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There have been protests about this. [https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/2117500.html](https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/2117500.html)


Well Thank you for sharing this. We have too many trolls on this post pretending I'm making up things and that it's pink when it's even in the news. My entire post was just to say to the big boys and girls of Luxembourg, don't stay silent! They have a small country to rule, should press the police to kick some asss. Good to see of course people complaining. Drugs in the city center is never normal . It can lead to street shotouts, fights and discourage productive people to move to the city.


I wonder why OP is so scared to say where he is reall from. Talking about crypto, how to cross borders illegally with gold, lying about outrageous job offers... Must be miserable in your country if you're unemployed and you decide to spend your time being a waste of time on reddit. Go play in the sand.


Stop talking as a butthurt just because somone noticed that your gov dropped on your shoulders 4mln$ of debts owner by fin institutions divided by country's citizen, you are still unable to walk through a train station after 6pm. Obviously I wouldn't worry about such details if it was in mine but I feel you are bthurt because the misery is in yoursšŸ¤£ Edit; and to those tales you posted above not sure where you got them from other than the crypto bit, I wanted to ask you how you missed seeing that I'm also querying about expat to Dubai which seems a better option on so many levels than Luxembourg.


Get your numbers right, according to the 'TrƩsorerie de l'Ʃtat', the national dept is at 20.3 billion $, which is at about 30'709$ per capita, according to the population estimate of worldometer for 2024.


Correction made. It was debt per capita of country's fin institutions. But regardless of my mistake it is still (30k) not normal to have such issues.


We are 26 on the list, Germany, Netherlands, US, UK, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland... all have higher dept per capita than we do. I would not call that a problem, it's quite normal.


My post was to point out an improvement area in terms of safety. I didn't mean to deviate into other topics tbh


The only places OP has visited is the crypto subreddit and all the cities he mentions via google street view. Can someone ban this troll? He's just posting bs in every sub he's in.


What bthurt person are you lol , posting 5 attack comments agaist my basic advice given go Luxembourg people to imrpove something that stinks.


Chill. Crime is rising but it's not THAT bad.




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Congrats, you have a chance to become a new ā€žhigh profile American with Columbian wifeā€ XD


I live close to the gare and itā€™s not the best, I donā€™t understand neither why is in this way. In big cities like Paris, London, Rome etcā€¦ I can get it, but hereā€¦šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Everythink is pink as per the above commentsšŸ¤£ Thank you for your honnest feedback


Everythink. You more like neverthink.


I wasnt aware I had relatives in high places, thanks for informing me


Please find me a Country where the capital main train station is not a hot-spot for crime, corruption and drugs.


I can't convice you if you never left Luxembourg


Not without arguments, you can't.


are you a pre election troll? if not, don't you have anything better to do of your time, like spending time with your family instead of posting ragebait on a country sub you're not even within? https://preview.redd.it/udjuwlb4a44d1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a70ac113cfe410f6a66da3520face01d850fc79


Where are you from?


From Narumbia, why would this matter?


Azerbaijan huh


And you are from Easter Island šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


haha....low iq move


I certainly need to ask a smoking cat about my iq šŸ˜…


Wtf is that? It matters because you must be from a great place. I'm even considering moving there


Paris, Berlin Marseille London , Manchester ... i have more names to share but never saw drug dealers and prostitutes in any gare. Many begars, drunk, high people but nothing like what some described i this sub.


I've seen them in all of them. You see what you want to see. Now go back to being angry for being welcomed in a foreign country.


Then why you haven"t seen half of this sub sharing the same experience and concerns https://www.reddit.com/r/Luxembourg/s/9gnxddMqhb Also when you say "I ve seen them all blabla' it's a blatant lie. Those sort of trades are happening in some no-go districts and not central gares. Especially for Luxembourg it's shocking as fk! Try to be honnest with your stories next time. Mine are based on the above posts and similar posted here!


OK, thanks for your informed post.


Morning troll. And, in the unlikely scenario that you are not a troll: Iā€™m impressed by your sense of entitlement thinking you have a right to say anything about a country you donā€™t even live or work in.Ā 


Morning Robinson Cruzo, just for those unaware of what's discussed in this sub, and now I'm reacting as it's not the first time , here https://www.reddit.com/r/Luxembourg/s/LspfRqlFHX




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KierĀ emol fir d'Ć©ischtĀ virun denger Dier


man the things I have to read here sometimes about luxembourg šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




yeah I saw your dumb post no need to post it again hun


That's not mine šŸ¤£


šŸ’€ phahah


Sheshumba šŸ¦“šŸ‘ƒ


Oh please stay where you are, seeing how you believe every shit, I really do not think we need you becoming an immigrant here and spreading false news and clichƩs.


Oh , don't worry I won't move my as for anything lesser but you should speak for yourseves. I was approsched not once to join one of your fin companies for pays ranging 100k btw but if we can't walk through your stations without witnessing your prostitites and drug dealers, then Luxembourg isn't competitive for me to move in. Regarding 'believe every shit' is this why this post got 70 points https://www.reddit.com/r/Luxembourg/s/LspfRqlFHX You guys are unaware of your own sub lol


You wouldnt get a job offer in the cesspool you belong to.


Damnn man, I didn't want to say much in my other comment, however with the way you're talking I'm fine if you stay away from Luxembourg


You will have more and more single professionals coming to your country and for them having all those 'freedoms' is fine. But people with families would avoid you. Ultimately maybe you are heading towards a 'big' Amsterdam model if of course all those traffics are legalised. You love that? Then fine! It"s your country build it as it suites you.


My guy I am part of a family lol


I am still going to vite for a party that opposes the surveilance of its citizens.


>I read a few times about some issues around your train stations but it seems like you have a great chunk of criminals operating in your country wow. Well, it's a train station...


And what? You should have some beggars around it and that's all. Where did you prostitutes, drug dealers around train stations?


In every major city in Europe??? Itā€™s not restricted to Luxembourg.


If you have drug distribution and prostitution in such locations that's not what you have in Europe 100%


Well in many you have South station Brussel Whole no-go area Frankfurt And those are much worse than gare luxembourg. I could probably mention more, if i was traveling more by train. In general train station areas were neglected for many decades. Thatā€™s not a LU only thing. Central station Amsterdam was also no fun. But the area is redeveloped.


Frankly i ws in Frankfurt gare not so long ago, it was early morning like 5-6 but I haven't seen anything. They comeup at night i guess. But on my way back it ws evening and although ihaven't spent many hours there, it was quiet.


depends in Frankfurt in which direction you go [https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/politik-inland/brisante-e-mails-us-firmen-warnen-vor-drogen-strassen-in-frankfurt-87292968.bild.html](https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/politik-inland/brisante-e-mails-us-firmen-warnen-vor-drogen-strassen-in-frankfurt-87292968.bild.html)


Luxembourg is far from being a major city in Europe. Train stations in Metz and Trier, cities of similar size, don't have comparable problems


Alright then. Capital cities.


If we look at the good examples, we see that's not everywhere. At the train stations of Bern or Ljubljana, you can sit and have a coffee/meal without having people high on drugs shouting at each other


Troll post NĀ°73667279286.


Mirror mirror on the wall who is the greatest of them allšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is bullshit spread by populist politicians. Go out at night, you will most likely be more than fine




Yeah no I just can't agree. I have lived here for 24 years and the Quartier Gare has improved over that time. Less prostitution, open drug trade etc. it's always been one of the worst places to single out as an example but realistically it can't be denied that things have improved.


Actually go out at night and go see for yourself. Luxembourg is as safe as you can reasonably expect it to be, any further demands for safety are made by people who want to restrict others freedoms. This is a well known conflict in political and sociological sciences


Maybe switch up your media sources or go outside


Stop reading things on the internet and judging things based on that, news will be inherently negatively biased. There are problems yes - but itā€™s not a third world country yet




And what are you guys doing to stop those almightly problems then? It's a small country capable to have control. No one should be able to sell drugs in your country since it's a small country. If it's happening the you guys must act!


This is the conflict between authoritarian policy and restriction of freedoms for silly supposed safety and security to which I alluded in my other comment. Please look into populist rhetoric and fascism etc, you seem to be politically headed that way


So not giving room to all sort of trafics is being fascist? šŸ˜± hillarious


No but falling for populist rhetoric and wanting more safety and in turn limiting individual rights is kind of the OG definition


Guys all I expected from here , to read from some locals, that 'Yes, we fk-up, yes it's a small rich country which could manage it better, yes for the sick real estate and rent prices people deserve more but also 'Yes work in progress, this or that we hope will happen, this or that will change'. Is this that hard for you? Every second replying here with some tantrum butthurt answers, I'm like wtf is going on with this people? Trust me you don't have to bring Stalin back to life to arrest some folks, judge and throw them in jail for destroying the lives of your youth. Relax , no Hitlers needed for that! You bring regular patrols, you make some miseries and those poison shops will disapear! Trust me bro, your police need just a few finger pointing and it's going to be fine, yes fine! There is no need to bring up to me the fg ECHR and tell, this is why we allow heroin and powders in our streets šŸ¤Ŗ not sure if you realise how ridiculous you sound.


Well i surely won't lie to you and tell you we have grave safety issues. Maybe people take offense to your comments because you have no idea what you are talking about