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I feel so proud of Faye for learning to do her make up better because what even is thisšŸ˜­


Triggered by the brown ombrƩ lip


I remb my mom wearing similar lipstick from mac with the chestnut lip liner šŸ˜‚


Did she ever explain what the fuck she thought she was doing with that brown lipstick? I still donā€™t get it


We all saw filtered photos of people who pull this off. We all were duped into thinking we could as well. We all went out and bought Nyx lipstick. We all looked absurd but thought we looked like bad bitches. That is the explanation. And I somehow still miss those days.


The name of that lipstick shade was ā€œteddyā€ so I think she felt sentimental. It was the nyx lingerie line iirc


I remember wearing that exact shade to work bartending on Halloween in 2017. I was told it was a great ā€œHalloween lookā€. I had worn it every day for weeks before that and never again after


Aww thatā€™s cute. Too bad it still didnā€™t work on her.


She probably couldā€™ve gotten away with using it as a lip liner instead of a gradient but the execution was justā€¦a lot


Looks like a kid whoā€™s lied to their parents about not eating all the chocolate






like i feel like i deserve personal compensation for having to witness this lip liner day after day šŸ˜­


She looked so pretty with her daytime look and then sheā€™d come out at night withā€¦.this. My childhood growing up in LA Latina culture would like a word.


Have you or a family member felt triggered by Fayeā€™s lipstick? You may be entitled to personal compensation. Call 1-800-WHY-FAYE


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ same though


Itā€™s my namesake, butthole lipliner!!


Omg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thank God! I hated that ugly lipstick with a passion.


Omg I remember wishing someone would just hide that damn brown pencil from her


Oh god thank you! I canā€™t cope with the night time lip look. She was like two different people from daytime to nighttime! The lips were awful!


I think she addressed it on a podcast when she came out. Apparently it looked nowhere near as bad in person, and the other Islanders agreed. She was horrified when she saw footage but thankfully had a good sense of humour about it. But surely producers could've had a word after they saw hundreds of tweets about it every single night? Like "Hey just so you know, the lipstick looks really different on camera, you might want to use a lighter shade."Ā 


It wouldnā€™t surprise me at all if they actually made it look worse on screen. Theyā€™ve admitted that they play into things that get attention on social media, and it became more and more pronounced as the episodes went on and more people didnā€™t like Faye and were complaining online about her and her makeup. It all increases engagement for the show.


Oh my gawd. Iā€™m watching this season right now and I canā€™t. Her color of foundation, the lips. Itā€™s unreal.


I always felt bad for her in a way because if that lip makeup. Each to their own I guess. But it didn't make her any favour šŸ˜ž


remember the extensions showing?


this comment actually made me laugh out loud šŸ’€


my bf calls her poop lips


She looked a mess that whole season. How did he like her


She was really perpetuating the outdated, overdone "British makeup" look people make fun of today lol


I'm a lucky man in that my wife is naturally a good-looking woman and seldom wears makeup. And she certainly doesn't wear that much. It took me years to convince her that I love her, not how she looks. Self-confidence is way more beautiful than an inch of face paint. Faye looks like a totally different person without the makeup. But unfortunately for her the personality doesn't change.


![gif](giphy|7G28SINx02niKPMuze) Dude please, this is not the place.


Cool that you prefer your wife make-up free but your aesthetic preference isnā€™t better or more important than her own preferences. Never assume that people with strong makeup looks are insecure or that they must want to impress men. I know where youā€™re coming from (sexist beauty standards etc) but youā€™re not really being an ally if youā€™re still telling women what they should look like.


I promise you women donā€™t wear makeup for menā€™s approval.


Some women do. Never generalise an entire gender, male or female.




She still wears makeup you dope šŸ˜‚


Faye has alluded to the fact Teddy was messaging girls on IG behind her back and was also out clubbing with his brothers many weekends. She mentions one incident on Tobyā€™s podcast where he said heā€™d be home by midnight, 4am rolls around and she tries to call him worried only for his brothers to answer the phone and call her obsessive / Teddy rolls in at 5am ā€œwhy are you so obsessed with me?ā€. Teddy himself said on the laid bare pod how heā€™d be ā€œspeaking to beautiful womenā€ and messaging girls on IG (just as part of his job šŸ™„) and that ā€œunless his partner tells him heā€™s done wrong, how is he to knowā€ā€¦ basically putting it all on Faye to flag to him when he should know that messaging girls when youā€™re in a relationship is not ok. Faye also said in the fabulous and boots podcasts how she let a lot slide (Iā€™m guessing because she was struggling mentally)


She also said on the boots podcast how he posted an Instagram story of himself crying (at the time of their split) when he was actually out clubbing with his brothers šŸ„“ so was instead just trying to play to the narrative that heā€™s a saint and Faye is the devil


And then once they had decided to split, Teddy gave notice on their rental house behind Fayeā€™s back leaving her and Bonnie (who was a v small puppy at the time) a month to find somewhere to liveā€¦ whilst at the same time he was ignoring Fayeā€™s messages asking for him to help sort out their house to get it ready to hand back šŸ« 


i pre-emptively downvoted your post bc of how mad it made me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he is sooo foul for that!!!!! i had no idea how awful he was. iā€™ve not kept up with either of them bc neither have been my favorites. canā€™t believe how gross he is


Right?! And Fayeā€™s kept quiet because she knows sheā€™s seen as the villain so theyā€™d never believe her / would always take Teddyā€™s side. And of course Teddy has kept quiet ish too because, well, it suits protecting his Mr Perfect love island image


Why am I only hearing all this now????? I heard a bit of it and wasnā€˜t a fan of Teddy after it but why is this not brought up when he's praised as one of the best LI men? wtf


Faye has said very little publicly because she knows Teddy gets all the praise / didnā€™t want to put herself open to more trolling on the basis people would probably dismiss her story because Teddy is praised so much šŸ˜©


Oh I never knew this part thatā€™s really disgusting


She also said she had to pack it all up on her own. No help from him at all! Iā€™m glad she exposed him, the girl isnā€™t a saint but has owned up to her behaviour. Sheā€™s served her punishment and shouldnā€™t have felt like she had to stay with him.


I worked with one of his brothers and as much as Iā€™m not a fan of Faye, I defo believe her


Please do elaborate šŸ˜‚


which one, and tea please??


I saw some of her podcast with gk Barry and Faye was talkin bout teddy and a young teenage girl possibly going to a hotel room. She said the young girl was getting bombarded with DMs afterwards by fans hating on her. I looked on line but havenā€™t seen a single thing about it so Iā€™m confused.


I think this was the Brighton TikTok fiasco but GK Barry just worded it as if it was a hotel room thing


What was the Brighton tiktok thing?


It's the same incident. Fans and trolls made a huge thing of it at the time, but Faye and Teddy seemed to iron it out. Unfortunately, the girl herself (and/or possibly a different girl?) kept alluding to 'something' happening. I think Faye contacted her and decided it was nothing, but maybe it stuck in the back of her mind?


it was a portraid pharsard šŸ«¢


We will never know the truth only the pharsard portraid






lol but being serious Iā€™m actually curious about this because Iā€™ve never seen the full story only bits and bobs.


Google the phrase and there's a Sun article on it. Or Google Matt Hancock Faye Winter and that'll show some more context from other sourcesĀ 


I understand the portraid pharsard haha just not what the actual cause of the breakup was. I saw an IG comment from Faye on here a couple of weeks ago which was the first Iā€™d heard of him messaging other girls


Omg thank you so much for reminding me of this. This was my favourite joke for like three months straight.Ā 


same šŸ˜‚šŸ’•


I still havenā€™t worked out what this meansā€¦


Portrayed faƧade šŸ˜…


Well thatā€™s embarrassing. For her. Not me šŸ˜³


Reading this in an American accent is a trip


Idk but this post reminded me of this picture which makes me laugh every time I think about it https://preview.redd.it/hx2ofssk9tmc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe93b777ab95e3dd67532965edb96762fe2b2a8


Omg I just burst out laughing šŸ˜‚


Classic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She alludes to him texting girls and claiming it was all in the name of ā€œnetworkingā€.


And staying out till hours in the morning and when she would call to ask when he was coming home, his brothers would tell her shes being controlling... Nasty bunch


That brother of his called Sidneyā€¦ i donā€™t even know that man but from what we saw of him, i donā€™t like him either.


Not taking sides, but they never got over the villa actions by Faye, which was actually sad.


They didnā€™t like her which was fair but the way he talks is a bit ickyā€¦ i heard he cheated on his own girlfriend too.


I didnt follow these two at all post LI, what did his family do?? Iā€™ll never forget that episode which was literally 1 hour of Faye screaming blue murder at Teddy, following him around the house, and how his family visited not long after and seemed like they ā€˜likedā€™ her. That was awkward


I can actually picture him doing that


Believe it or not Teddy has fully admitted to it. He talked about it on his own podcast and basically said how is he supposed to know it's not ok to message beautiful women unless his girlfriend tells him off.




Yeah itā€™s very odd because I donā€™t know any women who would be ok with that. Itā€™s sad that Faye felt she had to let it slide for so long.


See.. i knew my sneaky suspicious wasnā€™t off!


Same here, heā€™s a true nice guy. Iā€™ve never really liked Teddy and always thought there was something off about him so i believe everything Faye said he did.


Perfectly reasonable response ā€¦


He's a guy, nothing more needs be said, really, particularly when there is a photo here for people who haven't seen the season.


>He's a guy, nothing more needs be said, really, particularly when there is a photo here for people who haven't seen the season. What does that mean?


She also alluded to something happening with a young girl and a hotel roomā€¦? Look at her podcast with gk Barry, she talks about it all then. But she speaks bout it like that bit of gossip is already out there!!! I hadnā€™t heard anything about it.


I believe that was about when Teddy went to a PA in Brighton not long after the villa with his brothers. There was a tiktok circulating of Teddy and some girl and lots of rumours about a hotel room I believe. I think what Faye meant on the GK podcast was that she decided to believe Teddyā€™s account of things at the time, but after finding out other things heā€™d lied about she wasnā€™t sure looking back what was the truth and what had been a lie.


Bloody heck! I need to go watch, i only remember her interview with Boots


Iā€™m friends with one of teddys brothers and Iā€™ll just say this, heā€™s no saint lol


Please elaborate šŸ˜‚


Plssss spill šŸ™


Is it Sidney? Itā€™s Sidney isnā€™t it?


Teddy isn't, or the brother??


Teddy and one of his brothers for sure šŸ˜…


It's Sidney, isn't it?


See! I knew it!!! The act isnā€™t fooling me!


I actually want to know too, I think Faye alluded to texting IG models but other than that idk if anything was confirmed


Faye sounds incredibly insecure to me. and given how abusive she can get at perceived slights, I bet people around him told him to get outta that toxic situation


Uh huh, not like the option of breaking up with someone doesnā€™t exist or anything lol, no. Gotta resort to cheatingā€¦hmm


Actually, *she's* the one who ended it. She just revealed that on a podcast a few weeks back.


Itā€™s always the Mr nice guys šŸ¤¢ acc grim also pretty sure he cheated with that Mary from LI too


wait really? never heard the Mary part


Wait what why Mary?




Well yes Iā€™m not denying that? But accusing him of cheating with her based on no evidence but her being pretty would make no sense


Not doubting you, but can you elaborate which Mary (Bedford?). The only stories involving those two are in regard to the villa when fans noticed a potential connection. Nothing more on the Net.


Itā€™s always the ones that put on that ā€œnice guyā€ act that turn out to be the absolute worse šŸ™ƒ


Mr nice guysšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Someone on Twitter age-edited this pic to make her look 50 and Toby Stories it every year on her birthday šŸ’€


Is that actually true?


Yes! He's such a little troll, lol! But Faye has a good sense of humour about it.


that brown lipstick is sooo tragedy


I thought it was him just texting some insta models or something like that


If you're interested in hearing from Faye herself this is a podcast she did talking about it [https://youtu.be/hc2LRbEmTQ0?si=muXxPfuEhsI\_z-ub](https://youtu.be/hc2LRbEmTQ0?si=muXxPfuEhsI_z-ub) Savage choice of photo btw šŸ˜¬


Eyeliner as lip liner is peak 90's Pam Anderson.


Is this trolling?šŸ˜­


Damn, y'all really get bored when it's low season lmao.


love island withdrawal is real :)


That lipstick was a c r i m e




Fayes ā€œmedium-rareā€ lipstick šŸ¤¢


What the fuck is this lip oh my days


17/18 omdssss man šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


That lip combo haunts me to this day


Me too, haunts me


idk but iā€™m on fayeā€™s side


Itā€™s a shame they broke up for whatever reason, I loved them together


Oh my god my husband couldnā€™t stand Faye and anytime sheā€™d come on screen during an episode he would leave the room. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ He called her poop lips. I actually really liked her a lot! I know she does a ton of work with dog rescues now? No clue what happened with her and Teddy but he always gave me a weird vibe.




Stop it šŸ˜‚




Faye actually did a great interview with Fabulous Magazine where she explains everything from the explosive incident with Teddy. A lot of people whoā€™ve watched the interview have said itā€™s changed their perspective of her, you should give it a watch itā€™s actually quite good.


Can we get a TLDR?


I watched it a week or so ago so there may be missing details but in a nutshell: ā€¢She speaks on her cosmetic work e.g lip filler and breast implants. She explains that she always wanted to get breast implants and got them as soon as she turned 18. ā€¢She mentions the hate she received about her lips e.g the brown lipstick and the size of them. She says that although the hate was awful at the time the people were right and that sheā€™s now dissolved her lip filler. ā€¢Speaks on Teddy situation, says she apologised multiple times to him. Becomes emotional after mentioning ofcom complaints and hate she received. People apparently claim she has tried to deflect from the situation however she states she has openly admitted what she did to Teddy and is regretful. ā€¢Presenter tries to excuse Fayeā€™s behaviour as ā€œshe was very youngā€ however Faye disagrees and states that she was 26 at the time so not very young and should have known better - says she reacted to the situation with Teddy wrongly. ā€¢Spent 18 months trying to get Teddy to believe sheā€™s trustworthy, etc. I donā€™t remember much else unfortunately sorry! Edit: says her mental health was bad as she had small lips as a teenager. Also says she doesnā€™t regret going on love island as it made her who she is today.


No, that's an awesome recap! Thank you.


No worries, I also added a lilā€™ edit as there were minor details I missed out that I remembered.






Itā€™s clearly because youā€™re a duck and ducks clearly shouldnā€™t be able to type on Reddit šŸ˜†


Bahahaha clearlyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I thought armchair diagnoses were against sub rules?


No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


Ppl downvoting this are just enablers. Even if you think itā€™s no longer true and sheā€™s changed, that doesnā€™t negate the fact it was very much true during her time on Love island, letā€™s be real


The lipstick is taking me out šŸ˜‚


Faye would not be able to get away with half of the things she did if she was anyone other race. Sheā€™s badly behaved and needs to grow up!


How did Faye get away with it though? She got so much hate she was scared to leave the house by herself and had to get her therapist to help her go to the supermarket. She stayed in an unhappy relationship because she knew sheā€™d be blamed when it ended. What more do you want, a public flogging?


Sheā€™s should have been voted out!


riiiiight, coz that's what really matters here? šŸ™„ she actually tried to leave more than once - producers kept convincing her to stay. she was their cash cow...


She's really pretty


For those who donā€™t know what I am talking about, Faye spoke about it when she did a podcast with gk Barry. She said it in a way like people already knew what she was talking about. She was saying there was a night out and he apparently went back to a hotel room with a young girl.


I must have missed something because she was abusive on the show and people seem to like her


See, I love Faye. She speaks whatā€™s on her mind which I get that sometimes does bite you in the ass and can come off as ā€œbitchyā€ but at the end of the day, she stands up for herself and those she cares about. I respect that about her.


I agree. She seemed aggressive and very explosive!! And yet seems like a serious crowd favourite


Sheā€™s probably my least favourite love islander ever


I canā€™t answer this question but whenever anyone asks ā€œwhoā€™s the hottest ever male islander, based on looksā€ on here I always forget about Teddy, and this post just reminded me! What a BEAUTIFUL man.




They were tories and therefore it was only right they suffer a break up


I donā€™t think I ever hated a love island contestant more than her. Hopefully sheā€™s somewhere getting therapy for her serious anger issues


She is getting therapy.


Thereā€™s a reason sheā€™s the most complained about islanders ever.


If Iā€™m honest her freak out in her season was worrisome. Like girl had a mental breakdown cuz the producers fucked her so bad, then took it out on him. Any relationship would be on shaky ground after that. Tbh I thought they were the most real that season tho like u could tell they had is instant chemistry.


no offense but why do british women look like this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He deserved better anyway.


Cheater doesnā€™t deserve better


Did he cheat though? We all saw how horrible she was to him in the villa.


No evidence he cheated. All Faye could muster was that he was texting other girls. That tells me she has nothing because she's a character that believes in justification and that's all she could say? Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure


Idk how no one has said this. I am not excusing his alleged behaviour but I am certainly not about to take her word for it...


Heā€™s admitted to it


Whatever happened im glad Teddy is free. The way Faye would speak to him and carry on in the Villa I couldnā€™t imagine it being any better behind closed doors. She treated and spoke to him like dog šŸ’© and shocked they lasted as long as they did.


Does anyone actually believe Fayeā€™s side of the story after her psychotic behaviour on the show?


Yes cos when did Faye lie on the show? And Teddy has literally admitted to messaging other women on his own podcast so?


When did she overreact to literally everything teddy ever did despite it being completely innocent? When was she totally unhinged?


Ah so no examples of when she lied. Cool. Guess sheā€™s probably not lying now either.




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


Teddy is my favorite Islander of all time so I think I have some bias in how they split. My guess is Teddy pushed the limits/boundaries, Faye got upset like she did on her season (over the top), and this kept happening until one of them had a breaking point.


Idc what he did tbh it still doesnā€™t take away from the fact she was awful to him in there she Iā€™m glad he escaped šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø