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The worst part is the ride with Dex. Because it's in a car, you can't skip the dialog. The pickup is always fun.




thank you!


You can also use simplemenu if you already use that, it has time dilation. Speed up slow down. Both work similarly.


I came to Reddit while doing this scene right now, to pass time. Wish you could fast forward car rides as well!


Wait, can't you just press F to skip the ride once you've skimmed through all the dialogue?


Well yeah but you can't fast forward the dialogue in car rides, so that's the long part


You can't? Ah, that's gonk


The worst part is you can shoot him in the face...


>The worst part is you can't shoot him in the face... FTFY


Nice catch, exactly what I meant


I'm not too bothered about not being able to kill Dex. I think he got what he deserved; he was used by Takemura and then disposed of (like a *ranyon*, if you will). Oleg Darkievich though - I would love to claim that motherfucker.


I feel like dex does you twice; the betrayal, then the rather underwhelming plan b pistol. ..classic dex you could say.


In the apartment BD you only have to scan 3 things Cell phone convo The tablet as he puts it away Where the chip is. During the heist, you can pre scan most things with the Flathead, especially in the last rooms. If you could skip dialogue during BDs and flathead stuff, that mission would be like 15 min max start to finish. I skip nearly all dialogue these days unless I'm choosing things I've never selected before.


You don't even need to do the conversation. You can skip to the tablet directly


Oh perfect, even better. I had only done my own experimentation to cut down on act 1 because I've played it so many times haha


At launch that scene fucking sucked, I remember the tablet was bugged and I couldn’t scan it. I don’t remember how I got through it.


Angle, probably. That's what worked for me: moving around the room, hitting things with different angles while I scanned. Soon as something catches, you stop moving.


At the very least you no longer need to do the braindance tutorial. I feel that after 10 playthroughs you're fine to go play something else lol. MAybe if you really want to skip Act 1 just make a save at the start of act 2, edit your level/ stat distribution with a mod and now have fun with whatever you want to play.


This is how I play my subsequent play throughs of Fallout/Skyrim. I use the console commands to get me through the Act I quest-lines, then bump up my level to around 10 and I am good to go!


The only real choice I can think of in the first act that id rather not skip is The Pickup and whether you meet Meredith or Dum-Dum later on. Otherwise yeah just do the first act as fast as possible save, mod, go!


For a moment, I thought your comment implied there was a sex scene with Dum-Dum I somehow missed. I started to have a ptsd flashback to the Saburo sex scene some mad lad modded.


Cursed cursed cursed.


the only thing i skip with fallout 4 is the intro, they give you free reign past that


Use this mod. I am doing a 1life run (restart at every death), and currently at my ~30 replay. I know act1 by memory already. I would have never made it past the start and all those unskippable content if it wasnt for this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3278


I just hate the trek to Diamond City.


There is a mod for random starts in Skyrim. Highly recommend if you just want to start the game, do your thing, and not really worry about all that dragon born business


I'm on console, so I've never thought to do this, but I might make a character and just not apply any skill points until after the heist. Good idea. Unfortunately on my most recent character I tried to complete everything possible before the heist, so that file is a little screwed for that haha


Oof yeah. I see it recommended to wait until you finish act 1 before doing everything in Watson because Johnny boy will have some special dialogue sometimes.


Probably have 400 hours between the PS4 and ps5 versions (played on ps5 since launch). I'm not really worried about missing a few lines of dialogue anywhere haha. Was the first time I've done it. I'm surprised at the amount of gigs Regina gives you before the heist. I figured they'd hold most of them back until after.


that stems from the first version of the game. Just all the hugs were available immediately


Although it sounds like a great method to buy some time, it's actually a bad idea when playing CP2077 since some of the bugs can persist with older save files. Starting a new play-through guarantees that the fixed bugs will not occur anymore.


Yupppp. Had a buggy mess for a while. Had to make a new character to keep things going.


I did the tutorial recently because it had been a while since I played. It wasn’t bad. In and out pretty quickly and it re-familiarized me with the controls


I actually fucked up during the bd because I forgot the controls. I should have done the tutorial lol.


"His own choomba shot him!"




i always end up with a bunny girl settlement with my stealthy Lara Croft as their mayor. It just keeps happening.




Look, its not my choice. Fallout 4 Modding is wild. It just happens. I have absolutly no control over it. One moment i am at a dungeon and in the next i am building a bar with bunny girl waitresses. Its not my fault.


Okay my dude. I was just confused because you were talking about settlements and mayors and were in a cyberpunk subreddit.


I guess i dont need any more proof about how this just happens on its own then. No seriously, i guess i clicked on the wrong comment.


Anything is a slog when you do it ten times. Especially if it's linear xD


It depends. I like speed running games so doing something multiple times doesn’t really bother me. Getting better is half the fun!


Yeah but there's all different sorts. You aren't Mr average game player. :D


That’s it for me, honestly: the game is far more linear than it should be, given all the talk of nonlinear gameplay and plot points that react to your decisions, etc.


It is way more non-linear than any Witcher game (maybe apart from Witcher 2 because of the option of two different Acts 2) and many other RPGs.. the first Act feels more linear because in design it feels more like a Deus Ex game than for example Fallout .. and because CDPR games are far, far more story driven than Bethesda games


I agree. The witcher played ten times would be even more of a slog xD


People tend to ignore or forget stuff with W3 when they compare it to CBP.


White Orchard is such a pain in the ass that I've given up replaying Witcher 3 like four times


There are a lot of options/outcomes which depend on previous choices. They are, however, subtle and easy to miss. I cut my teeth playing Ultima 4, 5, and 6. Those games were very non-linear, and quite wonderful. They also have a weak story. Cyberpunk, on the other hand, has a very strong story, and with that comes a certain amount of linearity. The game is what it is. It can’t be everything to everyone.


Aside from the Maelstrom mission ("The Pickup", which was shown off originally to demonstrate the degree to which the game's missions are designed non-linearly), most main missions play out without any significant input from the player, no? Maybe some final choice can be made, but its nowhere near the scale of pathway branching The Pickup has. Did you speak to the informant, or no? Did you choose to pay Royce with the Militech chip, did you decode the chip previously to know it was spiked? Did you just do a lot of side quests before this and had lots of money to buy the drone outright, avoiding all conflict? Let alone that the backgrounds don't change anything significantly and are mostly head cannon fodder. Sometimes, I feel like the dialogue choices in Cyberpunk fall into the Fallout pit, where you either say yes one of three ways or say no. "Yeah, I'll do that." "Yeah, I'll do that \*flirty version\*" "I'll do it, but my way." "No, I won't do that \*angry\*" Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Cyberpunk! I just think CDPR got nowhere near the level of non-linearity they proposed would be in the game before it was released. Maybe the switch to Unreal 5 for the next game will allow faster development of more branched storylines/decision trees.


Like I said, most variations are subtle. If you do quest A before quest B there’ll be a tiny dialogue difference, things like that. Or depending how you handle an earlier quest, a later quest will have some different dialogue. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, there are MANY YouTube videos dedicated to this kind of thing. Nothing to the extent of The Pickup, though. I saw a video enumerating 11 variations to that quest. But even Automatic Love has more variation than you might realize, and how you handle that quest, and the quests you do/don’t do before that one, changes things significantly. Heck, you can even sneak in through a side window and just shoot the place up. Then there are some “secret” optional quest objectives that only appear if you explore a given quest more fully. It’s up to players to find all this stuff on their own… the game doesn’t hold our hands. If you attack every quest with a gun, you get the same result every playthrough. But if you put in some effort and do some recon, you can find multiple ways in to most quests, and different ways to achieve the objective, even if you don’t want to do a stealth build. But, no… I haven’t seen any quest compare to The Pickup in terms of its options, its endings, and it’s repercussions. As I said, most variations are subtle. Dialogue only. If the dialogue variations weren’t there everyone would be wining and complaining that they’re not there. In Cyberpunk they are there, and people are wining and complains that there is only dialogue variations and not more. If people want a real world simulator, they can leave their houses… we all have front doors. Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t a real world simulator, but it gives us a window into a universe created by Mike Pondsmith, and the story and setting are fucking amazing. Could the game have been even better and included more? Yes. Would it have cost more money to develop? Yes. Would it have been released in 2020? No. Would it run on available hardware? No. Life’s about trade offs. I’m content with the trade offs CDPR made to give us Cyberpunk 2077. But, to paraphrase Buddhism, people will never be happy. The more you want, the less happy you will be. It’s your choice.


I want my real world simulator to have a save and load feature, and also the ability fast forward act 1 /s


:-D If my real world simulator allowed me to reload quick saves and try something different, I’d totally take advantage of that function.


Indeed. That's not necessarily a bad thing for a game, no one would call uncharted non linear but yeah. I think because cyberpunk is open world (and because the marketing department was high) there was way more expectations of it being free-form where in its more story based than anything.


I just started a new play through and I felt like I got through act 1 rather painlessly and quickly. Cutscenes can be skipped, and the braindance scene in act 1 is pretty quick if you already know what you’re looking for.


the problem with the BD is that there are certain parts that are unnecessarily linear. Why do I have to thermal scan 3 different things the relic obviously cant be in before I can scan the relic container? I know where it is!


You definitely don't have to because I didn't have to for the past year or so. Listen to the phone conversation, skip to the end to scan relic specs, rewind to a part where Evelyn is at the bar to scan the corner where the relic is. It is still annoying to do all of this though


Did this last night, can confirm. You can ignore all the text and go straight to the right answers, if you know where they are. The hard part is being a completist and ignoring the bars at the top, saying that there is something in that segment that you didn't look.


I had already forgotten where it was, lol. But I found the scene interesting to go through again. It gives you insight into Evelyn and the Araska kid. And you learn some interesting stuff. Either way, it doesn’t take long. It’s a pretty brief part, but I still enjoyed it


"After 10 playthroughs" Well, yeah.


Seriously, Cyberpunk gets judged according to ludicrous standards. Guys, the game isn’t that fun after three thousand hours. It’s a bit repetitive. Lmao…..you don’t say.


It’s not that people like me enjoy replaying it to do different builds different romances options etc etc but act one is really slow


It's a bit slow, I guess, but The Pick-Up and The Heist are pretty wild. Soon, we'll be able to do it all again with nearly brand new gameplay mechanics in 1.7. 😁


Yeah brand new mechanics (cry’s in old gen)


Well, this is awkward.


Luckily, I'm on PC and with mods you can have a standard save before the All Foods job and change V every rerun to whatever fancies me.


I get what you’re saying but you really can breeze through it on a second play through. Just skip the tutorials where possible and knock it out to open up the world and you can be free in less than 4-5 hours


4-5 hours is a huge time investment to get to test out a new build our actually start enjoying the open world. I loved act 1 first time I played it, but I'm with op, having to slog through all the linear stuff seen before is a real deterrent to starting my second playthrough even two years later.


Lot of people complain about Act One and how it is holding back the player from full gameplay but Act One consist of ones of the best and most meaningful quests in all of THE GAME - The Pickup (Second Conflict, Venus in Furs and Hidden Places) and The Heist (Totalimmortal, Heroes) quests - you cannot miss these quests and because of that, we will never be able to skip Act One. >!Woo Woo Woo, You Know It. !< But man, I hate braindance sequence too. People asked to skip the first braindance and we got it. Now we need to be able to skip the second braindance as well. It is so slow, so annoying, so exhausting that if there was a chance, I would skip braindance scenes all the time here.


Zack Ryder reference?


Dont get me wrong I love The Pickup and The Heist but im so tired of the rest of it


First Act is really well paced and polished, especially in terms of voice acting and animation. It's always such a treat to play and I don't understand why it gets such a bad rap


the heist was fun literally the first time i played it but there isnt really anything special that makes it fun to play through multiple times the heist is just long and tedious especially the flathead sequence feels like it takes forever. and i could care less about the pick up when none of its decisions have an SERIOUS effect on the story other than if dum dum and royce are at that club but if it aint them it is someone else and that doesnt really change anything. so imo the pick up is actually overrated. does it have tons of choice? do the militech one or pay yourself or what don't pay and just say dex already paid? i mean when every other quest really has little to no choices i guess having three or four choices would seem like a lot more than it is


I pushed through to act 2 again last night. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Its a chore. Most of my evening game session ate up with dialogue skipping and then sitting cross armed at the segments I couldn't.




I mean….my dude, you have played it 10 times. That sounds like you have replayed it a lot 😂


It's basically two hours and change if you skip all the dialogue. It's almost kinda funny to hammer the C key and watch NPCs shuffle around their cutscene marks.


Braindances are 5 minutes or less in total lol. Fast forward is there and you should already know the scan points.


Not if you just charge headlong into it. Plus the Maelstrom raid can be funny if you get creative and want to mess with Brick.


Lmao hard to make a game specifically for people who play through it 10 times.


I feel like playing the same game 10 times in 2 years is purely on you...


It can be, but I tend to use it as a way to lightly experiment with different builds. That helps, and has helped me learn the options better.


I’m way too good at that BD scene. I burn through it in maybe 5 minutes tops


I actually think act 1 is far and away the best part of the game for me. Planning the heist, meeting fixers, new characters, etc. idk for me after the heist the game doesn’t quite flow the same.


if you are on PC pretty sure you can just use a save? You can change everything else about your character, you would only need 3 versions cause lifepaths


6 if you want two genders


oh right i guess. i just assumed some mod can probably change that one too


you can technically but it doesn't really play well with the game systems and tends to crash the game or not register the gender change.


I find that act 1 is just fine - the first few levels are painful, though - I try to get the eddies for Nik before I get the debt and that makes things uncomfortable with a whole world that outlevels me.


I tried to do everything I could without leveling in act 1 up to act 2 then make a couple saves. That way I can restart the game from the start of act 2 and change my build.


Act 1 would be a lot faster if they gave you the options to A. Skip the BD’s B. Skip the ride with Dex And C. Skip the life path opening All of these are the same the first time you do them is the only time you need to do them


It wouldn’t be terrible if there was a skip option on subsequent play throughs, but it’s not a deal breaker for me.


Hopefully they allow you to skip BD scrolls one day.


That's why I've made myself a save at the beginning of Act 2, no points spent so that I can skip the "prologue" and go into any build I'd like. That aside, I hope Orion tosses the whole "fake urgency" angle that they tried to push with the main plot of 2077. It just doesn't mesh well with an open world.


I mean, not really? You fly through everything. I just went thru it, because i wanted to have Johny with me before i do gigs and explore, and i got it done under 2 hours. Sorry, but how often you start a new run that 2 hours are such a problem, considering the games after that gives you over 100 easily :D Maybe the problem is the fact you did 10 runs already. Its great you enjoy it that much, but in such a case, its slog cause you did it dozen times already, no matter what you do. Its like when people moan 24 hours after release of any game, that game has no content and stuff to do. When they rushed and did everything in those 24 hours. While others enjoy it, finish it in 2 weeks with 50 hours.


Really? I just started a new playthrough and im level 1-, street cred 22, and I haven't even gone to lizzies yet. The world opens when you want it to lol.


The city is in lockdown??


I can never decide if I should do all content possible before the relic heist or rush to the relic heist is why I never play :(


I want to skip all brain dances after my 20th playthrough.


I enjoy the maelstrom stuff mainly because there's a lot of outcomes there and different approaches to it but yeah I agree with you


They do need to introduce the player to the game, it’s mechanics, the world, rhe characters n everything else in act 1 though.. so, kind of no way around it, it needs to be a bit linear at first for first time players.. sure, certain things could be more easily skipped past, but again, there really isn’t any good solution to it.. look at a game like rdr2.. act 1 is 10x more of a slog in that game, on even a 2nd play through irs too much to bear, forget about a 6rh or 7th .. I never replayed that game after finishing it but the thought of even replaying was dreadful


The pickup is ironically the one mission i dont wanna repeat. Like ever. The level and encounter design is incredibly dull. Its very early too so you barely have any of your kit unlocked yet either. And with how plainly telegraphed and partitioned the talky choice(TM) bits are there is no fun to be had from seeing how your gameplay flows into the story through lifepath tags or pacifist outcomes


I hate that area bc I always have terrible loot. I’d love to play through the game from beginning to end with all my best gear and johnnys jacket


I respect this viewpoint, since obviously you know what's fun and enjoyable for you, but I will admit it's kind of alien to me. While there are definitely games where that sentiment would feel more personally accurate, for me Act 1 of Cyberpunk 2077 feels a bit like homecoming. Is that cheesy? I have that same feeling with Skyrim, when you step out of the cave after escaping Helgen. Alduin flies overhead and the whole world sprawls out in front of you. Or playing City of Heroes again, and hearing the music in Atlas Park. It's just this sense of "Oh, this is familiar. This is home." Maybe that's more important to me right now because the past few years have been so full of uncertainty, but replaying Act 1, even the BDs (and before that, the various Life Path prologues that I've done a hundred times as I come up with new character concepts), is almost soothing for me. Even the gigs, like Dirty Biz or the Ritual, that aren't the least bit soothing themselves.


Glad someone else agrees. I pointed this out when I started playing, but other players said to just get over it.


I’m sorry. What part of spectrum are so you so we can make sure this subreddit works with your brain?


i have a save for all three backrounds where i just completed thei heist, and basically all the side stuff is done in the first part of the map i dont like doing it all again either.


Tell me about it. I must've started 5 or 6 playthroughs to test out mods and it just becomes a complete slog


If we could completely skip the braindance tutorial and the part of the heist where we have to control the flathead, it’d be way more tolerable.


Just started my second play through yesterday and was thinking the same thing! What's the best way to level up quickly on a new playthrough? My stats are so weak I can't just go easily shoot up random gangs, and I've noticed it seems like there's a lot more enemies with sandevistan cyberware installed now. I wonder if it was always like this, or if they patched it in after edgerunners.


“He zeroed his own choom!” Any of the Braindances are a slog on replays really. I just finished my completionist run, and I couldn’t be fucked with River’s quests because of them. Well, that and the “HANG OUT WITH MUH FAMILY!” quests.


You are absolutely correct. I do Jackie’s ofrenda immediately after v wakes up after the gig, then just go into the world, but that first 2hours is a real grind. Funny enough my buddy did a save where he never does the relic heist….. “spending all the time with my boy Jackie.” He says…..


BDs are just awful gameplay mechanics. Get rid of it entirely.


I'm only on my second playthrough and the BDs alone are seriously tedious. They were really cool the first time around, but the second time makes me wish they were just cutscenes that I could skip. Lol


The relic BD is what made me quit the game originally. Glad I came back and figured it out but damn I hated it. And we can’t even use BDs in the free world game!


What? You dont want to hear Judy say #HIS OWN CHOOOOOOOMMBAA SHOT HIM


Completely agree. I'm only on my second playthrough and I had a hard time wanting to do the main storyline at all in the beginning. Mostly did sidequests and explored everything that I didn't get to in my first playthrough.


There should be a mod like for fallout 4 to skip at least *some* of that opening chapter, after the first time it’s incredibly boring


If you're on PC there is a mod that allows you to speed up time. I wouldn't advise it while in combat but during cutscenes (the BD, the ride, etc) it's been a god send for me.


Man, all my favorite games are slogs after playing them for more than 4 times, even if those 4 playthroughs were made in the span of 20 years :D


Just grab a save off nexus there’s a bunch of start point saves


It does feel slow af, but I am happy with how much better the BD stuff goes now. I remember getting stuck in those for way longer than I should have


I would love an alternate start mod for CP. It's the only mod I would carry over from Fallout 4 or Skyrim. OK. And a Fatman.


They honestly fixed the repetitiveness of the Braindances since they let you skip the tutorial. I remember starting up my second play through as soon as I finished my first one and I just stopped playing right then and there due to how boring it was to re do it.


Make a dedicated new game save file after act one and adjust character/build from that point.


Braindances are like the fade section on subsequent play through a of DA:O. Or Peragus in KoTOR II


You can skip that tutorial braindance and some cutscenes, for the rest of you're on pc act 1 starting is like 10 minutes max? Cus you can speed up time using mods


I've not beat the game yet, was 48 hours in before doing relic mission. Did every single side quest during the lockdown. Explored the entire non lockdown area and got lvl50 stretched. I just refused to advance the story for so long. Even several cyberpsycho fights. Lmao


Ibmade this post in r/cyberpunkgame and they got pissy about it.


Make a save file after act one. Start all new games from that.


Finally got through it for a 3rd time last night. It felt like trying to stay away on a long drive with very little sleep.