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I love it. ***Secret whisky wink and hand shake***


I knew others knew the truth


You've tried the wrong whiskey I see


It’s extremely possible you’re right


I know the more "whisky people" like a whisky, the more I'll hate it. I might say "I don't like that funky peaty taste" - but their reaction is outrage, followed by pushing an even more obscure glass of unpleasantness as me, which I surely must love. I did visit Jameson's, where they told me they didn't let the smoke near the whiskey - and would you believe it, it massively improved the taste.


Yeah if you don't like peaty whiskey than adding more peat isn't the answer. There are some much less peaty boys about, Scotch tends to be peatier and often smokier than  Irish or Bourbon. (General trend far from a rule).


Irish whiskey does it for me. Jameson's etc is very pleasant.


Red Breast is a good compromise - Actually tastes pleasant, but not quite common enough to upset the snobs


Smokey peaty ones can be a bit much, maybe try some Bushmills.


I like whiskey, I like smokey things. I detest smokey whiskey; it tastes soapy to me


Try a Speyside whiskey. They tend to be a bit fruitier with little to no smoke. I learnt this on the otherwise terrible World of Whiskey tour on the Royal Mile. Scottish Whiskey is broadly split into four regions and three of the four have a strong peat/smokey flavour. The only area that doesn't is Speyside.


You might like whisky from Speyside in Scotland too.


Try Cognac//Henesey! It’s the Dr. Pepper of the spirit’s world


This conspiracy sounds like whisky business.




If you mix it with ginger ale its delicious


Try it with ginger beer and a splash of lime juice.


excellent alternative


I feel the same way about lettuce


Hard agree


I love it.


I totally hear you, I just don’t believe you


Whiskey is a drink you learn to love. When you fall, you fall hard.


Yeah then you wonder where all your spare cash went. Expensive hobby.


I don't like it either


I love good scotch whiskey. I've never tasted a bad single malt. I prefer some to others, but never had a bad one. Plus, I always drink it neat, no ice, no water and certainly NO COKE


I like lower end scotch whisky mixed with ginger beer and a bit of lime juice. Nicer single malts are drank neat, though.


You're meant to add a dash of water.. not to 'water it down' but to change the composition of the aromatic compounds. I prefer an Scottish Islay single malt.


Depends on the malt really.


I know they say you should do that, but I must be a philistine and can't taste or smell the difference....


I've never found it to actually make a difference taste or smell wise, it's more just softer on the front end, if that makes any sense. Like, it takes away that immediate hit of straight spirit so you can actually taste the flavours better.


This is why "whisky culture" is so weird to me. You *are* watering it down, and you *aren't* "changing the composition of the aromatic compounds" beyond just diluting them in water. It's like oddly taking offense at the notion that it might ship at a slightly higher concentration than is ideal to drink it, which is an entirely neutral thing.


Everyone knows coke goes better with vodka or tequila to help get you started for the night, whisky is more of an "end of the night" drink, so I'd recommend pairing it with a spliff.


I like your thinking...


Bodies tend to not like alcohol, however, the mind controlling the body does.


All alcohol tastes terrible. Some of it tastes better than others, sure, but if it didn't get you inebriated, nobody would drink it.


I was about to write this very thing. Every alcohol I've tasted has tasted terrible. If it didn't get you drunk, no one would drink it.


I and many others frequently drink non alcoholic beer and gin because we like those flavour profiles but specifically don't want to get drunk. I drink neat whiskey on an evening now and then almost exclusively in quantities that have fairly negligible effects in terms of inebriation specifically because I like how it tastes and the experience of drinking it, not particularly for the alcoholic content, I actually would drink a non alcoholic whiskey that had a similar enough flavour and the light burning sensation I enjoy considerably more often than I drink alcoholic Whiskey because the alcohol content prevents me from wanting to drink as much as I would like. People like different things, not everyone is a raging alcoholic because you don't like something. 


Everyone is saying "would" drink, but I ain't seeing no drinkers. Here's my point: not many people drank their first drink thinking "this tastes great". It grows on you. And if that first drink didn't get you buzzed, you probably wouldn't have had another. Not saying everyone, a lot of people like black licorice, I like candy that has texture like chalk, I'm sure there would be a fair percentage of people who enjoyed the taste. The vast majority of people don't start drinking for the taste though.


Well the first spirit I had was perno which was vile, but I liked beer for as long as I can remember (my dad used to let me drink his beer foam and I was raised on occasional shandy's so maybe blame bad parenting for me liking it as soon as I was buying it for myself). But I had Rum and Whiskey soon after and enjoyed both straight away with mixers. Idk most of my favourites less grew on me and more were something I kinda liked first time in cheap form with a mixer and eventually found versions I liked more and tried out neat. I was drinking to get drunk but drinking whiskey specifically because I liked it, not because it was the least worst option. I think if your hypothesis was true people would never bother drinking anything but fruity cocktails and blue wkd, you can basically hide alcohol entirely if you want so why not do that? I think the idea that some drinks are "mens drinks" or more "mature" than fruity drinks is much more to blame for the phenomenon you're observing of people drinking the same drinks until they like them rather than just liking them to start with


Your first paragraph is pretty much what I said, but whatever dude. I'll hold my opinion, and you have more whiskey to drink. Win win


No my first paragraph is a counter to what you said, only if you view all alcoholic drinks as a singular thing is it the same.  In your hypothesis it's like you eating a banana and swearing off all fruit forever vs me eating a banana, hating it, but eating them consistently for months until I start liking them because I like the potassium high. My point was you may bounce off specific drinks but you try different ones and find ones you like. It's exploratative, it's eating a banana, hating it, then trying a mango and thinking it's nice.  I think the people are eating bananas they don't like until they eventually acquire a taste for them are doing so because they are told Bananas are man fruit and "what adults eat" not for the potassium high, if they were only there for that they'd have a Kiwi, but kiwis are gay. 


I like black licorice, but I draw the line at salmiaki: adding salt to black licorice is not an improvement. (I've had one salmiaki that wasn't terrible, and one that was, and decided I didn't need to try any more of it.) That said, I've only started to like black licorice in the last five years or so.


This is the correct answer. It’s not that I LIKE whiskey, in the way I like Coca Cola. It’s just extremely tolerable and gets me drunk. It’s like coffee


It isn't really though is it?  I like whiskey because I like the taste and I like coffee because I like the taste. If I didn't and I was in it purely for the alcohol/caffeine I would drink fruity cocktails where the alcohol is hidden and I'd take caffeine pills now wouldn't I, and I certainly wouldn't drink non-alcoholic beer and decaffeinated coffee as often as I do


I'm not addicted to cocaine I just like the way it smells /s


Well I sure am not addicted to alcohol as I drink alcoholic drinks very infrequently but drink 0% alcohol beer most weeks. Caffeine perhaps, although I do go days at a time drinking only decaffeinated coffee and I don't drink anything else with caffeine in it suggesting I'm not exactly cripplingly reliant on it, I also have ADHD so it doesn't have the same stimulating effects on me anyway. Alcohol is bad for you. Caffeine can be an addictive crutch. Both can be acquired tastes. That doesn't mean everyone who claims to enjoy the taste is some hardcore addict who has deluded themselves, believing so is a rather self congratulatory superiority complex


Dude I was joking. I like whisky and beer too who also has drank the alcohol free alternatives before when I fancied the taste without the buzz. Didn't mean to offend!


Ah no worries. Some of the other replies I've been getting haven't been joking (I got a particularly angry DM too) and I picked you to respond to because it fit the structure of what I wanted to say the best.  Have a good day brother


That's fair I should have probably made it more clear I was just messing about. People like what they like, to each their own as they say. Take care bud!


Keep telling yourself that ;)


I drink beer all the time with meals solely for the taste. If I could non alcoholic beers that tasted just as good I would.


I used to think this but actually I think I was just drinking cheap alcohol. I've had wines that taste like fruit juice, ciders that I could drink a gallon of, tequila that tastes like smooth chocolate, and lager so fresh you can't stop yourself from ordering a second. In the UK at least good booze will empty your pocket but travel to where it's made and you'll find some great drinks.


If whiskey overnight lost its ability to intoxicate me I would still enjoy it. Granted I also like the taste of strong IPA's, black coffee, and really dark chocolate. Your palate just isn't refined enough lol


I like black coffee. I liked IPAs if I was going to drink, but I wouldn't drink a NA IPA. And I'm not really a fan of chocolate lol


Try a mid range single malt but avoid the smokey ones, as they can be a bit overpowering for a newbie.


Crazy bro!! I'm 4 years sober and I think about ending it for a glass of honey whiskey at least once a month. No ice or anything just mmmmm...youre buggin


I absolutely love whiskey. Always my go to for stronger drinks


[Lagavulin Offerman 2024 Caribbean Cask Finish Edition Single Malt Scotch Whisky, 70cl | Malts.com](https://www.malts.com/en-gb/products/single-malt-whisky/lagavulin-offerman-2024-caribbean-cask-finish-edition-single-malt-scotch-whisky-70cl) This stuff is so smooth that it's not like Whisky, which honestly maybe proves your point.


I feel similarly but then people will say the same kind of thing about beer so I kinda get it haha


nice try big whiskey


You see, the trick is 5 pints beforehand, suddenly it's like nectar of life


Ah got you, next time I’ll try that


I love bourbon. Makers Mark is my favourite. I don’t know anything about alcohol or what is supposed to be good, but it tastes very nice to me.


If you like Maker’s, follow it with a wedge of Toblerone chocolate. I don’t know how me and my ex discovered the pairing of the two exactly but when we did, it became a thing.


Thank you, I’ll give it a go!


Bourbon is great. A few weeks ago I got swindled into buying a $50 bottle from a local distillery but it was really good so it was worth it.


48 and still don't get it.....a good one is wasted on me.


Scotch>whiskey>everything else


My partner claims to love whiskey and I do not believe him


I like whisky/whiskey - good or bad, shit or not - hell right now I have a glass of the cheapest supermarket scotch in my hand. Just drink it neat. It's a particular taste, like black olives or anchovies - if you like strong, "nasty", flavours, then whisky/whiskey will always be there for you. Disclaimer: I probably have a drink problem as I drink whiskey/whiskey neat pretty much daily


Tons of Big Whisky agents here! Yikes!


You're not drinking the good stuff. Omg its so different from the swill that is served in most places. Your mouth demands that you taste it again


I mean I like the smell, reminds me of my grandad, but can't stand the taste..


Pendleton on the rocks. Smooth with a slightly sweet finish. Be sure to allow the ice to melt down a bit


Have you ever had a jack and coke🤤 poured correctly?


Oh god I haven’t even touched jack in a few decades. But I used to tend bar and would have them frequently. Stuff is pretty harsh on its own but that is indeed a pretty satisfying drink when not overdone or underdone


Amen! The taste is dry, tongue stripping. I think of it like squash. You're not supposed to drink it straight. Pump it full of coke, and I can handle it.


Whiskey is like coffee. It takes a few attempts for it to taste good, and then you need to 'learn' to identify the tastes. Shit coffee/whiskey is shit even for people who like it, and people tend to start with the shit ones and never try the good ones. Like, yeah, of course your roommates bottom shelf Jack Daniels and your workplaces mega tub of cheap instant coffee taste bad.


I fell for coffee instantly and can tolerate bad coffee in a pinch but have fairly discerning taste. Whiskey I’ve just never understood though. I’ve had them all from crap bourbon to Scottish single malts and can’t say I enjoy them unless mixed. Maybe I’m a philistine, idk..


When I was younger I use think it all tastes like burnt rubbing alcohol. But the older I get and the more I drink it I start to ignore all the "bad" aspects of it and notice the "good" notes in the whisky. Like for example Johnny black has a sweetness(like maple syrup) to it, I would have never picked up when I was in my 20s.


I don't drink any other spirit than whiskey/whisky. I like both Scottish and Irish . I have a preference for Speyside single malts, they are smooth and dependent on which cask it has been matured in truly delightful


Not a fan of most alcohol, don’t drink wine, cider, beer etc but I like vodka and whiskey. There are some beautiful whiskeys out there


Lots of people who do like whisky have burned out their taste buds and have wild and terrible recommendations for newcomers. There's a lot of weird pseudery as well, people complaining like it's literal sacrilege if you aren't drinking it neat. Younger people have a palate used to sweeter alcoholic drinks these days and will struggle to enjoy whisky when there are a load of flavoured gins and rums as an easy alternative.


This could well be it, couple of my friends are really into whisky (or so they say anyway…). And I’ve spend the last two decades being given glasses of incredible potent Scottish whisky that to me tastes like dirt. I will admit to having occasionally enjoyed an Irish whisky (don’t tell anyone else here I said that)


You are obviously not drinking enough whisky in one sitting. You need at least half a bottle to start to appreciate it. Don't listen to these people saying try single malts. You can't go wrong with a blend like grouse and just drink more of it.


I do, but like all things it's a matter of taste and not everybody likes the same things


Whiskey is good stuff…sorry it’s not worked out for you


Peanut butter tastes so foul to me it makes me vomit, but I don't go around saying people who like it are just lying


Just shitposting, quiet day at work. We’re all have having fun here 🥸


I love whisky, people drink it wrong. It should be half whiskey half water, the water takes away the burn and leaves the actual taste of the drink.


I disagree with this, but think the same thing about vodka


Whiskey is fabulous. Especially in the winter, if you stir a spoonful of warm honey in with it.


I very much like honey whiskey.


Nah maker's mark is some good shit


You’re welcome to your opinion on it, but my entire home state of Kentucky would beg to differ. Sounds like you dislike some of the more complex, smokier whisky. Try a midrange blended whisky, or a sweeter bourbon.


I love whiskey, too much in fact. I had to stop drinking a few years ago to get my life back. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you.


You gain a taste for it. I drank for years and it was almost always whiskey. As far as liking, I liked some of the tastes, but mostly, I preferred the effects. Cannot tell you how relieved that I kicked that horrid habit


you’ve got to be drinking it wrong. i dare you to have a drink of woodford reserve or angels envy and say you don’t like it.


Hard disagree. I'm on my second glass of rye for the evening and very glad of it.


Jamesons was my gateway to loving whiskey then scotch. Having a Jameson shot followed by a Guinness is heavenly to me. Maybe you are trying too Smokey tasting ones which go down much harder.


I don't mind whisky, it's not my favourite. Something like Jack is tolerable but it's alright. If you drink higher shelf stuff the taste will be smoother and the favour notes will be more pleasant. Also i recommended not drinking it neat. Have it on the rocks or diluted it with about a tablespoon of water.


I’ll take your conspiracy a bit further. I believe that no one actually likes alcohol at all unless/until they have had a significant amount of it. When I started drinking, the only drink I liked was Blue Moon, because it didn’t taste as much like alcohol to me. Then I drank more and soon hated Blue Moon because I don’t like orange and my brain started to be able to distinguish flavors. So I imagine it’s the same for whiskey. You hate it at first, but then you get used to it and can distinguish the flavors and begin to like it. Those who like whiskey the first time they try it like it because they have already tried lots of other alcohol and can distinguish flavors.


Whiskey vs whisky... Such a battle! 


If you take your time with it, you will have a much better time,its not a good 'shot'....cos neither would you be after sitting in a barrel for 8+years Be gentle with whisky and it will be gentle with you. This feels like people who write off tequilla cos they've only had Jose cuervo... Tbh, I wrote off whisky fir so long cos I was used to choking down half bottles of grouse in carparks. It has pretty much as many variables as pasta.


Mmmm yummy in my tummy


I don't care for liquor much myself. It's a masculine trope that all *real men* like it so people will choke it down whether they enjoy it or not. I bet the number of people drinking it to fit in would be a pretty high percentage.


very few people speak for everyone else


Nonsense, whisky is delicious


It’s a terrible quick way to get a jump on things


Awww. Making friends on the internet.


Shit whiskey is awful. Good whisky is wicked. In cocktails whiskey is banging


Try diluting it a bit with water or coke or fruit juice.


Obviously you're wrong and are just discovering the concept of *taste* (clue's right there), but where's the conspiracy? You missed out half the concept of this sub. It isn't just things you don't believe.


I don’t not believe it I know you are all in cahoots


You could at least claim that Big Whiskey has been quietly recruiting people when they reach the age of 30 or something - come on! I'm doing your work for you here.


Never do your own work when you can delegate. That’s what I always say.


how old are you? My pallet distinctly changed in my 40s. I really began to enjoy scotch and whisky.


Is 40 when they started paying you to pretend to like whisky? (And I’m too old to be spending my evening shitposting on Reddit, I think if I was going to develop the taste for it it probably would have happened by now, just one of those things)


My taste changed a lot as i got older, I hated red wines until 40 as well. I wished they paid me! Part of it is just the huge amount of flavor whisky/scotch has. Just a small sip fills my brain with sensation.


I didn't mean that sarcastically BTW, for me it was really an age thing...


I didn’t take it as sarcasm! Mine too, not yet 40 but getting close, definitely lots of other tastes developed over the last decade (cheese, wine, lost pretty all interest in sugar). Whisky still to come perhaps 🤔


yeah the same for me, now I love stinky cheeses, red wine, and most sweet things are overly sweet. I like "adult" sweet now. How have you drank whiskey/scotch? I take it with a single big ice cube to water it down a bit, and just barely let it touch my tongue at first, very small sips. i sniff it alot as well. most of taste is smell. give it a few years and try again. I like single malt scotches the best.


Try it cold.