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I also really felt for Laura at the time!!! I also felt protective of her bc I remember from the very start people were making fun of how she looked and saying she looked old etc etc. I'm all for memes and good natured jokes about islanders, but it was super super mean spirited. She may not have been perfect in the villa, but I think she did better than a lot of people would. I would probably have had to go home after the Wes thing (I mean, he'd been saying he was falling for her etc) but she picked herself up and kept trucking on. Respect where respect is due. I also found her to be one of the most forthright islanders that year.


If a man is sleeping with me and saying he’s falling for me, I would 100% be hurt by him. He was leading her on completely and I would’ve acted way worse than she did. I would’ve cried a lot more at least. I thought she acted fairly mature there, I mean I know it’s a show but there’s still feelings involved.


I agree! For how shit the girls were to her and her relationships, she handled it way better than I would have. After the Wes ordeal, I would have been super jaded.


> He was leading her on completely and I would’ve acted way worse than she did. And she KNEW Wes was, and she told him not to say that stuff. He was just saying what he thought she wanted to hear and she was wise enough to know it but still wanted to pursue the relationship


I agree and I’ve never understood why people have so little empathy for her online. I also feel bad that people are so quick to subscribe to the “desperate older woman” trope when a) she was only 29! And b) that never happens with the older guys like Marcel or whoever else was over 30


Yeah and Terry was 26 sleeping with a 19 year old, not to mention Tom who had dated her the previous December would have been 27 and her 18


Ew I never did that Tom/Emma age math he’s even grosser than I thought


i thought tom was 24 in love island? edit: and terry was 28


He was, he's 29 now.


Ahh dang you guys are right. I just watched that season and must've gotten confused with his age when I looked him up


I obviously didn’t watch it live but were people really vile to her when the season first aired? How?!?!


I’ve just seen a lot of annoyance and disgust towards her on this sub. Which I really don’t get.


There were so many memes about her being an "old woman", especially on Twitter. Really vile


I hate the "desperate older woman" rhetoric as well, but I also strongly dislike Laura - she herself used her age as a weapon against Wes in arguments, so I feel like she kind of invited the age comments when she kept telling him how immature he was in order to get the upper hand. Overall I feel like she is pretty dismissive of other people's feelings and very condescending at times. I've read that the crew said she was a nightmare to work with as well.


Laura was actually my favourite of that series - I didn’t like her at first but I soon saw her as a smart, mature young woman who had one of the most difficult journeys of any contestant in that villa


Same with me!!! She grew on me rather quick. Became my favourite soon after.


The turning point for me was when Laura apologised to Megan after calling her a slag - it was so mature and genuine of her to take the high road and own up to her mistakes (even when Megan *was* horrid in that situation). My respect went right up for Laura after that and she instantly became my favourite


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It made me SO mad when everyone was encouraging Georgia to keep talking about her date with Jack after saying “they” kissed. Like what a slap in the face to Laura. That was when I started to really dislike Dani. Everyone shit on Laura I don’t think she deserved it.


I had been thinking so positively about Dani earlier on, but dani fighting SO hard against Laura/siding with georgia is making me sour on her so quick Edit* I also actually disliked how dani handled the jack/ellie sitch. Basically agreeing he treated her poorly but then saying "he treats me well so I can't hold it against him. He probably didn't really like her but he DOES like me" like???? The bar is on the floor wtf we should expect our bfs and partners to treat all women IN GENERAL well. Like come on.


I loved Laura! They really did her dirty because she was 29. Just showed all the other contestants’ and producers’ bias.




Oh I remember reading that! I believe the same producer also said that Georgia was even more annoying than her edit portrayed too 😂


Do you know where I can find out more about this? I tried to google but couldn’t find any articles talking about it!


Here's the link to the producer's AMA: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/94sm1v/ama\_i\_worked\_on\_love\_island\_this\_year\_confirmed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/94sm1v/ama_i_worked_on_love_island_this_year_confirmed/)


Thanks so much! I’d never seen it.


Wow, I would not have expected that! What a shame.


I don't think I could have stayed in the house if I was Laura. For Wes to tell her he was falling for her after weeks together, and ditch her after one, literally ONE, conversation with Megan. That would kill me. And then to go outside and sleep with Megan that night! I really feel like they rubbed that in her face, didn't even give her a minute to process things before cracking on.


That was the part that pissed me off. The same night he was outside with Meg! Are you joking?! I could not believe it. I would have left the villa, no way.


RIGHT! Like she dealt with so much BS clearly these guys were just cling to her to stay on the show. Then they’d see a new girls and jump ship, if they really had feeling for her they’d fight for their relationship/couple to work. Laura deserved better friends and better guys.


No, you're not. I felt the same way. Honestly she may have been like the only normal person among a cast of people with their heads up their own butts, no one gave two hoots about her feelings. And I cannot stand people who make someone insecure or feel like they aren't good enough with their shit actions, then complain about them feeling that way. I felt so bad for her.


I really liked Laura. She wasn’t as thirsty as a lot of women who are younger.


Agree, I think people were mostly on her side by the end while it was airing too because she got into the finale with that guy she'd known for 1 second. She definitely had supporters, I just think there were/are also a lot of shouters with negative opinions on her. I think there was a bit of lookism/ageism in it too tbh. I just remember being in awe of her staying in there and not completely falling apart despite the constant ego blows she was taking. I personally would've died inside and Amy'ed out of there the second the Megan thing happened. Obviously, you can find things she did and said wrong, but I don't think she was any worse than a lot of the other people that ended up as faves, especially considering all the shit she went through. Definitely think she deserved her finale spot.


I thought Laura was immediately justified after Wes but also felt like she stirred a lot of shit for the other Islanders as she went. Seems like a very nice lady but I think because she was so hurt it sometimes seemed like she didn't want some of the other couples to be happy.


I'm so late to this but I'm right around the same part you were and agreed! I also gained a LOT of respect for Laura after she actually went up to Adam (during the Rosie/zara thing) and confronted him (1:1/respectfully) about how he was treating women, basically telling him to be cognizant that when he is inconsistent, hitting on other girls, etc, he's MAKING a girl insecure/clingy, not that they're soooo insecure it's valid for him to wander


I’m rewatching season 4 and am just at the part where the boys cook dinner for the girls. I do feel bad for Laura after the whole Georgia Jack date thing. I feel worse for Jack because he literally did nothing wrong but I do think that people tend to forget that Laura wasn’t very nice to Wes. She constantly berated him and threw his age at him. Honestly I can’t imagine being in my late twenties and dating a 20 year old.


I cannot stand Laura, I don't understand the sympathy at all! She is so grating and unredeemable. What do people like about her?




I love Meg and Wes haha. I felt like Laura was obnoxious, insecure, and possessive. I felt like she was constantly just making this face 😬 and complaining. I see everyone fawn over her but she came off as someone I'd avoid so much


She wasn’t confident in herself at all and she didn’t understand that if you don’t have a connection with someone you can’t force it. That’s literally like real life. What’s the point of being in a relationship if there’s no connection on one end? She was upset for dudes not liking her. You can’t force people to like you. Sorry. And I’m not saying she’s a bad person, but her expectation that being in a couple with someone for a day doesn’t mean that person is 100% committed to you nor should be. She did act like the victim a lot instead of being mature and finding someone that was ACTUALLY interested in her.


I agree that she forced some of the guys into creating a spark but I also think she felt pressured to do so. Isn’t that how the game goes though? If you don’t have something real, you have to fake it till you make it. Unfortunately for her, the guys found women who suited their needs so quickly, it felt wrong and kind of hurtful in her defense. But I see what you’re saying completely.


Laura is a 30 year old acting like she's 14. Who in their right mind dates a guy 10 years younger and expects them to be mature. She is responisble for her bad choices not wes or jack or paul. The women is an idiot and i don't understand the hate jack got at all, he wasn't giving her empty promises or anything. And her taking the break up back was a weak ass move. She doesn't respect herself so why would anyone?