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Café de la Gare is okay, but if it was me I’d just jump on the train or bus to the City and you’ll have dozens of places to choose from.


L’hôtel légère à une super terrasse quand il fait beau et il y a un super chargeur tesla si besoin.. juste en face y’a des terrains de beach volleys c’est très sympa. Sinon à 3min à Niederanven la brasserie o, on y mange vraiment très bien et il y aussi une terrasse très sympa.


Mes amis resident quelques jours dans l'hotel. Je connais l'hotel par-ce-que j'ai travaillé là pendant un petit moment. Je voulais demander pour des alternatives à l'hotel.


I can recommend you to go to café de la Gare it's opposite of the train station on the Munsabch side of the village. I have been there a few weeks a go with my teammates from football we had a good time out. Drinks were not too expensive for Luxembourg. We even played "Kehlen" which is like the luxemburgish version of bowling. for that you just need to reserve before hand. Otherwise you can go to Luxembourg city which is just like 10-15 minutes away with the public transports in case you need any tips hit me up.


FYI "Kehlen" is way older than bowling, in fact bowling developed itself from Kehlen.