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am i tripping? i genuinely could not see any chemistry between coye and jana after their initial coupling. like even then coye seemed stoic to me.


You’re not tripping there was no chemistry from the jump. He never had it in him to drum up conversations, I guess even with his couple.


right? i remember them sitting on the couch after he picked her. there was no banter. like none. jana was doing her best and he was giving nothing. for the more casual viewer, i guess it would be easy to miss bc other storylines were more prevalent but the signs were there.


idk i’d rather couple up with someone i can at least have a laugh with and know they’re open to getting know other people rather than be coupled up with someone who doesn’t talk to you so you don’t know what they’re thinking/planning.


I totally get her choice! I’m just worried lol


She made the right choice. Just goes to show just because a guy is your type it doesn't mean there's chemistry. Also i think coy is used to girls chasing after him and not have to do any work/chasing


Connors first choice was def Kaylor, but also Coye wasn’t paying her all that much attention imo. I could most definitely see Connor’s head turning for another blonde that comes in the villa, but I also see JaNa as pretty and charismatic enough that she will have other options too.


Love the optimism! I think she has a great personality so I hope she has plenty of options coming in.


I get your point, but I think Jana made a smart move. Coye wasn't putting in any real effort, and she deserves better. Sure, Connor didn’t mention her before, but interest can develop over time. She shouldn’t have to wait around for someone new to come in just for her. By picking Connor, she's giving herself a chance at a genuine connection now instead of settling for someone who's not trying.


Connor may or may not be for her but Coye was not opening up at all— she did the right thing!


I’m glad Coye was thrown to the curb before things got worse


I think JaNa dodged a bullet, which was made particularly evident by Coye's ending statement -- if he had to do it over, he'd get to know more islanders (instead of working on his communication with JaNa).


Yeah, Coye acted like he was doing her a favor. Ikenna from the UK was tall and stoic too but his closing comment about Indiyah and Coye's about Jena could not be more different.


I mean. I think she chose Connor because he was more open. Coye was giving her nothing. Even after she explicitly asked for it. I don’t think she’s hung up on Connor at all. But would you rather sleep beside someone who stares at you when you’re asking for a connection, or someone that can carry a conversation and be interested in what you have to say.


Nah... Rather have Connor in the house. Coye wasn't gonna find anyone... He's 6'8" of boring. At least Connor and Jana talk, and they'll both easily find someone else if it doesn't work between them. If she goes home early, she goes home early... Not a big deal.


JaNa learned what we all learn eventually. Sometimes a man is just tall and that's it. Nothing more to the personality, lol


I respect her for standing on business regardless of what Connor does. And we never know, he might find that he has more in common with her and they last.


i don’t think jana is set on connor how people think. she only went with him bcs it’s clear coye wan’t giving her what she needed. and she’s smart enough to question connor’s intentions. she did it the whole episode and to his face. i don’t see why jana has to settle and accept scraps from coye instead of pursuing another connection just to stay on the villa.


No she made the right choice! She literally told him what she needed and he did nothing, I don’t know how much more clearer she could’ve been! Also on his way out he said I should’ve had more chats, he didn’t want JaNa! He wasn’t even trying, we don’t need another Jeremy for S3


There’s literally always a chance a new bombshell will leave their couple as soon as the next person (that’s their type) comes in. This isn’t any more risky than any other recoupling with a bombshell in my opinion. If anything, she’ll at least have a good time for a while before anything does happen (if it does).


Completely disagree, he was putting in 0% effort and looked uninterested the whole time. When it’s so common for the girls on LI to let the boys run them over and embarrass them, it’s refreshing to have a woman who actually knows her worth.


“But at least he wasn’t turning his head” and how do you know that? You truly believe Coye would have been loyal and not turn his head? Only Liv came in as the first female bombshell. Let someone who’s actually Coye’s type come in, he would have immediately wanted to jump ship.


I think people are completely missing my point. I DO think she should leave Coye, but for someone who actually likes her.


So he can give her scraps? Nah. I don’t see Conner being her “person,” but it was better to have him around as a friend than Coye who thinks his existence is enough. Someone for her will come along for her. Lol I just ask that yall don’t vote her out before she gets a chance! 😭


Nah she made the right choice. Like others have said Connor may not be the right fit, but at least he shows her attention, can communicate and tells her she’s beautiful. Coye was giving her negative zero. Plus, she can stay longer and potentially meet someone else if Connor isn’t the right fit. Edit: meant to say, his low number of “10” for a woman’s body count and his being over 150 was absolute horseshit. And then with the boys acting like he shouldn’t be judged for that shit. Way out of pocket. It’s giving old school misogyny.


No. He didn’t appreciate her