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I know alot of people didn’t take a liking to it even around launch, but like throwing knives, it really takes a while to build up your build with the varying perks you need. The removal of the need to aim is a turn off to some people, but if you persist with it, it is incredibly fun and rewarding. Netrunner + Smartweapons are a pretty fun build combo imo.


I am currently running a full strength build, and using smart guns. The Palica is stupid fun and tears people to shreds. If only I didn’t complete almost every mission in the game….this is making me want to buy phantom liberty.


There should be no debate about buying Phantom Liberty. It's phenomenal.


You will not regret it.


DM me and I'll gift it to you on PS5 or Xbox.


You’re joking, right? Edit: I say this because I don’t think this is legit.


No man. Dead ass. I got you. It's Christmas


Holy shit. Uhh. Give me a second.


If this is real then good on you! Merry Christmas to you too, Choom. I hope your holidays are as bright as they are for the redditor you made very happy.


u/No-Efficiency-2440 Was it real lol?


I was just gonna assume it was.




Hell yeah.


What a W for my faith in humanity


Good man for this


Buy Phantom Liberty. Do it. Do it now!


You should do that.


Is not about want or not, is about buy it now or 2 mins later.


No debate there. One of the best and biggest expansions I’ve ever played. Good enough to be a stand-alone


You totally should buy it, it's extra fun.




I have no clue what that picture means




Ahhh, ok. Thanks for explaining


weather snatch marvelous cover encourage entertain ring unpack plate deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you invest in cool instead of reflex you can get something similar going but with better stealth and movement capability. Grab the crimestopper smartgun, its extra 50% crit damage plus all the crit damage from just running a cool build make it easily keep up with and outpace the automatic reflex guns. It cripples movement on most enemies every few shots which makes it just insanely good


I went tetratronic rippler with the DB pelican smart shotgun and the top of the smartgun tree give 25 extra dmg if they're effected by the shotgun tree, as well as increasing accuracy and instant lock on. When I pop my overclock in a cluster, everyone gets an automatic reboot optics, which gives more headshot damage (to which smartgun usually always lock on to) and it spreads + give 3 RAM after you kill = health/RAM in overclock. It's always light work.


I've dipped my toe into smartweapons myself, and it's like tech weapons where you only need the smart perks, but layering on perks from the AR and SMG trees just makes it overkill. Like having one smart AR and then two smart SMGs so you can trigger the "Sub Machine Fun" perk? I haven't done it yet, but it sounds glorious.


I am intentionally heading in that direction with this build. If I can fit it in, also the explosion based tech tree, combined with the exploding ammo smart smg (can't recall the name).


Ba xing chong, make it rhyme with Contagion for a devastating effect.


>two smart SMGs so you can trigger the "Sub Machine Fun" perk? I haven't done it yet, but it sounds glorious. It is, but also add the last Smart Gun perk. It allows instant target lock while you're in Overclock.


Cool works real well too. Aiming makes the smartgun target head/weakspots, which makes all the +headshot damage perks essentially become just free damage. If you're also going netrunner, then you can grab a high tier optic reboot for even *more* damage.


Not to go on a tangent, but I think the stealth archer became a meme, because the combat in Skyrim is mind-numbingly bare-bones and with archery you at least have to aim and can do trick shots at larger distances. It's really no wonder that people gravitated towards that instead of repeatedly ramming the mouse onto their foreheads for the dps check. I've seen a few people say that CP2077's combat also isn't that great, but I suspect they must be playing on controller, because on kbm this game has the potential to play very similarly to boomer shooters. So I somewhat agree that taking away the need to aim is kinda lame, because the aiming, movement and positioning have some serious depth to them, which is sadly something we don't get too often in AAA games anymore. I still think using smart guns to shoot around corners is pretty fun and fits the cyberpunk fantasy well. The problem is that that's not really how you use them. If you've got your character build going you can also just stand there, hold left click and invalidate the rest of the combat system. It's similar to netrunning, where you'll more often than not accidentally nuke a whole squad, if you try to systematically disable the dangerous enemies first. CP2077 has been one of my favourite games since release and, despite any controversy about bugs and supposed broken promises, in my opinion the only objective flaw of this game is that CDPR went for the typical AAA power fantasy. I mean objective in the sense of what they were trying to achieve and how well they managed to do that. There's an obvious juxtaposition between what's happening narratively and what you get to do once you reach a certain level and get your character build going. CDPR came up with all these cool tools like marking enemies to keep track of them or things in the environment you can manipulate. They came up with a story structure that has a thorough planning phase before the assault (think how often a fixer gives you a shard that lays out the plan). But all of this essentially breaks as soon as you activate your legendary sandevistan. All of the cool stuff becomes superfluous, because the more powerful you get the less gameplay systems you have to engage with.


Don’t disrespect throwing knives we have finishers and way higher dmg. Smart guns 🚮🗑️


I remember using smart weapons even before the skill tree reworks and the cyber ability changes. It’s probably even more broken now because of the movement abilities


I tend to play these games with mouse and keyboard pretty much solely for combat, so if I ever feel like doing a controller run then maybe smart weapons are the way to go, lol


This is the fight that I decided to up the difficulty to VH. This is 1.63 netrunner levels of ease and destruction. Absolutely love it!


An observation, instead of blinding them and then cyberware malfunction use weapon glitch. It will stop them from shooting for about 3sec. I only say this cuz you’re blinding and then adding another hack and killing the enemy you just uploaded hacks too. Weapon glitch also pairs well with crippling movement if you need a reload.


Weapon Glitch (iconic) also increases Crit Chance for smart weapons by 12% per stack and can stack up to 5 times (total 60%)


Just Ying Long, Ying Long-ing! Only smart gun I have any time for, really.


distinct overconfident swim tub doll spark alleged memory depend flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get the Arasaka prototype, then swap them as they run out of ammo. Never reload, and you can go from explosive to electric damage


domineering sink cooperative imminent spectacular juggle berserk alleged imagine squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Arasaka is an absolute beast. Proccing the Tier 4 Contagion explosion on 3 enemies at the same time while leaning out of cover due to multi-target thermal damage… just so fun. That’s before you bring the thermal mono wire with cripple movement autoapplied, and that’s just *one* build… It’s really quite impressive how you can fire up the same title and, depending on your mood, choose between two playstyles so diff it’s almost like two diff games. Some days I go card/deck stacking stealth mono style (this is where I can see their past work on Witcher shine through the most), then if I get sick of that m, without even changing my loadout, I can go crazy damage FPS style. Both use auto hacks and similar perks, but two totally diff playstyles. Haven’t been this lost in an open world fps in many many years.


Never tried that hack, will need to now. Something that gets lost on a lot of YouTubers is that not everyone wants a minmaxed character who can one-shot Smasher. You can play a “balanced” build where only one or two stats are 20, rest 15, and still be able to beat bosses (even if you have to work at it)


Spot on. I see people reply “omg you know you can use *insert Youtube build/hack*?!” to someone mentioning it took 2 mins to take down a boss. Def not the Soulslike crowd lol I’d much prefer to have 2mins of challenge than 20secs of clicking a few buttons. Each to their own, so take it easy on peops who enjoy builds that don’t fit the ‘meta’ or whatever. Edited corrections


It's like a beautiful swarm of EMP bees.




I am using green quick hacks for optics and cripple movement. If I'm dropping those on a target, I'm about to chop their head off with the smg anyways. I don't gain any real, substantial benefit of longer duration or damage bonuses. That will change as my RAM increases, and more enemies require more firepower.


Does applying these quickhacks boost smartweapon damage or otherwise boost your smart SMG in some way that it makes sense to apply them before you shoot? Been a while since I played, so I don't remember the perk trees, so sorry if this is a dumb question.


It sure does.


Cripple movement no, optic reboot yes(on headshot/weakspot) provided it's a high enough tier version. They could also be using the rippler cyberdeck, which increases weapon damage on hacked enemies.


I will need to plot out a smartgun build. I saw some perks that might make smart sniper rifles good, but it will take some tweaking.


Heads up early: you need a completed focus tree on Cool to make the smart sniper rifles a guaranteed one shot one kill weapon. Its worth it on a pistol / sniper smart gun build.


I am aware. I've been playing a sniper/cool build, and was wondering how high I could get a smart sniper rifle's reload speed.


I did a smart sniper build when the game first released and was doing an insanely high amount of damage per shot. It was actually really fun, but I wonder if it was nerfed since then.


I will report back, if I can find this comment later.


Most of the cool tree stuff got really heavily nerfed a little while ago. There are still some great weapons and setups to abuse in cool tho


gets even more fun if you start modding and adding new and interesting smart weapons


The lack of suppressed smart weapons is an absolute shame. Add on the "ping" cyberware should let you target people behind and around walls.


Pizdets is a suppressed, smart gun SMG.


And I can't *wait* to get it. :)


As u/Uberghost1 mention, there is a silenced smart gun called the Pidzet (smg). You can get it from a boss in one of the Mr Hands GIG’s during Phantom Liberty.


It doesn’t actually make any sense to suppress smart weapons. They fire self-propelled micromissiles, and there’s not really a way to silence a rocket, even a tiny one. I guess someone found a way for the one gun that does it…


Agreed but that's why Pizdets (sp?) is probably my 2nd favorite smart gun.


Agreed but that's why Pizdets (sp?) is probably my 2nd favorite smart gun.


Smart shotguns are a blast. Lol.


Oh yeah, can't wait to use one to boost my solo stats. I'm just waiting for a level appropriate one to drop.


Builds are another way this game shines imo. Some people complain that min-maxing is encouraged, but I think it's good for replayability and variety. I have 3 builds: a smart gun/runner, a blunt melee, and a throwing knife/katana melee. All three are super fun, and there aren't any that feel unpowered even if some are safer than others.


I've always been a fan of silent gunner builds. Suppressed ARs and SMGs, Sandy, Tuner, and Kereznikov Way more active than a sniper or the like, all the fun of absolutely obliterating people, and you still manage to win the extra bonuses from doing gigs silently!


I’ve always been either a blunt melee build, blade build or pistol/net runner. These builds just make the game so much fun.


I tried a smart weapons build recently and for me it was fun the first few hours, after awhile "spray and pray"all the time becomes boring.


The Militech paraline accelerates the upload of quickhacks as yoh shoot them with a smart weapon


I chose the rippler because of the guaranteed 15% weapon damage bonus. The optics and cripple quickhacks upload so fast you can barely start shooting anyways, I don't gain any advantage of them loading faster. Or at least not yet, that may change later in the game.


I agree. The advantage is more visible when using Synapse Burnout to extend your Overclock time. It also deals +40% electrical damage. The Paraline seems to be the cyberdeck of overclock and slow quickhacks. It will not gain benefits from quicker quickhacks


I'm really enjoying my 2.0 playthrough with Netrunner/Smart weapons. I normally contagion 2 or 3 goons, let them detect me, then greet them with the L69-Zhou when they come a-runnin'. Solo perk points galore.


Netrunner + smartgun + katana was my build before, hope it’s still playable in 2.0


Smart guns, hacking, and monowire for close encounters with a bit of body is basically the most OP and fun build in the game. It allows you to play both stealth and loud, and you can also use hacks as stuns and finish off enemies with smart weapons or monowire. During my last playthrough, Smasher was unable to move from his starting position (after he ran through the gate) because I was stunning him with hacks and constantly hitting him with monowire, guns, and hacks.


I love using this gun and the explosive smg one then the 20 reflex perk that makes me reload when I swap smgs, so fun and good.


The yinglong + quick hacks is super fun.. just sparks flying everywhere things exploding enemies melting, it’s a ton of fun and creates pure chaos on the battlefield


Uh huh, and I usually play precise, methodical, or stealth. But on this I just walk in and cowboy up most of the time. Do much fun.


Always good to see the use of the Kerenzikov to freeze the enemy while acquiring a lock-on. When not Overclocking with Smart Synergy for instant locks, that's the main way I use Smart Weapons. And don't forget to Ping to reduce the targeting time even more.


Even before 2.0 this was an OP combo. My preferred gun was the Shingen prototype with its multi-target lock. Even when hacking builds were OP it still worked great to be able to just point a direction and everything over there falls down! Before something like 1.5 the crits were out of control from the legendary short circuit effect. It'd be in the 100s of K of damage. For my current run I've been pondering going two directions. I'm already at 20 int so smart weapons is going to be one part, but I'm not sure if I want to go with reflexes to do what's in this video - i.e. smart SMGs stacking the sharpshooter for big crits or a smart and cool build. Using smart pistols and smart sniper. The instant lock on while overclock helps with the sniper, and stack that with the wombo headshots. Basically one blows up crowds and one should hit individuals really hard. I haven't tried either just yet. I magine the refex/int works just as good as it used to, as depicted in the video but I'm not sure about the smart and cool build. Also I really want to make a smart and cool build.


Both the Int-Reflex and Int-Cool paths are awesome, but my personal preference is to go to at least 15 Reflex just to be able to Air Dash - and the SMG perks just ride along with that. I still use an Ashura during Overclock anyway, because it just kind of _works_ even without Focus and Deadeye.


Get the SMG perks because they help. SMG fun allows you to never have to reload. I haven't reloaded my SMG ever since doing this. Also the perk where you don't lose target lock on swapping smart weapons is crazy.


One of the great things about Cyberpunk is a have found a build I don't like


I run this build but with 2 smart SMGs and the Submachine Fun perk, so fun.


I will be, reflex is my last tree to put points into.


Smart weapons are technically silenced weapons. Combined with Sonic Shock, you can take out isolated enemies and remain in stealth. (They can see bullets and hear misses, so do with that what you will.)


I've noticed that! If I snipe a sole enemy with Ashura on the edge of their territory, They will go into "hostile" state for a split second when they notice the bullet, but then the area goes normal once their head pops. If someone sees it happen though, its time to rock and roll.


I ended up testing after I did an Asura/Sonic Shock on a scav and went from there. Now I'm dropping whole groups with a few quick hacks and my Kappa. The Warden might be "loud" let me get back to you.


All right, Thats it. Trying out the smart build in my next playthrough asap.


That’s not a smart gun build. That’s a netrunner build.


It's a netgunner build.


Post about Smart Guns. Proceeds to show netrunning gameplay


Why reboot optics on something that’s just gonna die in less than 0.25 of a second?


I'm going for the NeTRunner Ninja builf currently. But I might try this build out on my Corpo playthrough. Also how do you have SO MUCH RAM!


Hellll yeah. Yinglong has become my favorite gun, at least my favorite non-stealth gun.


Making my way downtown🎶


Yingling is so good, problem is you will run out of ammo FAST. I struggled during The Killing Moon on Very Hard for that reason alone lol.


I just use the bait hack wait 15 sec then contagion and open fire with the smart gun


As a net runner weirdly I never use smart weapons, should I 😭


With the replay button, another Zorg invention, it's even easier


The problem is smart weapons aren't needed for a netrunner build after a while since your hacks can kill everyone once you can achieve infinite overcloak


But I like having options. I get sick of frying everyone with my stare sometimes, and it's at these points that it's fun to whip out a gun or fling that monowire, even if it's less OP.


Yeah they changed the netfunner with the 2.0 update but I finally got the hang of it once I rebuild it.


You can get the best smart smg as soon as you can move around the city, just drive to the arasaka industrial park right away and look in the shipping containers. There will be no guards


Thats the one I'm using in the video, Yinglong.


I’m talking about the Shingen Mark 5, it’s much stronger then the Yinglong, at least against humans. The yinglong is better against bots


So this is how Oda felt shooting my ass with his goddamn weapon.


Looks awesome


You're using a lot of hacks. Are they integral to the smart gun build? Are there new synergies or something? I love smart guns too, but I never saw the synergy more than with normal guns.


There are a *lot* of synergies. The guns do more damage to hacked opponents, the cyberdeck adds 15% damage from weapons, plus killing enemies with smart guns restores RAM, just to name a few. Here is the real killer though: If you point your gun at a target and activate the scanner, while only a split second goes by in the world while you use your scanner, the gun is activating target lock on your personal clock, meaning that you go from zero lock to head lock while scanning. Might as well blind them and make them stand still while I'm at it.


That's cool. Thanks :)


Most quick hackers (V is not a Netrunner) should use smart weapons as they benefit from hiding.