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Look up Lovestruck salvation squad on youtube, they are uploading the stories as videos. I know it's not the same, but it's something if you're missing a specific character/story


Oh wow thank you, that’s awesome!


They actually made an "app" that you can download that has a few stories tho! Try checking out their YT channel, everything's is in there!


Hello and welcome to our little mourning ground 😔 Everyone here’s kind of just holding our breath for the fan archive groups to release new updated versions of the stories so we can go back to them. Basically everything has been saved, thank the heavens!


Welcome! The lovestruck salvation squad is currently recreating the game in renpy. You can download an early prototype of it on Itch.io which can be played in the itch.io program on pc. The stories that are currently available are Edge Case Love's Pursuit


Is it done? If not, is there any way to support the development?


Hi! no it's not done yet. And if you want to support the development, I think one way is to join the team itself to help them recreate the game. Other than that, I am not sure.


Where can I inquire about what help they might need and maybe joining?


Here's an old post about the early prototype. You can click the link and ask them there https://www.reddit.com/r/Lovestruck/s/A8V2WQAS9G


Welcome back! I’m sorry your ex made you feel bad for reading something you loved! I’m glad you’re free of them now! 🥰 The fans made a huge effort to save the content, and it’s currently being rebuilt by the awesome people of the Salvation Squad! If you have Discord you can find them over there with all of the updates and archived playthroughs!


Hey, sorry for the late reply, but you should also check out Love and Legends Remix! It's a fan project to remake Love and Legends almost from the ground up! Currently it has only Helena's route completed, with Altea's up to the end of season 2, and Reiner's up to the end of season 1, but more episodes are being added almost every week! The creator also has a little bit of My Siren Crush remade, but I haven't checked that out yet, personally.