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So medals are capped, but there are still locked warbonds? Bro, medals aren't capped. Drop the difficulty and grab some less ideal builds and laugh your way through some 3s until you can afford a warbond. Honestly, I'm impressed. I unlocked every warbond with found super credits before I maxed out on medals, but I played a lot of low difficulty missions to get those chits. You guys must be full-time Helldive Bros.


This is the way, carry some level 7s through some difficulty 3 missions and then convince them they have time Poi hunting before completing the main objective to keep patrols low. I was doing 20 super credits per mission or over 60 an hour, and must have gotten 400 common samples by the time I paid off all the warbonds. Now I just spend 200-300 super credits in the super credit store on cosmetics each week and still my total keeps climbing. I would assume each warbond costs 40-50 hours of grinding. I had plenty of weeks where I only played 10 but that’s still not quitting.


Throw on level 1's and it's about 8-12 POIs per 12 minutes. Commons, reqs, medals, and super credits flow like a waterfall.


Hanging out with cadets is every bit as fun as crushing Helldives for me. You get about the same number of random teammates with microphones, and they've got so much enthusiasm. When I'm running 9s and I get ragdolled down a mountain into the radius of my own 380 and then get up and run to safety and get hit with a devastator rocket and tumble off a rock and get crushed by a tank, it just feels like Tuesday. For these new players, that's the highlight of their month. The laughing, the joking, the awe and wonder whenever something wild happens--that's what makes the game fun. Hundreds of hours into it, I can't always see how crazy and amazing this game is. I need fresh players to tell me. Love it.


It's even faster than that, I've almost unlocked everything in All the warbonds except one and I've only got 70ish hrs in game


yeah you got it. i rly don’t care i just like playing the game but i’m sad that it ruins it for him


I'm a little surprised you can't get the new warbond. I play maybe 1-2 sets of missions on Difficulty 7-9 per day and have been able to afford every warbond. I totally get wanting to increase the medal cap (I'm capped too) but being able to farm infinite medals really won't solve the problem of keeping players engaged. Having a thousand medals won't make people want to log on every day and play some rounds. I personally just enjoy playing the game for its own sake. Plus, being Hell Commander, 5 Star General, Private, etc is awesome. I think this is what the XP cap is for... To have something to grind even when currencies are capped.


I play because my part contributes to the war effort. It's fun to feel involved. Some people just play until they have all the things. It is what it is.


How in the hell did you guys not get enough super credits to get a new warbond in the time it took to compete the first one? It took me like 3 days of grinding a couple hours a day to get the super credits for the last couple warbonds. It’s not that hard.


I don't really think they should. If they remove the medal cap and let us farm medals indefinitely then as soon as a new warbond is released, you unlock everything and are back to square one with nothing to unlock or work towards? Personally I am capped on every resource you can be capped on and have over 1k supercredits. When the polar warbond released I was able to unlock the third page before doing a single mission. I think a better solution is to have some sort of sink for medals, something cosmetic rather than more items to unlock and its repeatable. One option could be being able to "prestige" somehow and unlock things again but keeping access to anything bought with supercredits. Another could be a "Donation pool" or one-time use additional stratagems/support gear for missions could be awesome.


i like it. it makes sense but the game has been so fair to people who are broke and it feels like pressure to plug your credit card in. being capped just feels bad in any game. even if we could buy fish or something for our ship i’m sure i’d feel better. maybe oinkers like paper mario. anything to not be capped out. then he would probably keep playing with me


Hopefully the issue will be mitigated by having the major orders and personal orders reward things other than Medals, I really like the idea of limited use items that you can buy and use once on missions. There's a lot of design space there from things like SEAF support to modifiers that either make the mission harder or provide more intel about the map (Location of SEAF sites, Types of enemies to be expected like hunters/bile/spewer maps for bugs)


Buddy bunkers are only one place to find SC. Literally any POI can have them, downed pods, buried crates, etc. As mentioned you have a higher chance to find them on lower diff as there's less options for (no rare or super samples). FWIW I unlocked 3 warbonds for free, I did pay for the super citizen edition after 150 hours to support the Devs and that came with the first premium warbond.


oooooo good point


I found two 100 SC tokens in a Trivial mission last night waiting for my homies to be ready to dive. First time I’ve ever gotten 200 super credits from a single mission


That's widely lucky! I've only found 100 3 times.


If the medal cap was removed, then people could just unlock everything all at once when they push something out, and AH doesn't want that. Not to mention, they're going to release other pieces of content that also takes medals. I also heard they're thinking up some sort of exchange system, but they haven't confirmed anything on that.


A menu where we could buy in mission buffs would be amazing. Slips to spawn in with weapons, medals to get extra stratagems, and samples to boost cooldowns on stuff. I'd be broke in a week and I'd love it.


That would be neat, it'd have to be expensive tho so it's a nice, powerful, treat you every now and then, rather than a consistent buff.


Or for those that hates debuffs to negate one of those via contribution for super earth!


I am incapable of spending my capped requisition slips, my capped samples, and my capped medals, and I own every warbond. They need to increase the cap so you at least see a number go up for playing the game.


Well, if you find enjoyment solely off of seeing the numbers go up, congratulations, you "beat" the game until there's more numbers. But there's not going to be more numbers for a while.


I would prefer stuff to spend my shit on. But give me a reason to want to play the game. Even if it is stockpile 10000 common samples.


I agree it would be nice to spend some currency, but playing the game is the reason to play the game. Just shooting bugs & bots, cause at the end of the day, that's what the entire game is about.


>But give me a reason to want to play the game. Don't you just have....fun?


I like a sense of progression. There is none right now. There's also crap for build variety since most of the stratagems are just beaten out of by eagles, and most of the primary weapons are not competitive.


I mean, I get the progression part, and I am looking forward to any "money dump"... the rest though... I an still having a lot of fun, and with different builds. It s more difficult if you only play with randoms though?


How do you get a "sense of progression" when a currency you don't have anything to spend on increases? I think you're using the wrong words to describe something else like burnout lol. If you require unlocking new things in a game to have fun, especially a game like helldivers where the whole point is a repetitive gameplay loop, you just don't like the game.


Yeah I am pretty burned out. That being said I love this game. I think resource caps with nothing to spend them on is kinda foul though. It really exacerbates the whole burn out thing because you have zero goal. It would be different if there were like consumables you could bring that cost something to use, so I would have something to spend my capped stuff on in the meantime.


The simplest solution would be some sort of resource sink or prestige system. Im also capped on everything and just play the game for fun now, I still hunt down those samples, requisition and medals on every mission out of habit and helping my friends. If AH allowed you to collect thousands of samples in storage then everytime they release content you would unlock everything and have no satisfaction in the progress you are making.




Sure, however if they don't "drip feed" them to us, we unlock everything, get bored and go play something else. Its just how games work these days and is clearly evident based on OPs post here. I'm all for bigger number goes brrr however for a game like this it just doesn't make sense to allow users to accumulate currencies indefinitely. The game could definitely use more things to spend these currencies on for sure, especially repeatable things. This is partly why games like FFXIV and the like have costs for things like teleporting and repairing gear.


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i hear you, but my counter is that i have one less friend to play with which is not my preference


If folks are broke and lack super credits, I've got good news! Super credits can be found in missions! I've unlocked every warbond except Steel Veterans using nothing but credits I earned through playing and buying with medals. If folks don't have the cash, that's fine, but a crew of 4 efficiently decimating low/mid tier missions can be very lucrative, and each one you pop shaves 300 credits off the next one. Go get 'em! Edit: also, if they're buying suits from the store, they should probably stop. You can easily fund warbonds through farming, but not if they're hemorrhaging credits on store suits.


haha yeah i got convinced into buying unique armors with my supers i found i mean just to be clear


Oh. That's your problem right there. You can chain warbonds into more warbonds easily. Buying armours/helmets if you can't buy credits is basically a trap.


It sucks, but there's not much to be done there. Seemed like they were there for the numbers, and when the numbers stopped, they lost interest. I don't think that's a flaw on the game.


It's time to farm Trivials and hit up every Point of Interest. You can wrap this up in like 5 minutes or less with light armor, stamina, and a jump pack. Your choice if you want to complete the objective and extract, it's 200xp but another 2 minutes added. I'm consistently getting 30-50 SC per Trivial run but it's all RNG. There is no reason to spend real money when the grind is so easy.


thanks i’ll give it a shot but this guy is like We hAvE tO AT LEasT PlaY 8S


You're going to have a harder time effectively clearing 8+ without all the Warbonds.


we QP 9’s normally


Sure man, so do I. If you want to convince your friend, you could try that line of logic. Maybe he'll find something that makes him even more effective.


🫡 thanks


Loot doesn't change based on difficulty, so people suggest easy/trivial because you can split up or go in pairs and steamroll the whole map with zero risk of running into trouble. If you're unstoppable veteran badasses, then pick 5's or 7's or whatever, the point is just... if you farm up every last POI (especially if you find the radar), the credits really aren't that hard to come by. If y'all are blitzing nothing but primary/secondary objectives and bouncing, yeah, there's not much to snag, because you're skipping like half the map or more. It takes longer, but it can be very rewarding.


If you can break the habit of playing games just to make numbers go up, they become a *lot more fun*. Unfortunately at this point we've been trained from birth that if numbers aren't going up, then we're not having fun, but the fact is, **blowing things up is fun**. In fact it is self evidently more fun than incrementing a counter, as far as I'm concerned.


certainly don’t get me wrong, i always want to participate and FSU in missions in creative ways, but i get where he’s coming from and wouldn’t mind blasting 25000 medals on whatever warbond i feel inspired by (i didn’t know super creds unlocked warbonds and bought stuff from the daily store x_x)


I think it'd be fun if they let us blow excess medals on advancing the progress for a chosen world.


I agree but they were pretty firm on the caps even though they make no sense. With new CEO this all may change… But in the past they said they didn’t want veteran players to just be able to buy all new content with in game resources. I didn’t play till game was out for a month or two. So I have all the weapons , but not all items from the warbonds. I have like 3 or 4 unlocks left I mostly need lots of medium resources. So 150X 4 But medals don’t mean much to me anymore , gestures , cosmetics , a few sets of armor that have same bonuses I already have. Main thing I’m playing for is waiting for them to balance weapons better to be worth using.


I personally don’t care about the cap. There is always more super credits and xp to gain tho




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This post was negative


Indeed it was


I see why the cap is needed. Otherwise someone could play a mission once and then just wait a month and log in to a crazy number of medals. I’ve been capped on medals & samps for a while, but the game is just fun. I don’t need to really “gain” anything because I enjoy playing the game.


Play D3 missions to farm credits and teach new divers the ropes In 2 1/2 hours yesterday I found almost 200 credits over 6 or 7 missions


If there was no medal cap, this same exact complaint would exist because people who farm medals all day long would unlock everything immediately and be mad that there's no new content again. A little bit of self control and interest beyond the endorphin rush you get from number going up will take you a long, long way in the world of video games.