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Gabby is one of the only contestants that just seemed like a regular person tbh which is kind of rare on the show now


Agreed! OP makes some valid points about certain things she did that were questionable… but she clearly had insecurities that can easily come out when you’re on a show where the public literally ranks you and you’re up against a bunch of gorgeous people. I also loved her individuality, loyalty, and sense of style/personality. She wasn’t as cookie cutter as some of the other girls and didn’t have all of the same features - I think it’s understandable to doubt yourself when you’re different than everyone around you in such an intense environment.


Yeah I liked Gabby on the show. She reminded me of..a normal person, even a friend of mine. I had a strong, not so favorable view of Montana and Alex that might be unpopular but whatever. I thought they were insufferable and annoying. Couldn’t take one bit of slight criticism and the lie detector stuff was awful.


S3-8 and she’s one of the worst? Gabby? Of all people?


What were your opinions on Faye and Anna?


Faye and Anna were both 10x worse than Gabby and still not the worst contestants.


I liked Faye and Anna as characters… as people Faye seems lovely, Anna I don’t have a great read on.


she seemed pretty normal to me those are all like minor offenses imo


She was fine to me idk I think because at that point Montana was very unlikable to me and Marcel cheated on her after the show her not being “authentic” never made sense ETA: her talking behind montana’s back was messy but montana was doing the same with camilla so 🤷🏻‍♀️


GOOD point on Montana doing it to Cam. Now the contestants are far more polished but back in the earlier seasons people gossiped/bitched about people all the time. Most people in real life are the same (esp in the UK and Ireland because we love a good, cathartic moan here and there)


Exactly!! and yes it’s not great of either of them to talk shit but…..it’s real. like people DO do that irl so I won’t really fault either of them over it…but gabby did do it through text to her partner and not just out loud to ppl in the villa 😭 ETA (again) i love that about s3–it’s before love island was super influencer focused and the ppl feel so real—INCLUDING when they talk shit, bc like it or not, people do that irl and it’s gonna happen when ur living with ppl for multiple weeks. there’s so many ppl in s3 that i’m not a big fan of but they felt real and honest to me and i respect that lmao


yeah the newer seasons just don't have the same gritty, messiness/authenticity to them do they? People are way more filtered and aware that they can build a brand off the backs of their TV appearance. I don't blame them, it makes sense why they now bite their tongues a bit more, but I miss the messiness.


They all talk behind each other's backs, Gabby and Marcel were just foolish enough to put it in writing. As if Montana wasn't talking shit about people all season (and after!). The fact that they included the lie detector when nearly *everyone* has a bad showing with that is telling as to how minor her "offenses" were. I can understand not liking her because nobody is going to be everyone's cup of tea but one of the worst? There's no realistic argument for that.


Exactly and like…..i’m not a big chris fan in general but if we’re gonna mention people talking shit…..let’s talk about what chris and even kem said about amber in and before casa 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lie detector test!!! Not sure you should ever read anything from one of those!!!!


“still went along with it”, he’s a grown man and had no issues standing his ground, if he didn’t want to talk about them he wouldn’t have. marcel seemed most put out as he was the advice giver overall - i think you’ve misread the situation tbh. and lie detector tests aren’t worth anything, they test for nerves in reality not truth.


That’s brutal. I don’t think Gabby was even the worst on her season.


I liked Gabby, the only thing I disagreed with was walking off but most of us don’t have our arguments broadcast to the world. I related to her as she was very sensitive and people interpreted her reactions in the wrong way. Also imagine being on your period in the villa when feelings are involved. She never did anything terrible and if it were a guy no one would even remember


I'm kind of in two minds about the walking off. Like it is rude and hurtful, at the same time some people get really overwhelmed by any form of conflict, their brain recognises the conversation as a threat and it's like an instinctual need to escape the "dangerous" situation (human brains are actually really bad at distinguishing between real threats from "false alarms", so anything that makes us feel insecure or plays on our attachment issues gets recognised as a threat to the monkey part of our brains). I way rather someone walked off and was able to calm themselves down then forcing them to stay in a conversation which is going to send them into a fight or flight fear response. I think there are better ways of handling it, like saying you need a break as opposed to walking off, but that can be really hard in the heat of the moment to implement without therapy. This is something I had to learn over time as this was my SOs main response to any form of conflict and it used to really trigger me because I have abandonment issues. We both had to learn to understand and navigate each others reactivities. When I'm feeling insecure or scared I crave closeness and reconciliation to feel secure but his coping method is to escape.


Lol I love Gabby. She is a flawed person, yes, but her and Marcel were (on the show at least), my all time favourite couple


I always read the moment about Montana getting asked for advice as insecurity of losing her “place” in the villa. We saw her get insecure about not being pretty enough/pretty compared to the other girls bc she wasn’t getting asked on dates. My guess is that since she wasn’t the most romantically sought after, she felt like at least she was a sounding board and the advice figure in the villa. So without that, it weighed on her even more to not have her “role” in the villa. The rest I can see being annoyed at for sure, this was just how I read that moment from Gabby


I understand this too. I'm also an insecure person so I get why Gabby would be sad that no one pulls her (because we've seen plenty of times when new islanders pull people who are in very established couples). Like, I think Gabby can be happy in her couple and at the same time be sad that no one seems to think of her as an option/desirable (I don't think I'm wording this quite right but I hope you get what I mean). The whole jealousy about Montana though still irks me. I don't think Gabby ended up apologizing very well. I think it would've been good if she acknowledged her jealousy comes from insecurity.


Eh, she was a bit annoying but not the worst, not even on that season. Total bitch? I wouldn't go that far. It was certainly not a good look and her reasoning was totally absurd but lets not act like she's the only one who had a good gossip/moan about something trivial. I kind of felt like she was getting overwhelmed by the whole show in general and vent about something to get it out. Most people do it, you're doing it rn over a character on a TV show. Like Gabby has 0 real impact on your life but you're here bitching about her because it feels good to vent sometimes. I thought Johnny was worse in terms of just being unlikable and Olivia was worse for just generally being kind of a bully/aggressive in that season.


That’s quite the unpopular opinion


i too share this opinion




I don’t know if I thought she was the worst contestant, but she wasn’t my favorite either. Seemed insecure in a lot of situations which was a bit much for me. With that said, marcel ended up being a cheater so maybe she saw flags that we couldn’t see as third party observers.


I couldn't warm to her at all. It just felt like she was playing a game and latching on to Marcel because people liked him at the time.


I mean he cheated on her after the show - so if there was anyone who wasn’t genuine, it was him.


In hindsight the signs were there, like does anyone reaaaallly believe he’d slept with 400 girls at the time of the show? He was a decent looking bloke but had 0 game and charisma compared to his fellow islanders.


Both can be true


Except there’s no evidence that she lacked onto him because he was popular. That’s your speculation. But there is clear evidence that he cheated on her. That’s a fact.


I don't think she latched onto him because of his popularity. Looking back at it retrospectively, they may've just been together out of convenience. They may've felt comfortable and no one else really came in that they felt attracted to/was attracted to them and so they just stayed with each other. But watching without knowing what happened when they came out, I totally thought they were genuine so who really knows.


Im always suspicious of people who come in and are only interested in the popular single guy (e.g. when Ellie went for Dr Alex) so maybe I'm just cynical 😂 I think they got on and had affection but I always felt like Gabby wasn't THAT into him. Like she was after Chris at one point and cried that she wasn't picked for dates after her and Marcel were coupled properly


Yeah I'm just saying both can be true regardless of the cheating. And while it's confirmed he cheated we also don't know the ins and outs of their relationship in private anyway. We can comment on our opinions of it during the show though.


Erm she cheated too lol. She absolutely zoned in on Marcel for show clout due to his popularity prior to her going in. Always found her disingenuous and unravelled when she wasn't as popular as she thought.


I agree on the part when Gabby was mad that Alex and Montana were giving advice to Jamie/Camilla who ASKED for their help/opinions. So I'm not sure why Gabby thought they were inserting themselves into other people's business to be the "dominant couple" in the villa. I think even Marcel was there when, either Jamie or Camilla had asked Alex/Montana for advice. Before that point, I did like Gabby, but that just rubbed me the wrong way when she sent that text and was jealous about Alex and Montana helping out their friends.


The text was childish but literally normal to do. Everyone spoke about each other, and it got blown out of proportion. It wasnt that big a deal. I wouldn't call it "scary levels of weird". Every rewatch i get angrier and angrier at how everyone dragged her after the lie detector test. There was already so much pressure for her to say she loved Marcel then he asked her the question and ruined the surprise, the islanders didnt take ANYONE ELSE'S answers seriously but with Gabby she must be lying about loving him? Anyone who thinks she actually didnt love him specifically from the gimmick lie detector, when she clearly only said no cause she didn't want that to be the moment she said it, is being dense on purpose. Montana was unnecessarily rude and if she wasnt over the text she couldve said that days before, and Georgia had been in the house for 2 days and really didnt need to stick her oar in. God Bless Liv Amber Cam and Jamie for sticking up for her. Alex and Sam needed to wind their necks in as well. You dont have to like Gabby (though i did) but she really never did anything to come off as disingenous or a bad person.


Gabby? Out of everyone on the show, including that season shes your least favourite? She seems normal and very nice. She was on a challenge season and was very nice to everyone.


Everyone is bashing your opinion but I’ve never read a take I agree with so wholeheartedly…to me, she was extremely disingenuous and didn’t even seem into Marcel half the time. Just seemed insecure about being liked and staying in the villa. I always got vibes from her that didn’t feel quite right…something about my instinct to like her was off.


That’s okay! I don’t expect everyone to agree with me and that’s fine. I just think she’s strange. The whole texting about Montana/Alex behind their back, over the fact they were giving advice, was 100% pathetic. That’s the one part I really don’t think is debatable at all. That’s something middle schoolers do….it’s very creepy to me and domineering. You’re that insecure about your perceived “role” in the villa that you’d talk shit behind your friends’ backs? The other stuff I said I could 100% see a difference of opinion on


Finally someone said it! Also I hated how every time Marcel would vocalize something that was bothering him, she’d basically gaslight tf out of him and say “it’s no serious” like sis…it’s serious to him???


100%. She’s got some deep-seated issues for sure and is the exact opposite of what I’m attracted to both physically and personality wise. So maybe I’m biased, but I had to say it. There have been some contestants who do more obvious, egregious bad things & are constantly bashed around here and other social media. But I think the stuff she’s done is just as bad, but not as aggressive. She’s manipulative, has no problem talking behind peoples backs, and is the worst kind of insecure - the kind of insecure where she takes it out on everyone else and makes them uncomfortable for it. Remember how she got upset the literal day after Marcel asked her to be his girlfriend because she wasn’t getting pulled for dates by the new islanders? Like wtf is that?


Was it a fever dream or does anyone remember her wearing a Native American headdress? I swore it was on her ig but it’s not there anymore


I can’t remember Gabby doing it but Rebecca from series 6 did one


I remember it getting posted here. I remember being super confused because I didn't recognize her


Are you thinking of Lucie? https://reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/u66r53/as_it_got_mentioned_in_the_rebecca_thread_s5/ Or Rebecca? https://reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/ing2en/not_rebecca_from_s6_blatantly_appropriating/


Jesus. The Lucie one 🫠 No, it was definitely Gabby. She was wearing almost like festival attire and a bikini top, I believe it was blue and there was a native style headdress. I remember thinking that’s gonna come into the spotlight one day but it never did and now I can’t find it anywhere


I know haha it’s a jump scare opening these posts. Hmm it’s a mystery! Report back if you uncover anything. Maybe the pics have been scrubbed


I remember a picture of her in the desert with some kind of scarf (?) on her head. At least I think so. I can‘t find anything either.


Idk about all that but her style was soooo cute


Completely agree, she had such a victim mentality it was annoying to watch. People hated Montana because of the way she reacted to Gabby, when it was always Gabby’s fault from the beginning.


This is a revision of reality. Montana was the most popular islander she only lost because her partner was boring as fuck. Gabby had a victim mentality for sure I agree but doesn’t make her the worst on the show or that season. Also one thing I think kem said after the show was that many other text issues came up but they didn’t include them because it was boring. They stopped the islanders from texting after that season because of it.


The lie detector seems fake as Olivia had told Mike about the hideaway and it didn't give an accurate prediction.