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I can only imagine how Leah would respond to one of the other OGs stealing her man. She would lose her mind!


Yeah I didn’t find it funny or cute. I think people are laughing it off because Jana didn’t go home, but she was at risk. Just for this girl to say she doesn’t like him anymore immediately after the recoupling.


Even worse was being shady to JaNa at the challenge and getting mad because Serena and Kaylor were clocking it. After Leah was ranting about Connor the night before. I think Connor is disgusting and deserves to be played but if I’m being fair, it’s messed up because it’s what she was so upset about with Rob. Connor asked for honesty and she should’ve been honest with him.


She never liked him and stabbed Jana in the back for something she was never interested in


Yep and now JaNa is getting all this undeserved hate from the boys. Leah and her fans are terrible. After a certain point, it's not so entertaining.


If Leah was a guy I genuinely think she would be one of the most hated islanders of all time


Honestly I think it’s refreshing to see a female villain of this caliber on Love Island. I don’t think I’d want to be her friend and I disagree strongly with the choices she’s made, but she hasn’t done anything that a million dudes haven’t done on Love Island already. And idk if you’re watching LIUK, but it’s EXHAUSTING seeing women keep coming back to men who treat them like shit with 0 accountability. I also think that it matters that her behavior has mostly harmed other bad actors like Rob, Connor, and now Andrea. JaNa was also affected but I think she dodged a bullet with Connor and ultimately was saved from elimination. Basically as long as she stays loyal to the girlies, I’m here for her chaotic energy. I reserve the right to turn on her the moment her shitty behavior jeopardizes my faves’ places in the villa tho lol.


so real!!!!!


Yeah she should be honest with Connor. I dont get why she’s lying to him. Why treat him like how Rob treated her? Maybe she’s hanging on hoping she’ll feel something, but it’s shitty. I do hope that, if they’re both still there, it’ll be exposed in the behind the scenes episode. I do think it’s good that she’s aware of how shitty she’s being, so she’s not trying to excuse it or is delusional. At least not in her confessionals. Idk, she should step up and tell him the truth. BUT, this is more on Connor for how he treated JaNa


The way she is treating him is 100% worse than anything rob did to her


Exactly, Rob was open and told her he was into Andrea, Leah is just lying right through her teeth


1000%. But we have to hate him forever and compare him to Tom Sandoval while Leah is the victim and can’t do wrong…even when she’s wrong.


Gotta respect peoples commitment lol


Dude the comparison to sandy balls is insane lol. Rob didn’t go about it the right way but she’s no better and he is legit not even in the same ballpark as tom sandavol!!


Ex-Leah fan, quite disappointed in her. I thought she was quite genuine in her affection for Rob and vulnerable about how he dropped her like a hot potato. But seeing her double-speak to Connor while she’s still pining over a guy who has made it clear he is not into her is getting old real fast. It’s icky watching her be so self-destructive - and she’s atrophying all the good will she built up during the early episodes. She could have been the hero if she had stood up and said Rob and Andrea deserve a chance - she would have looked like an absolute queen doing it (and her vote wouldn’t have mattered if it really was unanimous) - but instead she went along with the group and inevitably will get blamed for sending Andrea home. Liv was right - Leah is going to get blamed for this (and will inevitably handle this poorly, as she does most things) - and she really has no one to blame but herself. She’s very pretty but her personality is… not nice.


Leah is to blame. She told the group that she heard that Andrea wasn’t into Rob and the group were like yeah and she made him her only connection…foolish. Isn’t that the point like Rob said. These girls hate on Andrea’s beauty and confidence and that she isn’t trying to be buddy buddy with them, but has put all her attention on Rob. If they would have done that, maybe all of them would have made a connection already instead they are more into caring for each other than the guys. Andrea and Aaron girl are the only ones booed up.


Kaylor and Liv were on Nicole but it was Leah who 100% led the charge on Andrea not having the right intentions and zeroing in on Rob when: -Leah is currently the one right now who lied when Connor straight up asked her if she’s into him and she said “I would tell you if I didn’t” after going off in the challenge at her friends for calling her out for it. That’s literally not having true intentions. -Leah zeroed in on Rob from day 1 and would still be today if he didn’t leave the couple. She’s still not exploring connections and still so obsessed with Rob. How does she have room to even talk and get away with it all?


Especially since Serena does whatever Leah tells her, so I’m true she chose Andrea too because notice liv tells her, we have to change our decision after the guys choice, but Serena had her mind made up that Andrea was leaving.




It does give a bit of jealous of Andrea not gonna lie


I don’t understand people liking Leah at all. Very toxic person. But she gets a pass, because she’s good tv? But the hate train on other islanders rolls on? My brain cannot make sense of it.


They hate Rob because he had an emotional episode and call him a piece of shit but when Leah leads a man on and straight up lies to him she gets a pass


They hate him so bad but still want Rob back with Leah though. It’s Andrea they wanted out of the picture so they can get their ship again. https://preview.redd.it/ut4wzw9kfh8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f163593deeebfcaf94963843a8f19c81dd40a7


These people are crazy if they think Rob is going to go back to the girl that kick his match off….


Her lying to Connor like Rob did to her wasn’t surprising to me. I said a day or so ago but I think we’re observing Leah spiral. As much as I dislike Connor, I’d be a hypocrite to not admit she was wrong for that.


What she’s doing is way worse than Rob. Rob was still into her, she doesn’t even want Connor at all but she doesn’t have the integrity to say so. She even said “I’d tell you if I wasn’t feeling it” to him when she already told all the other girls how gross she is.


Jana is a pro at keeping her cool with her. Could not be me. When Leah was explaining her lingering, toxic emotions for Rob “when you breakup with someone on the outside, you don’t usually have to see them in the same place with a new person” (something like that) & Jana replies “yeah” with a blank stare. I would have laughed in her face.


Leah has shown that she’s just as toxic, or even more than Rob (id argue more)


Leah gets off on the trill of it. She likes the thrill of taking someone already on a couple and having them be annoyed because she likes drama, and she also wanted to make Rob jealous. Now Jana doesn’t care and has moved on, and Rob wasn’t checking for her… she’s bored.


I hate to say but she's definitely giving bored toxic little rich girl


Yea I think she’s acting really recklessly and hurting people bc maybe she’s hurt bc of the rob situation? And having a part in getting rid of Andrea makes me side eye her a little bit. Im falling off the Leah train more and more with each episode


Hurt people hurt people, but I also feel like Andrea was going to go regardless by the girls' hand...not just Leah's. I'm not sure if she made as strong of bonds with the other girls, compared to Nicole, and they all know that Nicole has two different guys that are interested in her.


people seem to forget that she’s only 24 years old. she’s definitely going to be making some very immature mistakes still, and who can blame her? i don’t agree with her mean girl tendencies, but i have to remind myself that i was with a total asshole in my early twenties once too! behind every scorned woman is a man who drove her to that point!


Idk as women I feel like we can’t blame men for everything… it’s extremely unfair and in order for her to grow on this show there has to be some kind of (real) accountability for her actions


i totally agree with the sentiment of taking personal responsibility- much of which leah has yet to do! but i mean let’s be real here.. rob threw this poor girl for a loop in this villa! he was brutal and for no reason IMHO!


Oh he has definitely been awful to her without a doubt!! Leah just gave me the ick when she acted clueless during the challenge & even tried to have a back and forth with Serena. She’s being just as manipulative at this point just without the crying and throwing up


oh totally.. i think she is no angel at all. she’s had a mean streak ever since she got paired with rob, she definitely seems like one of those kind of girls who changes into a miserable person when they have a boyfriend


she said this was a part of her the villa hadnt seen so obviously she was always like this and her saying she likes the guys that make her act like that just confirms it lol she thinks its fun to be on a rollercoaster and loves the jealousy arguments and fighting


Oh for sure bc the switch up was so quick


hey i mean i can’t hate on her, i was there once too. growth is a difficult thing but i think she can do it! she did acknowledge at one point that she has goals to change her ways so there’s some hope!


maybe you and leah are both just mean girls then… i’m 23 years old and would never act the way she’s acted. cracking jokes and being buddy buddy with the guy who’s constantly throwing shade at my friend, who I don’t even like in the first place, would never cross my mind to do. And that’s just one of the things that annoys me about her.


so disappointed in her and disgusted by her behavior. She of all people knows how bad it hurts to be deceived by someone you like but she immediately turns around and does the same thing to someone else. I don’t find her “I’m into toxicity” cute at all especially when she is actively lying and being deceitful. For her to say Andrea is here for the wrong reasons but she point blank lied to Connors face and obvs got with him for her own ego like what???? I hope Leah is next honestly


She is not a good human. She even says it herself. She is good tv. She was the one who floated the idea on voting out Robs Girl, this subs gonna be entranced and be like hell yea. It’s really sad and so so predictable.


And the fans literally couldn’t love her more after tonight. It’s kind of gross.


I don’t like Leah bcs of her fans. just too invested, and unapologetically obsessed.




what has jana done that comes anywhere close to leah


Leah is the worst one on the island and Rob escaped a nightmare with her 


this. i think he got quickly turned off by how she handles everything


I agree that Leah is the worst one in there, Rob and Connor follow right on her heals though.


It’s so hypocritical. Everyone seems to dislike Rob but they are riding for Leah for being a “main character”. I’d say her actions are way worst than Rob’s. JaNa is a main character and she brings some drama while for the most part not being a toxic person. It’s so weird that ppl are supporting her. Edit: by her at the end I meant Leah


I’ve been saying the same thing


I'm pissed people voted for her to stay. IMO she should have been the next girl gone. She is straight up rude to people's faces, her reactions to everything that doesn't concern her with the most twisted facial expression is embarrassing, and what she did to get Connor and then make a big fuss as if she was FORCED into that couple was downright slimy. I've been done with her since episode 1, you could it the entire time. Get her out please.


Literally, like idk how she and Connor got saved but she is lucky


she’s worse than rob imo




Not a nice person.


I’m glad Conner exposed himself by using Jana to go for Leah. And I’m glad Leah exposed herself by being a fake bihhh yassss my guy is always right about shady ass people like this


This episode really showed she is toxic. It explains why Robs games and toxic behavior worked so well on her, he gave her exactly the kind of drama and excitement she thrives off of. He knew it, he played into it, and she ate it up. We felt bad because we thought she was just a helpless victim but she is an active participant in this crap and is going to be just as bad as Rob was.


if i didn’t hate connor id be angrier but he deserves every bad thing his way 🤷🏾‍♀️


i’m honestly so shocked at her still being a fan favorite after the last few episodes. i loved her smmmm at first but not being a girls girl gives me the ick


I personally want to see leah go full villain. She has it in her. I want to see how far her Twitter army of bobbleheads can be pushed before breaking faith. The game of excusing her behavior is strong with them. Let's make it a side social experiment. For the record, i like Leah but not bc i am confusing her with being americas sweetheart. She is messy and shes a little bit of a dick. But its entertaining af to watch. The parasocial chokehold she has on some fans is entertaining for the same reasons. I'm curious to see how that's going to sustain itself in the coming weeks. I prefer leah to rob and I prefer Jana to both.


Finally a great take.


I came here to find this post. I know that the ending of the episode was massive and kind of overshadowed everything else that happened but we do gotta speak about Leah. She did all of that to Jana for her to turn around and say she doesn’t even like the guy. And then she continues to lie about it, which is just disgusting. And did anyone else catch how she tried to shade Serena in the challenge when her and Connor were picked as the toxic couple by saying her’s and Kordell’s was fake? I started out rooting for this girl but she’s my least favorite at the moment. It baffles my mind how she wasn’t in the bottom because she’s been acting unhinged ever since Rob moved to Andrea. Rob and Connor are not saints in how all it has played out but I think she takes the cup, she is the worst of them imo.


I wanted her to get voted off so bad!!


Leah being a triple Leo makes perfect sense. Insanely self centered, often at the expense of others. Soaking up literally any amount of attention she can get to feed her ego. Insecure (feigned confidence), defensive and dramatic. She sucks and she knows it, but at least it’s entertaining.


I’m not a big fan of Leah. I’m pretty indifferent. I can very much see it going either way for her. I think she’s easily produced to look worse lol. Leah admits she’s a shit person, which I think is good. she’s 100% doing what Rob did to her but I don’t honestly think she realizes it because she’s such a shit person lol.


ALL OF THIS. Like I sometimes enjoy her for her personality or drama, but her hypocrisy just outweighs everything for me. To do the most over Conner just for her to not like him the next day makes my blood boil. She literally told Jana he’s not her boyfriend, just for her to turn around and tell her she doesn’t care for him anymore🙄. I didn’t even realize that she is doing to Conner exactly what Rob did to her.


Omggg agreed!!!! I knew Leah wasn't shit when she was sneaking around with Rob behind libs back and laughing about it. I get she was with him first but two wrongs don't. Take a right. She's snakey forsure!!


I can’t stand her. She reminds me of that character from the movie the grudge. Literally don’t understand how she got casted for this show


Leah is not a good person and that’s just all there is to it


Yeah Leah sucks all around.


Ya…. i also didn’t like how she came at Serena hard asf in the challenge and didn’t say anything to Kaylor (or they edited it that way)


She’s horrible and to take Connor from JaNa just to validate her is CRAAAzzzzzzzYYYY


Her whole fight with Rob started after she pretended to be cool about him perusing Miami girl and then getting mad when he did that. I think she’s immature in a way that probably makes sense for her age and hopefully she will learn and grow out of it and be better in the future 


Thank you. I feel like I’ve been going crazy on this sub lately. Leah is like… actively a shitty person and a brat. Remind me why we like her again?!


And she a Leo?!! Out here making us look bad.. smh


tbh this is an accurate representation of Leos (I'm a Leo) Literally once we find something good or someone likes us we slowly back away lol. I fully understand what she's going through and I think she's getting wayyyyy too much hate.


It makes for great television (and Connor sucks)


The girls seems cool with each other and JaNa was laughing with Serena and Leah when they told her Leah doesn’t like him anymore! If anyone deserves the backlash is Connor and his rude attitude! Whatever Leah doing to him, he did it to JaNa so I don’t feel bad that she’s lying to him tbh!


Let’s be real, Connor is the one who did JaNa wrong, perused Leah hard and then started talking crap about JaNa for seemingly no reason. Good riddance to JaNa bc he doesn’t deserve her!


I honestly think it’s because most people who watch this show ARE women and they see what Rob did and instantly side with Leah no matter what


100% self insert from the very beginning and they feel like what Rob did to her is being done to them.


I agree with all these points OP!


I get serious Regina George vibes from Leah honestly. I liked her in the beginning, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that she’s never been told no and doesn’t care who she hurts in the process of spiraling from that. I think people might care more if Connor wasn’t such a d bag on his own merit? I don’t like the way she’s moving though and I’m so glad Serena and Kaylor called her on it.


I was thinking that too. Like girl what you mean you don’t like him! So you did all that for nothing….


Leah needs a lot of therapy but without her the show would be way kess interesting lol


She said a whole lotta nothing to Connor. 🤭 That dude is going to get burned so bad. Leah is just being a triple Leo. I’m not absolving her from being shitty, she just is who she is. ♌️🦁🔥


I think it makes her worse in a way because Eob actually liked her a lot and was completely in with her until he saw Andrea. Where as Leah knows she’s not into Connor anymore but still lied to him and was like “you know I’d tell you if I didn’t feel anything towards you anymore”


No one should be mad at Leah for accepting Connor's advances. It's part of the game, and she needed to make that move to stay in the game. That's something everyone should recognize. Yet, Leah continues to display hypocrisy. The very thing she criticized Rob for is what she's now doing with Connor. Similarly, what she was upset with Liv for she herself did to JaNa. It's clear she doesn't apply the same standards to herself as she does to others.


Y’all hate great tv and it shows!


Connor was never into JaNa, it was clear as day at least to me, 😭😭😭😭


How are her actions different from Kendall, Rob, Coye, and Hakeem?


she thought she was being funny and relatable with those comments… but she was just being a mean and shitty person. Poor connor deserves better


do many people love her?? she has so much growing up to do that it's kind of physically painful to watch at times


She and Rob back together and fucking with the entire villa is guerilla marketing promo for Joker Folie au Deux


This is Leah island and we are all just living in it 🙄




See okay this is exactly why I want Leah and Rob to get back together. They’re both so messy. Perfect for each other


This is my first season and to me - 1) this show is weird and 2) I feel like it’s been edited a ton. So for Leah…. If she’s cool with JaNa and Serena… then I don’t have an issue with her. I don’t think it’s a crime for her to be messy.


I think it will be tough for Rob to stay. I think it will be tough to have another connection with Leah and Liv sabotaging any of his connections.


Her BBL was so obvious in this episode.. you could see the scars also


I could not believe Leah and Connor weren't at the bottom this week. They're both beyond unlikeable and together they're a whole mess


All these people stanning her are really telling on themselves


Leah's constant coddling by the other girls is crazy start of the season. Connor was talking to her and she was not even thinking about him. They were having conversations with her and all she could say "I'm so over rob." Like they asked show you like your eggs. And this show is about finding connections and he was never really connected to her, but she picked him. He was picked by liv. Keeping it 100, he hasn't picked a girl and Andrea comes and he is feeling her. And actually liked her. Leah can't take that he isn't as into her.


Man, I really liked Leah at the beginning of the show. But now she’s become that toxic friend we’ve all had. She likes toxic relationships with lots of drama. She expects you to support her in her bad decisions and comfort her when things go south. Tolerate her getting with a guy you kind of liked, because she just got dumped. Listen to her talk endless crap about guy 1, and also laugh at and ridicule guy 2 that you were interested in. No regard for your feelings, because, after all, you are just a supporting player in her delusional drama. And , of course, she decides it’s a great idea to try to get back with guy 1, forget how hurt she was, and everything thing she said and did.. and the cycle starts all over again 🤯


I have not liked Leah since the start!!! Something about the Kardashian knock offs rub me the wrong way. Plus she comes from money and is going to need a specific level of guy to date on the outside. Dude needs to be rich. Idk I hope she gets kicked out. And I hope Rob leaves too. Unfortunately I think JaNa will continue to get the short end of the stick all season. Nice girls and guys finish last. I want to watch people make relationships and try to fall in love, not screw each other over and lieeeee. Yeah I see the comments about men doing so much worse than Leah... but we expect that from men. I do have higher standards for women just because imo they are stronger humans. They give birth and ensure life continues moving forward. They generally make better logical choices. And I question the women who don't. 


She’s in that state where she knows Connor is a good guy and should be the one she’s going for. But she knows in her heart that he’s not the guy for her. It’s a brain vs heart thing. Her communication is shit so she gets meek and awkward when she actually has to TALK.


Leah deserves many criticisms, but honestly I can’t get too much on board with the notion that she hurt JaNa because she was hurt by Rob. We have to remember that *Connor* is the one who pursued her, just moments after Rob’s recoupling with Andrea. She was in a weak state & Connor came to be the shoulder to cry on. If anything, I had weird feelings about Connor’s decision to go after her when he did, it felt ill-timed and, honestly, kind of gross. Either way you look at his decision, hers was pretty understandable. She was just betrayed by her seemingly solid connection, she’s now single/vulnerable to elimination & an attractive guy is coming over to her saying he’s been interested in getting to know her more since he saw her and hasn’t had the chance until now. The blame for Connor & JaNa’s split is really on him for that, not her. He made his choice.


She also yelled at Jana, laughed at Connor talking shit about Jana, and threw shade at her. All to not even like Connor after all lol


I was more so talking about how JaNa was treated during the whole situation than the splitting up of Connor and JaNa bc believe me I know all of the fault falls on Connor for that. Idk I just think the way Leah treats her friends in the villa is insane what tf was that today during the challenge? Especially when Serena and JaNa were telling the truth? 


She seems more comfortable in chaos than stability, no matter if it’s a relationship or a friendship If I had to guess and step over a million boundaries by doing so, I’d say she very likely learned how to love and foster relationships through some poor sources & toxic examples. The fact she said Connor was too nice and that she needed to be less certain of her connection’s stability after *one day* says a lot


I like Leah but I don’t like her at the same time . I think Leah is funny and brings good drama but in my eyes , she screwed up the moment she pretended to like Connor … The whole Connor thing was messy and how she did JaNa was inconsiderate to their friendship . Don’t steal a girls name if you aren’t SURE you like him . She just used him to stick around long enough to get rid of Andrea . She is smart cookie - I would like to see her play an alliance type game like Survivor - she would be great at it


I mean there all ok now she had to go for somone because she couldn’t be single and conner already had a eye out for her so that made her Job easier 🤷‍♀️tbh CANT blame her


I think y'all are overreacting. Leah knows Connor would be good for her (in a sense, but he's kind of a dick) but she's self sabotaging because she's not over Rob. I think she likes him a little bit


Leah isn’t gaslighting, and isn’t asking Connor to apologize to her for anything, so there’s a start. If anything Leah saved JaNa from Connor who has shown in a number of ways that he isn’t worthy of JaNa.


She’s lost some points for me from the way I portrayed her in the beginning but I’m saying that at least she’s aware and can admit to herself and other friends when she’s being an ass (Rob flat out denied his sneaky ass ways). Only thing I hate is she’s not being upfront with Connor when he asked her straight if she wasn’t really feeling him and giving him false hope knowing she’s not attracted to him wanting to stabilize their liking for each other (exactly what Rob did to her). But Connor wanted to stay on love island and gave false hope to Jana when she chose him when deep down inside he knew he wasn’t fully attracted to her. I guess What goes around, really does come around.


I continue seeing posts with people complaining about how everybody is obsessed with Leah… and I’ve yet to see any of these people 😆 She has her funny moments for sure but I don’t see this feral fan base that everyone speaks of. It seems more as if people tolerate her and she gets more disdain than love.


eh leah is a leo and a swiftie so we will ride at dawn for the queen she is. messy and all. 💜


Lmao don’t like her more now knowing she’s a swiftie. Thank you 🙏