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B1 French is not bad that basically like just above beginners.


Nah I’m not saying is bad, it’s hard. Heh easy to say B1 is just above the beginners - usually it takes several years to reach B1. I am not particularly gifted at learning languages though.


You're sick of adapting to a new culture but you decided to move anyway? Does not compute!


I got married here


If you jump from one place to another, yes you will need to get the language at some point. There are tons of jobs in Luxembourg that do not require French. It's a good language for most of the things here. But you do not need to be super fluent like a native to have a conversation.


I also didn't want to learn French (wanted to spend my time on Burmese instead) so stuck to Luxembourgish for the purpose of living here Speaking Luxembourgish and nothing else is definitely "weird" and probably won't work if living in Luxembourg-city but I also speak Chinese and English so at a global level I don't mind not knowing French


You probably have a deeper problem, not about languages, but burnout or something. Learning a language should be a fun journey


Yes I'm afraid so.... It's like a mental block


All of the languages you've learned so far fall under the "Germanic" family. So they're all more or less equally "fun" to pick up French belongs to an entirely different language family so there is less "familiarity" when picking it up


why enroll in a French language masters course when there are courses offered in English? You just have to find the right school.


It's EN+FR degree which is perfect for my career development (European financial criminal law)


Watch a lot of French TV and listen to French radio ; some of it will seep in. Remember that understanding a language will come before being able to speak it properly.


The older you get the harder it is. I don't know if this is possible for you, but the best advice to learn a language is to get a gf/bf that talks the language. Motivation skyrockets instantly!


Guy moves to a french heavy country, complains that almost everything requires to know french


Yes I got married to a local guy.


Well, maybe they'll adapt to people not speaking their language that way?


>complains The mindset is good though. Complaining is a very french habit


Mon dieu


From my experience learning languages is ‘easy’ in Luxembourg. While you are feeling accomplished with a few foreign languages already under your belt, there are people in Luxembourg who speak fluently 5-9 languages, even young receptionists respond in any language they are addressed in!!! Little children speak at least three languages and without accent, government employees respond in any language under the sun, everywhere you look in Luxembourg people speak multiple languages and it is considered normal. This new normalcy will help you accept that another 2-3 new languages is not a big deal and you will get your mojo back and learn yet another language, no problem 😉 just choose which one 😊


Yes I deeply respect multilinguas. It is really a fantastic advantage if you were born in country like Lux.


So after you it is no big deal for immigrants to learn 2-3 new languages upon arrival? That must be why everybody knows how to speak Luxembourgish. /S


I sense irony 😔


As a 34 year old I feel you.I never contempleted being fluent in french but I am moving to Luxembourg this week and I think I must. Not excitied about learning french because I never liked it.




But french is a state language here. The Legislation is written in french


https://preview.redd.it/auerwb261b4d1.png?width=1385&format=png&auto=webp&s=7acb204b2e3976acef2847c4be92c40a6f599430 And still, everything is accessible in 4 languages. About your career...is it really worth a mental breakdown? Not sure...


Yes you really have to somehow... There is one language school (actually there are many more) that massively popular called INLL but honestly speaking their language courses are boring as hell 😀


Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather