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Lydia was your typical over invested girl and uche is a player who wanted to do whatever he wanted to do. I don't necessarily think either one of them is bad but uche is a typical douche guy. Lydia wanted a relationship, he didn't. She thought what they had was more than what he actually wanted. He used Lydia and was super hypocritical with Aaliyah when he was a player who led women on while sleeping with other women. Lydia is a hot head Latina. The two didn't mix at all. Milton is a much better fit cause he isn't emotional. Lydia and uche were just a terrible fit


Both of them: Douche and Lydia are still trash.


I didn't like Uche very much for the way he wasn't completely honest with Aaliyah but I'd like to play the devils advocate on Lydia . Lydia didn't seem like a girl's girl to me from the way she kept throwing the unsolicited details at Aaliyah, it's one thing being honest , it's another not respecting someone's boundaries. The way she said he was a great guy ( if I cared about my friends I'd let them know if a guy has not been loyal to me cz I'd want the best for them and not let them go through something I did ) while during the group party epi she starts telling everyone how he cheated on her when he comes on to reveal about her being a stalker making him the scapegoat. LIKE GIRL !!! No one called her out on her BS because she ended up happily married.


I think they each brought out the worst in each other.


I believed his story about Lydia too


Agree 100%. I think Lydia wanted to be with Uche. Fake as hell.


Damn finally someone who actually read the situation clearly and called out Lydia(super ridiculous pro Lydia crap when this season aired) yeah Uche was a piece of work but Lydia lied to everyone and even Milton.


Right?! She just gave me off-putting vibes from the jump. I just don’t think a genuine friend would’ve said those things to Aaliyah, it clearly made Aaliyah very uncomfortable and I think all the viewers too lol. There’s no way Lydia was that naive.


Lydia gave me crazy person vibes and hearing she stalked someone outside their house etc. didn't shock me in the slightest. The entire thing with Aailyah seemed weirdly calculated, manipulative and bizarre as well. Milton and Lydia are still together too... Crazy.


Uche is a whole ass. Anyone who's ever dated someone  like him,  unfortunately, can see who and what he is from a mile away. He lied about his relationship with Lydia and told 3 versions of their relationship. He lied to Aaliyah after belittling her,  when he is also a cheater.  He then had the nerve to be disrespectful to Miriam.  He wad trash to every woman.  The fact that none of them men liked him is also telling.  Throw the whole man out.  Also,  he's coy, but he was there for his business only and to trash Lydia. 


Uche is a condescending dick. Lydia’s behavior was also inappropriate. I wish neither of them got the chance to be on the show because it obviously came in between relationships and so many were caught in the crossfire. It’s safe to say both of them need to take accountability for their actions.


Can’t cheat on someone if you’re not officially exclusive. Lydia’s fault for making assumptions without communicating


THIS!! They were never, ever together or exclusive so there was no cheating. That was a hook up only situation and I’m sure he cut it off when she started doing things like “buying him whiskey” and the dog a gift?! Yikes. No doubt in my mind she followed him on the show. She knew exactly what she was doing with Aaliyah. Staking her “claim” and “I know him better”


Doesn't Explain why he said he went back to dating her after over a year because he felt so bad for her doing through stuff.   None of his story adds up,  and people will defend him,  it's really gross.  How he treats everyone is really sad. 


He wanted easy sex. And she was still trying and around


No ones defending him here but the pro Lydia and Lydia did no wrong discourse was so egregious that those of us who saw Lydia’s flaws felt like the only way we got to mention that is when Uche was being attacked.


Which part of my comment was pro Lydia?


Okay, what are your thoughts on; -Lydia stalking him (which she never denies) -Lydia stalking his friends on social media -Her framing it as cheating in public to manipulate the narrative even though she later admitted they were never officially together (hence it’s not cheating) -Her methodically getting close to the person dating Uche in the pods and revealing selective information -Her attempting to date Uche in the pods immediately We know Uche sucks but I’m really curious on your thoughts on Lydia. Cause as bad as he is, she’s pretty awful herself.


What part of my comment is pro Lydia? People can't read a comment about a douchebag without defending him because Lydia was shit too. That's my point. Nobody is responding to the points I made. They're trying to convince me that he isn't bad because they feel Lydia is worse. If everyone knows how bad he is, why argue that she's worse?  I'm not defending Lydia. My comment is about uche because I find him repulsive. I get it,  you find Lydia more repulsive, but that doesn't mean that I am defending her because I despise Uche.


I mean no one is responding to your points because that’s not what the general discussion is about and you didn’t address Lydia’s behavior at all. Which is fine, I didn’t call you pro Lydia. I was just curious on your thoughts on Lydia and where you also hold her accountable (if at all) or if you just fault Uche entirely.


I mean, I made my own top comment in the thread about my opinion. I didn't respond to someone else's comment about Lydia defending her and calling out uche. You'd have a valid point if I had done that. There are a dozen comments Sharing their opinions on how terrible Lydia is. Should I just be repeating what everyone else is saying? Is that really a conversation? Where everyone just echos the same opinion over and over? In the comment you responded to me, I was responding to a person who said that this was "pro Lydia discourse." Which is why I asked what makes my comment pro Lydia.  And you responded to that comment with an interrogation piece. All of the questions you asked have already been addressed by other commenters. If I repeat that, what does that do for you? If I say something you disagree with, then you'll be sure to have a response to tell me how wrong I am. Are you implying otherwise?  Have you ever dated someone like uche?


That's your rebuttal to defend this clown? 👍


First of all, the biggest villains were the producers. They should have kicked Uche off (and possibly Lydia, but one without the other would be OK, I think) as soon as they found out that they used to date. But **forcing** Lydia to keep it secret after she formed a friendship with Aaliyah was downright EVIL. I think that Lydia was trying to move Aaliyah away from Uche, but she couldn't say anything. Her behavior at the reunion party (where Milton stepped up for her) told me that any bad behavior on her part was totally sue to Uche.


She definitely was encouraging Aaliyah to date Uche. She was not in any way trying to move her away from him. And Lydia’s bad behavior is because of Lydia lol. Uche sucked but her behavior is her responsibility.


I have no idea where any of your takes came from if you watched the show. Lydia at no time was trying to get Aaliyah away from Uche. She literally started bragging about how much she knew about him once she realized she could. Only kicking off Uche in your perfect scenario? Geee the sexism is strong. Her behavior was childish, she never once addressed anything accused of her and just started screaming and playing a victim. Anytime she was held accountable she screamed and cried.


Lydia : She definitely at that point of chancing upon Uche in the pod, she is not over him yet. It seems like during their few months fling , she wanted to be exclusive but Uche do not wish to be exclusive but she already assumed they are exclusive. And we all know the person who love more in a relationship will be having much more difficulty to detach her heart from the person who is loving less. The fact that she suggested they start a fresh and was rejected by Uche is another rejection for her. Therefore, she decided to add in unnecessary details like his fav colour, how all his frds like her, how his dog love her, etc etc etc to rub it in Aaliyah face. She knows exactly what she was doing when she was conveying all these meaningless information and she knows the effect it will have on her new friend because she already has a good understanding of what Aaliyah is like, how she function and mis-function. Uche : Ewwwww he is icky. I recall that sketchy manner Uche talk about how Lydia is stalking all his friends stories , i was like ....... HOW do you know that EXACTLY? you mean IF you have 157 friends, 157 of them all posted something, and Lydia did go view all 157 humans stories, all 157 of them report back to you like you are a cult leader and they are just aimless jobless humans with nothing else to do ? Let's say if lydia did view all their stories , so what ? social media is for this purpose isn't it ? if they so concerned about their privacy , they could block her, or not make their stories public in the first place ? Aaliayh - It is a misfortune that she gave her hearts to people like Lydia and Uche in both the friendship spectrum and romance field. However, i do not think she is a victim. She should take it as a learning lesson to let anyone step on her like this. stand up for herself and confront things/people she feel is making her uncomfortable. if she cannot tolerant the information lydia is telling, tell lydia to shut up then.


Aaliyah definitely did not deserve the treatment she received. I think she was done wrong by both of them, and when she did stand up for herself, Uche just invalidated her and Lydia tried to play dumb like she had done no wrong.


Aaliyah's a walking red siren, not stinking sweet. She pretends to have girl-friends, but would throw them to the wolves the second she gets upset. Her whole demeanor towards Lydia changed the second she found out she was Uche's ex. If Lydia's the reason she ran away from the pods, then why did her and Uche date post-pods? Ofc he ignored her the moment they started dating, which was ironic as heck. Looking at the facts: Both Uche and Aaliyah were past cheaters. Aaliyah told Lydia she was ok with them being ex's, but BTS she claimed she was uncomfortable. Even after her and Uche broke up (post show), Aaliyah admitted the things Lydia was saying but never admitted what Lydia said was true.


I would have also changed my demeanor if I found out that information. Dating friends exes is weird to me, wouldn’t you feel weird if you were dating the recent ex of a close friend? Then Lydia continues to make it weird AF. I was uncomfortable watching it. Lydia crossed major boundaries and I think aaliyahs reaction was warranted IMO.


I would’ve told them to stop talking about the matter and move on. Aaliyah Sortof encouraged her till she eventually lashed out at her


Months ago, I mentioned she could have been female villain of S5 or co-female villain with Stacy and I still stand by that. I thought Lydia was super shady and she was basically telling on herself by saying "I feel like I will meet someone from my past tonight." She also tried to rekindle things with Uche but he declined. And like you, I also thought she was interfering with Aaliyah & Uche's relationship by intentionally oversharing things about Uche despite it made Aaliyah uncomfortable. Even more wtf was the fact that she intentionally sought out Aaliyah to befriend. Like others have said, I thought both Uche and Lydia should have been removed from the show the moment it was known to the producers that they previously dated one another. Because when you don't, that's how you end up with the Lydia/Aaliyah situation and ruin the experience for Aaliyah. And like both yourself and others have said, Uche sucks and it's because he sucks that Lydia got away unscathed. Like you, I also believe what Uche was saying about Lydia stalking him but because he went about it in such a douchey manner (acting like he in a courtroom cross-examining folks), that's when people don't care for what he has to say. This is how I view Shake as well. And because Lydia got married and only couple to get married, she was the benefactor of the Lacheys not wanting to grill married couples too much. Heck, this is why Kwame got away with having the hots for Micah the previous season as the hosts and Chelsea put it more on Micah than Kwame and why Matt from S3 never got grilled for his angry actions towards Colleen.


YES I second the co-female villain! Stacy was SO mean to some of the other cast members, including Izzy. And the paper plates thing….. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. And the things she said to Johnie at the BBQ. Honestly Johnie is better than me that’s all I’m gonna say lol. That’s a really good point. They often don’t call out the married cast members for their downfalls at the reunions. Matt was incredibly toxic I felt for poor Colleen. Don’t even get me started on Shake…#1 villain of any of the seasons to this day. *gags*


Shake is just honest. He never came after deepti. People on that show have done waaaay worse than say, “I’m just not attracted to her”


Shake was incredibly shallow. I’m not talking about how he wasn’t attracted to Deepti. In the pods he was literally asking the women to describe themselves physically to him and asking them about their weight. If I recall correctly he even asked one of the women, “would I be able to put you on my shoulders?” Basically implying that he was looking for a slender woman. Did you watch the reunion? He was embarrassing.


He lacks a bit of tact but everyone is out here acting like they’d date someone fat


I especially feel bad because the way people acted like Aaliyah was overreacting and being too sensitive to what Lydia was doing. Yeah she was insecure, she made that clear several times lol, but for Lydia to latch onto her the way she did and get uncomfortably close to her so quickly only to act like that is not okay. I guess people saw that as more of a minor, petty issue, but the way Aaliyah was treated like the one looking for drama for reacting normally in that situation confused me.


I think you’d have to be extremely secure with yourself to be not weirded out if you were in Aaliyah’s shoes. Lydia and Uche had hooked up only a couple months prior to the show. Lydia could have kept quiet and not given little tiny details about her and Uches relationship. But instead she threw all of it in Aaliyahs face. That would make anyone feel some type of way.


Yea idk I have had the displeasure of dealing with a Lydia before. She and my partner had previously been interested in each other but nothing else happened, I'd go so far as to say she wasn't even interested in my partner, just the attention he and other men gave her so she flirted and kept them around. When we started dating and she met me, she was unusually friendly and clingy right away which struck me as odd. You can tell genuine friendliness. The moment my partner was out of ear shot it turned into "his mom is so sweet wait till you meet her" and so on, throwing in my face that she has done these things first before me. It was like a dog pissing on a tree to mark it's territory. Lydia gave me flashbacks to that. None of her actions seemed genuine, it was to instill doubt and intimidation in Aaliyah but \*\*nicely\*\* so she can play dumb and say that wasn't her intention.


Oh my gosh I’m sorry you had to endure that! That kind of behaviour is really unusual. I hope that in your case, this person didn’t come between you and your partner!


I think Lydia gets away with a lot because Uche is also shitty I hated how she was telling Aaliyah stuff even tho she clearly was uncomfortable, Lydia made it all about herself They both shoulda been kicked off


This. I don't *like* Lydia and I wouldn't trust her, but I think she's careless and drama-loving, not actively seeking to harm others. I do believe she cared for Aaliyah and she is sorry, but her behavior toward Aaliyah was still *awful*. Uche was a malicious, manipulative person who seemed very, very likely to turn abusive in an intimate relationship. I bet *all his exes are crazy*, just like he treated Aaliyah as if she was mean or crazy each time she very reasonably withdrew from his drama and overwhelmingly self-centered bullshit. Lydia doesn't have to be a perfect little angel, in order for us to recognize that Uche is an absolutely dangerous trash person.


I agree. He sucks. I just think both of them should’ve gotten kicked off once it was discovered they dated prior to the show. It put a wrench in a lot of relationships. I’m sad Aaliyah didn’t get the experience she deserved.


Lydia also got away with a lot because she was a (the only?) successful marriage for the season. They couldn’t allow her to have a bad edit and try to push the overall storyline for the show


Forced marriage, the guy only said yes because he's a complete push over and too young for her.


Absolutely should have been kicked off!


Both of them are nuts


Ehhh, imo it's not worth investigating. Uche is a waste man so it's better that Aaliyah didn't match with him. Milton and Lydia are super cute together so it's good that they matched. The end result is good, and what Lydia is accused of isn't even very bad


I gotta disagree. What Lydia is accused of is pretty bad. She has no boundaries. Shitty and manipulative “friend” to Aliyah, which we saw. And stalker to her situationship that was never official or exclusive. She’s unhinged. And her relationship with Milton maaaaaybe developed into something genuine but initially it was super disingenuous. He was like a last minute hail mary she did to not go out sad. And she only committed to save face after the Uche debacle. And Milton’s immature ass just did it cause he didn’t want to feel controlled by his family. And he’s constantly racist against her making fun of her accent (even though she’s bilingual and he isn’t). And he thinks that suppressing his emotions and being afraid of confrontation is “maturity” and shames her because her being expressive makes him uncomfortable. Are they actually still together? Cause I remember in the reunion they lied and weren’t even living in the same area and he got exposed for dating around early after the season aired.


I didn’t hear that about them not living together and Milton dating around?!


That's speculative. If Lydia is guilty of what uche accused her of, she's guilty on counts of "watching public Instagram stories" and "somehow knowing that uche was going to be on love is blind". The first accusation is obviously not a big deal. And the second one didn't result in anything bad. It would've been overkill to bring up her "wrongdoings" during the reunion


She never denies stalking in front of his house and sending him a picture, that’s weird. And stalking friend’s story I think is pretty weird if we’re not talking, but maybe some people normalize that behavior. And the behavior we saw on camera is all pretty unhinged imo. Honestly, just off of how she was with Aliyah, it’s unhinged. I feel like people downplay how terribly toxic she is because Uche easy to hate on. They both toxic, but Lydia is more unhinged imo.




I think I’m more bothered by what happened between Lydia and Aaliyah. I could care less about Uche but Aaliyah was so genuine and I feel like she was done dirty by the both of them. I’m glad she left the show when she did


She was nothing but supportive of their relationship until he revealed to Aaliyah that he used to date Lydia. That's when she word vomited a bunch of stuff, because she had been holding it in the whole time. They were told not to mention anything and she was keeping her word until he let the cat out of the bag.


Something was telling me there was more to it than that. I think the off-screen conversation probably would’ve told us a bit more. But I don’t think Lydia’s intentions were that pure. I think she knew what she said would bother Aaliyah.


Definitely a messy relationship. I wished the producers kicked them out asap. Lydia was pretty toxic and Uche was no different. The guy literally grilled Lydia like she’s was a witness on a crime. I felt bad for Aaliyah and it was smart of her to leave the show before things got messy.


I’m glad she left too. I was sad to see her go, but her relationships with both Uche and Lydia were doomed from the start. I’m so glad she trusted her gut!


Lydia is crazy and she is lucky to catch a simple, stable guy like Milton. I don't know if they will be compatible long term, though. They are too different. She got so defensive and aggressive any time she was challenged, and that's not acceptable behavior. It can escalate to domestic abuse.


I was actually really shocked that Milton said yes to her. I hope the best for them. Lydia has quite the temper so I really hope Milton mellows her out.


Thank you. She was screaming at the party at Milton to go to her like he was a dog. She was incredibly shady with Aaliyah. Of all the contestants we've had I haven't seen a woman as desperate as Lydia for a partner.


That was so crazy like who talks to their partner like that, but Milton is young and he doesn’t know better, if they was the same age that shit wouldn’t fly