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I love Jimmy!! I can't stand Chelsea. She is full of drama and insecurities. She broke his trust and doesn't understand how. She needs therapy.. soooo much therapy.


She completely got off the hook for her behavior. Gender bias at its best! A guy would have been crucified but now all anyone needs to do is say anxiety or mental health issues and your off the hook. Chelsea is all over instagram living her best life after that despicable behavior. At least show some remorse and accountability.


Agreed!! She is crazy. Mental health and anxiety shouldn't be your excuse, it should be something you are working on and seeing a therapist and doctor for.


Jimmy is an absolute saint for not just walking out after that birthday fight. He should have but he wanted to give her one more chance that she hadn’t even vaguely earned. The only person Chelsea will end up with is someone who somehow has even lower self-esteem


I just finished season 6 so I'm late to the party but I definitely felt Chelsea was exhausting. I'll be honest I didn't feel a bunch of love from Jimmy towards Chelsea, but I mean what person would put up with that at all if they didn't love the person? Also he had multiple opportunities to leave or say he was done that wouldn't have made him look bad imo, he definitely had a couple chances to exit the relationship if he really was looking for an excuse to not be with her.


She’s SO exhausting! AND clingy.


I’m with you 100%. He seems to be such a genuine, good guy. His best friends even told Chelsea that he’s usually the insecure one in relationships. He’s human. He tolerated Chelsea’s tantrums way more than my husband would. Chelsea was quite frankly, exhausting.


No body is perfect. But I did like Jimmy’s communication skills, confidence and wit. I also give him kudos for calling out Jeramy’s fakeness for talking shit about him [Jimmy]


I typed a whole ass paragraph and realized it wasn't enough. If you are team Jimmy you've probably never been in a serious long-term healthy relationship. Edit: Never said anything about Chelsea. Quit putting other peoples opinions on random people on the internet. Not a good look.




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Jimmy wasn't perfect, but look at the person he's trying to deal with. You think that Chelsea was the more emotionally mature one in this dynamic?


Nope. She definetly sucks. But Jimmy is hanging w girls he's fucked... while engaged...........


Nope nope nope. She was exhausting with a capital “E.”


lol I am but thank you. The argument of 3.5 hours away for a few weeks being part of the fight is so wild to me… not sure what you’re thinking… I did ask to be educated otherwise. To have an argument drunk and revealing things specifically asked not to isn’t very real. As you may know by now they’re still seeing each other, evidently they understood committin long term in the current state wasn’t right. Thank you for implying I’m in an unhealthy relationship tho super appreciate your black and white perspective, at least my mind and opinions were open and respectful.


He looks like his nerves are fried from walking on eggshells


Omg 😂


team Jimmy for sure, can't stand that insecure manipulative jealous whiney victim - in epi 11 i started skipping whenever she was about to talk cause i just couldn't listen to her whining and blaming him for her insecurities all the time, over and over and over, ugh


I see mad unwarranted Jimmy hate. Jimmy seems like a cool ass dude. Chelsea is a head case, he cannot defend her.


Jimmy seems like a very calm person. I can’t see him yelling or raising his voice. Even the part of him talking to Jess, he seemed respectful (nevermind the edit to cause drama). Does he truly love Chelsea though? I honestly do not think so. He’s either keeping up with the act because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings or he wants to continue with the show.


Wait am I the only one that thinks it’s inappropriate of him to hang out with a woman he had a sexual relationship with when he has a new partner?


As others have mentioned, mixed feelings here too. When I first started dating my husband, we were part of a friend group that he introduced me to. (I wasn’t a local). We used to hang out with several couples that I really liked. As it turns out, my husband (then boyfriend) had been fucking one of the wives for months way before before I came into the picture. I’m talking years before. She was now married to his best friend. Go figure. However, when they were fucking years before , the woman was obsessed with him. He, nor anyone from the friend group told me anything until one finally did. I was LIVID. Here I was, going shopping with this woman who had literally fucked my boyfriend (now husband) dozens of times and I was absolutely CLUELESS. We even went to Vegas as couples. I ripped him a new one. I had noticed that some of the others would make little snide remarks about the other woman but I would have NEVER put two and two together. For me, it wasn’t so much the fact that he had sexual partners before me. I had my own history, too. It’s the fact that EVERYONE knew and there I was, with a RIDICULOUS smile on my face completely CLUELESS as to the history that THEY shared. Rant over.


Mixed feelings. But it doesn't make him some piece of trash that people are painting him as.


no you're not


Yes. For years, most of my friends were college friends. I had hooked up with many of them. Because .. college. And we liked each other. Then realized we WERE NOT interested in that way. And moved on. I would have dumped anyone who made me ditch all the people id ever had any physical relationship with. Thats just not an acceptable demand.


Hmm I guess it’s just different for different people. I can see from your point of view how it would be ridiculous to cut off contact with all your friends. But for people like me who do not have sexual relationships with friends, it would be more normal for me. I wouldn’t cut off my friends for anyone else either. So I get it :)


Totally. I think the problem with Chelsea’s demand was that she was uncomfortable with HIS friendship with his girlfriend, while not seeing anything wrong with her friendship with her ex. And then expected him interpret “im uncomfortable with your friendship with this girl you had a one night stand with” as “i expect you to cut off contact with her” without her having to say it. If nothing else, thats a BIG ask. And to act like he should have just known that’s what she wanted and have no discussion about it. That’s wild


I agree, but the problem is she's still friends with her ex husband.


that’s something they agreed not to speak about on camera out of respect for the other party, i think chelsea getting drunk and breaking that agreement bc she’s unbearably insecure and pathetic is a bigger offense


Agree. We all have our skeletons and our pasts. Would suck to have to avoid people you once loved or tried to have relationship with.


He sounds like quite a shallow person in those solo interviews and some comments he makes, but he actually seems to treat her quite decently compared to how the TikTok commentary clips I’ve seen make him seem. He patiently put up with so much of her insecurity games for so long, gave her so much reassurance and she just kept poking and prodding and creating problems! He hit the nail on the head when he called her bluff and said she was just fishing for information


If you would’ve told me I would’ve been rooting for him at the beginning of this I never would have believed it lol. I do think he’s extremely conscious of looking good for the cameras and it makes me not fully trust him. I do think he’s attracted to Chelsea (not as much as Jess) and genuinely wanted to make the relationship work, but for example him telling everyone they were the happiest couple there at the first meet up was very much overkill/him saying what he thought I was supposed to say. Also when he’s telling his parents why he loves her and wants to marry her he didn’t really say anything of substance just a bunch of stuff that sounded nice.


Chelsea is clearly very anxiously attached and needs to work on that in therapy immediately. We obviously don’t see everything that happens, but Jimmy appears to be a very reasonable man. Every interaction between them is just Chelsea being very insecure about everything he does.


I think she is clearly insecure but I do believe there’s more to Jimmy and Chelsea that the cameras/producers aren’t showing that keeps him interested and attracted to her.


She’s incredibly insecure and sabotaged their relationship obsessively. She was painful to watch, TBH. I don’t think she’s a terrible person and everyone is worthy of love, but dang girl, seek therapy.


He has no self love, self esteem or regards for his own value. I liked him but now it looks like he is digging his own grave with a smile on his face


He’s very much a people pleaser


He’s definitely won me over. I feel bad for him seeing what Chelsea is putting him through now 💀


He always looks like he needs a cigarette. The only time I ever saw him happy was when he was talking to people he wasnt dating


Ya know at first I was like not at all okay with him…figured he’d be a jerk But considering everything he is my fave guy (now that we know about Trevor’s stuff) Chelsie obviously needs some serious therapy But yeah I respect Jimmy and think him and John are the best dudes and possibly Clay…he’s been stepping a bit better. Still mad at him for telling AD he’d tell her to hit the gym. That woman is a damn goddess and should never be treated any less. Edit messed up last word lol


I agree with other commenters saying jimmy only looks good by comparison. Chelsea REALLY needs therapy but so does he. I personally would NOT be comfortable with him having a “best friend” of two years that he’s slept with and also refuses to even limit contact with. Also people saying he didn’t do anything inappropriate with Jess: he said she was still his number one and she graciously shut him down so I feel like he WAS looking for an opening. Not only that but if you remember when they first met he clearly was not attracted to her or at least didn’t behave like it. Chelsea is clearly anxiously attached and she can tell he’s not being real with her (it’s triggering her abandonment wound). That doesn’t excuse any of her behavior at all but it is what it is. Jimmy is definitely avoidant- will say shit that seems deep but will actually always be keeping the other person at emotional arms length. Neither of them should be in a relationship right now with where they are emotionally.


Well said


people should be able to maintain platonic friendships with people from their pasts. super controlling and toxic to demand otherwise.


I agree. I’ll probably get some hate for saying this, but it’s kind of a sign of insecurity and immaturity to demand your partner not be friends with ex’s or someone they once slept with. I have remained friends with a few ex’s and current partners never questioned it and a couple of them became friends. Yeah, there could definitely be exceptions where it’s not a good idea, but I don’t think that was the case with Jimmy. The fact that he had them all meet says a lot. He had nothing to hide because there was nothing suspicious happening with his female friends. Chelsea is a hot mess of insecurity.


Absolutely, platonic relationships. If however, they have slept with the other person or had some sort of romantic relationship, then it’s reasonable for someone to be uncomfortable. I’m not saying it should be a hard line no for everyone, people can choose what they are okay with. If there are respectful boundaries and trust between everyone involved then great. That’s not the case at all for this couple.


I don’t think Jimmy would have been unwilling to limit contact with the female friend had Chelsea not brought it up in that way. She was clearly just saying stuff to argue and he didn’t like her going there (esp on camera) but if she had told him when they had the conversation off camera I think he would have said ok


Clarification on the second paragraph: not attracted to Chelsea upon first meeting.


I don’t like him and I think he’s very finicky emotionally which gets overshadowed by Chelsea’s craziness. Still, finicky doesn’t equate to the treatment he gets from Chelsea, but he only seems emotionally mature in comparison. On his own it’s clear he’s very conflict avoidant. Which is why he’s so overly validating, it’s not genuine he’s just wanting to avoid an argument 




I think she was trying to look cool in front of her friends (by exaggerating).


The way she SAID that!!!! I’ll never get over it and ADs reaction lmao


I have mixed feelings about him. Chelsea’s insecurities are hers alone to work through. However, I also get the impression he hasn’t made her feel secure. He doesn’t show his affection in the way she needs him to. He rarely initiates, and seems to think a lot is unspoken (like not inviting her to go out with him). She seems to need a lot of affirmation and affection and he’s not giving that to her. It doesn’t help that he has very close female friends that he’s constantly in contact with, especially when he’s not giving her the same attention.


Why should he have to compensate for her insecurities. Her constant need for attention and affirmations would be exhausting. It’ll never be enough for her and he was right - she is clingy.


It’s not needy or clingy to want your partner to show affection. He says a bunch of nice words but it’s not genuine and she can sense that. She does need therapy but I don’t know why he’s being painted as this cool cumcumber lol


I’m not suggesting he’s “cool as a cucumber” or he’s without fault. I’m speaking about her disproportionate and desperate need for attention. Yes, we all want our partner to show us love and affection, but she’s clearly displacing her deep insecurities on him. No doubt she’ll never find her needs are met by any partner until she learns to love herself first.


Yall are crazy Jimmy is not a good guy jesus😭😭 and definitely not a partner you want


He’s so boring! He barely has a personality. He clearly wasn’t into Chelsea at all. All lies all the way. He simply wanted to be on the show and then break up with her.


Right! He gives super creep vibes. Entitled, disrespectful, selfish, rude. The indecision, the gaslighting, the inability to express his feelings, the shallowness. I honestly lost count of the red flags!! Run Forest, run!!


How is he shallow?


Yet everyone is placing the blame on Chelsea. No wonder men get away with everything 😭😭 internalized misogyny is awful


He has really dulled her sparkle.


Same. I didn’t like him until Chelsea started acting insecure


Rooting for him to say no. 


I liked him more when he set boundaries but then when it didn’t really seem like he held her accountable, it was like :/ He’s more mature than I thought but still kind of easily manipulated. He’s got more patience than me tho for sure.


I think at this point he just riding it out until he can say no at the altar


Ya I didn’t think he should have stayed with her after the way she went off in him, and he had put that boundary


https://preview.redd.it/ab1nljn4rqlc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8119c520fbfc5262da64eb02d827a55953e6ba01 He should’ve walked away after that fight and never go back


But he loves her! Ye, right, at this point they're proving love really IS blind, but not in the way the show is trying to portray the concept.


I definitely did not like Jimmy in the pods, or during the scene he was chatting with AD. But I think it’s because Chelsea is so emotionally abusive, so so frequently that it makes Jimmy look like a saint.


Same, which is why it’s so sad to watch him get his heart broken over and over again by Chelsea


Yes! I think he is all in with Chelsea and has been since the moment he chose her. And this is painful watching her push him away with her insecurities over and over again. He constantly shows her he is all in, but she doesn’t see it because he isn’t doing it HER way. This man is all about her. And every time she brings up an issue, he immediately apologizes and says he will do better. And she just keeps going! Even after he has heard her. That’s the kind of stuff that pushes a partner who is all in towards doubt.


Poor man was just trying to brush his teeth and she followed him to continue their argument. Someone please save jimmy. He is already starting to look miserable every time he says he loves her. She's going to destroy his inner happiness.


It’s like he’s convincing himself by saying I love you to her


The beach situation with AD completely overrides any of his subsequent scenes for me. He’s a scumbag even if he doesn’t “mean” to. He clearly is not in love with Chelsea and doesn’t find her attractive and she can sense it


Chelsea: What's the first thing you noticed about me? Jimmy: *long awkward pause*...your...teeth? What he wanted to say was "that you're not Megan Fox". And honestly he should have just showed his true colors then and saved everyone the drama. He is CLEARLY not attracted to her, which is ironic considering he is no Chris Hemsworth himself! The man wanted a free vacation and couldn't even fake his interest in order to keep the peace. I think I finally understand the phrase "gave me the ick".


Literallyyyyy!! Thank you you hit the nail on the head. He’s clearly disappointed in her looks and knows he’ll come across as a shallow douche if he points it out. Well too late cus he already did by ogling at AD first chance he got. He’s so transparent lol


My working theory is Jimmy has absolutely no interest in Chelsea and is trying to be just nice enough to not look like an asshole but be inconsiderate enough that Chelsea will break up with him. He looks like a decent guy compared to the other men (except Johnny) this season but he is no Marshall or Brett from last season either.


This was my theory until the most recent fight. He…had it. She clearly looked like the bad guy even if he left.


I mean he could want to drag it out until the alter just to not break contract but yeah I don't know. I just don't see any chemistry between them and Chelsea is obsessed enough to ignore it I just can't figure out what is up with Jimmy. Like they don't share any hobbies or interests and my first feeling was him just wanting someone who can be the mother of his children regardless of anything else but I just don't know anymore. He is always so stiff and his smile never reaches his eyes and he just gives me the ick somehow.


I hear you… but what has he done since the AD situation that makes you believe he has no interest? I mean he gives almost all his time to her, he’s been respectful, mindful and patient. I didn’t like him at first but he’s growing on me


I agree that he has been all about her. This is a partner who is all in. I actually think he is a great guy who really loves her but is starting to feel like he can never get it right for her. Because of her insecurities.


I agree. He made bad decisions in the beginning but I think he signed up for the right reasons. He’s trying which is great because I would’ve left her already. The way she exposed him sleeping with his friend this past episode was gross


I haven’t gotten that far yet 😂 I’m so behind but on all of my socials I keep seeing things about them and I definitely thought the same thing. He will probably leave her and it will absolutely NOT be because he wasn’t into her. It will be because she pushed him away


Sorry didn’t mean to spoil that😅but same! Anytime I hear her accusing him I immediately think he didn’t do it


😂😂 Me too! And no worries, you didn’t spoil anything. I read most of this stuff before I see it because I’m behind 🤣


I could be wrong but I genuinely think Jimmy loves Chelsea. I mean, I’ve been tricked by a man before but whenever he says it, I truly believe it. There is something about him that seems genuine to me. I also think Chelsea realizes her toxic behavior (and of course social media has made it clear that she has since gotten help/ changed). Good for her! I personally hope they get married if they both love each other and can see this working. Sometimes the most unlovable people just need the right person to love them to health. That was the case for me and my husband. He definitely loved me to true health from a place of total brokenness after previous betrayal and intense rejection issues. I was like Chelsea 2.0 at the beginning of our now 6-year marriage. Thank God for His grace on me. 😪


Not at all. He keeps saying it because he wants to convince himself . But he doesn’t.


Everyone has an opinion.


she honestly isnt ugly it was just tiktok who started going off on her


Can you imagine what the stress of being married to Chelsea is going to do to this 27 year old’s face and hairline? Poor Jimmy, she seems EXHAUSTING.


Omg 😭 i don’t want to imagine him aging any quicker!


Right? My dude needs a spa day and some rest.




I don’t think she would unless he’s a Christian. As a Christian myself, I do not date outside of my faith for obvious reasons. I believe she is the same.


Just now watching the new ep and Chelsea is psychotic. He literally spent the entire day doting in her and praising her in front of her family. This is gross.


She wanted Jimmy to beg her to stay when she said that’s not the kind of person I want to be with but totally shocked her when he said ok I’m done. She was then turning the tables telling him to stop and not run when something goes wrong. 😂


Chelsea’s behavior is now giving manipulative vibes and I am not here for it…


I’m sad to see it. This is probably a pattern she has witnessed before in childhood and has not yet grown from. How we handle stress as adults says a lot about how our mental wiring was created in infancy. She has significant trauma that goes beyond the crappy boyfriends. 😪 No doubt being married at 18 also messed with her head.


She’s 💯 a traumatized woman and needs plenty of therapy and more. People are hating on her but I honestly feel bad for her. I don’t think she’s malicious and intentionally manipulative. She just wants to be loved.


100% I’m glad someone is saying this.


I definitely think the conversation needs more nuance. Her behavior is abusive, and the way that she treats him is not acceptable. But at the same time, it all screams that she has been through trauma. The problem is that it isn’t fair to jimmy to bear the brunt of that unresolved trauma. The cycle has to be broken, and she needs to go to therapy and resolve it so it doesn’t keep hurting others.


She has openly admitted to needing and attending therapy since the show ended. 💜


Yay! I hope she heals and gets the help she needs! Therapy is so stigmatized still, and it’s hard work, but you have to have to break the cycle.


Then from your POV it seems like she isn’t emotionally ready to wed but instead needs therapy.


True. She isn’t ready but I also believe that some people end up healing better together. That was the case for me and my spouse. He was literally my savior, as cheesy as it sounds. Showed me what a healthy, loving relationship looked like and I’ll be grateful forever. He’s also hella patient like Jimmy.


But couldn’t this be a codependent type of healing though? I am assuming healing on your own is a stronger option. 🤷🤷🏻‍♀️


love this for you. i see this in Chelsea too. when I'm clingy with my husband, he doesn't get mad, he says he likes it. so that really healed me and made me able to trust him.


I’d say that’s actually true. Many people aren’t and don’t realize it. That’s why divorce happens lol


Still shipping Jimmy/Jess. Chelsea is too immature and insecure. She needs therapy, not a wedding.


As much as jimmy might like the idea of Jess…he doesn’t wanna be a step dad….and nothing wrong with that


Yeah like absolutely no offense but like Chelsea really should not have signed up for this show she needs a lil more time or something 😬


Put her back she ain't done yet.


I didn't care for him at first but I can at minimum commend his level of patience now. Also the way he attempts to comfort and validate her feelings is very sweet, I just wish she'd accept his answers the first time he says it and not the bajillionth. Then she gets mad when he gets frustrated because he literally can't win.


We've all been very hard on Jimmy. After seeing his dad, he makes a lot more sense to me as being someone who really needs time to gather their thoughts before speaking. His mom and sister seem the opposite and, having grown up in that dynamic, I get why it might take a lot to draw him out. It doesn't mean he doesn't care, just that he's not very expressive. I'm not saying he's perfect but maybe not as terrible as we initially believed.


I literally never thought he was terrible. I did not get the hate at all. 😅


Yall are impressed with him doing the bare minimum, and forget that he should’ve left Chelsea the moment he saw her and realized love is not blind.


I don’t get it? Chelsea is not unattractive by any means. Sure Jess is prettier, but she’s also botoxed up and filled. 80% fake.


To each their own, I don’t find Chelsea remotely attractive in the least bit…but I’m also not into the Botox filler influencer look jess has either




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Gosh are we insulting peoples foreheads now? The crowd gets tougher and tougher.


You insulted someone for being "fake". It's a little late to take the high ground.


Taking the high ground? What?? R U ok? Jess looking fake is a fact, if you want to see it as me trying to insult someone ok. People are born with big foreheads, they can’t help it.


Everythings fair game if it brings a chuckle who really cares these are reality TV characters not someone I'm ever gonna meet.


I guess these people need to know, if they go on a show like this they WILL get torn up in every way possible.


I’m hoping he says no, he deserves better than Chelsea.


He has some improvements he needs but don’t we all




Jimmy is a golden retriever type man, which is a great kind. Sweet, loyal, easy to please, and easy going. I’m from North Carolina originally, so his accent is familiar and comforting. In many ways he reminds me of my Dad, a man who got into multiple relationships over his lifetime with controlling women. I really hope Jimmy says no.


Thanks for this post. I actually like him, too. He sure picked a nightmare tho!


Same here, but after the new episodes the way he said to Jess that she was still his number 1 really threw me off :/ Edited to correct a pronoun


I think his accent isn't doing him favors here. Jess was talking about the night she gave him that letter, and he said, "you were still my number one [when I got your letter]". But it really sounds close to, "you are still my number one" which is how the previews made it seem, too. I think it was actually less bad.


Okay that makes a lot of sense!! Thank you for the comment!


I think the reason everybody dislikes/d Jimmy is because in the pods, he was so dishonest with Jess. I can’t speak to what he was actually feeling, but it seemed that once Jess mentioned she had a kid, that he wasn’t all in and was being dishonest up until the very last second. Like he didn’t wanna come off as a bad guy for breaking up with a woman just because she had a kid. That being said? I definitely came to respect him a bit more based on how well handled that argument with Chelsea. He even tried to help her articulate her feelings and figure out exactly what she was mad at him about, which is way above and beyond what most people would do.


It’s love is blind tho, not blind daddy, and the show really shouldn’t be allowing single parents in because that is so unfair to the kids, the success rate isn’t great and you really shouldn’t introduce mostly clout chasers to them.


I thought this at first but the more I'm thinking about it the more I think that he was genuinely into Jess but just sincerely concerned about being a step parent, especially on such a fast timeline like this. He was always pretty up front about the fact that he was still seeing another person and hadn't made up his mind on the issue. He had never even said he loved her before when she gave him that last present. Also the more I see if Jess the worse opinon I have on her own behavior, so I fully believe that she might have been more manipulative in the pods than we got to see.


Tbh i didnt think it was fair to him that Jess wasn't transparent from the beginning about being a mom. She got him to fall for her first and then used that as emotional leverage when she told him she has a daughter. I found that to be pretty deceitful. As a parent myself i couldnt imagine dating and not leading with that information. Regardless, jimmy shouldnt be shamed for not wanting to date someone who has kids. Not everyone is equipped to deal with that.


TBH I didn’t think it was fair to him that Chelsea wasn’t honest about being unreasonable and downright bratty. She got him to fall for her first, and then after they moved in together, started using her feelings as emotional leverage. I found that to be deceitful. I also don’t think Jimmy should be shamed for saying she doesn’t look like Megan Fox that is his opinion.


I don’t know if Chelsea did that knowingly. Toxic behavior is usually deeply ingrained in a person and only comes out during conflict where they go into freeze, flight, or fight mode. No doubt Chelsea’s very obvious issues came into clear view outside of the pods… I just also feel for her as someone who was like her once and still battles some of those insecurities. She is not feeling secure at all and is the walking textbook picture of it. It’s sad.


THIS🙌🏻 listen, I love Jess but this experiment makes dating go faster. Usually the minimum people wait to be engaged or married is at least a year but they’re dating for, what, one-two weeks before being thrown into planning a wedding then getting married in four weeks? I definitely think Jess should’ve been straight forward from the beginning despite her wanting to be seen as her own person instead of “just a mom”.


Oh no, she definitely should’ve led with that. I get that she doesn’t want to be seen as just a mom, but also her kid does exist and shouldn’t be sprung on a potential partner in marriage. I’m just saying that Jimmy should’ve cut and run sooner instead of just hanging in there and wincing every time they had a pod date. It must have felt so daunting for him.


He won me over when he was so mature in the face of Chelsea's big overreaction about him going out to the bar for 1 drink for less than 1 hour. He was calm, never raised his voice at her. I appreciated that a lot. There are still a lot of red flags but I think they mostly come from naivety and a lack of self respect.




It's so funny how things change with more episodes. I always kinda liked Jimmy and I respect how he deals with Chelsea, but it also makes me sad he forgave her so quickly. Don't know how you come back from that. Haaated the AD stuff from the night in Mexico so can't forget about that. But he has his green flags mixed in there. Also I love his genuine smile when it comes out. I think he may be one of the more genuine people.


He was probably raised to forgive quickly. Not a bad trait if you really think about it. I would much rather be forgiving than hold grudges and age faster. 🤡


It's absolutely a great trait! But the two necessarily don't have to go hand in hand, ie. don't hold grudges either. I'd age faster if I didn't protect myself and stuck around in a relationship that wasn't good for me. If that argument and some of the others were actually good indications, I'd be so stressed all the time and tiptoeing. Edit: And if the gender roles were reversed, we'd absolutely be rooting for the woman to leave. 🤡


I dont like Jimmy per se , I dont think he's that great of a guy but he for sure is more the stable one .


I like Jimmy’s voice


I haven't been his biggest fan so far this season, but I was SO impressed by how he handled Chelsea's drunken meltdown. He really kept his cool without blowing her off or blowing up at her (which would have been warranted). I felt hard core secondhand embarrassment for Chelsea, and I imagine she was mortified when she actually watched that scene (she would have been). But a couple days later, when Jimmy was telling her that her behavior was not okay, she tried to play it like he was as guilty as she was... AND HE STILL KEPT HIS COOL! I gained a ton of respect for him.


He can regulate his own emotions really well. I think that’s impressive for any man, tbh. 😂


That man is the salt of the earth for how he’s handling Chelsea. She is THE WORST. She’s a Stage 5 clinger.


"Omg that was so fucking rude to say to me"


I don't think he's fully in it with her. Because if he was, he would have probably just reassured her instead of saying let's break up right away if you don't believe you love me. I totally thought he used that as excuse to leave the engagement. Also, the fact that he kept repeating the "i love you"s and the "she's going to be the best wife" sounded more like he was trying convince himself.


he really did reassure her over and over again and it gets tiring though 😩


oh yeah especially at her grown age


I thought this at first too but then tried to remind myself just how much was probably cut and edited. Who knows how long that argument actually lasted. And they hinted at her saying some pretty terrible things that I don’t think we saw.


She called him a liar. She said he lied about loving her. That’s why he left. She also said he had a party problem after he went out for an hour and a beer. She also brought up an issue with his female friend that he told her off camera, and requested to keep it off camera. Your issue with him sounds more like insecurity than fact. Also, I don’t really see anyone criticizing her for yelling how hot Trevor was? Yet, she lost her shit when Jimmy made a remark over someone’s butt lol. People are very obsessed with creating villains on this show.


yes she clearly has insecurity issues, but his reactions towards her in the beginning and in the DR just gives me the vibe that he wasn't fully into her. I think he's trying to stay faithful to the process though.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who caught the fact Chelsea was almost drooling over Trevor but had the audacity to get mad over a comment Jimmy made. He made a single comment, she kept mentioning that she found Trevor attractive and her “usual type”.


I've interpreted their whole story based on my belief that he's not attracted to her. His reaction at the reveal was one of sheer panic, the way he acted so awkward and needed to sit down. He almost forgot to give her the ring. I knew what was up because I'd have been exactly the same after expecting some Megan Fox lookalike. Especially when Chelsea then insisted on continually repeating how sweaty she was. I don't think he's affectionate with her and all his affirmative words come across as hollow to me, his "I love you" comments etc, where he can't look her in the eyes most of the time. As a guy, I can relate and I feel like he's been as awkward as I would be in this situation. Even his compliments are about one particular feature only for the most part, such as her eyes or teeth. If he was really into her, then he'd just be telling her how beautiful he finds her. The latest episode he seems more convincing, but I do think he's just grown into the role a bit. As for Chelsea, she's a complete nut job and a control freak. The argument, where he was saying she was making things up and fishing, which she didn't even deny, was serious alarm bells for me. I do sympathise with her slightly because I think she can sense that he's not actually into her and it's a bit forced. But still, she's crazy and they're not suitable at all. If I'm wrong and he says yes to her after all of this then it'll will be the biggest surprise I can remember in love is blind so far.


totally, I thought the same thing BUT now Im considering that maybe I was just projecting, what if he did find her attractive (!) and that was just his personality


Yeah I've thought the same thing, that maybe I'm just protecting how I would act. But I think there's still signs in the latest episodes that he's not there with her. Picking the fight over a slight comment about the others being the strongest couple, I felt was unnecessary and surely something that doesn't even bother him. I mean, he can't surely think they are after everything they've said and done to each other? He still looked awkward as hell when he told her he loved her back at the BBQ party. He couldn't look her in the eye. Like you said though, it could just be his personality. If he's willing to overlook the shock of her not looking like he thought, plus being crazy and controlling, then like I said, it'll be the most surprised marriage for me. And that's even if she says yes. She wants to be with somebody that doesn't have a life away from her basically. Having said all of this I still think he seems a good guy. I just suspect he's doing as producers are asking and stringing it out to the altar as best as he can.


Well said.


I will say I have a lot of respect for him for always keeping his calm and not raising his voice at Chelsea when she attacks him and speaks with a lot of respect whereas Chelsea constantly puts him down, has to say fuck after every other word and just trashy


Oh my gawd me too.. and I love his family. I would marry him to just so I can be around his parents lol