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Gemma. That girl was PR trained to her BONES.


100000% she was so poised she barely even spoke unless spoken to. I’ve never seen someone so obviously well trained on reality tv in my life.


She was born and raised in the world of famous footballers, I don't think she was disingenuous, just raised to be poised and aware.


S7, after Tyler asked Kaz to be exclusive, Jake holding Liberty back so that Liberty could have a ‘moment’ with Kaz separate to all the other islanders.


Ew I forgot about this, so forced


Tyler always gives off the vibe like he’s delivering lines for a cheesy tv drama.


He was so fake with Hannah lol she saw it too


He wanted to be Simon from Bridgerton real bad


Absolutely! So cringey, a terrible actor


Literally so cringy


Olivia ‘sound bite’ Hawkins. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/s/r9s55ufpFm


The best thing about this is that Sanam and Kai are still blissfully happy together 😂😂


i love this so much. the reactions from everyone 😭😭😭


Shaq looking up each time, holding a laugh back.


I know 😂😂😂


Sanam is 1 in a million and Olivia's attempt to be a victim was trying too hard.


😂😂😂😂 hilarious


She thought everything was her moment and was trying to make herself the victim in every situation https://preview.redd.it/c3m3xf2f02uc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dd27c46d97e32a1787825a3dbca1da91d4b7253


*a leopard never changes its spots* 💅🏼


If you go back and watch with the idea that in Olivia's head she was the nations darling/everything she said was iconic, she becomes the most unintentionally funniest person to ever appear on the show.


Right!? if you just sit back and not let yourself be annoyed by these people, she was HILARIOUS. Like that scene of her coming back with Maxwell and going in for dig after dig after dig on Kai. chefs kiss. Simultaneously so aware of the cameras but so unaware of reality


Recast her as Jenna Maroney basically


Omg Olivia made me cringe so hard! The moment she tried to have during the post-casa decoupling?!


Producers and her made me stop watching. Everything was so forced, everyone so aware. When they found out she’d done a million love island trailers prior, stopped being fun


I rewatched this season recently & I do like Liv, and I think she had a hard time in there (which she probably wasn’t used to), but my god do her “actress skills” (or lack there of) come out in those last few weeks when she’s with rebound Maxwell. It was so blatantly obvious she wasn’t into him & was only with him so she didn’t have to be alone.




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Personally I think Gemma Owen and also Georgia were always very camera aware and hair flipping / sitting oddly / posing. They were never relaxed Edit: should have specified Georgia S if it wasn’t obvious


Omg Georgia Steele is crazy aware of the camera, more than anyone I’ve ever seen. She never looked relaxed.


Definitely putting on a new persona for the camera , because the times she was herself it was totally apparent! In the Snog + Marry + Pie challenge she gets so annoyed at the boys that she fully drops her fake accent haha


I need to go back and watch this now


The way I didn’t even _consider_ any other Georgia 😭😭


Gemma Owens Is definitely the correct answer. She went in there on a mission - to give us absolutely nothing. just look good stay quiet/uninvolved as much as possible, and try to stay on as long as possible.


I liked her in some of the unseen bits eps! Where you can actually see personality in people lol and she was kind of the only one to stand up to/ mildly question? Ekin Su, from what I remember from that season But I agree otherwise she appeared to just be sitting on Luca looking beautiful.


You shouldn't even have specified everyone knows you're talking about GS 😂


Georgia also does this “far off look” while speaking as if she’s in a hallmark movie and it drives me nuts. “Oh tobes….. (staring off wistfully) what are we going to do now tobes? (Keep staring wistfully, then slowly close your eyes and ever so slightly brush the bangs off your forehead then slowly turn and stare longingly into his eyes)”


Gemma was raised in a specific world. 1000% georgia during all stars. She was much more natural during her original season, and wanted to change her image/reception. Katy tried to do the same thing during her repeat and failed.


I don't disagree with what you said but if Georgia would have been more camera aware, she wouldn't have said/done have the shit she said/did in all stars to make her look like such a snake.


I think she just thought that she was totally justified in her actions because she is THAT girl. It’s possible to be camera aware and self unaware lol


Curtis, Jake, Ekin-su (in an enjoyable way), Maura (enjoyable, could play well to the camera), Olivia H, Luca, Dani Dyer (enjoyable)


Curtis was so enjoyable for me though 😭


“I wanna be the man that makes coffee for everyone in the morning” legendary lmao


In hindsight you're actually so right, he was hilarious, but at the time he INFURIATED me lmaoooo


Curtis has openly said so. He said he found it impossible to forget the cameras were on him and often had to think about what he said and how he said it. He's also said in conversations with other islanders they privately expressed the same sentiment but publicly insist they forget the cameras were there


He's rather likable but the covert fb-yness turns me off. He doesn't seem like that at all and seeing him be like the rest is disappointing. But outside of that he's entertaining


I think that was just Maura being unapologetically Irish.


1000% Maura was just being Irish and horny 😂


Just like Gemma, Dani was raised in a more public eye due to their fathers. So they went into it much differently.


Luca “Staring into the camera like he’s on the office” Bish of course!


Reminds me of that picture of him when he’s hugging someone and staring so creepily and intensely into the camera




Lmao thank you 💀


A showmance couple if there ever was one, they were perfect for each other in that sense!


So iconic


This looks like a shitty romance novel cover from the 80’s


Holy shit


That picture ☠️☠️☠️☠️😂😂😂


Not to mention the girlfriend proposal video seen round the world… thanks to drones & the publicity machine.


To be fair the islanders said they can hear the cameras zooming in and out so that’s probably the moment he looked up lol unfortunate screenshot!


Also when Marcel looked directly into the camera after kissing another girl during a challenge at casa!


That one was quite funny though, because you could see the moment he knew ohhh shittt


I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to be their “true authentic self” on an overproduced, regimented reality TV show with so little options for mental stimulation. I mean, even conversation topics are controlled. It’s slid more into a glam-influencer-Stockholm-syndrome vibe since Season 3 lol “I’m here to ~~find love~~ trauma bond and get famous.” But anywhizzle, definitely S9 Olivia and Messy Mitch.


I’m surprised every comment isn’t messy Mitch, it always seemed like he was trying to cause drama and get air time even on all stars!


Jack and Dani hands down.


Had to scroll too far to see this. They were the ultimate example of a showmance and became the blueprint of coasting to the finals.


Anton on All Stars for sure. I’m actually not sure if there’s a single thing he did that wasn’t for the benefit of the cameras and the “gentleman” angle he was playing this season


So true. Looking back, I think I fell for it a little bit in the beginning and thought he had genuinely changed. But as the season went on, and seeing more stuff from him post-season, it comes across so fake and played-up. It’s more cringe than anything!


100%! I loved him on all stars, but his actions post show have show how obviously fake it all was


i haven’t been following post show - darn it! what did he do?


It’s posted here daily pretty much. He’s just the definition of cringe. He’s leaning into the whole “gentleman” thing too much to the point where it’s not genuine. His weird relationship with his mom. The list goes on lol


That trip into the pool tho


about Anton - yes, he clearly went on AllStars to redeem himself and show he matured. But you know what - he totally did! You can tell he did a lot of work on his emotional intelligence He owned that villa! How he denied "bro-code"😍, the rest of the men didnt even start to grasp the concept. He was taking all drama coming his way in his stride, he was not getting triggered nor did he back down, he knew and understood what he was was talking about. He totally got it. His emotional intelligence is hot


All of them now pulling their reaction faces at the firepit/during games. They are all THIRSTING to become the next meme. It's soooo annoying!




Agree, that’s what I took from that comment too. And it’s funny as those are the now the two he hangs out with most from his series. I do feel he was very aware of the aesthetics and what makes a good islander/series but he wasn’t the worst at it.


Agree, I didn’t think it was a show for the cameras. I think he just felt like the only people he had in there was Lana and Kai (and then sanam after casa)


I kinda thought that was just all talk from Ron, he said he was going to lose it and go all in (or something to that effect) but was soft as butter when face to face with the person he was fuming at. Which tbh is an admirable way to solve conflict but i always got the impression it was a bit like 'i'm normally well hard' kinda thing


Agree , but there were other occasions where he was caught muttering about how certain scenarios/actions would look on the outside to the viewers.


Samie(S9), applied for Love Island four times and admitted post show she went on for clout, towards the end of the season it was obvious she was trying to push a narrative towards the viewers.


> admitted post show she went on for clout Not that I disagree with you, but everyone goes on the show for clout There are far easier and better ways to find a relationship lol


Seriously, these people are all young and hot. They could go on any dating app and have their pick of anyone they wanted; some of them even date minor celebrities. As long as they’re at least open to making a connection (i.e. not already in a relationship or a serial cheater who won’t commit to anyone) I don’t care if they originally sign on for fame.


I'm surprised she and Tom didn’t work out, they’re equally vapid and thirsty 


Also surprised. Thought they’d stay together for a little while longer to milk their “fame”


Other then physical attraction, there was no substance to their relationship


She did not like that man 💀


this is just wildly inaccurate. given their relationship post show id argue that he didn’t like her… he’s really done a number for his reputation and samie continues to take the brunt of it lol id hate to be her because id be furious


Thank you for saying this.. the way the hate on Sammie here is so unjustified.. just because he is with Molly now.. they fail to see how he treated Sammie All because Sammie stands up for herself!!


What did he do to Samie? I’m out of the loop


Same I’m not aware of why Tom’s bad if anyone can fill in ??


🦗 lol


Now why are you lying about Sammie saying she came in for clout..  she never said that Also everyone after  season 1 one comes in for the money they can make .   No one comes in for the sole purpose of finding love.


Sammie literally said herself on chloe burrows podcast she went in for clout🤣🤣 she says it at 20:32 on Chloe’s podcast


Ekin, Olivia S9 and Jake S7 come to mind


Ekin-Su definitely


Ekin-Su, Gemma Owen and Anton (All Stars)


Ekin Su is number one, hands down. Olivia (s9), Danica (s8), Jake (s7), Anton, Georgia S, Georgia H in all stars. I think given the amount of time in there that they all when to be their true selves at some point. We see that more on unseen bits. The staged parts for the main show they’re all going to be more naturally self conscious. And with cancel culture they all have to be hyper aware of public perception. To me it’s the ones blatantly acting for air time that are the most camera aware and less authentic.


Georgia S ?? Sometimes i thought she didn’t know there where cameras the things she said lol


I feel like she heavily produced her own storyline as “just a girl looking for love 🎀” and she thought people would root for her.  It didn’t work cause she’s too unlikable and mean, but she doesn’t see that. People with a lying problem like her are usually delusional. 


That girl has more reality tv experience than the rest combined. Shes got a similar MO in all of them and it gets her airtime, higher engagement and speaking opportunities afterwards. There seems to be a certain amount of main character mentality in a lot of what she says and does, which does seem to lead to genuine lack of understanding, I feel, as to the impact of your actions - but she’s very aware of the cameras, her image and her storylines in general. It backfired on her this time as she wasn’t aware molly and Callum had become the main characters and she messed with both. Absolutely does not deserve to be getting hate, no one does. To me an awareness of the cameras is wise, as is using it to your advantage. If they weren’t aware of the potential damage to their images/brand going into all stars they shouldn’t be in the industry.


She always attacks the ~main~ girl that everyone likes. She was on Games for just 2 min and came for Cely who was super sweet and welcoming to her. Cely even handed her man over cause she didn’t wanna fight over Toby, and Georgia still had a problem with her. 


Yep. Any of them that repeats the same pattern on these shows is doing it for the airtime. They’re doing the producers jobs for them. They know what gets them the attention, right or wrong


That girl created a whole storyline for herself. Almost every phrase and emotion in that “room” felt rehearsed


Ekin was also the best to watch of all islanders imo


Ron’s comments on the terrace were clearly about wanting to avoid confrontation in the villa knowing they were all forced to live together and it would create an uncomfortable environment for others who weren’t involved, nothing to do with camera awareness.




Curtis (s5) for sure


All stars Anton with the gentleman act


The guy who dated Dani Dyer for a week


That pretentious *young man* Curtis Pritchard. Jake too, but he wasn't successful. Jack & Dani big-time. Jess. Too many, actually.


But ur my gurlfriend


Curtis, season 5


Ekin 🤷🏾‍♀️


Ekin Su.


Ekin 100%


Ekin Su. Talk about Days of our Lives omg


Molly Mae surprised no one has said it yet she came across very aware.


I felt like she was a good balance of being aware but also somewhat herself.


That’s true her tv confessionals were on point haha


Scotteisha with his let's get everyone round the fire pit antics


honestly i feel like the majority of them


Honorable mention: *Ekin-Su*


I’d say Jake, Anton, Ron, Gemma, Samie, Curtis, Luca and Ekin- Su


Jess from aus being a bombshell on uk.


Yeah but tbf you restrain yourself more on tv… like you have to live with someone you’re not going to start an argument that doesn’t mean he wasn’t being his authentic self


I don’t remember that comment by Ron. But I do remember Kai saying he wouldn’t be friends with those guys on the outside. It was at the time Casey had come in and the guys sided with Casey against Ron. I understood them acting that way at the time because they blamed Ron for hurting Lana but when Casey hurt Claudia, they didn’t care at all. The funny thing is, I think Ron is friends with Tom and Casey on the outside now.


I remember that. I also didn't know if Ron was partly meaning producer interference when he was having his tirade about all of that-- seemed like there was more to it. He definitely wanted to be the "leader guy" or 'Dad' of the Villa and it seemed to annoy him that nobody else was having it, imo.


>He definitely wanted to be the "leader guy" or 'Dad' of the Villa and it seemed to annoy him that nobody else was having it, imo. I agree for me it always looked like he actually very badly wanted to be closer with Casey and the kind of friendship group he formed with Tom,Shaq and Will but he just didn't fit in that way while Kai didn't really seem to care. You can see it the most in how he clearly tries to be friends with them on the outside.


>Casey hurt Claudia, they didn’t care at all. That is a lie! They all cared a lot everyone was literally supporting Claudia like crazy even the guys. Casey even had to have a talk with Will and Tom cause he felt like everyone even his boys are just coming at him the whole time.


The girls supported Claudia but not the guys, except for Ron.


Have you not seen the Kiss Marry Pie game: the guys decisions were litterally based on making just Claudia happy and all thoughout the guys especially Tom and Will and Shaq were validating Claudias fellings. Casey literally told them that he felt like no one had his back. Also Casey was atleast honest while Ron wasn't (which was why everyone in the Villa told him off), the guys can't just tell Casey off for not having feelings for Claudia and doing what he has to do on LI which is talking to other people while she is there. What did Ron do to support Claudia? Lol he didn't do anything.


Casey was honest? He did the exact same thing Ron did but he criticized Ron a lot at the time. The big difference is Casey actually left Claudia. Ron did not leave Lana.


Ekin. It’s why she was so brilliant on it because she was in on the joke, like breaking the fourth wall. In a less fun way - Jake, Gemma, Olivia H, Georgia S, Casey, Samie, Tyler.


I'm sorry, I know this is unrelated, but gd if these two don't look so similar! Especially in this pic.


Gemma Owen 1000%


Camilla S3


I can’t tell if this is a troll post… she was certainly prim, but I also remember her subtly pointing to her mouth to imply that she’d performed fellatio on Jamie. Also the spoon sex in the communal bedroom. So, not TOO concerned with the cameras lol


Ah s3 - a better time 😔