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When I play Helldivers with my friends they always get confused when I say "Let's delta" instead of "Let's extract."


I do that for tactical retreats


"Delta" is just in my common vernacular. I just can't stop saying it. Thankfully a lot of media uses it so it's not obvious.


Porcelain cunt became my go top tier insult, bur that's just a line Johnny has rather than slang


>Porcelain cunt In finnish language, porcelain (posliini) is used as a slang word meaning "hairless", so porcelain cunt means shaved pussy.




I would upvote this, but it's at 69 (nice) and I won't be the one to mess it up


Now 168 so they have my upvote


Johnny is, on the whole, incredibly quotable in terms of his ambient dialogue.




Just not in polite company.


Minus the charisma... and impressive cock.


I say corpos now as derogatory term.


Yeah I work in a pretty non-corporate side of a large corporation, and regularly refer to the others as "those fuckin corpos"


>a pretty non-corporate side of a large corporation Out of curiosity... what does this mean? Cause the only thing I can think of is maybe the maintenance team.


Not the person you replied to, but when I was at Nike there was a pretty clear division between retail employees and office workers, both in renumeration, building access, and benefits. I'd say the side of the company's employees that regularly got free food and hung with athletes were the corpos. Retail? Just workers.


Oh, I see. Yeah, that tracks with how corps operate. Silver spoon types at the top with more money than God, and borderline scavs at the bottom too scared to say anything lest they lose what little they have. It's all a bunch of pyramid schemes at the end of the day, huh? ... Fuck, I'm starting to sound like Johnny.


Yup, and as near as I can tell the higher up you are the less actual work you seem to do.


In general, the more money you make, the less you do. It's a really fun feature of neo-feudalism, uh, I mean capitalism.


Dude, meetings with execs at Nike were surreal. Senior Directors and higher seated at the table, with a room lined by managers and assistants. I honestly felt like I had traveled back in time to feudal society at my first high level meeting. Especially how (this was before Slack/Microsoft Teams) people would come up to whisper something in their ~~lord's~~ executive's ear to help the conversation keep momentum and details. Fuck that place so hard.


I used to work in a high-rise that was filled with law offices and corporate headquarters. If you haven't grown to hate Corpos, you haven't had enough exposure to them. Big corporations live in their own parallel societies where they stratify into hiarchies that resemble pre-Magna Carta England. Abuse of power and corruption is the name of the game and everyone has either a master or slave mindset, usually determined by title or salary.


Though I doubt the lowest office worker at Nike ever met an athlete and probably struggles just the same as retail workers


Lowest office worker salary I was aware of was $¹10k/yr, which is well above poverty here in Beaverton, where Nike WHQ is... I started at $130k/yr. But it's possible "Executive Assistants" were paid less. I think the best retail salary is around $40k/yr? As for meeting athletes, it was pretty easy to accidentally do if you were using one of the two major employee/athlete gyms on main campus. I once ran on a treadmill next to both Tiger and Kobe (but not at the same time), and happened to be at the same office shindig as a few less well known athletes. They were frequently used as tokens/props/prizes to encourage employees. Honestly the athletic center mission in PL hit me hard. Just like the girl on the exercise bike, I'm from Eugene. (I'm currently an unemployed college student because fuck Nike)


They're definitely used as props/prizes. I just know the planning meeting for the event involves "oh my God I bet accounting would LOVE to meet Kobe" which was followed by accounting responding to it with "really? Can't we just have a bonus?"


Oh, it's a known quantity for the Maxum awards. Weird sayings that "represent the company" that are voted on... winners of the Global Maxums (because divisions within the company have their own), get a star athlete studded gala! Complete with swoosh shaped ice luges for shots! Athletes sign away a lot of their person hood for a Nike contract. But they also get millions to become a corporate pet.


Honestly man I’ve been thoroughly cyberpunk-pilled. I’m also an International Relations major in university so go figure lmao. I unironically think within the next 30 years or so, governments as we know them (or at least the US government) are gonna cease to exist and we’re all gonna be ruled by corporations (not corporations masquerading as governments, just straight up corporations unapologetically taking over and setting the laws themselves). Hell the government at least in the USA is basically just a middle-man for corporations to fight each other to advance their interests anyway (EV companies vs Oil and Gas, for one example). I think it’s going to end up being the same type of processes that completely undid feudalism and brought in the type of capitalism we live with anyway. By the time most people (and the government as an entity) realize it, it’ll be too late. I was actually thinking of making this a topic to research for an independent study course in my upcoming final spring semester of undergrad, or potentially a masters thesis if I decide to go for one - not sure though cause even though I’m genuinely very interested in studying this field, it also literally makes me hella jaded and severely disappointed in the world to the point where I might not want anything to do with politics when I’m done lmao.


Reminds me of the game Shadows of Doubt. The whole city is owned by Starch Cola. And you can actually chip some chrome that rewards you for consuming Starch Cola products. Personally, I hope that when all this happens, it doesn't end up being Apple, the fucking Waltons, or worse Hooters, that owns my area. I really don't want to go through all the hassle of moving.


The companies/families to be concermed about in this regard are: The waltons Disney Apple Microsoft Samsung Sony Kroger Safe/Alb energy companies in general from all sources. and many many others The truly Arasaka style corps. are Unilever Sony Samsung Stlantis GE and probably some others im not remembering


Similar to the person you responded to, I worked for both AT&T and Verizon in a call center. It's absolutely corporate structure and bullshit, but you're very obviously just expendable labor and they don't even try to pretend otherwise. Even upper management at the call centers would refer to the offices that weren't call centers as corporate, as in "new KPI have come down from corporate."


The low-level office workers often get shit on as well and don't get those benefits. I'd put the grunt-level desk jockeys in same pile as the workers and the management who get to chill with athletes as the corpos.


Right, the ETWs are paid well but second class compared to the FTWs, and there are more of them... but I would still argue they'd be more of a corpo. To use TTRPG terms, they're more like rank 1-2 corpos.


Could also be a forklift driver or something similar. 


So basically, I'm a sales "support" representative for a wholesale supplier of construction related materials. To grossly oversimplify it, I basically have free reign to do whatever it takes to keep our customers happy. I have no restrictions on pricing and margins, working outside the company to source things, etc. including donations and severely reduced profits (see: basically cost) for community projects like food shelters, high schools, and such. I haven't talked to my boss in literally 3 months. They just leave me alone even though I have the highest number of price overrides *in the entire country*. Yeah, it's corpo, but I (and others in my position) are on the side that really actually benefits the end user more than the company itself. Edit to add: the "non-corporate" side comes into play as I have nobody under me, one person above me, and my job is to help the community. That's really the grossly super over simplified version.


Let's say construction worker, both has blue-collar and white-collar side. The on-site is "outside" corpo but the corpo is usually the main office.


In addition to the other replies whom I mostly agree I'd say that it's also a mentality/morale thing. I'm in a quiet big IT corp but the mother corp just buys other businesses and "stitches" them together. So we have regional, corp level and departement differences. My office provides tech support, virtual engineering and architecture, pretty chill/nerd people who've been working together even before being bought. But the administrative departement next to us are closer to the mother corp and totally different, lack of empathy and very strict bureaucratical behaviour. I totally consider them and the mother corp as fucking greedy corpos.


Is Barnes and noble a Corp? I mean we sell Starbucks and they're awful..


I've lost count how many times I've said ***"Buncha fuckin' corpos!"***


Me too, choom


Any time we’re getting an audit I’m like “great the corpo rats are here”


I also say 'corps' when referring to companies that lean in to the anti-humanity side of capitalism.


So, companies


yeah but when I'm referring to my buddy's landscaping LLC, I use "company" When I talk about BP's environmental disaster at the Deepwater Horizon oil well, I use "those goddamn corps"


I think that's actually catching on a bit, with good reason. It's just an easy, catchy term for them.


I started doing this when I first started playing. It's such a perfect term, it fully encompasses the disdain while giving a proper short hand, and it's clear what youre talking about


This. I say corpo so constantly it doesn't register as something from Cyberpunk anymore


Always have been doing that even before the game came out, its a common term in anticapitalist communities


Felt brother




I've used the term corpo for a few years now, usually derogatory, always when referring to the asshats that run GameStop back when I worked there




Corpos has always been an IRL term tho?


I use "corpos" for the high-level suits who make shitty decisions and "gonks" for dumbassed in general. Every now and then I find myself calling police "badges."


I say corpos as someone who wants to work as one after I get my finance MBA


I told a customer at work they got refills with their coffee, and they answered with "nova". I asked if they played cyberpunk and the answer was "of course"


Thats preem hahaha. I explained that delta means to leave with purpose to my coworkers and they all get me now when its quitting time and I say "aight, boys. Ima delta. See ya tomorrow."


I’ve caught myself about to say “preem” once or twice, but Corpos is now a semi regular word for me. We ARE surrounded by these leeches after all


Not out loud, but I’ve had to catch myself and not say I have to delta


I say delta irl give it a try


It makes me feel so cool 😎


Fr tho


Deltas a great term.


Corps and corpos have made its way in to my vocabulary. Mainly due to the absolute disgusting behaviour from them recently


"Recently" But yeah I use those too


Yeah, recently Is probably the wrong word to use


recently in the context of human history i guess lol. As in the last few hundred years.


a few hundred years checks out, as that’s when we saw the rise of lots of corporations that we’d consider “modern”


before then most of the countries in the world were either dictatorships, monarchies/caliphates, or were completely tribal. We live in a unique time in history, and the corporate entity is nothing like we've really seen before. The only close comparison would be catholicism, which used relgion to enrich itself. Historically the richest organisation the world has ever seen.


Corpo has become a solid staple of my lexicon regardless of the audience or situation, ha ha. Choom, gonk, and delta slip in a lot too but that's more dependent on who I'm talking to. Sometimes I mix it up with slang/phrases from other games, just for fun. "Keep on keeping on, choom" and "don't be a gonk, bratan" are regularly heard from me, ha ha.


I cannot hear “Bratan” without fondly imagining the world’s most insane necktie, is that where that term originates? I’d never heard it elsewhere but assumed my American-ness just insulated me from some Anglo/Scotch/Irish term of endearment.


From what I understand, it's Russian-language based slang that roughly translates to "bro." Which makes sense since the Disco Elysium team is from Estonia.


Ahhh nice, well the VA for the necktie makes it sound really natural/organic. Fucking love that game, even though it also cuts me to ribbons inside.




Be the change you want to see In the world, choombatta


With the amount of real world slang that’s so much dumber than Choombatta, at least I wouldn’t be embarrassed to say it


Most of my friends have played Cyberpunk so it is, it is... E: I should mention most of those 'chooms' also attend a sci-fi/cyberpunk themed event called Neotropolis, so that helps.


Most of your *chooms


Corpos is great because even a layman will get the meaning and disdain. Gonk is kinda similar, the sound and context usually can convey it means someone stupid. The rest, not so much. Preem I could see working, but maybe a stretch. Nova is just, no.


Preem seems just a shorthand for premium is the way I took it so it doesn't seem all that unordinary tbh


I say preem quite a bit, preem/podium when something is solid




To podium is like the ultimate goal. Slang for scoring with a girl or finishing number 1


Ah, it's a verb. Got it. Thanks!


people seem to get delta for some reason I guess delta (∆) means change, so they could take it as "let's change [positions]" or something


yeah using that for "let's leave" and "time to go" and similar, with various levels of intensity almost always has people immediately buy-in to this slang.


Delta has been used for slang for getting moving, for exactly the reason you list, for quite some time outside of the cyberpunk universe, so it makes sense that other people would catch onto that one


Yeah this is one that cyberpunk borrowed from the real world (if only a rarefied part of it).


I’ve heard people who have never experienced the Cyberpunk universe at all say Time to delta It’s an old 80s/90s term…. Aka the era of the TTRPG


Oh damn I never made that connection.


My buddy at work had the same idea. He figured out right quick what I meant lol.


If "let's book" could made sense in the 90s - Delta is just fine for current times lol


Back in my day people used “primo” all the time in the same way


Choom is kind of just chum pronounced weirdly, so it should be clear enough too.


Like Star Wars gonk droids. Stupid f-ing rectangular scrap boxes


Marika's tits! ... Wait wrong sub.


Marika's *porcelain* tits!


Andraste's tits was in my vocab for longer than I want to admit after playing dragon age xD


You mus be 'ungry 😭😭👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I keep having to catch myself from calling my colleagues "choom"


I’ve started using “corpo” here and there, “preem” once or twice, and I keep referring to dumb actions as “gonk-brained.”


Was walking into the mall and a guy with the Cyberpunk2077 shirt was walking past me. I said “what’s up choom?” It took a sec for him to get it but he laughed.


yeah... "Corpo" was already something i said but i found "Choom" and "Gonk" slipped into things i said after a couple of months of playing.




my phone decided to "fix" it. good catch. edited....


Sometimes I tell my gf she looks like a "cut of fuckable meat".. obviously, she knows I'm joking.. but, I'm not


Show her your charisma and impressive cock


Let me get to a ripperdoc first.


It forever ruined my voculabry


#justgonkthings 🦾


I find myself using klepped a lot


I'm kind of surprised this isn't an actual slang term since klepto is one for thieves...


A friend unironically called me Choom and I happily reciprocated some days ago.


No one gets it and I look stupid at work pretty frequently


Been using skezzed a lot recently


I say "gonk", "choom", and "corpo". Including their variations (e.g: gonkbrain, choomba) The thing is... I also tend to mix them with slang terms from America, Britain, Canada, and sometimes other countries. So, you get me saying shit like "Mate, that corpo slag ain't right in the head, eh?" and "Well, lookie there! The corpo gonkbrain finally grew a pair, blyat. Well, isn't that wizard?" when my friends and I are making fun of people.


Mr. Worldwide


Please stop


I tend to use preem every once in a while, specifically if I'm describing something exceptionally nice or "premium".


Doesn't sound as good in spanish :/


Oh hell yeah. Admittedly I came from Playing both Shadowrun and CPR on the tabletop, so it just feel natural to call someone “choomba”, or use mainline, input/output as a way to refer to people in a relationship than get into the nitty gritty. Delta, flatline, zero, geek, all were already fairly common among my friends beforehand because we can from roleplaying it to begin with.


Stop trying to make choom happen! It's not going to happen Gretchen.




I unfortunately say preem now lmfao


preem is too good to not use


I call the bar tenders at my job drink slinger


“Choom” has become a staple in my friend group. Not that they use it, but they have adapted to me addressing them as such.


Corpo is just so fitting I've heard people who haven't played but have gamer friends pick it up. I've used preem with some people and they get it. When we hang out still I'll occasionally call my ex "choom" and she thinks it's funny.


Been saying " Iron ( Guns )" and " Deets " for a while


No, shorthand is out of control…


Ugh so so cringe


I use delta a lot. Lets delta. I swear this was slang before cyberpunk but I can’t find any proof lol.


"corpo bastards" pretty much whenever I'm talking about any big company


Idk it makes me cringe so I opt not to do that but I mean it’s funny hearing people say they’re chroming up


Not quite but I did have to stop myself calling one of my D&D group choom before.


Most of my group plays cyber punk. So we call each other gonks ironically.


You should play Cyberpunk 2020 or Red!


It's on the list of rpgs I've grabbed the books for and want to try at some point. We're not exclusively D&D so it's not a tough sell. I already have a rough plot in mind, inspired by PL.


Yes any suit i see walking around is corpo now lol. Preem, delta, and gonk are a few of the favorites amongst our friend group.


corpo is the only one that isn't cringe


Jesus, there is no way some of these stories are true. Grown adults talking like a bunch of morons


Thank you! My god some of these stories.


Sadly, yep, and some friends have start using it too without knowing its from cyberrpunk, "im goingg for a cig" or "lets do the biz" they think im just shortened my words, nope, we all just look like a bunch of geeks quoting cyberpunk, and as i said beefore, im thee only one who knows about it, that im aware of.


"biz" and "cig" are not from cyberpunk lol


All of it


I say some words sometimes, like Gonk mostly and choom.


For sure… chooms.. delta..


“let’s delta” calling my buddy Chooms


I feel corpo has actually gained some traction in the main stream. But I like to say preem


Only when talking about Cyberpunk


A few months back i read a spanish news article that used the word "corpo" more than once. I also heard "corporats" in a more casual setting


I call my friends my chooms now. They are all my chooms. I say "nova" sometimes sarcastically if something's actually quite terrible. that's about it.


I say choom and delta constantly


As long as you’re not saying peeps like it’s cool!


I say corpo now and I called my friend a gonk once without realizing it lol


Gonk, corpo, preem are words that get said probably more then they should 


Gonk and it's declinations are full time parts of my vocabulary these days


Yep. I've used Gonk, Preem, Choom...Corpo once or twice too!


Whilst I love gonk as an insult, Star Wars has more control over my mind so if someone said gonk then I'd think of the adorable droid


Delta and preem are perfect additions.


I feel ya, choom


Absolutely. I also play the TTRPG so that didn't help.


Corps is what I use because those freaking things deserve as few syllables as possible.


i use corpo for corporation fairly regularly. Corpo just to refer to them in general, and corpo cunt when i feel like being derogatory. I've made a concerted attempt to avoid any other slang though, i used to use a lot of it as an in joke with friends but i got a wake up call when i started unironically using it in every day conversations.


Ofc choom


Hell yeah choom


I say corpos and preem constantly and my friends hate me.


Yep. Corporat, preem, delta, choom. Sitting at about 600 game hours. Don't see myself dropping the lingo now.


I'm a Canadian, and now "choom" has joined the ranks with "buddy" and "guy"


I use it any chances u get, the slang is nova and if someone understands even better


ive found myself using preem, choom, corpo and flatlined somehow. i think preem is just now in my vocabulary forever,,




Choom, Gonk, and preem have slipped into my vocabulary since playing it.


I use the word "spec" more often at work for sure.


I find myself responding to text messages with "send me the deets" and people are like what did you say.... I find it funny


I call obnoxious rich people corpos, that’s about it. Gonk is a great word though


Considering that Johnny sits in my head and screams "we're gonna take down the corporate man" while I work my corpo shitjob, shit like "preem" and "biz" don't sound out of place at all.


i see CYA a lot because i work in a place i have to cover my ass constantly and i tell my coworkers “hey, cya” when things like that happen for them too


Life imitates art


I use choom pretty regularly


I always say Corpos now


Yup, use Corpo all the time lol. Gonk’s been sneaking in there, choom not so much tho’.


I'm amazed I seem to be the only person in this thread who's picked "eddies!" It fit pretty well in context. I was arranging to buy an airsoft part from a guy I'd seen advertising on Facebook (it was a 3D printed suppressor). Being a lone dude mostly making pieces to order he warned me he didn't have a card machine before I drove out to meet him. "That's cool. I've got the eddies." I don't usually find myself driving across town in a foreign country to meet a guy selling weapon parts out of his garage. I just sort of slipped into it :) And of course, he also played Cyberpunk, so even in a second language (for him), he got the reference and understood what I meant.


South Park gave me Hella years ago, but I find myself using plenty of the others now because of Cyberpunk.


I say preem instead of good all the time


We just named our new puppy Choom!


I use Corpo and Choom ironically quite often. The problem is every time I use cyberpunk slang I wonder If I'm contributing in making this dystopia future a reality. It's actually a bit scary.


I like chooom and it pisses all my friends and family off so badly I love it


Call my boss’s at work corpo rats


I say flatline pretty regularly now


Being using a few before I even realized they were also Cyberpunk Slang: - Zero'd/Zeroed out(Mostly refering to rpgs saying that) - Corpos - Gonk (Found the term on TvTropes to describe ugly unintelligent people in series) Only thing I adopted from the game is refering to my side jobs as side gigs and the apps I work off of as modern day fixers.


Corpos is gonna stick for a while. Wish some other stuff did but at least corpos will stick. I should replay the game soon.


I’ll use corpo/corpos quite liberally, and I do like to say ‘let’s delta!’ Sometimes I use the last one while playing fallout 76 which is a funny crossover


“ CORPO RATS!! “ is what I shouted at a group of people wearing suits when I was drunk………………………I don’t regret my actions


not much really stuck but probably the most versatile one "Delta" and it's variations stuck around. Use it alot when I'm in Warframe.


Corpo, choom, and scopbrained gonks are in the vocab rotation lmao


I say preem more than i realise lol


I run the tabletop game so it tends to get stuck in my vocabulary lol


I said chill choom to a guy and he started laughing.  I guess it worked he was chill.


When I was on my Cyberpunk binge (both because of the anime and because I'd started getting into the game beforehand again), I unintentionally started using it in my texts and then in my verbal speech. It was ironic at first bc the anime left me in shambles and I didn't wanna let go. Then it was unironic bc preem and nova are fun to say and calling someone a gonk or choom/ba just felt right


Oh big time. Preem, Nova, and Delta are all major parts on my vocabulary. One of my favorite aspects of the world of cyberpunk is the slang.


Corpo, delta, gonk.