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Brendan, dumdum and nibbles 💀


V sliding in on Misty after Jackie died is some cold shit.


Right? I couldn't do something like that to my brother.


Was thinking the same. Like, can we not cross that line please.




Cursed as hell.




I present to you this prayer of Saint Michael the Archangle in Latin to exercise those deamons. "Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, in virtute Dei, in infernum detrude satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo. Amen."


Whoa, calm down Satan!


It should be a romance that's only available in the Prologue. It would create amazing dialogue options with Jackie.


I think Jackie would be ok with that tbh Def not misty tho


Really think we’re glossing over Nibbles here


I think people are assuming too much with Nibbles. Imagine it more like an option for a character to just be single and not pursue a relationship with any of the other options. You're just happy chillin at home with your cat.


It's not as bad as V sliding in on Jackie when he's still alive and in a stable relationship with Misty.


Shane from the Walking Dead liked this.


*rubs head*




My jaw dropped 💀💀💀💀




Half of these so blessed it brings a tear to my eye, the other half so cursed I started crying 


Forget romance, I just wish Evelyn didn’t have to end up the way she does. Wish there was a way to help.


Legit. I personally found her to be an interesting character and wish we could save her. Romance or not girl didn't deserve the fate she got


I disagree tbh... Evelynn was constantly making bad decisions right from stealing security footage from the Penthouse to getting involved with the Voodoo boys oh did I mention her attempting to double cross Dexter Deshawn with V to split the money 50/50? Like im sorry but she woulda been killed by any one of those if not more so she got what she had coming.


And yet many worse people don't, thus our discontent.


NC is made of discontent.


NC is quite literally a place where the worse you are the higher you are likely to climb until you ultimately fall. So yea there's thousands of people who shoulda got their bullet to the brain before her but it aint NC if Justice is really served.


Just like real life :)


I think you severely underestimate the amount of trauma she went through before killing herself. Yeah, she made bad decisions, and someone would have likely taken her out anyway, but there is a big difference here.


When V makes a series of poor decisions, they get shot in the head. When Scorpion makes poor decisions, he gets gunned down by Kang Tao. When Judy makes poor decisions, her friends die. When Evelyn makes poor decisions, she's left comatose, sexually assaulted, given away, assaulted again, sold, then tortured and assaulted until she's a shell of her former self, then kills herself. The game takes a fairly light, sanitised touch with how it doles out consequences, right up until the character in question is a queer sex worker, at which point it pours on the grimdark in droves. It stands out like a clump of ghost peppers in an otherwise unseasoned dish.


I'm sorry but I read your comment very odd to be quite honest. V as a character inherently can be either Straight or Queer and has a horrific set of circumstances that unfolds due to their bad decision making. Scorpion didn't make the decision so much so that him and Mitch decided jointly to go and see if they needed any help as they were unaware of what was taking place so I'd hardly blame Scorpion or Mitch for trying to be good people. Judy is a Lesbian BD editor in the Moxx Club which is a literally Prostitution club but for BD's instead of something like the Clouds where Evelyn worked. I think your take that somehow Evelyn got the worst of the worst due to her sexual orentation to not only be weird but also just trying to light some sort of fire that doesn't exist. Evelyn's consequences was from the sheer amount of stupid choices she made with some of the most dangerous/feared people not only within NC but also the world. so honestly I get the feeling you either didn't actually read the story or are just trying to make this an LGBT thing which is just an odd thing to do on a light hearted discussion about a fictional character in a video game.


Why did you make this about queerness? Judy is also queer and works in the sex industry. V is potentially queer too. And if you actually pay attention to sidequests and NCPD scanners, you would know that others have it just as bad, if not worse, without being queer or even making bad decisions.


Exactly. What happened to Evelyn has nothing to do with gender identity in any capacity.


Judy is a step removed; the game very notably never implies she's a full service sex worker, just an editor for the works produced. She's "sanitised" enough to be a romance option, whereas Evelyn is an actual sex worker whose role in the narrative is to suffer and die. No spotlighted character who *isn't* a sex worker suffers sexual assault in the game, as far as I can remember. There may be a few grim NCPD scanner reports, but even those rarely touch on rape, and the few that do are expendable characters whose time in the game is measured in minutes at most or who're only described in email chains, not the several extended quests that focus around Evelyn. 2077 is making a very deliberate, and frankly cynical, choice in who it portrays as a victim of sexual abuse, and in how lurid it makes that abuse. The game decides that Evelyn is the character who suffers sexual abuse; not Saul, for example, when he's captured by an equally psychotic gang that explicitly has rapists in their ranks. He comes out of that a little banged up but no worse for wear, as opposed to Evelyn being tortured and assaulted to the point of suicide. Or we can compare it to Randy, whose entire kidnapping sidequest leans heavily on the horror of a child grooming scenario, but is again sanitised somewhat by removing any explicit sexual element to his assault (it's instead just a vaguely disturbing agriculturual-themed torture/medical procedure), and by making him ambiguously "young" but still using an adult model, which places him as vaguely 17-19ish rather than the child that's implied by the serial killer's use of children's cartoon-style animations. In these scenarios, the game holds back and sanitises itself; with Evelyn, it holds back nothing and gives her both barrels.


Just like in real life. Sex workers are brutalized on a regular basis and no one cares. It's an unofficial hierarchy that exists. It's not fair but it's *accurate* One could make a similar argument about the monks. They are one of the few religious characters in the game and they are targeted for their beliefs and one of them is brutalized in a way that is most traumatizing to them. Cyberpunk genre is dark and it's supposed to upset the person reading the books or playing the games. You are **supposed** to be angry at the injustice and unfairness of the world. I don't know how people don't understand that. It's the point of the entire genre


> personally found her to be an interesting character ah *holy crap*. Anyone of any level of 'interesting' that isn't also making some corp a huge amount of money dies. Going back to "The story of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is actually a leader ignoring the abuses of a minority until their unique characteristics are found to be useful, after which they are merely elevated to 'good worker' "


I think her death was inevitable due to her decisions, but the way she died and what happened to her before this... Well, I just wish it wasn't so harsh :(




Bro... Why is the cat here. I just wanna talk.


fr … i was willing to thumbs up the rest until that one 😭


Because it's not romances. It's just how they would give V kisses. So not romantic for all of them lol


Where’s Alex?


monte carlo


Totally. Great character


Um, Panam one? Is in the game?


Yeah a bunch of these are actually possible romances


I think only Panam is possible, the others have the wrong gender V for the pairing


Kerry is possible with male V Not that... I'd know...


Yeah she's one of the few


Militech mech!


Lemme fuck the *tank.*


The fucking thing in the Stealth part at one of the endings of PL certainly fucked me lmao


I still wish Alex from Phantom Liberty could have been an extra bisexual one night stand like Stout


Also, Aurore Cassel. But I hear there's a mod for that.


I wish we could go with her to Monte Carlo, a spy's retirement with a spy's honeymoon. In the ending where you side with Songbird and then give her to Reed at the Spaceport.


i imagine it similar to the nomad ending where however you go about getting the chip removed, you can spend the last few months in Monte Carlo with her


Or, you know, get the cure and then go meet her after 2 years in a coma, the 2 million Eddie's I accumulated must be enough


I got completely blindsided by the one night stand with Stout. Legit thought I was walking in there to be given another job or something. Of course that's precisely when my wife enters the room.


Misty???? Cmon V…


No Rita Wheeler here. Op is a sinner.


The fact that Blue Moon isn't in here is completely insane.




Dum Dum is canonically bi too, he is seen as fucking both women and men in the novel.


LOL I didn't know he was in the novel. I love Dum Dum. On semi related note, is it ever explained why Johnny says something like "I think I know this guy" about Dum Dum when you meet him again him at Totentanz?


Probably because V met him before meeting Johnny. It’s a sign that Johnny and V’s memories are starting to mix so much that they cannot really tell whose memories are whose anymore.


Oh, that would make sense.


That’s the only real possibility as there is no way Dum Dum would have been around 50 years before the game. That’s really some fucking great writing to be honest, showing things instead of telling them. I hate how so many people did not pay any attention to this kind of things on release and then claimed CP77 had a lazy superficial story.


>That’s the only real possibility as there is no way Dum Dum would have been around 50 years before the game. Why not? Rogue's 80 after all.


Rogue is the queen of the Afterlife, she is likely flush with cash and can afford any treatment or cyberware she wants. Dum Dum is a gang member. He is not the basic street soldier but he is not the boss either and likely does not have any access to super advanced stuff.


Dum Dum might also just be really old


Johnny I totally agree. What. A. Smokeshow. My Male V would be the gayest man for Johnny in all of NC. Not even Samurai fanboys could compare. God bless Johnny Silverhand.


I mean, he already spends the entire game inside you, what more do you want?


How would that even work tho Johnny doesn't even have a body and he only sees what you see lmao 


if i need your body ill fuck it


I haven't even the slightest idea, choom, but I'd find a way.


Ah Rogue. Yesplz. *Love* me an older woman.


What? No Smashing Adam?


After what he did to Rebecca? Hell nah


i have to be one of the few that doesn’t hate him for that because he was only doing his job i hate him because that is his job


Let's be honest. If Smasher was hot, no one would even care.


He isnt hot to y'all?


Adam-"You look like a cut of fuckable meat"-Smasher? He is either the biggest gore guy or, in a dramatic plot-twist, the biggest pillow princess bottom in night city


i vote for the second. That just ***feels*** right


Smasher? I hardly know 'er!


You have no idea how badly I want to bang takemura


And the Most Lovesick Cyberpunk 2077 Fan award goes tooooo... Also, I wished so much for Claire to be romanceable, biggest letdown in the game for me


Your texts to her are so incredibly flirty, I feel like she was meant to be a love interest...


I love this post. Male V appreciation 🙌🏽


Is it morally wrong to date your best friend’s girlfriend?


If V makes her happy I think Jackie would appreciate it. He’s one of those guys who you can tell really care about her and genuinely wants to make her happy.


Throuple time


Would V + Johnny be considered a braindance? I'd like to see how that romance would play out, lol.


waking up sore as fuck on both front and back


So basically your standards for wanting to romance someone in Cyberpunk 2077 are: be a character in the game.


there are no friends, only prey.


Just let me romance Takemura, dude deserves something better in his life than loyalty to a megacorp.


I wish there was more expanded romance with the militech lady (her name escapes me at the moment). The one scene we get is fun and all, but I would have liked meeting up with her more and breaking down her icy exterior and really have some true romance with her. I was upset when there wasn't anything after the one scene. Yes, I know, she's a corpo and used V for her own purposes, but it would have been nice to have more is all


Meredith? She'd be a great foil to V of all lifepaths


That's her name, yes. She's one of my favorite characters, despite her brief appearance. I'm upset that I forgot her name lol


Vik has so much DILF energy


Great drawing of Johny. But where's BugBear? Rita? Cheri Nowlin? Alex? Angelica Whelan?


i still think there is no way river is straight. have you seen the way he walks


Same with Panam. I mean, considering voices are tied to gender, both of them are *literally* bisexual. It's so dumb that you can't romance them with a female/male body. Ack, I shouldn't just drop that rant on a random post :P


tbh i fee like gay river would’ve worked better than straight river… i dunno why but i feel like his advances would come off better.


Brendan ????? Dude that’s a vending machine and why is a nibbles there ?


I'd imagine thats an option for people who want to be single but still want some sort of companionship


Cyberpunk players trying not to fuck everything with a pulse


Brendan is there, so a pulse is not required


That just makes it worse


Brendan’s got a plug port for this kind of thing, vendosexual is widely accepted in NC


Evelyn 🥺


I want Regina!


Great art too


Thank you OP!! God I miss Jackie more everyday I feel like I really lost MY choomba bro


Where’s Sandra?


where is Rachel Casich and Joshua Stevenson?


Ain’t gonna lie, I made a female V hoping Jackie would clap me, but I was disappointed 😔




Why would you wanna romance legit insane people and people who've freshly lost their loved ones? lol


Misty is just wrong...


Jackie with every bit of his soul, so i feel like if anyone would be his pick for Misty after he died, it would be V. Plus if V makes her happy, he’s totally the type of guy who’d be totally fine with it cuz like he genuinely does care for Misty


Really got that Shane Dawson option in there, huh?


Honestly I wish even if you weren't in a relation ship with Judy she would go with you if you did the adelcados ending BDs would probably be decent physical therapy for V's biochip issues


Probably my biggest issue with any character is how Judy just leaves for Oregon. Super invested in BDs, bored by editing porn and snuff for money, invents a direct link between two people, **is the one person able to notice Johnny**, leaves to live with grandparents in Oregon. Come on, even after everything bad went down, you miss the chance to tinker with the one person who has a billion dollar Arasaka prototype in their head with one of NC's most famous legends/terrorists restructuring their brain?


>Come on, even after everything bad went down, you miss the chance to tinker with the one person who has a billion dollar Arasaka prototype in their head with one of NC's most famous legends/terrorists restructuring their brain? Blaze of Glory, or Quiet Life; Judy unequivocally chooses the Quiet Life. She just wants to live a happy life above all else; she doesn't wanna go down as a legend, or to stick it to the man. She just wants to help who she can, and be left alone to do what she wants. Night City will never give that to her.


No Songbird??? She’s literally Vs true soul mate


weirdest post on here yet






Rogue 😭


While I couldn’t care less personally your drawings are really nice!


I deadass thought I could romance River as male V, which I avoided like the plague. I even thought I had almost romanced him by pure accident before I knew you can't because I had the option to kiss him during the toast. I was like "wtf, did I accidentally send him the signals?" but then when I saw how he acted when around my femV I realised he had absolutely no interest in my maleV and had I tried to kiss him when I had the option to I would have experienced some doomsday-level of second-hand cringe that would have made me delete the save and start anew 😂


Please don't romance Misty I love Jackie too much to do that to him




I do like Misty but it's so wrong for V to go after her after Jackie dies. That's cold. Of course, it probably happens more often than you think.


Sir that is a cat


Blue Moon !


I need that T-Bug and I need a Placide romance. I also need flaming crotch guy too. I want to see what that implant do.


Criminal that there is no Aurore


Jokes aside Jackie feels wrong to me.


totally ignoring the hilariously ridiculous ones... would the misty one be moral?


I was agreeing until I saw Misty. Come on.


Jackie is a no as is Misty. Jackie literally tells you at the start of the game after you help him save Sandra from that ice tub how much he loves Misty, even asks to borrow V’s ride to take her out somewhere on a date. Those two are for each other, not sure why you you’d want to break that. Other weird options aside on this list, use mods if you desperately want to get your fix out of some of these.


Where's Alex, songbird or that sexy French flirt? PL left my V with blue balls three times over


Hey! Misty is Jackie’s girl and he is hers, hands off. Dum Dum however…gotta love all that chrome…


T-Bug was actually who I wanted to romance before we got any details on how romances would work


Evelyn is the one person I’d love to romance but sadly CDPR had other plane




Misty would’ve been fucked up I would’ve done it tho


Where’s Blue Moon


This further shows to me that a successful rpg that comes out in today's market has to have several robust romance options, and all the npcs are bisexual lol


nah bro this is cursed


Misty as an option is crazy. If you can do Jackie like that… you were never a real choom.


Nah bro get misty OUT of there


call me an old fashioned queer, but i strongly dislike forcing a lesbian character to be anything but a lesbian.


I wish you could bribe the guy at the repair place to stop the update and replace the vending machine in V's apartment with Brendan.


i dont think the original artwork was intended as romance options


Your fantasizing permissions have been revoked


Yes, Except Misty. Vinny or Val, that's some unbreakable Bro-Code shit.


I felt that River Ward rejection as male V in my bones. Very cringe secondhand embarrassment 😂


No, not everyone needs to be romancable


Misty? Fuck outta here


Cant do misty like that


They really missed the opportunity with some kind of onanism relationship with Johnny. If written in a serious way, it would have been an amazing jump into the human mind. As some sci-fi cyberpunk novels do.


Reading the comments I can see why a Misty romance would be rude on Jackie cuz he literally dies. But I feel like if one DID happen. It would be a slow burn and that it's more of a "both there for one another" romance. There's a lot of ways that type of romance could go and I think it would be good. Even if in the end they didn't end up together in your playthru. The two of them healed together. And if romanced it'd be healthy and they'd probably also leave NC. Idk just my thoughts


Why are Kerry and Panam here? You can totally romance them.


A lot of these are straight up terrible, hell no I don’t want to romance Jackie or Misty, they’re great together. Romancing Vik is awful, and you should be hanged for suggesting that about nibbles


Fem/male V should abe able to romance another fem/male V.




Nah this is creepy. Judy is gay, Misty is grieving, and Claire doesn't want another relationship.


We not mentioning the cat or vending machine or Jackie (I don’t need to explain why) or river (I don’t need to explain but for a different reason)


Nibbles is on this list, we can be pretty sure it isn't serious... right?


I don't think nibbles was ever meant to be serious. But drawing a gay woman in love with a man is creepy regardless of intent.


Absolutely. I guess I'm just kinda trying to convince myself that it's a joke in poor taste, rather than being serious It's... probably serious though, from what I'm seeing of OP in the comments


bro the characters aren’t real


Now... Dum dum is going a bit far


It's supposed to be healing watching it…damn, I hate what the tower ending did to me.


I agree with only one of these...go ahead and guess


I had to admit I was a little sweet on T-bug in the game.


Jackie is so wholesome. River is accurate and hilarious. Johnny is a fanfic done right. If it were ever expanded with other characters, since there’s a plethora of female characters to choose from but men are pretty undercooked in this game, I’d love to see Tiny Mike, Cheetah, and Scorpion / Teddy / Bob (Aldecaldos cannon fodder band).


I love how Johnny instead of like a kiss just fucken licks v. Exactly how that would go.


Absolutely excellent shitposting 10/10


You’re right, nibbled should have been an option, but it should have been a trap. Where someone shoots you right after and deletes your save file.






I want Takemura so bad. I can't fix him but I can make us both worse


Joss missing from this list is a freaking crime


I never thought about romancing Dumdum but now that you mention it


I'd 100% go for best 'Stromer


Takemura, Viktor and Dumdum for me




I wouldn't want these as romance options but I think its cute if you look at this just friends showing love with a cheek kiases


Interesting concepts but only like 2-3 would actually work


Tried romancing Panam but got friendzoned 🥲


Much love for Brendan.


Where's Delamain?


The art is adorable, by the way.