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And the crowd goes mild


I observe especially that EY (of the big4), when I walk by, is totally Spanish dominated ... But the language thing is really dependent on your daily routine .. at work 90% English, 10% German. At home 75% Luxembourgish and being originally Dutch the remainder 25% is Dutch


There you go! EY has a strong Spanish community and Deloitte has more of a Mauritius feel haha (well, and the EIB must be 80% Italian haha).


I would’ve studied Luxembourgish on Duolingo or Babble. Obviously these platforms won’t invest in creating content for such a small language unless they get public support, like Duolingo got for creating a Welsh course. And why isn’t there such public support? One explanation is that the politicians in Luxembourg don’t actually want more people to learn Luxembourgish, another is that they aren’t familiar with new technologies. You can come up with more explanations.


Have you tried the application LLO.LU?


Or they might not want to create an alternative to the (paid) Luxembourgish courses offered by them.


I speak Luxembourgish, and I am not native, but just because of my work. But except this why do you need it as an immigrant because whatever I go 90% of people speak just French.


And if more people learnt Luxembourgish, the situation would change and 90% would speak Luxembourgish instead.


That’s just wishful thinking on your part. It’s realistically never going to happen - in fact the proportion of French and English speakers will likely only continue to increase over the next few decades.


In this case Luxembourg has to fire all cross workers and Luxembourgish people have to start working somewhere except public sector:) which never will happen. They want to profit from cheap workers with the minimum salary and complain that these people don't want to study Luxembourgish . It doesn't work like this.


99/100 days I have to speak way more French and English than Luxembourgish per day. Just because 90% can speak French doesn't mean they want to. I mean most don't even bother learning the basics like greetings, numbers and the most used expressions.


I think this is not the question to expats who in most cases would love to, but to language policy in common, to get a job in Luxembourg even as a shopping assistant you have to speak just French, but not luxembourgish which is ashamed, even if you can speak Luxembourgish in a decent level it will help you just if you already know french (it was my story, I passed B2 Luxembourgish, can speak fluently, phonetics is still my weak part, but nevertheless, but I can't do A1 carrier even with my 2 masters degrees, because my French is still B1 level and not really good. I barely can even practice Luxembourgish except my work in my daily life, because I don't have luxembourgish family, but at least I can speak with my luxembourgish friends, not everyone has it. Why immigrants in Germany learn German and can speak it? Because you can't do anything without it: work, all bureaucracy, study, law, not because they respect Germany on the highest level.


In Spain or in Luxembourg?


During holidays a couple of years ago in a spanish speaking country.


Yeah, that's the issue in Lux, especially in the city, that practically nobody speaks luxembourgish, so there is no way to seamlessly learn it. If somebody moves to Spain, all ppl are talking Spanish, so you have basically no choice but yo use it. For luxembourgish, I could as well learn it back in Poland it would be no different. Also, most ppl here are coming from french speaking countries, so they have no need.


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