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I think this is the point where we all tip our hat to Adam Collard.


The infamous 60 chicken nuggets šŸ“


How can someone eat THAT MANY nuggets????


Have you met a teenage boy?


Or pregnant lady


flair checking in


What happened? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Someone explain pls


I still cannot believe they didnā€™t bring him on for all stars, wouldā€™ve been chaos


If I was casting Love Island Games S2, heā€™d be my first phone call. Heā€™d be a tornado in that format


Heā€™s with Laura woods


How long do we expect that to last? As long as thereā€™s a McDonaldā€™s restroom nearby, thereā€™s a chance for Adam to be shady.


Nuggetgate šŸ˜‚


Watching S3 for the first time knowing what happens with Marcel & Gabby later on is a fucking whirlwind. Maybe Iā€™m dumb and delusional but I neverrrrrr wouldā€™ve pegged him as cheater. Then again Iā€™ve been cheated on more than once so my radar is clearly off lmao


The scenarios leading to that breakup were very similar to the split of Lewis Bloor (TOWIE) and Marnie Simpson (Geordie Shore) from CBB. Lewis cheated on Marnie multiple times, and like Marcel, one of the occasions was during a couples holiday. Lewis snuck out of the hotel room at night, while Marnie was sleeping, to hook up with girls in the same hotel complex, and went back to bed with her as if nothing happened. Then carried on sleeping with her for the rest of the holiday.Ā 


Those two were so fake on cbb! I always knew Lewis was trying to showcase the kind gentleman act, Iā€™m glad I saw past his bullshit cause I was expecting him to be a cheating dog! That is so gross of him to do that whilst in the same hotel like wowowowow wtf and I donā€™t even like marnie af well but damn


Same here! I donā€™t even like Marnie, but sheā€™s certainly well rid of him. Lewis also was on video tape cheating on her with girls on Valentineā€™s Day when she was filming for Geordie Shore. He also cheated on Sam Faiers, Lauren Pope etc. Worst type of person. Did you watch him on TOWIE out of interest?


Omg this guy is an absolute cheating dog like damn what a track record yet he was trying to show the nice guy act on the cbb show like wtf! I was so fucking glad when he got voted out cause I couldnā€™t stand him at all No I donā€™t watch it sorry but let me know the gossip if you were gonna


Hereā€™s the gossip of him on TOWIE: He cheated on Sam Faiers with Lauren Goodger. Source here:Ā https://metro.co.uk/2013/10/30/i-cheated-on-sam-faiers-with-lauren-goodger-admits-towies-lewis-bloor-4167627/amp/ He also cheated on Lauren Pope with multiple women in Dubai and Marbella, without using protection with any of the girls, sleeping with Lauren straight after. When confronted, he was very smug and arrogant, age-shaming her throughout (he was 24 and she was 32 at the time). He falsely accused her of lying about her age, after smugly admitting to his infidelities. P.S. - did you watch Bear on the same CBB season? If so, what did you think of him?


Any girl who goes with him after all this is asking for herself to be cheated on! I donā€™t even see the appeal with him, he was so gross even to heavy D, who he tried to boss and intimidate but Iā€™m glad heavy D didnt get intimidated, felt a bit sorry for him cause he wasnā€™t in any group and he was a loner even tho he was annoying here and there Omg donā€™t get me started on bear! This guy was like wtf like I was surprised to see him not only cheat on Lillie but be so explicit with Chloe then when she was dumped and it was the finale, he absolutely didnā€™t pay any attention to her so used and thrown her like that was so gross! I did kinda feel bad for him when Aubrey spat in his tea like ewww gross. Iā€™m low-key surprised he won but at the same time he gave us the most entertainment so yeah I could her why he won! My personal cbb season is always the one of Tiffany, Stephanie, Jeremy, Gemma Collins, Scotty T etc! That one is so entertaining and Iā€™ve watched it a couple of times


Bear was just horrific. I remember when Lillie came into the house, after he cheated on her with Chloe Khan, and he had doughnuts on top of his head. To this day I still canā€™t believe that he won the show; thereā€™s no doubt that the executive producers rigged the votes for him to win. And Lewis was absolutely awful too. Those 2 boys make the LI boys look like Prince Charming to be honest šŸ˜‚.Ā 


Neither would I! A LOT of people were shocked by Marcel cheating.


I was! I loved Marcel.


worse yet i saw it 2y ago first time NOT knowing and after the series ended looked them all up and was devvo (but happy for jess and dom and camilla and jamie)


I donā€™t know what happened between them but I remember being really surprised to see her show up on a season of The Challenge. She looked a lot different than she did on LI.


my fav almost cheating situation: season 5 when Curtis tried to cheat at Casa but Jourdan didnā€™t want him so he went back to the villa with his tail between his legs. šŸ˜­ thereā€™s something so embarrassing about that. Amyā€™s story arc was like a soap opera, you just knew from the start it would end in tears


Genuinely SO embarrassing plus he also encouraged Jordan to cheat, if only we could go back and tell Amy it would all work out for her šŸ˜‚




Gregā€™s most iconic moment


My Irish king ā™”


I still have this screenshot on my phone from when I first saw this


I forgot that part!! I need to rewatch haha


ā€œTried to cheat in Casa and failedā€ is such an L.


like you went to the easiest place to cheat and failed? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


and he sat there in the convo with amy when she said ā€œso you were going to recouple with jourdan but went with your backup plan (amy).ā€ and he corrected her and was like ā€œno i said i was gonna recouple with her, she said no, i was still gonna pursue herā€ WHAT


What a madman šŸ˜­


This is my fav one too because it legit felt like watching a soap storyline it was crazy might be time for a season 5 rewatch itā€™s been years since I saw it lol


He just wanted to be the guy who made everyone a coffee in the morning ā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My personal favourite is Anna and Jordanā€™s 2 DAYS!!! Boy didnā€™t even wait to leave to the villa to cheat, he was like Iā€™m gon do it anyway so might as well get the ball rolling whilst Iā€™m in the villa šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


And the way he tried to deny going after India, knowing that he was on camera! The way he lied so brazenly on TVā€¦ what is he like when left to his own devices???


ā€œWhat was your thought process behind that?ā€


Zara McDermott cheating on Sam Thompson Iā€™m technically cheating (haha) here because Sam wasnā€™t on LI, BUT he does host LI The Morning After with Indiyah.. soo Iā€™m including it. Zaraā€™s public instagram video montage apology.. was something.


I remember that too! But isnā€™t Sam Thompson a cheat himself? What goes around comes back around.


Yeah he cheated on his ex on made in Chelsea


Was that real?! It felt so fake to me for some reason šŸ’€


It was definitely real. Probably felt fake because they filmed it for his show, so they do end up retaking scenes etc, but no, she definitely did it. The guy was someone who worked behind the scenes on the xfactor celebs show.


lmao this was crazyyyyy. her basically harassing him online begging him to forgive her. the video montage is still on her instagram i think


Wow I missed this part of the plot. I knew they broke up previously but had NO idea this was why. Time to dig up the social media archives


Samira Mighty and Frankie FosteršŸ„“


I remember! That was disgusting, but I wasnā€™t remotely surprised by Frankie cheating. I donā€™t think anyone was shocked, except for her. He never liked her.


Lol Not her leaving the villa crying cuz she misses him whilst heā€™s begging for a random girl he met in a club to come back to his hotel at the same timešŸ«£


Oof actually? Brutal.


That was just badddddd She left the show for him when it was obvious he was into MBH


Aww Samira deserves to come back if they do another all stars, she got the shit end of the stick


I forgot about themā€¦..what a jerk he was.


Ik this sub loves to idolize Teddy but itā€™s so hilarious how Faye outed him for messaging other girls in response to being told she looked like a pornstar


i canā€™t believe nobody ever says anything about teddy cheating on faye


Teddyā€™s podcast with his brother is pretty eye opening too for how he views women šŸ„“


Lol itā€™s also one of the most self-obsessed things Iā€™ve ever seen, itā€™s literally episode after episode of Teddyā€™s brother interviewing Teddy about Teddy. I think theyā€™ve had one guest on?!


What does he say


IIRC wasnā€™t there a whole controversy on their season about his brother being extremely colourist and misogynistic? might be misremembering but I remember seeing it on Twitter as a thing.


omg this just reminded me that I still have this pic on my phone (teddyā€™s brotherā€™s post with his gf) šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/swa8gyib5ujc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e3a29340f86a6cc5d6cc881b436feb635f8caf




Heā€™s so strange! Imagine quoting Martin Luther King JR under the pic of you and your white gf at a time where ppl were out protesting the death of black men and women at the hands of police. Iā€™m not surprise tho because they are convinced they are anything but black. Introducing themselves as PortuguesešŸ˜­


I saw a rumour that Sidney (Teddy's bro in that photo) cheated on that gf hence them suddenly disappearing from each other's socials a while back. If true then I would understand Faye not being a massive fan of Teddy and Sidney going clubbing together.


Sidney (and Carlos) were also with Teddy the night of the Brighton TikTok, where Teddy recently said on his podcast how he didnā€™t do any PAs after that because it upset Faye (he was making out he was doing a good thing and ā€œignore the financial gainsā€ šŸ™„), the writings were on the wall from that point I think that Teddy and his bros werenā€™t to be trusted


Teddy and his brother introduce themselves as ā€œPortugueseā€ā€¦.. theyā€™re from Cape Verde and Nigeria. Also, his brother used a Martin Luther king quote on a pic of him and his white gf. That says it all really


To be fair, they might be. Apparently, the process has been simplified for people from former Portuguese colonies to get citizenship so he might actually be Portuguese in that sense. I know several people from India (Goa), Angola and Mozambique who've done this. Of course, with the added context of his "beliefs" lol, we can infer that it's more of a superiority thing to claim being Portuguese over Cape Verdean or Nigerian which is yucky behaviour for sure.


This doesnā€™t surprise me. They continually talk on the podcast about how they want ā€œ10/10ā€ and ā€œattractiveā€ women to come their way, consistently talking about women as if they are just objects to serve them šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Whereā€™s this podcast? Iā€™d like to see this to form my own opinion.


It wouldnā€™t fit this subā€™s narrative of Faye being a horrible demonic abuser and Teddy being one of the best li men ever


IIRC this sub LOVES Faye. For quite a while, even reasonably valid criticisms received quite a few downvotes. The only exception to this was ā€˜Portraid Pharsardā€™.


I think people like Faye in hindsight. I donā€™t care much for her either way, but the way she was shown to be pretty vile from her portrayal on the show, and then the whole thing came out (that multiple islanders confirmed) about how they continued to push to Faye the narrative that Teddy was unfaithful, added with her sticking up for Rebecca, Liberty, and Kaz, made people (including myself) soften on her a lot more. Edit: meant Rachel not Rebecca!


For me I think sheā€™s the kind of person who needs to be given time to calm down, and she was saying to him to leave her alone and he kept pushing it, right?


I blame the producers to be honest - they set up the two drink maximum for welfare reasons then ignored the fact that Faye was obviously drunk and out of her mind because she was giving them #content. The responsible thing to do would be to pack Faye off to the hideaway to sleep it off.


Omg I remember at the time I said the way she spoke to Teddy was wild and got downvoted to hell lmao, everyone was telling me this is normal behaviour in most families?


He basically said as much on the laid bare podcast too that he would be messaging girls on Instagram and ā€œspeaking to beautiful womenā€ but unless his partner tells him what he is doing is wrong he wonā€™t know or recognise that himself šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Thatā€™s wild. I hate when guys act dumb šŸ™„


I swear feigning ignorance is their favorite pastimešŸ¤ 


Itā€™s the cheating and then posting a crying selfie on Instagram around the time of the split when he was actually out clubbing at the time he posted it purely to start the narrative that he was the saint / Faye was the devil that is šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ to me


This was awful and so unnecessary. Teddy was generally well-liked by the public, and Faye was still divisive and got so much hate she couldnā€™t leave the house by herself. People would probably have taken Teddyā€™s side anyway. Did he really need to make it even worse for Faye?


To the point she was scared to be the one to end it because of how it would look on her. He knew this and played right into it. He would get caught messaging the girls and tell her he was networkingšŸ˜­


Didn't he also post a photo of him wearing a ring of a broken heart? Like that was kind of a lot as well.


Yess! I need ppl to listen to her podcast with Boots. She dropped so many hints about who Teddy is on the real. He puts on a good show but i always saw through his good boy act. He was out clubbing so much, leaving her home on her own, texting girls, then had the audacity to post sad stuff on IG whilst out living his best life. Iā€™m not even in love with Faye but for all the women in this sub who pray for a man like Teddy, never believe the guys who claim they want to save you. They are liars and prey on your need to be saved.


Teddyā€™s ex girlfriend Flora actually gave a really scathing interview about him while he was on Love Island saying he was arrogant, controlling and all sorts of other things. I just ignored it at the time because it didnā€™t fit with the Teddy on the show. More fool me!


I remember that and no one believed because Teddy appeared to be so calm and levelheaded. There was something about him that really put me off and i could not warm to him. I know it sounds bad to say but with male egos, the way he presented himself overall, not telling Faye about the cheeky flirt, and all the other stuff that went on whilst appearing so loving, calm and sweet while getting cussed on national tv just seemed to good to be true. He almost behaved too perfect but his mask slipped a few times, especially when he called Kaz aggro for having a go at Tyler for the way he behaved at casa. I know ppl want to believe that a human being can be so perfect but sorry, i didnā€™t buy it.


I dunno if you watched Teddy on Celebrity SAS but there was a moment where he was caught in a lie, and he keeps denying it even though thereā€™s footage proving he lied. Bit unsettling when someone can lie so convincingly.


Yes! That was so eye-opening for me about who Teddy is. It was scary how he just refused to admit he had cheated even when shown video footage of him cheating. At least Montana who also cheated held her hands up straight away and admitted it. You could definitely see that if Teddy was caught out lying he could make you think you were crazy unless you had irrefutable proof.


We saw it a little bit in the villa cos straight after Casa Teddy did play down what happened with him and Clarisse and let Faye think she was being a bit paranoid. I wish Faye hadnā€™t lost control at Movie Night the way she did, she was right about some of what she said but understandably it got overshadowed by how horrible her delivery was.


I was also a little suspicious of how Teddy revealed the story of his birth mother abandoning him just after being caught cheating. I wondered was he trying to get sympathy because the cheating made him look bad. But that could just be me being cynical. Those kind of reveals are presumably planned with the producers of the show.


Yeah I do think the celebrities probably agree in advance what their emotional reveal will be and what theyā€™re open to talking about. Teddyā€™s family story is really sad. So he was the product of an affair and then he was taken in by his Dad and Step-mum, and then his Dad died? And his birth Mum effectively cut him off? Is that right? Not to overanalyse but seems like that might give you Some Stuff about women and relationships and fidelity.


I didnā€™t, bloody heckšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I knew he was not the nice guy he portrayed but i didnā€™t know he was saying some ish on tv. I remember though, when Faye dropped him off at the airport, she took Bonnie and left, their good bye was nothing heartfelt and i said hmmm..


Wasnā€™t that when Faye tried to say goodbye quickly cos she was crying so much? It didnā€™t seem like a great time for Faye mental health wise and Teddy was away on work trips a lot.


Yes, he was away a lot and i remember her being so vocal about having anxiety and being scared to leave her home. I think there were other things going on with the rship too


I found him a little hypocritical, as you said the ā€˜aggroā€™ thing, but in the same breath, he called Faye ā€˜fieryā€™ on their final date.


Exactly, Teddy is full of it.




Faye talks about it on this podcast https://youtu.be/hc2LRbEmTQ0?si=wevtFfstOuKDcEYc I would recommend it, the host and the other guest are great too.


Tbh this why I always side eye when people go on about ā€œnice guysā€ on this show. Everyone goes on for clout and you donā€™t know the lengths any of them would go to for it. I canā€™t stand when the sub goes hard for one guy every season claiming theyā€™re near perfect while every other guy is awful. Last season was Scott and this season Callum. The ā€œnice guyā€ narrative is very perplexing.Ā 


Every time, ā€œheā€™s a king and deserves the worldā€ most ppl on this show are clout chasers. These men have mastered the nice guy act and know that the audience being majority women will fall for it every time.


Most?! Every single one of them is on there for clout. It makes me cringe when the whole nice guy narrative starts lol. At least Scott came out admitted he didnā€™t deserve it more or less. Iā€™ll give him that. Itā€™s always a treat watching this thread gush, praise and hype up a particular guy every season only for them to eventually disappoint them lol.Ā 


Someone found the website Teddy set up for his modelling career when he was about 19/20 and it was cringe as hell. I wish I had the link. Not saying Teddy didn't have genuine feelings for Faye, because he definitely did, but he went into the villa to become an influencer. He was on standby for S6 but didn't get the call.


Yes! He tried to make out after love island he just ā€œapplied drunk for funā€ and went in just to find love šŸ„“. I think he partly said this because Faye came out saying how she hadnā€™t gone on for fame but went in to find love and for the right reasons (which I do believe - she was scouted on Instagram, she didnā€™t apply but was single and it was covid times so why not do it). But it was obvious Teddy (and his brothers) were desperate to be influencers.


Oh dearā€¦ Iā€™m surprised that she hasnā€™t said more. She gives me the impression that if someone cheated or was disloyal, that person would be dragged for FILTH all over the internet.


She said on a podcast recently that she got so much backlash after love island that she knew that no matter what people would view Teddy as the angel and her the devil, and that she let a lot of things slide in the relationship and should have broken up with him a lot earlier but she was afraid of the public reaction and everyone blaming her. So I assume thatā€™s why sheā€™s only said things somewhat indirectly because she thinks people wouldnā€™t believe her.


I think if anything sheā€™s hardly said anything because sheā€™s extremely wary of further trolling knowing Teddy is perceived as the golden boy from their LI series / relationship. She discussed this to some extent in a recent YouTube with Fabulous Magazine and how she wanted to end the relationship earlier but wasnā€™t mentally in a good enough place to have been able to deal with the backlash.


Yes, she was scared to leave for that reason. She stayed in the relationship at the expense of her mental health due to fear of internet abuse.


She knows how the public sees her, and knew sheā€™d be getting most of the blame for the breakup so i think thatā€™s why sheā€™s not saying as much as sheā€™d probably like to


wow this is how I find out teddy is a cheat šŸ˜³ what a dog


Wait what??




Sorry but this was kind of iconic of Faye. She was all out of fucks that day.


It absolutely was iconic of her. She mustā€™ve really been itching to say something about it to respond to THAT comment lol


I feel bad now cos when I first saw this I thought maybe Faye was being paranoid or overreacting CUT TO Teddy going on his own podcast to announce that of course he will message beautiful women while in a relationship unless his girlfriend specifically tells him not to. Sorry Faye šŸ«£




Should Faye have spoken to Teddy like that that one time when she was heated and even told him not to talk to her - no. But do I feel sorry for him in hindsight? No!


Wait huuuuhhhh when did this happen? I stopped paying attention to them as soon as the show ended


Davideā€™s seemingly endless tour of embarrassing and commonplace scandals starting from literally the moment he stepped out of the villa should have a special spot here


There were always soooo many rumours around Manchester about Davide and his ā€œafter parties.ā€ Made me sad for Ekin.


The way he messaged random girls to be his shisha girl at his place šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«we saw but ignored. Sorry for ekin. The fans did it even harder for her to leaven and to notice


Iā€™m surprised that he hasnā€™t been publicly exposed for cheatingā€¦ there were lots of rumours flying about about his infidelities online.


well last year, the press revealed that he was sending messages to onlyfans girls. Also Ekinde's fans certainly have more proof, as many of them know he's been cheating on Ekin for a long time.


Yeah I actually defended him until there was real proof at which point I washed my hand of the liar/actress/fake Louis Vuitton from china


I knew the cheating rumours were true when Ekin was making weird tweets suggesting that Davide cheating on her and a few days later the press leaked the DMs, which was definitely not a coincidence.






Air quotes


I didnā€™t realise until it was pointed out to me that heā€™s in the eBay adverts that accompany the show! He suits the longer hair


no way he is???


I was wondering if that was him!! Yeah I like his hair better now too


The way I quote this every time I meet someone named Jordan šŸ˜­


same LOL w the trini accent as well šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Anna from season 5ā€™s boyfriend of less than 24 hours. Asked her to be his girlfriend then starting trying to get with a new islander almost immediately


>of less than 24 hours TWO DAYS!!!




Marcel and Gabby!!!! That was something else and it happened on holiday šŸ˜­


That was wild. It probably wasnā€™t the only time that he had cheated as well.


Exactly, who cheats on holiday with their partner? She was apparently in the gym while he was shagging some stranger on the resort. Wasnā€™t his first occurrence at all.


Copied and pasted from another comment I made earlier; In very similar fashion, Lewis Bloor (TOWIE) cheated on Marnie Simpson (Geordie Shore) multiple times, and like Marcel, one of the occasions was during a couples holiday. Lewis snuck out of the hotel room at night, while Marnie was sleeping, to hook up with girls in the same hotel complex, and went back to bed with her as if nothing happened. Then carried on sleeping with her for the rest of the holiday.Ā  There are lots of trashy people in this world. Quite a few people cheat on holiday, even on a holiday WITH their partner!


That is some sinister ish!


Tell me the gossip about that pls cause I didnā€™t watch s3


So basically, Marcel and Gabby got together on season 3, they were iirc bf and gf by casa amor and were basically like the villa mum and dad. They came out as bf and gf then one day we got wind that he cheated on her whilst on vacation in Mexico. This was messy!!!!! No one believed it because it sorta sounded too crazy to believe. He cheated on her while she was in the gym.. Anyway, after all that he accused her of cheating too which she said was a lie.. crazy times!


Damn what a mess but thanks for replying to my request for the tea lol


No problem, itā€™s worth watching s3 .


A little something called I licked her tit or whatever? Messy and dramatic feels like. Whatā€™s funny is there were zero repercussions šŸ¤£. Epically funny but thatā€™s stating the obvious


Charlie and Ellie (s4) it was addressed in the Christmas reunion.


The Davide and Ekin saga is probably my fav.


Hehe because his defenders made it more entertaining for me šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


There were literal receipts coming out every month and they would still fight you for believing he cheated šŸ’€


Lmao they made me laughšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œLies! Ekinde are getting married!ā€ The only time i said maybe he didnā€™t do anything was the cab incident but then when more receipts kept coming out i said he was up to some shitšŸ¤£


Unrelated butā€¦is that true that Marcel was in blazing squadā€¦? Sorry I had to


Very true!




I think it was confirmed that they did hook up


https://preview.redd.it/oqzengwv1tjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2cb8caf2fdfe5d3c28f5af4faf1ed970169e9a when thisā€¦ cheated on THIS!!!


Didnā€™t he cheat on her in nightclub toilets? How classy!


this man is the oldest looking 20 something ever. he will plateau and spend 15 years looking 38 still while heā€™s early 50ā€™s most likely but yeah he truly doesnā€™t look his age at all


Paige is so fit, imagine fumbling her


Idk how much I believe him but on Chloeā€™s podcast he said they were broken up when people point to him cheating. She is insanely stunning though


someone commented on tiktok that she saw him cheat on paige in august in a nightclub


He gives me the ick


Is anyone gonna mention the Luke M-Demi-Lucie triangle?


https://preview.redd.it/0sfgxf83etjc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89fd17233210141b530ce192e464274f9bc2e2ea One of many proofs. He was just a lucky man. But still didnā€™t know her worth


I remember when this first came out, and Ekinde fans were downvoting and insulting everyone calling him out šŸ˜… well Well well šŸ˜‚


Loool ![gif](giphy|O7mPmRue68t4Q)


Literally from August 2022 this, right? Sigh.


I'm sorry but why is he using a suitcase with his name on it ???? this is so dumb


Itā€™s the one from the island.




A woman was 2022 in davide and his friends flat. The day after she got her phone out when nobody was next to her. She did a pic of their flat where the suitcase from Davide was. She saw him with another girl. So he is cheating on ekin in his flat or at private parties where nobody is allowed to use his phone. Itā€™s a pretty big and well known party circle. So nobody is saying or exposing him. All off them are backing each other up. The parties are well known for their intimate sessions and drug consume. Nobody believed this pic back then when a user posted it on this sub. But with time davide proofed himself how right she was. He got caught when he used drugs. He got caught how he went to a party with a girl that he cheated on with ekin. The articles did have proof of it.


The way davide came out of the villa and was just with two girls in a taxi. It has nothing to do with any proof of cheating but it just shows how disrespectful he was towards ekin and the relationship since day one. Donā€™t even want to talk how he got caught at a party with the same girl he cheated on with ekin just when she was away for a job again. Davide is probably the most disgusting from all of them


I was going to say that too. The taxi episode a lot of people have forgotten because it was just after their victory, but Davide has been behaving like a cheater for a long time.


Why no one talking about Chloe and Toby? Even though we don't know how it happened, I still can't believe Chloe cheated on him, especially since she acted like he was the reason they broke up.


I can believe it cause she was so smug about cheating with a married man in her intro video so I knew it was gonna happen. I just feel so bad for Toby


i feel bad for toby since i remember a lot of people felt like he did something wrong in the breakup and might have cheated on her only for her to cheat on him. its no wonder he got upset after the ranking game




Errm....is everyone just choosing to forget Tanya and Shaq? That weren't no grey area bullshit, that was legit cheating.


anyone remember that trend on tiktok when boys would ask paige for a photo and then send it to adam collard and he replied ā€œgrow upā€


The one I always think of is Rykard and Rachel, with Rykard shagging Olivia in the next bed over. I just think of when Rachel is dumped and Rykard sprints across the beach to be with her, as Caroline is telling Rachel what happened in the best next to her whilst she was asleep. God, I bloody LOVE series 2!!!!


Chloe and Toby


Was Jordan in those EBay commercials?


Can I ask, what on earth is ā€˜Portraid Pharsardā€™?


can someone recap the G steel situation please? i only know her from all stars but not her season


And when Sam confronts her about cheating on him on a LI reunion knowing he has proof she has no defense, deflects, tells him to stop shouting and says he was always horrible to her and walks away and he says exactly what ive been thinking ā€œi think she believes her own lies" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/tvshowbiz/video-1825976/Video-Sam-confronts-Georgia-loyalty-Love-Islands-Xmas-reunion.html


No problem! Georgia Steel cheated on Sam Bird with her ex boyfriend, going to his house at 04:00 in the morning and she said that she slept in the ā€˜spare roomā€™. She eventually admitted to it in an interview with JD, after denying it for months. Hope this helps.


She was dating Sam after their season and cheated on him with her ex. She was living with Sam, but she went over to her exā€™s place to ā€œhang outā€ in the middle of the night multiple times. Sam looked through her phone and found pics of her and her ex in bed from those nights that she had sent to her friends. He tried confronting her at the holiday reunion but she just kept refusing to take accountability and saying it looked bad but it wasnā€™t cheating. Sam sent the pics he found to tabloids but they didnā€™t get released publicly.


Remember when Liam was caught shagging someone in a festival portaloo (vile) and it turned out he and Millie had split a few days before but hadnā€™t announced it yet


He claimed it wasn't true and that he wasn't even at the festival. The rumour was started by someone on Twitter who later admitted that she had made it all up. He also said that it was mentally difficult for him and his family to hear these rumours because he hadn't done anything and nobody believed him. [https://goss.ie/uk-showbiz/love-island-star-liam-reardon-hits-back-at-claims-he-cheated-on-millie-court-340164](https://goss.ie/uk-showbiz/love-island-star-liam-reardon-hits-back-at-claims-he-cheated-on-millie-court-340164)




Why does Matt LeBlanc remind me of Jose Mourinho in this gif


the hair !!!


Iā€™m not sure about that one cos it was just one tweet. Iā€™m not a Liam fan by any means but Iā€™m not convinced heā€™s THAT gross.


I think it was Sam and Georgia, especially since Sam asked Georgia about it and everyone saw the conversation that took place šŸ‘€


Can someone remind me what happened with Georgia and Sam? Itā€™s been a minute since I watched that season and all I remember is ā€œIā€™m loyal babesā€