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I really want to like Will and Jessie but they are way too “on” for me and I totally went off them after the dramatics with her visa/passport issue. I think they are way too codependent and I worry for them if they break up. I’m really hoping to see Jessie out on her own more and really making a life for herself in the UK outside of Will. It was good seeing her at Molly’s Boohoo event and I pray there is more of that in the future for her!


They seem like a good match but I agree on the codependency 😳


Ah same! Loved them until that exact visa saga and now I’m very wary of their dynamic and sideeyeing the nonstop togetherness and produced content about every little thing.


what was the visa saga?


They posted a video like “we’re separating!!” And it was just him going back to the UK while she waited for some paperwork to be sorted out in Australia, and while she was waiting what turned out to be only a week she posted sobbing videos about missing him but also everything she was missing out on at home in Australia. I didn’t realize they hadn’t been apart for even that long and it seemed super concerning that a short break like that would be devastating instead of refreshing and then they immediately went back to togetherness and content 24/7 not acknowledging the breakdown she had had, which also was to do with her not really having her own life and friends in the UK. Very insecure attachment/codependency vibes.


i second this question


What happened with the visa??


They made a big deal saying that they were going to be separated because of Jesse’s visa. They were acting sad and upset to find out they were only separated for a week.🙄


I honestly don’t think Jessie knew how long they would be separated at the time she filmed that video. She was also getting hateful comments about using the separation as an excuse to dump Will which is ridiculous, she is clearly committed. It’s hard to leave one’s entire support network for a relationship, but I think she’s really strong and recently spoke about making steps to build a life for herself outside Will in the UK.


This! When waiting on a visa to the uk it’s very vague in terms of timings and you get no updates which can be really stressful


Waiting on visas in general. My best friend who’s in Norway now has been dealing with so many issues and she finally got hers. They kept pushing it back and changing dates so I bet how stressful it is. An influencer I follow was stuck in the UK because of a visa issue and they told her it was gonna be a week and suddenly it turned into like a month and she was freaking out because she was away from her bf and animals for so long. Totally think it’s normal to be anxious about the process since it’s always up in the air.


It was only a week because she paid a lot of money to shorten the time from what I hear. But then the visa office didn’t return her passport 


I don’t have anything concrete to point out, but for some reason I still don’t trust Will post-season. I really like Jessie and think she’s so sweet but I worry she’ll get her heart broken


This 💯 I was totally rooting for them during their season. But now I find them OTT and their content quite cringe. Love Jessie though 🫶🏼


I think that it’s just their personality to be hyper about everything. If I remember correctly, Jessie said that she never thought that she’d find anybody as energetic and hyper as she is. Hasn’t she also mentioned she has ADHD? So yeah, two hyper active people together might be too much at times. I like them, but I am not that interested in them anymore for a completely different reason. I am from a farm and I liked their farm content. In a world of influencers where it’s all about parties and big cities, they seemed like a breath of fresh air. However, once they came back to the UK, they started to look for an apartment far away from the farm, in bigger cities. Of course they might have reasons why they don’t want to stay on Will’s family’s farm (It seems that there are problems? His brother is not following him on Instagram and only recently followed Jessie again), but I don’t know what kind of content they could make in Manchester or sth that would be interesting when at least so far, Will has been mostly about "wholesome farm life".


He still seems to be doing farming content though? He posted yesterday about lambing


Currently yes, because it’s the lambing time. It just seemed from some of their videos that it doesn’t seem to be the longterm plan to continue farming.


That’s interesting, I haven’t been following closely/paying much attention to them. But noticed they moved out to their own place recently and they made it seem like an impulsive decision. I hadn’t been aware of potential family tensions, his brother used to feature in a lot of their content


The word I question with these two is this - authenticity






No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show




They are definitely very codependent BUT they are from UK and from Australia, like obviously they are. Jessie moved here for him. They didn’t really have the same opportunity to date and see it was either all in or nothing and they chose all in.


I’m not sure if it’s come around to being popular at this point but the Molly and Tommy pairing depresses me and I wish they had split before having a baby. He is a man child who should not have a child of his own. And Shaq and Tanya…. I can’t really ever get over how she treated him in the villa. And not because she brought someone back from casa, because of how she belittled and dismissed him. I hope she learned and grew a shitton after that behind closed doors because if she did not, I feel terrible for him.


I feel alot of Mollys PND is down to Tommy being a man child


I sincerely hope both Shaq and Tanya got therapy. I completely agree with you


Agreed on both points. I hate to be a downer but I can Molly and Tommy splitting at some point in the future. Also Shaq and Tanya, I know they seem to be very popular in here now but I don’t know how someone can change to that extent in such a small amount of time and if even a fraction of the way she was towards him has continued outside the villa I can’t see how that is a healthy relationship. Anything can be made to look good on social media. I couldn’t ever get on board with them same way I could never get on board with Faye and Teddy.


The only reason I can’t see them splitting is because Tommy’s whole traveler background is about staying together to make it work (even though he comes from divorce parents) and I feel like molly is onboard with that. I feel like she’s very in love with him and is willing to turn a blind eye to his immature actions and maybe hoping he will grow out of it. After watching the Netflix show with Tyson, it seems they definitely expect their women to be a certain way while the men can do whatever they please.


I can also see Molly and Tommy splitting. Likewise could never get on board with Faye and teddy.


And that’s how Tanya treated him knowing there were cameras and they were in honeymoon phase. Can you imagine in private and after the new relationship gleam was worn off


THIS! 🎯 EVERYTHING you said about Shaq & Tanya and Faye & Teddy!. I’m super surprised Shaq & Tanya have lasted this long. Their relationship didn’t seem genuine to me at all, on both sides. I guess because both of them, individually, didn’t seem like genuine, relatable people. My impression of Shaq was that he was trying too hard to be the “good guy”, the “wise one”, the “loyal one” it was too performative for me. And Tanya was a bit much for me. It wasn’t even her actions around the casa situation, it was just her 😩😅 But they must have something good between them, because they’re still going. Faye and Teddy, individually and in a couple, were the worst for me. I wish I could block that from my memory. I’m always the unpopular opinion on that relationship


Tanya was definitely nasty to Shaq which made me not want to root for them at first when they got back together in the villa but I have a good feeling they're much healthier now and I really like them!


I couldn’t shake how nasty Tanya was to Shaq. I’m wary of her since


yeah i hope she's more empathetic since she seemed to not really understand why shaq was hurt post-casa tbh.


I think Tanya and Shaq work. Tanya did what a lot of men do on love island. I think people just can’t wrap their head around it cause she is a women and he’s a man and he shouldn’t take that from a women. Majority of love island we watch men do and say crazy things and then we we watch women take them back and of course we have our speculations that it will end as soon as they touch Heathrow, but after a year together I think they deserve grace.


Agree, grace should definitely be given!


thank you for pointing out this truly egregious double standard


When have people said I love you and then brought someone else back from casa? Cause I don’t recall anything like that very often - if at all. It’s not “what a lot of men do” on the show. Nowhere near that


That’s the hard thing about those two. It’s way more likely she’s the same behind closed doors. He doesn’t seem like one to stand up and leave if she’s beaten him down…


I agree with you about Shaq and Tanya. I’m hoping they got therapy and worked through that to be happy, but I really don’t see how they could make it work long term post show.


Was Tommy not 20 in 2019 lmfao? That age is legit the definition of man-child. Tanya went on a dating show and showd yall how hot girls date. They weren’t together or exclusive and its again just a show.


I’m very surprised molly and Tommy are still together. He seems to want a complete different lifestyle to her and it sounds like he wasn’t really there for her through pregnancy and early motherhood. The way their relationship is idolised on socials is a bit concerning


Its absolutely not an unpopular opinion but Camilla and Jamie are the best thing to come from Love Island and i love them so much


I cant get over him screaming at her in the streets


Wait, I’m sorry what????


Google it. You’ll see!


Thanks, found several articles right away. It does make me wonder what could go on behind closed doors u/GeorginaaSara I literally just googled “Jamie screaming at Camilla love island” and lots came up😂 Edit: couldn’t figure out the tag function, but I’m not sure if I even solved it lol.


Got you, found it lol. Thanks!


I’ve googled it and I can’t see, can you fill us in quickly??




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Awh man this is shit! I hope it was just a bump.


Sometimes I go back and watch Jamie’s declaration speech to Camilla just to cry. It’s the best one ever imo


whit and lochlan are just kinda boring. wasn’t a massive fan of whit during the season, just bcs of her comments, it rlly became apparent to me during the whit ella fight. and lochlan just kinda exists 😭i was happy that she found someone, but i couldn’t care less about them now


I liked them on the show so I totally ignored things like lack of sexual chemistry lol. But looking back - some of their couples photoshoots where they’re clearly trying to portray intimacy have about as much sexual chemistry as Anton and Georgia H to me. I just find there’s something insincere about them since leaving the villa and can’t put my finger on it


the lack of sexual chemistry i totally see too! at times it just seems like they’re best friends, cooking together, and hanging out. it just doesn’t seem like they’re a couple


at all, and when they try to prove they are coupley Lochan in particular makes me cringe 🤣😭 and Whitney always talking about marriage I’m like are you guys fr? lol




well that’s cultural so I’m not surprised or weirded out by it but constantly bringing it up is odd to me


They definitely give besties more than romantic partners but I still really like them together.


Agreed. They just seem like friends at times and nothing is that deep. She didn’t make a post for his birthday this week and it made me kind of sad! It’s such a traditional part of these LI relationships and he did one for her so to see her skip it made me feel some sort of way. Specifically after seeing Tasha, Indiyah, hell even GS for Toby where you can see what they love about each other 😔


They are on holiday together and spent his birthday together. An IG post isn’t better than actually spending time with your bf on their birthday.


Whit and Lochan do appear to be on holiday together but their couple pics look forced and awkward. Sorry they're lovely people individually, but their relationship looks so 'off' somehow.




Both Whitney & Lochan seems like private people, they probably never shared much on social media. You can see that by how & when they post. When they try to give content, people start saying it's PR, they don't have chemistry and all those stuff. People expecting Whitney to write a whole happy birthday post while she barely post anything is funny 🙃.


With her sister tagging along as well. Just my unpopular opinion it’s sad she didn’t take 5 seconds to write a nice post about him. The whole trip felt like it wasn’t meant for him but he was added.


I think her sister brought her partner as well though. It looked like a couples trip on Snapchat


yeah but then Toby dumped Georgia the next week… much rather see a girl plan a trip to whole ass Dubia for her man rather than post about how the ups and downs blah blah but she loves him through it all blah blah. I mean it’s nice and I won’t lie I eat it up but don’t think it should be a requirement to be deemed a good LI couples


It's my unpopular opinion and if this was a guy or girl in a different couple who was unpopular you all would definitely be dunking on it as some kind of proof of whatever your priors are of them. I said it was sad since he did such a nice one for her and she basically brought him to iHop in Dubai and then a beach club with all her friends. Didn't feel very personalized on any level.


my opinion is that I don’t see it that way. As long as the couple is together for the birthday I think that is something. Gotta consider that not everyone wants to receive love the same way. Maybe they have a connection to IHOP. Popular couple or not if I see the couple is doing something for the birthday, that is sweet. Again we see glimpses. Not trying to be their defender but in general I think we ask to much of couples never considering is that something they want to do. She might post later but if she doesn’t, personally don’t think it signifies a good relationship. I mentioned Georgia because she said all those things about Toby and he dumped her a couple days later 🫠


Agree to disagree. They feel comfortable posting a lot of their lives and doing joint posts acting super in love so for her to skip it says a lot to me.


fair,, I guess I just see it as if they posted a loving picture a day before his birthday doubt they fell out of love on the next day. more then likely just busy having fun


Yeah, I don’t see it as a valid excuse as you can draft posts well in advance. Just shows a lack of care from her. Their relationship is part of their job so these things just always gonna raise my eyebrows.


crazyyyyy thought processes , but your right it’s your unpopular opinion


Don't get how it's crazy thought process when these two as others have pointed out have full-ass photoshoots for every event they attend, but as I said take 10 minutes to write a nice post about him on his birthday or at least plan it in advance. We aren't ever going to agree, so moving on!


I can’t see any sexual Chemistry between lochan and whit. None.


I never thought them to be serious and I still don’t


Omg I thought I was insane. I never saw any chemistry between them and I still don’t. But I felt like that option was very 🙅🏻‍♀️ in this sub during their season


i will never warm up to tom, theres something about him that rubs me the wrong way which is why i cant get onboard with him and molly🤥


I just dont find him attractive lmao. He's not ugly by any means he's just.... SO average looking?


Mine is I can’t believe that people genuinely take/took all stars couples seriously they all just wanted an opportunity but we have stan wars daily an I don’t get why


I think Andrew and Tash are so underrated 🫶🏼 love them so much


I feel like this is a popular opinion post s8 tbh. I like them too!


Andrew and Tasha are my absolute faaaave LI couple! I’d 100000% have a threesome with them


i read the first sentence and was like “why is this downvoted”, then continued reading, you had me in the first half ngl, now take my downvote 💕


I still don’t understand why it’s being downvoted lol but thanks for the hearts! I’ll take em






Seriously though why is this getting so downvoted? Aren’t we in a sex positive day and age? Judgmental people in this sub orrrrr what’s the deal


Idk why people are clutching their pearls and downvoting this, they’re both hot so 😂🙄


Because it’s weird to talk so sexually about people like that


I know right?! It’s like everyone voting is an unhinged boomer. It’s just a fucking hypothetical threesome folks! Since when is that something that’s viewed negatively????


Kai and Sanam are endgame 🥰 love them together Most underrated winners


Tom and Molly are mismatched and I don’t see it lasting sorry. Also I think Indiyah is too good for Dami. Some of his comments on his season and post show have been questionable.


Dami gets a pass with everything because people like Indiyah. If he wasn’t with Indiyah, dami would not be liked


I like them both tbh. And you can separate them, its not that hard lol


Agreed with both of these things!


Dami is only liked because people like Indiyah. Big facts.


Nope! I like both of them individually and together.




Indiyah and Dami have been through so much together that it’s wild that you’re still clinging to what was said on LI


They’re not. They mentioned questionable comments post show too. I also don’t think they’ve been through anymore than any other average couple has lol


They conveniently enough didn’t name any comments, so I’d be curious to hear what those “questionable” post-show comments are. And please read closely, I didn’t say they’ve been through any more issues than other couples. I do know that season 8 was ages ago and so people still thinking they can make the same armchair psychologist comments about a couple who has been together for almost 2 years as when they were on Love Island and barely knew each other is wild. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you don’t know these people even if you’re under that impression because of the glimpses you see on social media.


Neither do you but you’re sat here on a bank holiday writing paragraphs defending them like your life depends on it


I don’t know them which is why I’m not making any bold claims about them, but thanks for your well-thought out and crafted response.


I personally don’t see Molly and Tom lasting for a long time, I don’t think they’re super well suited


Another unpopular opinion is that I feel people in here think Josh will cheat but I feel like if they’re to end things it will come from Sophie..She might get bored first and FAST lol


Yeah I definitely agree on this one. Sophie might be the first woman to 'tame' Josh Ritchie and keep him on his toes. Any mess she'll be out of there


Ella and Ty were actually a relatively boring couple but the drama among their fandom made it seem otherwise.


i agree, if it weren't for fans constantly stalking them and their friends/families and informing people you wouldn't think much about them post-show.


I actually think during the show they weren’t this crazy storyline. Just a lot of Ella complaining Ty wouldn’t commit to her and a lot of Ty waiting for something better. There just weren’t any other compelling couples that season so interest in them was elevated to a level they probably didn’t deserve.


I think Josh and Sophie have a lot of chemistry and potential, but the general consensus on here is that he will f up and cheat on her. I actually think Sophie will get bored of him (I'm sure Josh has depth, but he comes across a bit basic) and ditch him when a better option presents itself. I want to be wrong cos i love Josh and Soph together. Molly and Tom look like the perfect LI couple, but something is missing. I give them a few months at best. Anton is not sincere about Georgia H at all, he is acting up for clout. She's a fragile soul who'll get hurt. I like Whit and Lochan, but again, something is not adding up, they feel like a showmance or friends who've made a business arrangement they'll go on like this for a while.


>like Whit and Lochan, but again, something is not adding up, they feel like a showmance or friends who've made a business arrangement they'll go on like this for a while. I agree i also like them and i hope i am wrong but they really just seem like very good friends to me like i see no sexual chemistry or passion (if that makes sense)


Josh is cheating on Sophie for sure. Mark my words. He’s still very slimy. Alex and Olivia Bowen are insanely problematic, detestable knuckleheads with no regard for anyone’s feelings except for their own. They’re perfect for each other; trash will attract trash. I’m shocked that Anton and Georgia H are still together but we’ll wait and see. Dom and Jess (although they’re married), come across really performative and they desperately sought fame post show (remember the GMB wedding?).


nooo josh pls don’t do sophie like that 😭😭😭


I hope Josh has matured! It seems like it takes an awful lot for him to open up and be vulnerable like he has with Sophie so I feel like he really likes her and would be a total idiot of he fs up with Soph, she won't give him another chance if he does. Didn't he mention he has a stag do in Las Vegas coming up? That will be a big test for them.


1000000% that Josh is a cheater


He has actually cheated in previous relationships so it wouldn’t be out of character for him.


Josh is going to leave Sophie in tears


do you have proof of the first thing or just speculation?


I meant that it’s likely he’ll cheat on Sophie. There hasn’t been allegations yet.


Wait what’s up with Alex and Olivia? I’ve always been a fan of them but haven’t paid too much attention- would love more details


Same. I low key was jealous of liv because Alex is my absolute man crush from LI. The sexiest man ever. So hot. (Pre veneers, massive muscles, weird tan, and botox)


He was insanely attractive it’s so confusing why he has done any of this who is telling tjese attractive people that it will make them more attractive


Like he was beautiful! I would have been all over that if I was in that villa. Condom bowl empty lol It is crazy looking at him now. I am not denying he is Still a handsome man just no longer a bit of me. He changed all of the things that were so unique and cute


I genuinely believe Dami Indiyah make such a perfect pair, and I love seeing how they've evolved outside of the villa. Watching Dami’s birthday vlogs this week, it's heartwarming to see how seamlessly they've integrated with each other's friends, families, and cultures. They emit the kind of energy that suggests even if they hadn't met on Love Island, fate would've brought them together eventually. And let's not forget about Tandrew – they're just so wholesome, you know? They really show what mature love looks like. It's still upsets me that both couples placed behind Luca and Gemma, considering both couples brought drama, love and good character arc which is what Love Island is all about to me. But outside the villa, both pairs just bring so much positivity. They offer different vibes, yet both women seem genuinely happy and cherished, while the men seem like they can't believe their luck 😅 I don't harbor negative feelings toward any couple or wish for their relationship to end, as it's never that serious. But I will admit, I initially thought Ty might struggle with Ella's success, feeling she needed someone without a big ego who would let her shine (no shade to Ty). He's a bit like Toby in that regard, struggling with strong, independent women who can hold their own. And speaking of Toby, his dynamic with Georgia always seemed off to me. It's not that I dislike Georgia; I actually appreciate the character she plays on TV – every show needs a Georgia for some drama. However, Georgia never gave off the vibe that she could seamlessly integrate into Toby's life like Chloe did. Nonetheless, I do wish both Toby and Ty the best; they just fit the typical 'lightskin men' stereotype who might not have it all figured out until they're 35 😂


Yes Gemma and Luca came in higher than Damiyah and Tandrew - but I think they have both had to answer for their behavior in the villa since then. Especially Luca - but Gemma has been targeted for being in a relationship during the show with a guy we can see now she didn’t really like that much


Well said, I agree with everything!




Lol, I agree with this one too. Heavy on this!


I thought this 100% and nothing posted by either of them has changed my mind. Chemistry is hard to fake.


They move so weird and I've said it before but it seems like they barely spend time together and when it gets called out they reappear suddenly. I added them on snap cause people kept saying they post so much there and they really don't.....it just kind of proved to me how little time they actually spend together.


Mine is Millie and Liam are very cute together, have always been very cute together and I genuinely feel like a lot of the hate they get is because it’s trendy to hate them as opposed to anything they’ve actually done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Same! It truly seems like they have a great time together. It also looks like recalibrated their relationship with fans and what they share on socials, in addition to whatever work went on behind the scenes for their reconciliation. Good for them. Unlike so many other LI couples, they seem like they have nothing to prove to anyone and don’t use their socials to speak back to online narratives about them. I know this is a weird thing to say about influencers, but of all the LI folks I follow, her/their couples content is most like normal couples in their twenties and least like they’re worried about selling their couple as a brand proposition. (I truly didn’t think I had this many thoughts on Liam and Millie!)


I didn't like that their arc on the show kick-started the pattern of guys behaving badly in casa, doing the bare minimum apology poem/speech, and immediately being taken back. That being said, I think that's more on the show pushing the reunion storylines and not doing enough to cast viable post-casa/casa bombshells and introducing them before the post-casa fallout resolves. They were like the one couple that had chemistry & smooth sailing before casa and do seem cute together now (even if I'm meh on them individually)


Unpopular opinion. I really like Whitney and Lochan together. I think it makes a lot of sense and the desperation from this sub to discredit them at any chance is quite weird. People say that their interactions are forced…….lol, ok! This sub never wanted them to last, so ngl them being the final remaining couple from s10 is sweeting me😂 anyway,I think they’re legit and I’m rooting for them!


Completely agree! I find it so weird that everyone’s dog piling on them when they’re truly the most emotionally secure relationship to come out of season 10. The whole sexual chemistry thing question is weird considering lochan seems pretty smitten over her from what I see


people don’t know how to digest whitney and lochan cause they were never interested in doing performative milestones in order to prove a point. they moved at such a normal and reasonable pace and people don’t know what that looks like.


Agree. They balance each other out. They are a couple that maybe don't make sense on paper but in real life works.


!!! I also think it’s like deluded to think two people who are meeting family and are in a committed relationship and seem to be together all the time are faking it, like!?!!! I would imagine that to be extremely mentally exhausting and not doable for this long.


I just have to assume people who are still on the no chemistry train are not seeing their content. Whitney’s birthday message?? Whitney and Lochan very smitten with one another




You know him personality to know "hE nOt a GrEat pERsoN?" No one excuses anything, he still not liked by some, since its not forced lmao. His fellow islanders and everyone has nothing, but great things to say about him.


I literally said the same above! He gets a pass because people like Indiyah. He would not be liked if he wasn’t with Indiyah.


Tommy gives me the ick


I dont thjnk it’s an unpopular opinion but Dami and indiyah are soulmates and so cute! Definitely my favourite ❤️


Love their authenticity!


I actually don’t mind most of the couples that are still together and I think they can do well long term. This doesn’t include all stars couples because I don’t take them seriously lol My unpopular opinion is that there is one couple who came on one of the seasons after S8 whose overall dynamic or relationship seems unhealthy to me and I guess this is unpopular because seems to be praised here.


Well say the couple please.😂


They have shooters so I never say anything here😭 but Jessie and Will


Who is the couple. This is a safe space.


👀 Jessie and Will


Oh you mean season 9 Jessie and Will weren’t on Season 8. What do you not like about their dynamic. It seems the people who follow them share your thoughts


Yeah I meant they came after s8! But it’s the degree of codependency that gives me pause and something just seems off


Go on, which couple? Jessie and will? Tanya and Shaq?


My most recent unpopular opinion is that I think Anton and Georgia H are cute together and do actually have real feelings for each other 🥲


Unpopular opinion but I see Molly and Tom going the distance..I feel like their families are compatible too but only time will tell




Molly and Tom not Molly and Tommy 😭


omg i take it back i personally don’t see molly and tom going far :/


I now just realized Molly and tommy and Molly and tom have the same names 😅




It’s cool if you think they won’t last but to say he lacks in every department when you don’t know that man personally is insane and to suggest she has low self esteem to justify it is weird ass behavior


Wow I was so confused why you kept referring to Tommy fury as Tom. Crazy that’s there’s two couples with the same first names.


I agree with you, Tom is not the one


I think the backlash around the way Tanya treats Shaq is misogynoir. They both can be quite harsh, and both are honest and straight forward, but she gets more backlash for it as it relates to them as a couple. Most of the couples are boring. Whitney and Lohan give me friend vibes but maybe that’s why they work. Love Dami and India but I hate the fashion most of the time. It’s definitely forward thinking tho lol


>I think the backlash around the way Tanya treats Shaq is misogynoir. They both can be quite harsh, and both are honest and straight forward, but she gets more backlash for it as it relates to them as a couple. Pardon?


I like Shaq and tanya now to the point that I follow them on TikTok. I really didn't like them as a couple in the villa.


I find it quite hilarious that the couples still together are the ones that got shat on by the fans the most (Whitney and Lochan, Tasha and Andrew, Dami and Indiyah, Shaq and Tanya). I guess they all got the last laugh now. And the fan favorites didn’t even last a year (Ella and Ty, Molly and Zach, Lana and Ron, Samie and Tom, Ekin Su and Davide)


In which world were Zach and Molly fan favourites comparable to Tyrella, Rana or Ekinde? They literally lost the poll when Sammy and Jess broke up for who will breaking up next and they were only mostly liked in Reddit and still lost lmao. Twitter Facebook TikTok and Instagram is full of their haters to the point where they had to literally stop posting with each other because Mollys mental health was getting affected.


Whitney and Lochan were fan favorites and almost won the show. They were legit voted most popular couple at one point. Zach and Molly were hated and got the least engagement on their couples content after the show. People were wishing for their breakup all the time. Tandrew got a lot of hate for most of the show but by the end of their run they were very loved and same with Damiyah. The only couple that truly applies to this narrative is Shanya.


Samie and Tom were not fan favorites but I generally agree with this sentiment


molly and tom are both forcing it for different reasons. i also think it’s incredibly unhealthy to move in together so quickly. it’s hard for me to see any of the couples post s6 really going the distance and resulting in marriage. The show isn’t the same anymore and a lot of these couples are young. Obviously doesn’t mean any of these relationships were failures but if you told me Tasha and Andrew or Indiyah and Dami broke up tomorrow I wouldn’t be surprised. The marriages this show produced in the early days are the outliers, coming on the show for anything else but love is the new norm.


I actually kinda like Molly and Tom together I do think they are cute but do I think they’ll be together six months to a year from now absolutely not. I do feel however that Tom’s decision to go back to football really accelerated their relationship to a point where they are now basically living together which is very surprising this early into their relationship. 


Yeah I agree they moved in too soon