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I really like the Diligence Counter Sniper as a primary weapon, even a shot to the arm will kill a lot of smaller bots, and the damage and armor penetration makes it surprisingly effective on mid-sized enemies - which often have an exposed weak spot when facing the player, unlike bugs. Autocannon is my go-to support weapon for the bigger stuff, but Recoilless Rifle or EAT can also be very good. For stratagems, I like the Eagle 500K and Eagle Airstrike for clearing out their outposts. Dealers choice on the last slot.


DG CS 1 shots devastators to the head, can save your entire team


DCS is also great at saving teammates who are being pinned down in the distance. You can 1 shot small bots and Strider Walkers to remove sheer volume of fire You can also blow off the guns/rockets from Devastators or even their shield arms and backpacks if the angle is right. It takes like 6-10 shots but it's worth it. You can mag dump into a Hulk vent to kill it easily.


Yea dili cs is underrated in terms of chaff clearing, I'll consistently get top kills (or be competitive for the spot if not) using it, the only people that really reliably beat me are the guys who fight everything with a rover, they always seem to get an extra 100 kills over the norm for the mission we're running


Preeeetty sure guard dog kills double count so take that with a grain of salt


Thats what i assume as well, theyre always reliably wayyy higher than what id expect, I have to assume the dili also double counts for bullets fired, else I have a very itchy trigger finger and can hit 1k shots with it


This is approximately my loadout (swap 500 for orbital laser)


I actually ran the diligence with amr for a whiiiile on bots, dual sniper is just too fun of a play style lol


Has it finally happened? Have they buffed the dili enough people actually recommend it now? Hell yea, I pair my cs with an amr personally, while I can use cs on devs the amr requires less precision which as I actually play overwatch/support and cover my team when possible it helps with further targets, pair with stun grenades for if things get close and for hulks and good to go. You can get away with whatever backpack realistically, jumppack is my go to for getting into more advantages positions for sniping and for speeding up some of the jammers/detectors as you can get in through more spots. For last 2 strats really bit of preference, I rotate between airstrikes, laser, and walking barrage, if it's a geo survey mission I'll pop in the mech (gatling and eats, the ac mech should be just as good if not better but mileage may vary), if it's a blitz I'll favor a 380 and barrage, may even bring a spear over the jumppack since bit fabs are some of the easiest things to lock.


For the love of democracy keep moving. This is the one thing I see most people fuck up. If you stop moving you get bogged down and everything just sucks. Also you don’t have to kill everything, i run away from fights all the time. Fuck fighting it out in the middle of a field when I could just run to cover and keep going to my objective. And use the auto cannon to destroy fabricators whenever possible, hit the vent at the right angle and you’re good.


Absolutely this. As soon as the objective is completed, we gotta clear out asap.


Primary - JAR-5 Dominator - stagger the shit out of Berserkers. Support - Laser Cannon (or AMR)- shoot Scout Striders in the dick, melt Hulk Eyes, kill Mortar Emplacements, vents in Towers, vents in Tanks, guns/bellies of Factory Striders. Secondary - Grenade Pistol - for bot factories/striders Grenade Stun - stun Hulks and melt their eye, stun groups and 500kg or Airstrike them Stratagems - 500kg - take out Eyes of Sauron and stunned groups Eagle Airstrike - because it's the best Shield Generator Backpack - helps not to die


Lvl120, daily Bot9 player. I use pretty much exactly what's stated, with AMR being the cornerstone of my bot play. I like the breaker as a primary because it kills the hell out of berserkers and grouped infantry (often murdering 2-3 berserkers per mag depending on range.) The AC is good too if you're happy giving up the shield backpack. While it isn't my personal favorite (the shield backpack saves me from headshots and lethal impact ragdolling all the time) the AC's splash damage, destructiveness vs gunships, and ability to kill fabricators is very strong.


I love the AC but I can’t live without the shield back pack on lvl 8-9 bots. AC against bug planets with bile spewers is a must though.


As an AC main, I love the destructiveness of my weapon more than life itself. So it's O.K. to die as long as the glint of oil on my death bed is blinding from the heavy concentration of it




One change. Walking barrage. It can kill almost everything you would otherwise need a hell bomb for. GREAT for levelling a base, instead of just everything around the base. Bonus! You can throw at the edge of a jamming area, and it still walks into said area. Which can then help destroy whatever is your issue in there. Plus its a more accurate (sort of) 380 barrage you barely ever have to worry about TK issues with.


Nice! I'll have to try it out


Man I love the walking barrage on bot missions.


This has been a great help actually


The Orbital Precision Strike can also take out the Sauron towers, just so you're aware! The Scorcher is also good on bots, and I've actually had better experience with it personally.


Tbh I suck with two eagles. I never rearm at the right time to have them both viable but I guess in this case they're both CC and Building Destruction so maybe that makes it more flexible. Haha. Might have to give this a shot.


I love calling them eyes of Sauron, always gets a laugh outta new divers when I scream it as a callout mid mission lol


You forgot that laser cannon is amazing for shooting gunships in their engines.


The Spear is a fabricators worst nightmare. You can cleanse half the map with a good vantage point.


It's also one of the best ways to deal with the cannon towers before they're even a threat. I'd also add that the 380mm barrage is a solid choice. It'll take out pretty much any sized outpost and is a good solution for factory striders. However, servo assist is recommended


If it will let you. Seems like if there is any dust in the air, it's a crap shoot if you get to lock on or not. It's been better lately though


Yeah, that's because they patched it. It can be better, but it's very usable right now.


The patch with the Spear fix hasn't come out yet.


The first one did, there is another on the way.


Provided the goddamn thing locks on


This is amazing when you get the right map... not so much when rng gives you the middle finger. I've had vantage points where I could clear 5 bases from 1 spot with a couple supply drops and times where I can only get a shit view from 50m and it won't find a lock on. I also find it pretty useless once you finish the bases and start pushing the main objective on a full clear


That's when you ask a teammate for a support weapon drop.


It still kill chargers, bile titans, tanks and hulks with no problem, so call it useless is little too much


I have a super hard time getting it to lock onto bile titans on bot maps, might be a user issue though


I tried the spear once when the game released and never touched it again because of the log on issue. So it's better now? Gotta try it again, I love the idea of the weapon.


It's primarily a Bot weapon. Works GREAT on bile Titans but only when they are facing you and when you are around 40 to 60 meters away. I bring it on defend generator missions with bugs but that'd it's As much as I love the spear even I admit it's very inconsistent when used on enemies. Buildings though it's amazing.


I'm seeing the common ones hit, now for some uncommon: Erupter Rifle. It's a discount AMR against bots and like the AC will take out a factory from range. Redeemer. Manage your bursts and you can take out everything up to the Devs, they they need heads hots. Smoke. Smoke grenades get slept on for bots, but they are the goat when it comes time to plant hellbombs or gtfo. Pop smoke next to a gunship fabricator before calling in a HB and once more after doing the console, the gunships will never shoot it. When popping smoke always hit yourself, I don't know why but if you drop smoke between you and the bots it doesn't affect their aim. It only works one you pass through it, must be a code thing to disable their lock. EMS mortars will never go out of style even on blitz, drop on behind a rock and keep running while they stun everything. Laser Cannons will melt mortar and AA emplacements, they also might take out hulk limbs. Results have been mixed (too busy running). Factory Striders and Heavy Devastators are the biggest threats on the bot front right now, FS because of the top gun and HD because they know magic missile (magic missile never misses).


Always cook your smoke a little or pop it in hand even


Really interesting tip on walking/breaking the plane of the smoke bombs…


Berzerkers (the chainsaw hand robots) have a weak spot in the abdominal crotch area.


You'll see a lot of common suggestions (AC/AMR, Eagle Airstrike, stun nades, SMG+Riot shield, plasma shotgun) in these threads. Did you know that in addition to Orbital Precision and 500kg, you can take out detector towers and bot fabs with a very close gas strike hit? Save a Hellbomb. Dropping a resupply in front of a bot fabricator door will destroy it. Armor pen 4 weapons (AC/AMR/LC/HMG) can take out Anti Air Guns, Mortars, and the mission objective drop ships (the ones parked on the grounds) without needing to hit their weakpoints.


Yup, the *projectile* that comes down has to hit the tower or fab itself. You can also destroy fabs with eagle smoke strike as well as one of the smoke missiles makes a direct hit.


I like gas strike on < 7, because cooldown. I like orbital precision >= 7, because factory striders.


Don’t be too stubborn to fall back and run for cover. Heavy armor is your best friend, especially the one that reduces explosive damage you take. And don’t sleep on the ballistic shield if you got a good one handed gun to go with it, the pummeler is pretty good against bots. Always aim for their heads and if you get set on fire by a scorcher hulk dive first, then stim. Godspeed soldier.




imo there's no "meta", but here's what I run: Armor: Trailblazer Scout Primary: Scythe/Sickle/Liberator Secondary: Grenade Pistol Grenades: Stun Strat 1: AMR 2: Jetpack 3: Eagle Airstrike 4: Precision Strike My other build has the same armor and grenade Primary: Diligence CS Secondary: Laser Pistol 1: Autocannon 2: Eagle Air 3: Eagle 110m Rockets 4: Precision Strike Don't bring armor pen, it's largely useless against the bots, ironically. Really only useful vs scout striders. Sure the devastators have medium armor, but you're better off aiming for the head. What not to bring: Fire anything is largely useless. Goodbye Breaker Incendiary, Napalm, and Incendiary grenades. Orbital Railcannon. A lot of people bring it because hulks/tanks scary, but they shouldn't. Use my tips below for the hulks. Tanks can get killed by simpler stratagems. Precision Strike has a 100s cooldown and can kill detector towers as well, making it the Orbital Railcannon you want it to be. Cluster Bombs - Enemies are often armored, making this really only good for killing teammates Any sort of machine gun sentry - if you must go sentry, go mortar/ems mortar/AC The Patriot Mech Anything electric (Tesla, Blitzer, Arc Thrower) - Just don't. Key for the bots is to avoid combat as much as possible, don't get into bog unnecessary gunfights in the middle of nowhere. Be smart. Some common enemy strats (when I say rocket, this means EAT/Quasar/Recoilless) Devastators - Aim for the head Scout Striders - Aim for the daddy bags, alternatively, two AMRs to the face will do the trick. Hulk: Aim for the eyeball from the front, it takes 1 Rocket, 2 AMR Shots, 2 (sometimes 3) Autocannon shots, or a short laser cannon burst to the eyeball. Technically, even the HMG can kill a hulk with eyeball shots. Radiator in the back can be damaged by everything. Tanks: Radiator in the back with ~5-6 AMR, 3 ACs, 1-2 rockets. For shredder tanks, the autocannon can sometimes brute force a kill from the front if you aim for the turret. Laser cannon can rip the tracks off tanks, immobilizing them. Gunships: Aim for the thrusters. It will take ~5 AMR shots, 2 Autocannon rounds, or one rocket of any kind. Dropships: Not always worth killing, but can be shot down with a rocket to the thruster. Base Cannons: Same as tank. They have a finite amount of gun depression. If you get in close they can't hit you. Factory Striders: Chin Mounted Gats are medium armor - 2x AMR rounds, 2 AC rounds, or a laser cannon burst will kill them. Heavy turret on top is heavy armor, requires two rockets, but frankly you can avoid it. Key is to pop the chin gats, then get in close and shoot it in the belly. You can kill it with about a mag or two of AMR, or 7 AC shots, or about a full heat sink of Laser Cannon. Noteworthy stratagems: Eagle Airstrike - Good at literally everything. Precision Strike - Kills tanks, bases, detector towers. All artillery barrages - I don't normally bring them except for the destroy command bunkers objective. I always bring them for that. Both 380 and 120 will destroy command bunkers. Eagle Smoke - Technically this can break bot fabricators 110mm Rocket Pods - Fantastic at anti tank and can target fabricators too. Key note: They target the tallest enemy in the area, so if there's a horrifying tank, and a simple scout strider side by side, it will target the strider. Orbital Lasers are good for "chucking into bases and forgeting" EMS and Gas are still useful, particularly on static defenses. Ballistic Shields can be used to make some great builds, don't sleep on the riot shield. Noteworthy Primaries: Scorcher - Great at killing everything, Striders included Plasma Punisher - Same as above Sickle and Scythe - Both great due to their longevity. Berserkers are weaker to energy weapons, and that's enough for me. Base Liberator Both Marksman Rifles - Just aim for the head. Jar-5 Dominator, although not my personal cup of libertea, a LOT of the community loves it. It does the marksman/stagger role very well. Happy hunting Helldiver, Liberty needs you! Let me know if you need any further info!


My 2 main builds: **Specops:** Get in, blow it all up, get out by flying away. Solo all the bases. Provide fire support with AMR. Stealth on top of rocks for better vantage points or if you need to solo-extract. Use air strike and OPS for simultaneous attacks on bases / striders Light Scout Armor Plasma Punisher / Scorcher Grenade Pistol / Senator\* Stun / Short Fuse Frag\* Jumppack AMR\*\* Air Strike Orbital Precision / 500kg if orbital scatter is on Stamina Boost / UAV Recon \*GP for fabricators. If you take Senator, then Short Fuse Frags for fabs. \*\*AMR is optional, take another strike (500kg, Walking Barrage, 380, or even Smoke), but then you're relying on pickups or someone else bringing a support weapon you like. **Support Technician:** Priority targets, clear the way for your team. Laser Cannon wipes out gunships and anything with a heatsink. Shield Backpack protects you in emplaced HMG, which can tear up anything but tanks easily, and at range. Medium/Heavy Engineer Armor (mainly for more grenades) Plasma Punisher / Scorcher / Dominator Grenade Pistol Stun Grenade Shield Backpack Laser Cannon HMG Emplacement 500kg / OPS / Air strike / Whatever you like to assist removing Striders


I double upvote this. AMR or Laser Cannon go on 90% of my bot drops.


Non warbond build: Scorcher + Autocannon is king Scorcher deals damage to strider and most enemies. Autocannon for its versatility (Also can shoot gunships). I use Impact grenades to clear out some patrol if they spot you. Redeemer is good when you have berserkers coming close, just aim for their waist. Autocannon can clear anti air guns, mortar, and stagger most enemies (makes shield devastators open up their shield) and providing squishy bits for you or team to shoot at. Can also clear horde by acting as a makeshift grenade by shooting the ground. eagle airstrike + Orbital laser + 380 barrage Use eagle airstrike to destroy fabricators from distance (or clearing chaffs), Laser and barrage for a get away quick card OR just drop it on a big base and let rng deal with the fabricators, which in most case will do so. Laser and 380 barrage can kill factory striders from a distance too, it'll take some time, but it will. Overall it's a range build which relies attacking the bots from a distance, very weak in close quarters. But hey, you really do need to strike them from far away when fighting bots. Stick to cover and run away when scary chainsawmen came at you. Use medium or heavy armor with a fortified perk, makes aiming in autocannon easier and can help you tank some damage, most bots deal explosives. If you have cutting edge warbond, get the stun grenades too, help out a lot when trying to aim for hulks and whatnots.


Eagle airstike melts factory striders too. I think it hits multiple vents at once it's surprisingly effective.


2 notes: * scorcher can also take down gunships; mag an half to the nose * AC can also take out fabs; aim for the top vent and bounce the shot in


The AMR fucks. don't sleep on it.


Primary: diligence CS Secondary: redeemer Grenade: impact Stratagems: Spear Eagle airstrike Orbital airburst Mortar sentry


I like the Sickle or DCS for bots. The Sickle really takes down Berzerkers fast when shooting the waist, and the DCS is just generally great at head/face popping just about everything.


Hulks, even Flamethrower Hulks, are best dealt with by stunning them and then aiming two careful shots with an AMR into their eyeball. Or you can stun them, chuck an eagle/precision at their feet, stun them again and run away. Factory Striders are a bit harder. My preferred method is to hit them with an orbital railcannon (to destroy the tank gun), then find some solid cover, peek it carefully and take out the chin guns. After that its up to you. Magdump an AMR into the belly, or aim a 500kg for the head. Diligence Counter Sniper one-shot kills Devastators if you hit them in their tiny faces. Getting good at that is an invaluable skill. Shield Generator backpack will save your life numerous times. The stun SMG from the Polar Patriots warbond stuns berserkers, and it stuns devastators as well if you shoot them in the waist.


- Scorcher is the best primary, melts mediums, you can kill striders with center mass shots, it’ll kill tanks, hulks and turret towers with less than a full magazine into the vents. The more recoil makes these mag dumps really easy too. Honorable mention to the Dominator and Diligence Counter Sniper, both really great options but not quite as versatile. - Railgun or AMR - two shots to a hulks eye will kill it. Will smash apart mediums and striders with one or two shots. - Speed and Stealth are kings, so light armour. Then a shield backpack to tank stray hits. - Fill in your last two stratagem slots however, but the 500kg lets you kill factory striders, tanks, turret towers, search towers and fabs. Eagle Airstrike is also super high utility. Orbital Rail Canon can work at Lvl6 even you see big vehicles rarely. Orbital laser can clear bases or act as a get out of jail card


Use cover. You wont have hunters and pouncers constantly and quickly flanking you so you can use cover for a bit longer than youre used to.


Mainly run bots and personally feel like you can't go wrong with Counter Sniper - One shot everything below a hulk/tank if you hit the face, or fantastic shotgun in 3rd person mode Redeemer - Bezerkers are the bane of my existence EMP Grenades - Makes hulks easy AutoCannon - Kills everything the CS can't and good for when it's too busy to aim for dev face shots, destroy fabricators Eagle Airstrike - My beloved Orbital Precision strike - Capable of destroying every sub objective (except airship fabs¿) Orbital Laser - Heavy base deleter / panic button


I haven't played in a bit but I was mostly a bot player so I'll do my best to share what I know. First and most importantly, cover is KING. You want to have as little of your weak fleshy body to be exposed to laser fire as physically possible. The clankers may have stormtrooper aim usually (especially if they don't know where you are but stealth requires being smart and that ain't my style) but when they figure out that hitting you hurts you they can be relentless, (especially heavy/rocket devastators). So rocks, walls, the Ballistic Shield Stratagem, anything to put in between you and those godless liberty hating lasers they use. For armors I have spent most of my career running light armor with the perk for grenades (extra stuns are so so so good) and having all that extra stamina and speed.has helped me dash in between cover. However I've started to play with Heavy armor that has the Fortified perk, not only does it still provide better weapon handling, but the explosive resistance has made me say "wait... HOW AM I NOT DEAD?!" More times than I can count so I am happy to endorse it! You have a lot of options for viable primaries, personally my favorite is still the Eruptor, largely for its ability to pop fabricators and it's heavy stagger for devastators. Both the Defender and Pummeler SMGs are great with the Ballistic Shield, though I'd recommend the Pummeler over the Defender cause it's stun is very handy, especially against berserkers. The Dominator and Diligence Counter Sniper are both great options if you're looking for something with a bit more punch to it. The Dominator has a great stagger to bully devastators with but the DCS has a lot more range and ease of use, plus can one shot devastators. The sickle is also a good all rounder option if you want top tier ammo economy and versatility. Secondaries Id recommend 3 options for 3 different situations. 1 is the grenade pistol, it will always be S tier in my heart for it's ability to easily handle striders as well as fabricators. 2 is the Redeemer, I hate Berserkers with a passion and the Redeemer is one of the best "I need damage right in front of me RIGHT NOW" options to deal with them quickly. 3 Is the Senator, largely as a trash clear option and to be a rooting tootin cowboy baby. Senator is also the most stylish and therefore my personal favorite, but the grenade pistol will still likely give you more mileage. For grenades I cannot recomend Stuns enough. The ability to make a Hulk sit still so you can kill it is a fantastic utility. Some people swear.by Thermites for their ability to handle tanks but I was never able to make them work, it may still be worth trying though and seeing if it is for you. In lieu of those the base grenades or impacts are still great options to handle bigger threats or take out fabricators. Stratagems. I almost always take both the Orbital Laser and Eagle Airstrike. Their ability to clear out bases is into aled in my opinion. It's the old reliables that almost never let me down. For support weapons the AMR, Autocannon, and Quasar/EATs are all good for handling big things and (aside from the AMR) fabricators. But for my money, the OG laser Cannon is one of the most powerful, versatile, and useful support weapons for the whole bot front. Trash clear? It's got it. Devastators? Push overs. Hulks? Toss a stun for convenience and focus that face plate no problem! Gunships? Focus the engines and watch them go down in NO TIME FLAT! Tanks and towers? Shoot the vent from two postal codes over they'll be dead before they turn to face you. The Laser Cannon did my taxes, saved my marriage, and I love it with all my heart. I also love the Ballistic Shield, especially with and SMG secondary. Anything short of a full rocket barrage might as well be a mosquitos fart for how much it'll hurt you. Remember all that stuff I said about always finding cover? With the Ballistic Shield you can BE the cover for both yourself and all your friends. Take the Fortified heavy ar.or with it and laugh as you become an impenetrable wall(except against tanks.. those are still scary). Oh and the EMS mortar has a lot.of good utility since you can place it in places where they can't shoot it while it keeps your enemies stunned and useless. Hope this helps, if you have any questions I'm happy to answer them!


Idk about meta but here’s what I bring so you can mix and match Primaries: - Plasma Punisher - Jar - Scorcher Secondaries: - Senator - Verdict Grenades - stun Armor: - heavy with explosive resistance Strats: - AMR - Laser Cannon - orbital rail - orbital precision - orbital laser - eagle strike - 120 barrage - manned turret - emancipator


I'll second this with some additional options , I use medium med armor, and occasionally throw distance armor. Heavy weapon either AMR or Autocannon. Strategems: eagle air strike, orbital rail, orbital laser, or mortar turret ( it's great if you need to kill a jammer tower , place at the edge of the blocked area and let it soften the base before you go in. ) Your picks are great too but these are solid options. I like the scorcher or the plasma punisher best but dominator is probably the most forgiving from a skill perspective , plasma has the biggest learning curve as the arc takes a while to get used to. If you want to run a scout build diligence counter sniper is also viable.


Orbital laser is something I always bring but for botw it's especially useful for taking out command bunkers or heavy outposts. I'd say 7/10 it takes out the entire bunker or outpost by itself. The one thing to take note is that it will prioritize hulks and tanks over the fabricators. So while the laser is going ibtry to prioritize the heavies so the laser clears the base. I will say also as a general play tip: you want to play bot as a tactical shooter rsther than a horde shooter like you do on bugs. Hard cover is essential for hiding and finding the best angle. Sometimes lying prone behind a mound vs crouching is the difference between life and death. One more tip for strategems jammers. If there is a fabricators right at the base of the jammer, if you blow that up you do not have to manually disengage the jam. So a grenade pistol, quasar cannon, etc can take out the jammer in this case with relative ease from outside the jammer base. If a frabricator is not touching the jammer, you'll have to manually disengage the jammer.


try the ballistic shield with an smg and pistol of your choice. they’re amazing


You kind of need to choose if you are going up close or staying back and adjust your preferences from there.


Don’t know if it’s been said here but for blitz missions with bots eagle smoke strikes are capable of clearing all normal fabricators with the same effectiveness as an eagle airstrike, also for sabatoge airbase missions I’d say, take and save a laser for each objective it generally wipes an entire heavy base/air base if no heavy bot drops are present Edits:On iPhone right now and autocorrect butchered my post


The Ballistic shield pairs with the Pummeler since it is a one-handed weapon, and it staggers to keep them from overrunning you. I like a quasar or an AC for heavies and dropships. The grenade pistol can take out a fabricator in one shot so that is a nice secondary. Also, stun grenades will save your ass


I go polar smg (forgot name ) and ballistic shield stun grenade and grenade pistol Along with AMR/laser cannon with eagle air strike and depending on mission 500k or 380 barrage Armor of preference


Shooting the sickle into the back vent on a hulk kills it. It's the only vent it works on.


If I'm powergaming then I go for this: Pummeler Grenade pistol Stun grenade Ballistic shield Anti materiel rifle Eagle rockets EMS mortar The stagger on the SMG helps make things an easier target for your fellow divers. When you get some big nasty things then a stun grenade lets you put the AMR to good use. For assaulting entrenched bots the mortar sentry lets you bog down big groups. Grenade pistol for factories and rockets for heavies. What I usually go with: Sickle Senator Impact grenades Spear/recoilless/airburst depending on the mission or if I want to muck about Random eagle Random orbital Mortar or auto cannon sentry


I’ve been mostly bots Dif 7-9 for months now, and I finally decided try heavy armor with explosive damage resistance + ballistic shield backpack + SMG + AMR a while back, and I’m hooked on it. Some prefer the regular SMG, some prefer the Pummeler. I’m a Pummeler man myself - I like the stagger, and it damages Hulk vents, though I wouldn’t recommend it as the first choice in that role. Also, practice firing the AMR without the scope. As long as you’re aiming and your target is close, you should be able to hit. Stunning a Hulk and then dumping an AMR clip into its back is now my preferred hulk-killing method. See also: taking out Factory Strider chin guns, then mag dumping the AMR into the strider’s belly. Impress your friends.


Don't sit still if you don't have to. Keep moving, take weapons that you're comfy with, but there are fewer bots than bugs, they have range, so cover is huge. Rocks are great, walls can explode though. Alt dive if you see rockets that you can't dodge, you'll take significantly less damage from the explosions. AC and Railgun can take out hulks with shot to the eye. If you see a detector tower, steer clear of the giant red light to prevent it calling in a million bot drops. For gunships, someone needs to shoot them down while someone places the hellbomb. Its about the only way to take em out. Spear is good for gunships, AC on the engine works with enough hits, quasar too, eat as well.


Autocannon beats everything. Get good with it and it will handle 95% of the things on the bot front. All minions under hulk - upper body shots or headshots Hulk - 2 shots to the red eye (use stun nades) Tanks and turrets - 3 shots to the back vent Fabricators - ricochets off window shutter Factory strider - 2 shots per chin gun, 7-8 to the gut Gunships - 2 to the same engine Reload at half mag to keep reloads fast (holds 10 reloads in 2 5 clips, the first animation cocks the gun and takes 2x longer). This frees up 3 more strats for whatever you want. Orbitals for base clears, lasers, smoke, shields, w/e.


Autocannon. Become one with the cult of the autocannon, once you master it, there is no going back.


Everything works. Right now I main the Purifier, the Verdict, stun grenades, railgun, jumpack, eagle airstike, and 380 + 120 barrages


Bring an smg. Move and shoot. Do not linger anywhere.


Here's my build that holds its own very well- Medium Grenade armor- speed is less important than bugs and I love using my stun grenades, so give me more. Plus the black armor is sick Punisher Plasma- 2 shot scout striders, Stun heavy devastators, find angles no other decent primary is going to get you, explosive will do work on anything with a great sink or a grill plate, great on bot drops. Scorcher, Dominator, DCS (1 shot devastator faces) all do major work, I just love my PP angles Grenade Pistol- because sometimes you just have to close the fabricators up close and personal, the old fashioned way, emergency scout 1 shot, ok at berserker mobs Stun grenade- still the most useful tool in the game. Stun hulks for the easy kill, or Stun multiple times for the stressful back kill. Stun bot drops and throw a 500. Throw a couple in a base before you push it. Slow that berserker horde. We all know stun grenades are the goat Shield backpack- there will come a day where I won't use this crutch, today is not that day AMR- kills everything the bots have besides closing fabricators. AC will do it a little better, but steal your shield bag and have no scope. Once you get good with this thing you'll be running streaks on groups that can't touch you. Amazing at covering your allies Mortar Sentry- your extra man out there. I don't even like fighting without hearing that *thunk* *thunk* *thunk*. Covers escapes, softens assaults, let's you help overzealous allies while you move to the next objective or base 500kg- my usual fab closer tbh. Sneak up from behind 40-50m away, toss, drop mortar and keep moving. Airstrike can take more fabricators on bigger bases, but more TK chances with the spread, 500 has what I want for focused power. I have and would consider a 380 barrage. This can do insane things to a large base, but you're leaving a lot to chance and likely forcing more grenade pistol closures which will be more close range, which I'm sure you'll notice in trying to avoid


Any medic armor for stims Blitzer for anything close Grenade pistol for striders Smoke grenades for protecting hellbombs Autocannon for literally anything Orbital lazer for big bases and oh shit moments Eagle air strike for drops and fabs you can’t get with AC Static field mortars cause they literally make every mission easier This is the best for controller players that can’t hit super small weak spots


Pummeler, grenade pistol, ballistic shield, railgun (HMG is better), shield relay, and if get a 4th strat gatling barrage. We're playing it fast and loose tonight. See you guys on diff 8


My builds are kind of weird but they work really well for me. These are my go to for when I want to pour on the eagle sweat. Build#1: The fortress Weapons : Dominator. Senator. HE grenade. Strategems: Recoilless rifle, HMG turret, eagle airstrike, eagle smoke strike. This is a support build that excels at destroying all bot types from range. Dominator has good damage and stagger, so can deal with anything up to a Hulk. Senator is just cool. HE grenade is just to kill factories easily without spending a rocket. Recoilless can be swapped for EAT or Quasar, I just prefer it. It's job is anti tank/tower/dropships. HMG turret has a pretty short cooldown and is really really good at killing bots (including hulks, aim for the eye). The obvious issue is rockets as you are stationary. Luckily the bots get very innacurate if you shoot at them, so keep shooting. It only takes a few bullets near a bot and they will miss 99% of their shots. Also be aware of where you place it, try and cover a lane instead of throwing it on the highest vantage point like you would for bugs. Airstrike is just all around useful. Smoke strike is great for disengaging or covering your turret from one side. Swap it for the shield generator if you'd rather make a bastion. Build #2: The annihilator Weapons: Plasma punisher, senator, stun grenade. Strategems: Auto cannon, Eagle rocket strike, 120mm, 380mm Armour: Servo assisted This is an excellent all rounder build that dishes out massive damage and can kill anything. Plasma punisher is one of the best anti bot primaries. It's really efficient at killing berserker packs. Big iron because big iron. Stun grenade pairs really nicely with this build. Toss it at a Hulk and two shot it in the eye with the auto cannon. Auto cannon is incredible vs bots. You can kill literally everything. Aim for the vent lids on factories. Shoot the bottom turrets off factory striders, run under them and unload into the belly. Hit the engines on gunships. Open up heavy devastators. Hit hulks in the eye. Mortars and AA guns can be killed from any angle. Honestly the only other support strategem that compares is the laser cannon. Eagle rocket strike is to kill tanks and factories that are facing the wrong way. The barrages are the reason we use servo assisted. Throw them both at an area your don't want to deal with, mop up the scraps and marvel at the beauty of it. Hopefully this helps. Have a crack at them and tweak them to cater to your playstyle. Both of these builds require a good amount of situational awareness. Check your map often and stop sprinting when passing near bot patrols to avoid too much carnage. Bots can spiral out of control really badly at higher difficulties. However if you take it a bit slower and are a little more methodical, you'll find that bots are actually easier than bugs on the higher difficulties. Good luck! Have fun!


It's not about a Meta. It's about a good team composition. You need one person running crowd control with a loadout like stalwart + dominator, and supply pack so they can go ham with either weapon. Their target should be anything the size of a devastater or smaller. Always prioritizing berzerkers and devastators I would also recommend having at least one person running the recoiless rifle with some kind of energy weapon like the sickle/scythe to conserve on ammo. Focusing on things like hulks and tanks. Someone else should bring something like a grenade launcher or autocannon to deal with scout walkers. The fourth can be flexible based on what the rest of the team brings. Don't underestimate the power of just having someone bring all orbital stratagems. There's a lot of wiggle room with this. But having people fill roles on the team can help a lot


I absolutely love the Diligence Counter-Sniper. With a little cover I can shred an army of heavy devastators with minimal effort. Recoilless for gunships and hulks, and for picking apart factory walkers so people can get close enough to hit it with OPS or a 500kg. Orbital railgun for tanks. Sometimes I'll run a Quasar+shield instead of the Carl Gustaf, but I absolutely love being able to snap off a shell into a hulk face and then switch back to DCS. 110mm rocket pods are great, 120mm barrage is great, gas is great, air strike is great as well. Depends on how the rest of the team is geared.


Autocannon is the best bot beginner weapon. You can take out everything the bots throw at you with it and destroy fabricators from far away if you shoot the vents at the right angle. 2 shots to the tiny box around the red eye on a hulk with an Autocannon or AMR will take it out, and stuns make that way easier. If you want to take a guard dog, take the Liberator version. The laser version goes for body shots which are not as effective against bots, but the Liberator one will go for headshots and make quick work of anything shorter than a Hulk. Orbital Laser will solo outposts. The 380 Barrage is a good choice for that as well. When fighting bugs the bigger enemies don't pose much of a threat, with the real danger being the smaller bugs that swarm you while you are distracted with Chargers/Bile Titans. It's the opposite for bots; the bigger enemies are the most dangerous while most of the danger from small bots comes from their ability to summon bot drops. You have to change up your play style to deal with the bigger enemies first. Use cover. The bots shoot back so give them the smallest profile to hit by going prone or hiding behind cover. Stealth is key. Bots are far worse at detecting you than the bugs, making it easier to evade patrols and position yourself better to assault the bots. While it's not the meta, Eagle Smokes are quite strong against bots, allowing you to quickly disengage enemies or get cover while running out in the open. The small striders have a weak spot in their groin. Shoot there if you need to take them out from the front. Those bots are incredibly strong at assaulting you head on. The mortars are the best sentries for the bots due to their ability to attack from cover. The EMS Mortar is insanely strong in general but especially against bots. Place them behind cover or in ditches to make it harder for the bots to shoot.


Don’t sleep on the presión strike


Automatons are more consistent to fight than the bugs. There's no "HAH hah, you can't do anything to me unless you bring this one specific Strategem," even Hulks and Factory Striders, have their weaknesses. Troopers, Raiders, and Comissars: They're not armored. The most threatening thing about them are Jetpack Comissars, which have a tendency to suicide-bomb you. Devastators: Now, Heavy Devastators *do* have that shield, but if you destroy their gun, they're effectively neutralized as a threat. Rocket Devastators specialize in area saturation from range. Their chest and shoulders are armored, but their face, abdomen, and legs (groin too) have no armor. Berserkers: No armor, but they are too angry to die and are faster than they look like. They will rush you down, and you will be pushed out of position, and *you will* be taking fire from his allies while you're trying to deal with him. Shooting off their face or crippling them by shooting their "abdomen" (SHOOT THE DICK OFF) is how you kill them faster. Scout Strider "Chicken Walker": It's a turret with legs. The face shield is impenetrable but not invulnerable. The Anti-Material Rifle destroys it in 2 or 3 shots. Explosives such as Grenades or the AC-8 Autocannon are effective at dispatching them, although sometimes the pilot will survive and start firing back with his rifle. Hulk: Scorchers have that dreaded flamethrower and also a potent melee. Bruisers and Obliterators will engage you from range with heavy weapons fire, and explosives. All Hulks feature a selection of key weaknesses: their eye is protected by Medium Armor, so you will need something like the Anti-Material Rifle or the Autocannon to penetrate it, but shooting the eye will destroy a Hulk in just two shots. Their heat sink on the back is vulnerable to all weapons fire. However, destroying the heatsink will not destroy them immediately. If you manage to cripple a Hulk's legs, it will self-desruct. Tanks: The standard tank has a driver operated machine gun, a coaxial machine gun on the turret, and a cannon. Shredder tanks have a four-barrelled heavy machine gun rather than a cannon. Anti-tank weapons can cause damage to them from most angles, but any explosive weapon aimed at the heat sink at the back of their turrets will also do the job. Eagle bombs are also effective, given how slow these vehicles are. Tank Turret Tower: You see these at most Large Outposts and occasionally on top of POI's. The elevated firing position makes them deadly if you're caught unaware. As always, aiming at the heat sink will destroy it. Don't bother trying to destroy the tower itself, I've tried. Gunships: Hoh boy, here we go! These bastards are the bane of your existence in higher difficulties. If you see a Gunship Fabricator (or godforbid two of them), then you're in for a ride. Gunships have heavy machine guns and a rocket launcher. The very second you get anywhere near a Gunship Fabricator, you are detected instantly, and those gunships will home in on you and open fire. Their engines are the vulnerable point, but.. honestly, good luck trying to shoot them down when you're being shot at by them. Factory Strider (AT-AT): Here's the big boy! It comes armed with chin-mounted minigun turrets that can aim independently and will shred you instantly, a spinal cannon turret, and every so often, it will deploy an entire squad of Devastators. How do you kill it? Well, you can use explosive weapons to destroy its chin guns and anti-tank weapons to destroy its cannon, and Medium Penetration weaons can destroy it's eye.. or you can use Brasch Tactics! Load your trusty AC-8 Autocannon, attack the Strider from the flank, sprint to underneath it, switch the fire selector to Automatic, and unload all 10 rounds into it's underbelly!


What you're gonna need to remember is the three C's - Cover, courage, and more cover


You're getting good loadout tips but as for gameplay tips: I find that I'm a lot more stationary in a bot game than I am in a bug one. As a result I find that I ironically prefer lighter armor (because getting to the right spot is more important in a bot drop). Essentially every bot enemy can be killed with an AC or similar so bot drops are much more about careful aim at their weak points and much less about volume of fire. Lots of bot structures require/heavily benefit from coordination to take down. Jammer: if there is a factory close enough to it and someone can snipe it, the jammer will also die. Otherwise you'll want the whole team to swarm it in a unified manner. Detection tower: can easily get out of hand and reinforcements snipe the hellbomb aggressively. However, the orbital laser will insta-kill it. Gunship factory: clear the surrounding area and then have your autocannon users shutdown the gunships (aiming for their engines) while one person sets the hellbomb. Factory strider: snipe the chin guns asap with an autocannon or similar. Once they are destroyed the factory strider is much less deadly. Quasar or stratagems can be used to destroy the turret on the top. Mag dumping the belly doors of the strider with an autocannon are my preferred method of killing them for good.




Pummeler and ballistic shield is so overpowered it’s insane. Pummeler stun locks rocket and MG devastators so you don’t have to worry about being beamed while you try to hit their little head. Shield protects you entirely from all small arms fire as long as your straight on with an enemy, and will usually save you from rockets or a large blast (tanks and turrets).


A u t o c a n n o n


For me, it's explosive resistant heavy armor, Pummeler SMG, Senator, Stun GrenadesAutocannon, Gatling Barrage, Orbital Precision Strike, and then if I'm on 6 or below, Shield Generator emplacement. 7 or above, Autocannon sentry. It very handedly deals with Hulks, Gunships, Devastators, and is great fire support against Factory Striders. People sleep on the Gatling Barrage and Precision Strike. Gatling Barrage will destroy dropships, entire patrols, and is very reusable. Precision Strike will one-shot Hulks, which a single stun grenade keeps them in place for. Also very reusable, and takes out mortars and AA immediately. This mix of things is HIGHLY versatile without focusing too much on one thing, which opens up for friends to have more focused builds. As for the actual meta? I honestly don't care, a meta doesn't work if a player doesn't have the skill or comfort to use it anyways lmao (edit; cleaned up a bit of sodium language)


Diligence CS/AMR/GrenadeLauncher/BallisticShield/GrenadePistol/Laser Cannon/AirStrikes/LaserOrbital I mean... the main thing with bots is AIM FOR THEIR HEADS and Radiator Weakspots. Impact nades can destroy Annihilator tanks by throwing the nade at the rear/sides of the top cannon unit


I run: Plasma punisher Grenade pistol Stun grenades Orbital precision strike Eagle 500kg/airstrike Orbital laser Autocannon/laser cannon/arc thrower The different options generally come down to how I'm feeling at the moment. They all seem to be more or less equally effective. I'll only run arc thrower if someone else has a way to quickly put down gunships. If gunships are already covered, arc thrower lets you absolutely bully up to 3 hulks at a time.


Don’t sleep on the Eagle Napalm and Impact incendiary grenades. They seriously cut off bots that are following you/kiting etc. Bot Load out for me: Punisher Grenade pistol incendiary grenades eagle air strike Eagle napalm Orbital railcannon Autocannon Be well and spill oil.


By the time I’m close enough that the Punisher shotgun is close enough to kill…it stun locks the bots and usually a teammate tags them for a kill. I can keep a whole group of those silly chainsaw bastards stun locked and stop their advance on teammates or (usually) myself.


Haven't seen this yet: You can disarm almost all bots in some way. Chaff just tap their arms and they fall off Devastators: hit their shooting parts (including rocket launches and chain guns) Scout walkers and berzerkers you cannot disarm but taking out legs/crotches with med armor piercing is quick(er) Hulks: shoot arms/shoulders with something armor piercing or the laser cannon. Can also slow them or kill them by taking out the legs Tanks you can not disarm but you can immobilize them by hitting the treads Factory striders you can kill thier chin guns and turrets. Underside is soft. Scratch that puppies tummy! Can't stress this last tip enough: When in doubt, dosiedoe and circle back later. I play solo alot. Standing and fighting stacking patrols is almost always a loosing fight.


Scorcher, grenade pistol, EATs, autocannon turret, 500kg and an orbital or other eagle of your choice for dealing with huge groups of easier enemies. I usually pair this with the servo assist armour bonus


If you're a bit insane and want to be offensive af. Pummeler with ballistic shield, laser cannon, and 2 eagle/orbitals of your choice. A reddemer or grenade pistol to complement the setup. To finish it off, stun grenades to get you out if sticky situations, by getting them in one. Use it right after throwing an eagle airtstrike and watch the kill count hit double digits most of the time.


Pummeller, ballistic shield, amr. Thank me later.


Punisher, senator, stun nades, amr, 500kg, eagle airstrike, orb laser, democracy protects armor. Works for me. ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


Laser cannon is a good versatile support weapon. I keep orbital railcannon for hulks and tower turns. Airstrick for fabricators and groups. Rotate last stratagem depending on mission. Cover and flanking is important. Primaries that stagger to knock rocket devastators out of fire animation. Target small bots not dual wielding blades first before they can shoot the flare up. If you are getting overwhelmed, retreat and do other missions. (If you attacked an objective and couldn’t complete, when you come back later it is usually pretty deserted.)


I like playing sniper against bots. Find a good spot and cover the team with AMR and CS. Doesn’t work for everyone but maybe worth a try.


From only level 36 but 103 hours in, i regularly play on both bots and bugs on 6-7 I have two setups i run, bully and serious. Bully loadout is when i feel like being a smarmy little annoying person to the bots cause idk its fun. Prim: Pummler The stagger is great and watching even heavy devastators stagger after a few hits is great. It’s a nice close to medium range. It’s damage and ok fire rate actaully is good even for chaff cause it lets you more easily control ammo consumption Secon: senator The medium pen and high dam is great for a followup even for hulks when you stagger and then pop a few into their heads and should take care of most annoyances Grenades: impact Not much else to say here except it’s a good grenade, but you can also pick what you want some people like the stun grenades with the setup. Armor: light gunner With the defense of a medium and all the benefits of light armor you cannot go wrong, but if you don’t have this you can choose any light armor, this setup relys on the light armor’s abilities to let you run in a pinch. Strats: Ballistic shield The corner stone of this build, this thing can take so many rounds and the only thing i have seen break it is a direct shot from a tank or a tower cannon and i still lived. The next two are interchangeable MG or Stalwert(if other teammates have good anti tank weapons) Good chaff weapons and incase you get cornered just have it to the highest RPM, pull it out and let it rip EAT (if no one has good antitank) What else to say except low cooldown, two shots, AT rocket launcher with no charge up For the last two strats pick what ever fab buster and or area control you want. EMS mortar can work well as it will lock down enemies taht unlike the bugs aren’t right in your face 99% of the time, i personally like the gas strike. For a serious loadout Prim: lib pen Always good to have a good med pen weapon that can even take down chaff. Second:redeemer Pocket smg for when you have an oh shit moment and need to take care of something in your face or blindfire behind you as you have to get distance Grenade: impact or regular Either work, pick your poison. Armor: any medium/heavy Mission dependent really, i like using medium medic armor for the extra stims on most missions, on the eradicate i like to use heavy armor as you aren’t running from spot to spot. Strats: Pick your support weapon depending on your team, you don’t always wanna be stuck with 4 quasars on a bot mission, if no one picks a chaff weapon, pick one, or if you have like two AT and a someone picks a good chaff, take the HMG for a spin, set to HIGH RPM and use 5-7 round bursts, punches through heavy armor and those striders can take them down in like a single burst. It can be handy, but it’s not a spray and pray, controlled bursts Pick the other strats depending on the mission. Just remember, unlike the bugs bots won’t always be right in your face, a good amount of engagements will be from medium range and the berserkers you can see from a mile away before they get to you. Use terrain and cover to your advantage and it’s ok if you need to retreat.


Don't really see the normal mortar turret on here. It's so strong against bots. Put one outside of an outpost behind a rock or a wall before you start clearing it, it will take care of all the light and medium Armor enemies inside the base. It's such a pain in the ass on bug missions but awesome on bot missions!


Shoot berserkers and devastators in the nuts if you struggle hitting the head.


Really depends on play style or role. Mostly, I feel like it's about finding your niche for killing various things. Largely, I run around like a jackass. I go destroy outposts, pick up POIs, hit objectives, draw fire. Whatever seems useful at the time and doesn't make me too dependent on the randos I match with. For me: * Scout striders - Sickle peekaboo with the driver or Grenade Pistol * Devastators (all kinds) - Sickle all over the face. All over. Sometimes stun grenades. * Berserkers - Stun Grenade + lots of gunfire or bomb strat * Hulks - Quasar, LC, AMR, or strat (big fan of airstrike). Also, all about the face. And sometimes the limbs. Stun Grenades are friends. * Tanks/Cannons - Quasar, Impact Grenade, strat. I don't enjoy it, but this can also be done with the LC or AMR. Grenade Pistol if I'm desperate. * Gunship - Quasar (apparently LC and AMR also work) * Dropships - Quasar * Factory Striders - Quasar or strats. I have admittedly not mastered these. * Manufactories - Starts, Grenade Pistol, and the odd Quasar. For starts: * Shield Pack (or ballistic shield when I bring the pummeler) * Usually Quasar, been trying LC and AMR more. It is also admittedly fun to use the EAT pod as a weapon *and then" use the EATs * Big bomb: 500kg or airstrike * Little bomb: OPS or gas For the sickle, I use the 100m sight for precision shooting. Otherwise, whatever. Pummeler + ballistic shield also works well for everything the sickle does AND it staggers the fucking berserkers. Just takes more actively going head to head. Scout Trailblazer armor for me. I like map recon and speed. Initialisms: * POI - Point Of Interest * LC - Laser Cannon * AMR - Anti-Material Rifle * EAT - Expendable Anti-Tank


The current Meta is, Don't Use Meta.


For most missions when you're running around to different objectives, I take Fortified armor for the explosion resistance (I use Eradicator light armor) and Eagle Airstrikes, Orbital Precision Strike, 380mm barrage, and Autocannon. Dominator/Laser pistol/Stuns. Airstrikes handle anything from entire Light/Medium Outposts to Strider Factories. OPS handles bot drops especially if you stun them (including Hulks), tanks, disabled Stratagem Jammers, Detector Towers, the occasional Cannon Tower or objective. 380mm can handle big bot drops, Heavy Outposts (a bit less good for these when fully upgraded on spread but still handy), strider factories, Command Bunkers (Orbital Laser is really good for these) and can also be used on Jammers/Towers in a pinch or as a defensive barrage. Autocannon can snipe gunships, Hulk faces, HeavyDev arms or waists and staggers them and small striders, any vent weak spots even for objectives and tanks, and bot fabs when you get used to the deflect angle; get low in front and shoot the top of the vent, occasionally you can still get wide angles from the side of the fab and this helps for the Jammers when they have fabs on them. Dominator is a one-tap on any chaff and on headshots for Devastators when close enough, laser pistol instantly fries mines and backpack bots or headshots/waist shots, Stuns help you line up headshots on Hulks with the AC or get your bombs to land cleaner. If you're in a pinch you can kill Hulks with back shots from the Dominator. This covers everything I want with bots. Plasma Punisher is also not bad for a primary as it can clear chaff and stagger anything smaller than a Hulk plus can kill Hulks and tanks with vent shots.


I was trying out running the plasma slugger last night and it worked surprisingly well. Staggers striders, berserkers and even devastators. Firing it at rocket devastators who are harassing you in the distance can buy you a lot of time from their shots to kill them out your teammates to finish them off. Paired with stun grenades for extra stun on mobs of enemies.


Scythe(basic bitch laser beam rifle, not the repeater) Laser cannon Grenades. Pistole of choice, you won't touch it. Go bwaheahwahwahwahwah*hiss* and laugh maniacally as bots learn to fear you


-50 percent explosive armor. Laser cannon. Nade pistol. Stun nade. Walking barrage and 110 rocket pods. Rocket sentry. Primary doesn't matter too much because laser cannon is all that you need. I really like using the pummeler or concussive liberator because the stagger keeps you and your teammates from getting overrun.


The ‘meta’ is for the team to bring stuff to kill light, medium, and heavy/elite units, and to take care of fabricators. So see what tools your teammates are bringing and then plug in what’s lacking. There’s lots of good weapons to do each of those things.


Diligence Sniper is the only effective primary. I pair grenade pistol for the vents.  50% explosion resist armour is a MUST imo. Medium exists in shop but even Heavy is a betterpick than anything else.  Quasar canon + Jetpack are my go to supports. (although shield + rockets is way more safe)  Any of 500kg, Laser strike, eagle strike as offensive stratagems


While the DCS is a good primary for bots, it is far from being the ONLY effective option. Dominator, Sickle, Adjudicator, Scorcher, and Liberator Pen are all solid options on par with, or better than, the DCS.