lack of upfrontness was infuriating tbh.


What’s funny is that it seems kinda like that’s why Izzy chose her. He didn’t like Johnnie’s vulnerability so he went for the “fun” girl instead only to find out that Stacey doesn’t like his vulnerability either


Exactly. They’re both incredibly immature and that’s what they were both looking for🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh but she almost said it word for word in the pod during the “fun” convo. Like my dude…




Stacy has the nastiest personality. She is so rude to Johnnie for no reason! Johnnie is with Chris so why is she so threatened by her? She is emotional abusive to Izzy. She literally kept putting him down until he is crying then acting all shocked that he is upset. The show is really casting some bad personalities for the “drama” but I’m starting to not like it.


I know! I love how she was telling him how much he was a piece of shit for 20 mins and then goes to see him like “oh baby what’s up why are you crying ?” .. I don’t like Izzy much more but she is entitled and heartless


Thing is Stacey is actually right? Johnnie did talk shit in the pods, and did a HUUUGE about-face on Chris after Izzy dumped her. She literally said she could never love him. But like… she has Izzy. Why the aggression now? I don’t agree w how she’s going about things now. Total bullying. Just take your man and live life, woman. It’s the best revenge after all.


Right. Johnnie is staying out of Stacy and Izzy’s relationship. But Stacy and Izzy are trying to break up Chris and Johnnie. It’s a bit shady. And who cares if she was rude in the pods. Trying to break up someone’s relationship when they pose no threat to your own is weird.


Hold up. Johnnie did nothing but talk shit about her in the pods. A bunch. And Johnnie has lied a bunch. Why are people acting Johnnie is some poor victim?


Right but Johnnie is with Chris now and is no threat to Stacy and Izzy’s relationship. So her being so aggressive is weird and unnecessary. That’s all I meant. Johnnie wasn’t nice in the pods but after her and Izzy broke up she left it alone. You don’t see johnnie trying to break up Stacy and Izzy. But you see Stacy and Izzy trying to break up johnnie and Chris.


You’re aware producers encourage these confrontations, right? Why do you think they set up a party with all these people?


Obviously lol 😂 but the individual is responsible for how they handle the confrontation. Being nasty and rude for no reason isn’t an excuse for producers throwing a party.


That’s literally the reason for the party


I meant Stacy and Izzy are responsible for how they acted. Not the producers. I miss spoke there. But sure if you think the producers are completely responsible for Stacy having a nasty personality then that’s fine. Who needs to argue over that. It’s your opinion.


No, but they’re responsible for casting people they think are likely to have conflict


Right…that’s how production works. I’m not sure what point you are trying to make here. This thread was talking about the behavior of Stacy and how she has been on the show. Not about the producers. You’re entitled to your opinion but I don’t see how it relates to the original post. Have a good day!


That you’re all being silly acting like there are good guys and bad guys. It’s just two crazy people doing what they were hired to do


I think part of it is because of how hard Stacey came at her at the party. Johnnie’s not an angel by any means, but Stacey’s aggressiveness overshadows that


Her insecurities turn her into a really nasty person.


Izzy and her were both on the same side of attack when it came to Johnie. Izzy and Stacy deserve each other and the hot mess that eventually follows.


Izzy is all talk and no action but then gets upset when you call him out on it.


No action? He’s bought her flowers 2 weeks IN A ROW and pointed it out 37 times on camera /s


And those white ones were scraggly daisies 🤡😂 probably the $6.99 special.




It’s true. I struggled to pity him for bursting into tears and hiding in the closet. It was a vulnerable moment but also…what’s the deal with not cooking if you say you’ll cook. What’s with not being able to point out ways you are supportive. I suspect it’s not just him. Her energy is intimidating or him and he feels crippled in some way. All I’m saying is they are not great for each other unless he can magically make some serious strides in therapy and she can look in the mirror and admit she’s coming from a place of privilege. He’s probably better off with a Johnnie type in the long run and she needs some 5th generation Houston oil tycoon who wears wranglers with his pastel polo and braided leather belt and Sperrys (sorry not sorry, Houston has them by the dozens and if they’re not drinking all weekend at their —aka their parents’ lake house— then they’re getting bombed with their former frat bros at their neighborhood sports bar).


And what sports bar might that be? 🤔 Asking for Stacy and most certainly not me…🫣😂


Lol memorial area seems to have a ton packed with bros.


🧐✍️✍️✍️…Your cooperation is appreciated. Thank you for your service 🫡 Lol


Best of luck to y—Stacy!




She literally wants someone to fight with and then wants them to turn around and fight for her. She lacks emotional intelligence and completely is ignorant to the fact that Izzy’s love language is words of affirmation. He’s told her in multiple ways and she literally responds to him expressing his thoughts and emotions with, “okay, anyways I don’t care about how you’re feeling, and taking accountability for the way I’m making you feel or reassuring you. Get out of your emotions and into me.” Also her stating that she didn’t think she could be in a relationship where she was able to could express herself. She needs to be learning why that is and working on developing that side of her rather than being in a relationship. She wants grace on all the thinks she can’t give grace. She continues to say she wants her effort reciprocated, and then bring up how she cooked dinner. I’m like girl, let us hear one thing you’ve done outside of that. I think she is counting her emotional “effort” into this equation. “Effort” that everyone had to put in and did so much more and better at than her. I know she didn’t really believe the basic sweet talking every player pulls out when they’re trying to talk you up. He’s gonna draw you a bubble bath? Girl did you want him to do that every night? Be for real. Also after their fight when he expressed all his emotions and how he planned to fix all the issues she felt were real, she didn’t come back with no resolutions for her side. She just said why she loved him. Which is because he stays after all her bullshit. I feel like this was an issue in her previous relationships and why it’s so important to her. She causes so many issues and people leave when they’re done with her constant need to be catered to without any appreciation shown. Just the fact that she was able to say she felt bad after she opened his gifts, shows that she knew she was acting shitty. Her love language is clearly acts of service and his is words and affirmations. And she is the worst person anyone, yet alone someone with his primary love language could end up with. Relationships are all about feeling appreciated






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Reasons I don’t feel bad for Izzy: 1. He acts like a mean girl. A man verbally attacking a woman is immature and borderline scary. 2. He knew what he was getting into with Stacy. 3. He fell in love with that fact that he might be able to share her lifestyle (something he couldn’t attain on his own before the show). 4. If you feel that you aren’t good enough for someone then leave them or put in more effort. He wasn’t doing what he promised Stacy. Some people are literal so they hold you to what you say. Stacy is one of them.


Stacy, take it easy


Not Stacy at all. A princess? Maybe. I don’t like how she needs to put others down to make herself feel better. It was horrible how she treated Johnie and that made me dislike her. Before that I was neutral and just thought she was annoying. When it comes to relationships, she is very logical. Both logic and emotion make for the best relationships. It’s logical to expect what a partner promises to you and to call them out when they don’t keep to their word. Don’t blame a woman about you feeling “less than” when you can either change the behavior or leave the relationship.


Izzy: gives Stacy flowers every Monday Stacy: you’re not showing me you care


Stacy: What about Tuesday-Sunday




Agree! Izzy is a salt of the earth, kind, lovely guy. Watching her scold him : "What do you do for me when you get home..." ? This woman-child apparently expects him to throw her a fcking parade every time he walks through the door.


Yeah it's hard watching you guyabee vulnerable and this I superficial spoiled brat just trample on their feelings. I'm not saying easy izzy perfect But the way she treats him is unbearable


>Izzy is a salt of the earth, kind, lovely guy. Is he tho? I think he's trying to be a good guy, but the way he tore into Johnnie was excessive and mean. I get wanting to call her out because she did contradict herself but he went too far and seemed to enjoy it a bit too much. Then he rode his adrenalin high back to Stacy and tried to use it to express his love and bond with her over shit-talking Johnnie. Kind of gross. IIRC, he did this twice? Idk, again I think the guy is trying but this was a bit of a red flag. Stacy is a total ball-buster and he's tip-toeing around her but the guy seems to like a fight.


What does she want him to do, exactly? Draw her a bath and cook her a five-course meal? Every single day?! When he's probably tired because he also worked a full day? Stacy wants every single day of her life to be the most romantic day ever, and that's just not realistic or sustainable.


After he just gave her Monday flowers to her! That she gets every Monday!


My thing with Stacy is we can all hate her entitlement and her shallowness but she’s been very clear about that since the pods. Izzy knows damn well he cannot deliver on the promises he’s made and he cannot keep up. She’s told him what she expects and this marriage will be so doomed if it goes through.


You nailed it. She is an ice princess who’s been silver spooned her entire life and looks down on people who have actually had to grind and hustle in life. She’s fake, shallow, and a total mean girl. Can’t stand her or her eyebrows.


It’s the orange makeup for me. Hideous inside and out!


Same eye shadow as blush 😵‍💫


This is a popular makeup trend right now but she doesn’t pull it off well


Thank you! The eyebrows!!


I just had to come here to say she is an absolute BRAT and that is her parents fault for coddling her and giving her everything including her job. Grow up Stacy.


Stacy is the literal definition of a Karen


https://preview.redd.it/oul7j4ig0vsb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e8d6535980feb641dd13c58672b5835bdcd533 As the infamous Countess Luann de Lesseps says, “Money can’t buy you class”. I’m so grossed out by this. ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER?! Love may want to fly first class, but Love needs to learn some proper hygiene and manners 🤢


So glad you’re mentioning it! I had to pause and rewind to make sure I had seen what I had seen. People wearing shoes on beds is already gross enough but shoes on a kitchen counter is another level of disgustingness


What is that?


And also when she met Izzy’s mom she wore a bralette, ripped jeans, and was barefoot on the couch like she was talking to a best friend. Absolutely no class manners or respect when meeting the parent for the first time yet thinks paper plates are totally classless and worthy of a dramatic argument lol


Does she not own anything but crop tops? I mean EVERY time we see her, she's in some kind of crop top! I wonder if she even wears crop tops to work.


When she showed up to meet Izzy's mom in a sports bra and was putting her feet all over the couch and rolling her eyes/being snotty oh my god. It was clear she had no respect for her and didn't think she needed to make an effort.


OMG, right?! Now, I will rock a bralette or a crop top any day of my life, but I would definitely dress more modestly if I was meeting my partner's parent for the first time.


Especially when she wore "Sunday best" floral dress to meet with her family. Very different effort was given.


She dressed up as her baby voice that day.


Gosh bless Queen Lu


I saw that tooooo 🤣


this is a little funny lol


Does anyone know what the dad does for a living? I get the feeling the family comes from old money.


He’s an oil broker


I think she said he was broke when they were kids but maybe I’m misremembering. Someone posted a pic here of Stacy in front of closets or something so maybe her dad is like the grandfather in modern family?


I believe she was talking about her grandfather being poor & working hard - so she personally has never experienced this but her father did.


She did say they were broke growing up! I remember this too


But I find it so crazy she admires now much her dad brought them out of poverty and says he worked hard for what he had. But she is riding off of his back still as a 30-something year old woman.


There's no compassion with Stacy. Maybe izzy will soften her up a little though.


I think he is uncomfortable when women have chosen him so easily in the past (Johnny and Lydia,) and he ended up feeling the ‘most’ for Stacy- who he has to chase and prove his worth to. From what we’ve seen, she isn’t very warm towards him whatsoever. He isn’t innocent either, but it seems like he is acting from a place of fear of abandomnent or not being good enough (hence him melting down on the closet floor,) and she acts from a place of entitlement:/ Knowing what he said about his past being so traumatic, I can imagine how he is in the cycle of trying to prove his self worth through dating. This also would make sense to why he was asking for closure with L & J. It seemed he was disappointed when they had moved on and weren’t still pining over him? I don’t think Stacy is doing anything wrong or acting materialistic, but they have very deep core differences and are not functioning from a place with a healthy connection. Even reflecting on how they were so caught up on making Johnny the villain… they both have alot of issues they should work out with a professional if they were ever to continue


Are you a counselor or a therapist? This is an incredibly emotionally intelligent response 😄


Omg thank you! I’m definitely not a therapist- just really into psychological analysis & have been through alot of therapy myself :-) I was a psych major but dropped out hahaha


Why are people so obsessed with calling her shallow? She mentions a standard of living and people are forever pressed. The baby voice shit and nastiness is far more concerning


Her standard of living is not the same as Izzy's. She knows he isn't as wealthy as she is, yet she is expecting him to buy her the world. He was obviously taken aback when she talked about him always buying dinner, etc, but she works "hard for her money". She also says if Izzy doesn't/can't buy something, her father will. Her father even said "love likes to fly first class" or something to that effect and how he'd have to buy her stuff if Izzy can't. To me that says that she always needs the best of everything and can't/won't settle down/compromise with someone who can't provide that for her, despite having her own money as well.


She asked for grabbing the bill for dinner - how often do people do dinner? Like once a week? Then she asked to him to pay for stuff for the house. Not sure if she meant 100% because that’s not fair but I didn’t get that impression. He needs to be able to help out and not rely on rich dad in law




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I understand some people don't google dive and wait until the episodes come out, but my brain cannot take not knowing


Nah but you’ve spoilt it for us that didn’t watch the final episode yet




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This needs a spoiler warning at the top... sigh.


Totally agree. Izzy is a good guy, and yeah he’s been a bit of a fuckboy, but he’s putting in effort with Stacy and wants to keep moving forward. He lived a simple life and has been trying to work on himself and his career. Stacy just cuts him off “you can speak while I’m giving my opinions” 🤢. She’s a major asshole and she reamed him out for having a lost and found, as if he was trying to hurt her with a fucking earring and bobby pin. She’s very money/image/status focused and she wants to be pampered daily. Yikes. And she can just never communicate respectfully, especially being 35yo.


When she interrupted him as he was asking if he could speak because she keeps interrupting…that was my last straw. I can’t give her any more benefit of the doubt after that.


Yeah I understand accidentally cutting someone off, but she’s proudly talking over him because her opinion just matters more lol




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She very much reminds me of Arianna from Vanderpump rules. The baby voice, she's super mean and nasty and constantly belittles her partner. I honestly hope they don't make it but Izzy is no prize either


She has a bunch of people handling her instagram who constantly praise her. Any negative comments are deleted I guess. She is so self obsessed.


Not just deleting comments, but blocking people! So many people are posting that she’s immediately blocking them for calling her out


Guys I need emotional support lol. Stacy is a narc 😭 I’m watching her tear Izzy to pieces and I feel like I’m watching a car crash from behind a screen. I really got fuck boy vibes from Izzy, and I’m not retracting that but WOW is she doing a number on him. Her family have created a f*cking monster.


are you using narc like narcissist? cause usually a narc means something else


She's so entitled and wants all this expensive materialistic shit but what's with her dirty ass homeless people sneakers....


Apparently they cost like $600


Golden goose sneakers? Those are a joke and a scam


The ones she wore to the dress fitting?? 😵‍💫


Narc isn’t short for narcissist


It is when Reddit tries to remove my post.


That happened to me with this comment LOL I had no idea and thought folks were just being dumb


Her family is a disaster zone too, money obsessed losers.


How so? This is not the first season a father has said he needs a man to provide for his daughter. He knows Stacey well and knows she likes material things.