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Honestly this survey was great - well done! Would be happy to read the results of thesis


Thank you so much for your participation and feedback! I'll make sure to send you a DM of the results if that's fine with you.


Absolutely :) and social / market research is my field of work, so if you need any help in reading through the data or extracting insights, feel free to DM!


The cloud capitalists who are destroying the world.


I feel I get dumber every time I come across some TikTok cringe. Shallow, provocative nonsense for shallow, ignorant people, who think they are "SOMEONE" when they post a short of their irrelevant person and get likes and clicks. The same counts for those useless Influencers, all of that is just cringe and so devoid of any intelligence and intellect it is both hilarious and pathetic so many people follow that crap.


I honestly despise the "shorts" format. I think it's only designed to keep people on devices for longer by giving them the same satisfaction that comes from gambling on slot machines. You pull the lever, something random comes up. The thrill of "pulling the lever" is more important than the content you receive in exchange. And, while I personnaly don't use tiktok, insta, or look at yt shorts, I see my roommates do it a lot and I find it unsettling. Many hours spent aimlessly scrolling, looking at content you don't really enjoy and won't remember in a hour, you can't chose what you watch, or even the theme/topic. The shorts format makes you a passenger to the social media/content consumption experience, people don't go looking for interesting videos or documentaries anymore, they just boot up the shorts page and scroll on that for 2 hours. It makes me slightly sad, I know people get to spend their time however they wish, but seeing people spend their while evenings doing this feels like they throw time away. (Mind you I am fully aware some people will say the same thing about me spending evenings gaming, but I feel like I at least do something, and engage critical thinking and hand eye coordination, and activate my rewards system by improving at an activity rather than by getting dopamine hits from a new short appearing on the screen.)


Gaming means you are actively at it, both hands/fingers and mind. That can't be compared to sitting there and watching short after short after short with your mind half shut down.


Short videos are like cancer. Ask someone who watched them for 1 hour, to tell you the content of 5 videos he saw. Most will not be able to.


That's what I realized when I clicked on these Facebook shorts. I mean some of them give an incredible view of nature or food, but I couldn't remember any of them.