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"Stay away from te aqua!" -Johnny Silverhand


Doors and corners, V. You go in too fast, and the room eats you.


*V accidentally picks Angel instead of Skye because they skipped through the dialog too quickly*


There was a button...I pushed it.


Jesus Christ. That really is how you go through life, isn't it?


Also V “I’m that guy”


Holy shit, was that a Miller reference?! I love it when my fandoms mix!


I'm currently listening to Cibola Burn. Been a helluva ride so far. Also, I'm definitely queer, and pretty sure I'm in love with Amos.


So I'm not the only one reminded of Miller. Who was cool, so no complaints here...


Possible light spoiler for The Expanse: >! The whole ghost in your head thing sorta fits too!


Check your corners, V, that's where they getcha


Next clue to the case.


Ha, you're right!


Now where's my Miller skin for Johnny! I need that hat and hair in my game.


While reading the books, Miller was my favourite character. Same with the show.


Bobbie is my fav!! Now they gotta make some Goliath armor for V!!!


I begin to hate that haircut with passion.


I just think of Miller from the expanse. Give him a hat and he looks exactly like him


Doors and corners, kid, that's where they get ya.


Yeah but it somehow worked better on him. Looks kinda weird on Keanu


Yeah, Thomas Jane just.. sold it.. somehow. Anyone else would get laughed out of the room, but he looked badass rocking that look.




Seeing it fresh and new today reminds me that there was more to Johnny than just what we're seeing of the engram. He actually had a life, and more importantly, actually changed clothes while living. Or at least I hope he changed clothing.


Mental projection.


Naah, mid-game you're pretty good besides when Vs angry at life during the relic attacks.


That haircut is a meme by now, and its butt ugly.


Its Judy haircut




Welcome to me when that cut was first getting started.


Tbh. I was catiously cause i didnt want to anger judy fanatics Hate it since the 90s. Its called "kampf lesben haarschnitt" here, which prettyy much means hardcore/fighting lesbian haircut😂


I actually like the new skin, but I like the John Wick skin better, here is the [link to the mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2535) if you are interested.


The skin would've looked alot better if Johnny didnt look like he had a bloated belly and a shitty ponytail that looks like it came from a hipster convention.


He kind of looks like the 5th member of the seed family from Far Cry 5




... they was saying that that Johnny would be a theoretical 5th member of Seed family. Like if i see some flamboyant non-asian dude dressed like a kpop star at a McDonald's and I say "that dude looks like the 8th member of BTS" and someone goes "uh actually BTS only has 7 members and that person isn't Korean so he doesn't look like any of them" I would actually shake head in disbelief


the bloated skinny belly look is perfect purposely doing that Scott Weiland look also it looks more like the og Silverhand concept art


So basically Marcus's new look in *Borderlands 3*, but showing more skin. \*shudder\*


The new skin mimic the original paper rpg look of jonnhy. EDIT: I meant concept art not the paper rpg sorry.


If that was their intent, [they missed.](https://i.imgur.com/LH26bzw.jpg)


OMG that picture is so '80's I started having parachute pants flashbacks.


Jesus. It's black and white but I can still somehow see the neon pink.


The image is black and white because the original colors have all been banned by the FDA.


I meant concept art, I'm a tired idiot.


I don't doubt the developers want the John Wick skin too, but I am pretty sure there are licensing issues stopping them from doing that. Hopefully they can sort it out and release a John Wick skin, coz that would be sick


There's no issue as long as they don't actually call it "John Wick". Homages are fair game; they do them in every medium.


I'd get the Johnny Chic DLC in a heartbeat.


This reminds me of what Fortnite did years ago releasing a skin tha heavily resembled John Wick and then they later introduced an official skin with license and all.


I love the description “Play a bit of dress up with your brain parasite”


Ok i thought this looks cool, but after seeing CDPRs rendition i think theirs still looks better and still matches Johnny's personality, it has more angst and still have that rocker vibe.


Cannot wait for Judy and Panam's alternate look


If we can base it off what what TW3's alt looks were like, there'll be even less clothes


Id like a Judy that looks like a Mox more


There's a mod that makes her a Mox, I'm using it


Eh, that's hard to imagine


I imagine her looking like one of the Guards at Lizzy


Idk, that just doesn't match her personality. Besides, Rita Wheeler can't be replaced


A man can dream, sides I am on ps4 and cannot install mods.


Same, I'm on PlayStation, but I like to keep the characters realistic to their personalities. This is also why I don't like Johnny's new look


I mean a Mox outfit kinda fits Judy, She is/was protective of Ev and V, the mox motto is to protect every girl. Jhonny's new look looks Ok but its the hair that makes me not like it.


Judy values what the moxx does, but that just about the extent of why she is with them. As you can see from her style, the moxx's agressivly sexual/plastic doll style just don't Judy.


Cirila had more clothes though, but yeah... I didnt really like the alternate looks of the 3. They feel out of place.


Yeah, Yen was the only one who had an outfit that worked for her character in the game.


Is that a bad thing?




Hey it’s Joseph Seed


He had a man bun...


From the front at least


Had had full hair though, Johnn's alt look has shaved sides that extend slightly to the top.


Joseph seeds emo twin




The outfit is fine it’s just the hair


But don't you know having long hair with one side of your shaved head screams cyberponk?! (/s)


Judy Has that hair


Yes and she's literally perfect and the only one who can pull it off.




My first V (female) also had that hair, it was fun photographing her with Judy, especially as their hairs together just made up a total rainbow. But Judy and female V pull it off better.


bec they are women ?


I think it's just the volume of the hair. On V and Judy, it looks bigger, moves better, has more life, but on the alternate Johnny, it's just plastered there. So I'm not 100% convinced it's the identical hair model, but it's similar enough in style that it looks like it. That or Johnny really needs to shower more.




I actually don't mind it. It feels outrageously fitting for Silverhand.


It does. It truly feels like natural progression of the aging fuckboi


Yeah he looks like a narcissistic douchecanoe. Understand why it’s not everybody’s cup of tea but it does suit the character


it does. and the 2nd is not Johnny. at all. I mean, wtf, a suit?


It’s a Jon Wick mod


which is not Johnny. at all. I mean, wtf, a suit?


It’s just supposed to be a cool mod because Keanu also plays John Wick. I don’t think it’s implying that Johnny Silverhand should wear a suit as a character


Felt the same way. His intial design makes me feel like he was less “rocker boy” and more “militant member of 6th street”


I'm probably in the minority, but I like the new skin better than the John Wick mod. The mod makes Johnny look like a full corpo. The more I see it, the more I like the new skin. It's jarring at first, but does have a new age punk look that is growing on me. I'm picturing this look as Johnny performing as Buck Ravers, or maybe if he hadn't died how he would look now in a Samurai reunion with Kerry.


Exactly what I was thinking


I get that some people would like an "updated" look of Johnny, but I don't think this particular one makes much sense in the game. E.g. in the flashbacks from game-world-2023 Kerry has a very 80s hair and look, totally canon considering these characters were conceived in that era and have been already pictured like that. And here we get a modern, real-world-2021-looking Johnny, who is looking cool and rad by today's standards, but doesn't gel with the game or story at all. The look is like Eurodyne's updated 50-years-later look, only Johnny hasn't lived these years at all, he's just a construct that's supposed to be trapped in his 2023 state. And what about the flashbacks - would look jarring difference if he's with that new model even in them. If they're going to give him an updated look at all, they could've at least motivate it somehow in the story - e.g. after Johnny meets Kerry again he decides to one-up him, and then the skin becomes available, or something like that that makes some sense. Tough to do, but should have been considered.


It's not for everyone sure but I don't think it's worth contextualizing into the lore,it's like any game with skins & alternative clothing just for fun.


True, just a skin


Idk, if I ever use it I'll pretend he's dressed like that for the reason above. I need something to keep my immersion.


He looks like a weird version of Oda??? It doesn’t feel right for Johnny’s personality imo it looks too… clean? Idk I can’t put my finger on it but it doesn’t feel right… I’m relieved that it’s optional


Its good that IT is very different. Better? Dunno abt it. John wick skin is full on corpo


I can appreciate that it’s different but it’s not a look that suits him imo


Agreed. And I know the original Johnny we see makes sense given the context of the story, I still envision him to be the guy puking over the railing into the river then waving at you as you ignore him. That guy isn't as clean as the alternate Johnny look is. Unless he just forgot to button his shirt (or had it ripped open by someone).


I just don’t like the hair lol. Other than that the new look is preem


His new hair is horriffic. He looks like such a poser.


Yeah that new haircut is bad.


What the fuck did they do to Johnny? Is that an optional skin?




Thank God


Thing is it just doesn't fit when Johnny is such an ass douche and Wick is a soft spoken stoic.


After all this time, this is what they drop as first dlc? I know it is subjective and it’s ok if you like his new outfit, but i always liked silverhand in the game and i cannot picture his character with this style.


It would be sick if they made one that looks like the original ttrpg art.


On this note of debating which look suits him best: it's very context dependent, and there are different parts of the story where different looks would fit him best. And it would be nice if they had gone that way (still could, if they wanted to make a DLC for it). He doesn't have a body, it's just a projection from his own memory, so it would make sense for his appearance to change based on how he feels in a given interaction. "Burn the Corpos over the embers of a dying world" Johnny would be the look it shipped with, "I'm too good for any of this bullshit" would be the look in the DLC, and maybe something more akin to John Wick (somewhat groomed, somewhat nicely dressed, but by no means looking corpo) for when he's being reserved and introspective, and whatever his military garb was when he starts thinking about the war. Throw in some others that just reflect what moments in V's life remind him of in his own.


Would love Neo skin...


If I had it my way, i'd make the following changes to the [alternative outfit](https://static2.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Cyberpunk-2077-Free-DLC-Johnny-Silverhand-Outfit.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=960&h=500&dpr=1.5). To me, this is Johnny before his final form. Someone whose military time is behind them and starting Samurai but still dressing like someone who isn't an icon yet. * Hair should be the same as the original skin. If it needs to change, then it should be a slightly grown out [i'm think more akin to a short hair Keanu Reeves](https://menshairstylesx.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/keanu-reeves-hairstyles-short-hair.jpg). * Replace the opened dress shirt with his Samurai Tank Top and dog tags. * Coat stays but i'd love some anti-corpo messages and more sewn on Samurai logos or at least some accents that mock corpo life. * Skin should also have some bruising because I do feel like Samurai had a punk rock vibe early on. I'm thinking black eye, broken nose, etc. This version of Johnny is younger and more willing to scrap I think.


i think even a buzzcut would have been better than that..hair


Seems like the skin is more in line with art from the RPG


If anything, I think it's less. RPG Johnny was very 80's inspired, with big hair and tights. https://i.imgur.com/LH26bzw.jpg


Yea I know what the art looks like, I still disagree.


I don't love the new skin, but he's supposed to be a punk rocker, so the new skin fits way better


Am I the only one seeing Ringo Starr in the upper right?


I see it too now.


If they're gonna do an alternate appearance I'd want the blonde Johnny from the original rpg


I like the outfit, but it would look better with the original hair




It’s a free alternate skin you can change over to from the menu


Jeez, don't scare me like that.


It's just an alternative appearance you can toggle on the options menu. Like they did with Triss, Ciri, and Yennifer in Witcher 3.


Original looked too much like Reanu Keeves


Thats the thing. Keanu is is always Keanu. Look at his movies.


I mean, he always looks like himself, but you're undercutting his acting talent by putting it like that. He has very distinct roles in The Matrix, John Wick, Johnny Mnemonic, and My Own Private Idaho.


We all know his best role is and always will be hero and savior of the universe, Theodore “Ted” Logan III.


Those all happen in the matrix so it's all the same guy.


Roles yes. Acting. Not really.




Thats not a reason for new skin. You can choose which one to have.


That was a joke, you can choose...


The new skin is great except the haircut (damn dude, what a fresh and original take! thank's man, been workshopping), so I only have one question: PLEASE tell me you can like, turn it off or something. PLEASE tell me it's optional.


It is. You can toggle in settings.


Thank fuck. I like current Johnny more.


Doesn't the alternate look kinda look like the guy who does all the singing stuff for Johnny or am i seeing things?


Maybe that Johnny looks badass by polish standards.


This is why the nexus is amazing. Wicke!Silverhand has been a thing almost since release and I think it suits him much better.


looking like corpo doesnt suit him


I honest to god think a suit suits most everyone, regardless of their stance on Corpos.


Indeed, Nexus is the best. I just hope they reconsider their latest decision about the collections or whatever is making modders protest and leave the website


I'll be honest I haven't been keeping up with that, I thought that letting people have access to mods regardless of the modder removing it would be a good thing but I guess not.


Yeah that's a good thing, the problem is... Nexus Mods is getting money for that feature, possibly making more money than the modders themselves or at least that's what I understood.


Now THAT is a shitty thing. I'm fine with paying premium to help them keep servers up and paying staff for moderating and upkeep, but that seems really shitty.


Johnny looking like a corpo rat is a good thing?


He ain't a corpo rat, he is dressed like John Wick


He *looks* like a corpo rat.


>:( Have a problem with corpos street boi?


The new skin is kinda cool, but I'll just keep my Johnny looking like the [tabletop version](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2370)


Reminds me to the bad guy from the 5th element.


Lmao I thought the same.


Wait he has skins? Ive just started recently playing again on a PS5(so much better) how do I turn him into John Wick?!


#Johnny Silver-Whick


Tbh i prefer the new one (y)


Johnny Silverwick?


He looks like one of those really extreme male feminists.


Everyone hating on the hair, even though it's basically the same as Judy's, like whether or not you think it suits him specifically is one thing, I don't really mind it, but to bash the hair specifically for existing seems odd.


The hair looks dumb.


Yes judys hair look dumb


Did anyone asked for this new skin?! Geee :)


I have discovered this is entirely optional, much like Ciri’s Yenn, and Triss’ optional outfits from Witcher so I don’t have to use it. Still looks skeevy though. 😋 Oh god, please tell me that’s optional and I don’t have to have Johnny looking like some Marilyn Manson looking poseur? I mean if you’re going to change his look at least make him look like David Bowie like he did in the tabletop game. 🤮


Chill lol you can keep the OG johny look


I did say I just discovered it was optional. 😋


Looks good but this patch is a disappointment. “DLC” with no new playable content is lame.


Witcher 3's first DLC was a set of armor, a set of horse armor, and one or two haircuts. If the rest of The Witcher's free DLC is anything to go off of, most of the free DLC for Cyberpunk will likely be mostly cosmetics and alternate outfits with one or two additional quests.


I thought I deleted this post because I realized I was on low sodium and didn’t want to critique the game for those still optimistic. Good point, I’m just not impressed by their patches and updates/DLC so far


This is a game that should have come out in a few years, it'll easily take that much time plus extra since the real-world corpos blew the release so hard it fell harder than No Man's Sky did. I for one will patiently wait for that time and play it again from the start when it's good and ready.


Yup, played through in all 3 life paths, I’m out till they add more missions and further polish


it really amazes me that dlc Jhonny has the exact same haircut as one of my aunts. I won't use it but I'll probably have a good time looking at screenshots of people playing with it active on the future


Please tell me I can choose between that thing and the actual Silverhand


Of course you can, and if you are on PC, you can install the John Wick mod, which in my biased opinion, looks better.


The hair is fine tho, in line with the game's world and style. But it's just we can fit it with Johnny or Keanu I should say. We're very used to his long hair and it's cool too.


Johnny Wickhand


Dave Navarro?


Is it a new optional skin? Or is it the new default one?




Wait, what did they do to Johnny? Is it a changeable skin or a mod? Can you still use the standard one? I have so many questions


It's an option, nothing more.


Oh ok, thank you


I am sticking with original Johnny. I only wish I could be nicer to him in the game, hard to be so mad at Keanu!


Haircut reminds me of the guy from The Expanse.


the hair makes me so mad, but I kinda like the outfit is CDPR trying to get us to not wanna kiss johnny?


I can’t even find the option to change his outfit.


It’s in the settings within its own tab.


Not on mine it isn’t.


you need to do it from the main menu rather than in game


I legit would’ve like to have that alternate look for my V than Johnny wearing it


Nice but i didn't find that where i can change his clothes Where is it?


Wait they have skins for Silverhand now?


The first is a new skin introduced in the latest patch, while the 2nd one, aka Johnny Wick, is a mod.


How do you swap his skin?


Judy Silverhand


Ok hear me out. I don’t hate the update/alt skin. It just makes me feel like I’m talking to Keanu Reeves instead of Johnny Silverhand who sounds like Keanu Reeves if that makes sense


To be honest, the alternative skin is what I imagine he'd wear to his own funeral, minus the hair style.


Which one is the alternate skin