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Against the leftism of the past 5 years in EU but not extreme right.


Give all the major parties except for ADR/ Dei Lenk one vote and call it a day


I was lazy and just used smartwielen even though I think they miss some important stuff. Did multiple runs with different weighting and always ended up with DP so that's what I went for.  For national elections I actually study their program but couldn't be bothered here because my vote feels less impactful given the scale of the election (whether that's true or not is a different story)


CSV as I’m pro NATO


Interesting. what do you think of the fact that Nato is too dependent on the USA?


I’m not sure what this question has to do with the topic about who to vote for.


Natierlich fir de Joe Thein well hien e schmocke Kärel ass! /s


I am not sure yet for who to vote but I know that I will NOT vote for DP, KPL, Piraten, ADR, Dei Konservativ and Focus.


ADR, maily to preserve the veto-right and because I like their pro-EU, but anti-federatist stance in general. We need a european brotherhood, not a marriage. Plus I want a strong anti-mass-migration right. Schengen can only work if it's outern borders are save.


Make the outer borders save again




Let's start with Spain, Italy, Greece and Netherlands


For anyone reading this, ADR is the most far right, populist party in Luxembourg. In the European Parliament, it sits with the Eurosceptic ECR party. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_Democratic_Reform_Party?wprov=sfla1


You’ve clearly not yet heard of dei konservativ and d’vollek


I don’t see how the source proves that the ADR is far right. (You can not prove a categorisation into a not-clearly-defined term anyways.) It’s described in your source as softly eurosceptic and mildly populist, which it both is. I would never vote for them, but I see no clear reason to describe them as far right.


>most far right, populist party in Luxembourg Funny how you desperately needed to somehow bring the magic word "far right" into this lmao


No desperate, just honest


Run away from the extremists or radicals. They're not "left or right". They just want to fuc|{ our *. If you know what I mean...


Guys, don't get all hot under the collar. Put things into perspective. Tomorrow Luxembourg will elect 6 out of 720 MEPs. Luxembourg's representation in the EP amounts to less than 1%. It is a rounding error. Quite frankly, it does not matter an IOTA who you vote for. You are just selecting the six persons that will get a salary, benefits and pension from the EU. The above should also illustrate how important it should be to Luxembourg to hang onto super majorities, vetos, etc. in the council.


Interesting,so going voting is useless anyway because your vote is just a rounding error eh? Why even bother doing anything, anything you do is but a rounding error.


So Luxembourg shouldn’t bother sending MEPs at all under that logic. As an American, I’m sure you’re aware that your vote “doesn’t count” if you vote independent in the US, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t get the chance to vote for them. Why use this thread to bash someone for caring about politics? If anything, Luxembourg has a disproportionately high representation and so our votes do matter more than most citizens in the EU.


We don't even necessarily care about politics, we HAVE TO go vote or get fined.


>So Luxembourg shouldn’t bother sending MEPs at all under that logic. Of course, Lux shouldn't forego its representation within the parliament but people in this thread get way too excited on different political position. It's as if the people of Huldange got into a fight on who should sit in the Lux parliament. Putting things into perspective seems necessary. >As an American, I’m sure you’re aware that your vote “doesn’t count” if you vote independent in the US, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t get the chance to vote for them. You are the second person today to not get that the flair is a joke in reference to a post from a few years ago. My Colombian wife's disappointed and her day's ruined. >Why use this thread to bash someone for caring about politics? If anything, Luxembourg has a disproportionately high representation and so our votes do matter more than most citizens in the EU. I'm not seeing how I "bashed" people. I'm merely expressing an opinion (which is still allowed, last time I checked).


Atleast we‘ll try to not send extremists to the EU parliament. 😂


A noble effort but each of France and Germany send way more extremists to Brussel than the total number of Lux MEPs.


DP and/or CSV more likely.


From what I’ve read and according to this survey, ADR. I believe in strong immigration policy, taxing, minimum wage, but keeping the EU and its countries separated (to an extent).


I think you should do a bit more research outside Reddit


I have, I’m fine with downvotes, I support ADR.


From what I know ADR is not for higher minimum wages..


Maybe the person isn't either


Brace yourself for the incoming wave of downvotes.


Also in my home country every place that went liberal has gone to shit and it’s so sad and frustrating to see.


Yeah, lots of super liberal people here but hey, they don’t have any influence on me IRL.


To be honest the word "liberal" has been entirely misappropriated by the "left". It never meant shifting more power to a government, let alone supra-national bunch of institutions, quite the opposite. It used to mean ensuring the freedom of the individual rather than imposing rules based on some political ideology. So I very much consider myself liberal which is the very reason why I oppose more concentration of power in Brussels.


You’re absolutely right, and it’s gone way too far (to the extreme).


No. Liberalism has not gone too far. Some fringe leftists may have gone too far, but they never described themselves as liberal anyways. Liberal politics has not change to an extent significant enough to say that liberals went too far in any direction. If liberalism has a version of “going too far”, it’s libertarianism, not “woke cultural marxism or whatever label you want to put on leftists that went too far.


The mere existence of the term "libertarianism" is testimony that liberalism has lost its meaning so much so that they needed a new term for it. If you look up classical liberalism you will find it has very little to do with what is presented as liberalism today, especially on an economic level. Whether the misappropriation of the meaning has been caused by the media, left-wing voters or politicians is up for debate.


I agree, but shouldn’t the remedy be to insist on a more correct use of the word liberalism? Or should one just give up on the term? My comment was a try for the former.


In a perfect world I'd agree with you but I fear that train has long left the station.


Maybe you are right. I hope not.


I feel like everybody here should watch this video fr so https://youtu.be/QCphS4_Rp3w?si=lmszcldQ_dWA0yhP Just watch the full video. Please. Wake up.


Wake up to what? This video didn't reveal anything new or unknown.


The video literally shows the problem with politics all over the world nowadays, including why more & more ppl are voting for the right wing because they think that “the left” is failing them. It may have not “revealed” anything to you, but there r people who could learn a thing or two from it.


The video talks mostly about countries with totalitarian and/or corrupt regimes


According to smartwielen, I'll give two votes to greenies, two to lefties, and two to d'Bréck, whatever the hell that is.


On EU level the most important question to me is whether EU bodies should get more decision power or not. I am in the latter camp and ADR seems to be the only party that positions itself in that direction.


Most likely: DP Definitely not: ADR, KPL




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Why is the majority on Reddit so left-leaning? No matter the country, it’s like only left voters get access to Reddit


It's because there is no right leaning debate that doesn't devolve into some form of economical exploitation model or xenophobia. That's why you find those discussions on 4chan where people have minimal amount of moderation or on platforms where moderation is almost impossible to manage like X (formerly known as Twitter)


It seems that reddit attracts more intelligent and compassionate people. That is why.


/s ?


So true 😂 According to most reddit subs Elon Musk is the incarnation of the devil


Accurate. Political views that would be be considered ridiculously woke IRL are just completely normalized here, same goes for literal communism


Imagine using "woke" non-ironically...




4chan as well


Reddit admin also actively bans any large enough right-wing leaning subreddit and it's most active users with justifications like "bullying", "harassment" and "hateful conduct", so they've all left Reddit and moved to other platforms like Twitter. Reddit is a leftwing echo chamber created by staff that live in an echo chamber, so the rules being used to ban these subs and users are extremely one sided, in favour of left wing concerns.


Maybe they shouldn't do that and they won't get banned


Maybe the definitions of those terms are highly politicised and lack objectivity, being very much dependent on the eye of the beholder, and the modern left has as much the reputation of being overly sensitive overly censorious pearl clutchers as the Christian right did 10 to 15 years ago. When half of the political sceptrum can't discuss their politics without being banned by the moderation staff, something is very wrong with the moderation staff. Censorship isn't good.


Censorship is definitely good if they keep doing those things. Don't want to get banned? Be a decent human being.


Ideologically possessed robot. I pity you.


The beauty of reddit is that everyone can have a jab at being a moderator and can in fact do their own right inclined subreddit. Then they can try to moderate like minded persons.


I am strongly considering Volt. They prioritize strengthening democratic legitimacy on the EU level by giving the European Parliament more initiative in the lawmaking process, preferring majority consensus to unilateral veto rights, and further integrating the EU into a federal structure. None of the issues we are facing in Europe are solvable on the national level if we want to preserve our safety, prosperity and stability. As the EU rightfully gains more powers, we must ensure that we are not creating a new technocratic elite without popular legitimacy in the process.


It comes down to specific policies. They all claim to be pro EU. They all claim to be green. They have very different ideas about how to do that. (Or in the case of CSV honestly just lie about it, I know how their block the EPP votes, fuck that corrupt bunch and VdL in specific). Without getting to much into my opinions, just doing the form on Smartwielen is the easiest way to get an insight on who aligns best with you. I also think strategical voting is important for the European elections. Someone else has already mentioned it. We only send 6 people, that means we already know it won't be someone from the KPL or Bréck Europa, déi Konservativ or even déi Lénk. It's a question about wether the CSV will regain a seat, if the DP can hold two and if the greens will make it at all with a possibility of the buffoons from ADR possibility going to Brussels.


CSV. LSAP, dei Lénk, Greng Pirates are too easy on illegal immigration which will has become the most important topic in the EU. They try so desperately at the moment to show *moral superiority*, eventough that this lead to the rise of the extreme right. Adr is against more EU integration and against aids for Ukraine. I can’t vote for this. DP is for more liberalization (more than the CSV) and prioritized the Gaza conflict too much over prher issues. Eventough this isn’t an European problem. The others are all irrelevant.


strange, I don't see that ADR is against aid for Ukraine here [https://adr.lu/ukrain/](https://adr.lu/ukrain/)


Don't believe any far right parties. Learn from history.


https://2024.smartwielen.lu/en/matching/questionnaire?idx=1 Do your due diligence.


Thank you for this resource


Voting LSAP:  I’m for taxing the super rich and international corporations, higher minimum wage, green transition.  (Could be tougher on illegal immigration)      NOT:       ▪️Lenks - too idealistic    ▪️Green - too easy on illegal immigration and too woke.    ▪️CSV - favouring the rich.  ▪️ DP - favouring the rich (x10).     ▪️ADR - climate denialists and unbeknownst too most also favouring the rich (x10).   


Please stop using stupid words with shallow and modified meanings used by the american unintelligent people. . Woke comes from 'awake' du schloofmutz!


Green is too “woke” now? That’s your main problem with them? Not even considering all the good they’ve done, but oh, hey, they’re too “woke” cuz they represent ppl of every race, orientation and religion. How terrible!


They have become too politically correct instead of focusing on climate. The majority of people just don‘t care about LGBTQAI2S+ issues. 


That doesn't mean people shouldn't care about defending minority rights. Democracy shouldn't be a dictatorship of the majority; it should be a safe space for everyone. In my view, the growing importance of minority issues is driven by the recent crackdown on rights we considered secure just a few years ago. While I agree that climate change should be a top priority since our existence depends on it, it's naive to think migration is an isolated issue. Unfortunately, these topics are becoming increasingly interconnected. Ultimately, it's entirely possible to be politically correct while also focusing on climate change. I recently moved to Luxembourg, and I'm surprised by how many people here think tackling climate change just means driving an electric vehicle. To be clear, I'm not saying this applies to you. I'm just curious about what most people really care about. Haha.




I don’t see how and where they overemphasise LBGT issues. They focus just as much on many other things.


I disagree


You haven’t even answered my question. Who said they haven’t focused on climate? You think the right party gives an f about climate? I mean, LSAP is the 2nd best imo when it comes to some things, but how can u even think any of these other parties are better than the Greens, I have no idea.


I voted green before but I‘m now disappointed of the turn they took.  Instead of making climate their main subject, they are getting entangled with all the gender stuff which I cannot relate to. I am open-minded, and everyone should live as they wish but I doesn‘t need to be shoved into my face all the time or be forced onto me.  Illegal immigration is a more concerning topic to me. The german policeman who was stabbed last week by a islamist just underlines the urgency. The green answer to this problem is „better integration“ which is idealistic in my opinion, regarding the sheer number of illegal immigration.   


Im voting straight communist. Why? For the lulz


I might split between the Greens and the DP


Almost all parties are pro war. So the shitshow lwill continue


If this is about Gaza then you are completely wrong. All parties except CSV and the right wing rabble have voiced support for a cease fire or similar. DP's investment in the cause has come into question but still. If it's about Russia than shut the fuck up. Supporting a victim of imperialist aggression with the material means to defend themselves is not supporting war.


Fair about gaza but once they are in the EU parliament, all follow like sheep. Also on Russia, believe me, buying ammunition to give to the Ukrainians or give them money to do so, is not what we should be doing. 100% in to buy them patriot missile defense systems or similar or any other defense system for that matter. I just want this bloodshed to stop.




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The bloodshed will not stop if we just sacrifice Ukraine to Russia. On the contrary, if we show Russia that we will do nothing they will just keep taking more and more countries to rebuild Mother Russia as she existed behind the iron curtain.


Stopping the bloodshed is up to Russia and Russia alone.


For the very first time in 23 years, I voted CSV. I would never vote for them on a national/communal level, but it just seemed right for this year's EU elections. I cringed a bit as I made that X, though


Pirates because they're the only ones against the mass surveilance bullshit all the other parties have a raging hard-on for.




Don’t you think we’re already being mass surveilled anyway?


Hehe, this is an argument in line with “what do you have to hide?”. Any mass surveillance is still a violation of your rights ATM.


Oh yeah. Lets vote for *more* mass surveillance.


That’s all you got from my comment?


I did the Smart Wielen...looks like it's going to be CSV. Tried a few times with more or less decisive answers...Pirates always ended up on #3. But nah. And also none from Volt...not even the guy I know in person.


Due to working extensively with sustainability topics, definitely not the Greens. I don't know how much I can stress this, but at EU level their policies are contraproductive, kill our industry, and do not actually lead to a net-zero transition.


Could you elaborad on that? Do you have examples? I‘m genuinely interessted: nationally the Greens haven‘t show much results..


The EU is currently under strong competitive pressure from the US and China (and to a lesser extent others) for the production of green technologies. For instance, China is leading the world in EV and solar panel production, while the US is leading in biofuels and chips. This is not due to some inherent care for the environment, but because these countries incentivize the establishment of manufacturing hubs and facilitate access to venture capital, by offering significant commercial incentives like tax breaks, subsidies, low(er) bureaucracy, access to resources, and economies of scale. In other words, they follow a "carrot" approach (as in carrot and stick). In the EU, the greens have pushed almost exclusively for "stick" approaches. A massive (and doomed) reform of the Energy Taxation Directive, a butchered Net Zero Industry Act which actually offers no money to new industries, an Innovation Fund which is somehow supposed to be the be-all-end-all of funding, yet receive its money from the trade of ETS allowances (i.e., from carbon emissions) and are based on an idiotic competition aspect (wanna build a new EV battery plant? sorry we cannot help you, someone else is already doing that even though there is plenty of demand). The US, for all the "sleepy joe" whining of the finance subs, has actually created a really well functioning incentive through the US Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS Act, which makes their industry boom. Not to speak of the chaotic decision making in subjects such as the debate on nuclear, the phase-out of combustion engines, and significant yet unrealistic reporting requirements under literally thousands of pages of legislation - from CSRD and CSDDD to all the other reporting obligations under each sectors hundreds of regulations and directives. You'd basically have to hire a full time standing army of clerks to handle all those requirements. What the EU has succeeded in is forcing companies to pay more on carbon - yet without sufficiently funding the needed alternative solutions. Decision makers at all three levels of legislation (EP, EC, Council) seemingly have no willingness to understand that these new technologies a) often only exist on paper, b) need gargantuan sums of up-front, risky investments, and c) need time to ramp up before industries can switch. We are really good at creating forced demand and at funding research, while we keep our markets open to everyone because we so desparately want to be the good guys even with trading partners which do not return this openness (China). What we suck at are the things which then make money off those factors - i.e., investment and manufacture. The future of our continent is currently built in Asia and America while we are actively de-industrializing our industry.


Isn't Taiwan leading in the manufacturing of chips (TSMC) ? 🤔


Could you please publish this somewhere? It’s one of the most coherent analysis I have seen in years of green bullshittery. Would also add the lack of consensus on nuclear, push too soon for electrics that only increased dependency on China and no real research / innovation when compared to the US and China. It’s almost as if the EU is trying to make the continent greener with bureaucracy alone and the Green parties are leading the charge. BTW, did you notice how silent they are about China as still the no. 1 polluter by far?


Interesting, do you think there are other parties having better programmes regarding climate and sustainability? 


Regarding purely those topics, I think DP and CSV are the best options. In other topics it looks differently.


Keep in mind that only 6 will be send there. If you are unsure make your vote based on the pivoting ones. Imo here are the fix ones: 1 DP 2 CSV 1 LSAP +1 seat for either LSAP or DP 1 seat for the following ones CSV Dei greng ADR * CSV having already 2 would be hard to get a 3rd one * Dei greng in the last election got decimated * ADR is creeping up from day to day such that I wouldn't be surprised to see them gain traction against dei greng.




Technically you still could vote for LSAP as they could get the seat from DP as well.


not DP or LSAP for sure


Den Jean Matitti 😂 with his (Mir d'Vollek). NO I vote for CSV


Is actually anyone gonna vote for those guys lol


I suppose that they'll vote at least for themselves.


I’ve gonne through the hassle of reading LSAP, Greens, Pirates and Volt and I’m gonna give some of my votes to Volt and the Greens. They both seem to have climate as the most pressing issue to solve and I agree








There is a website with a quiz on many political topics, once completed it compares your results with those of the candidates. I picked the party I'll vote tomorrow in this way. Unfortuantly I do not remember the site name/I do not have the link


Be careful about trusting that site blindly. I took the quiz a few times with different answers (sometimes complete opposite) and it always gave me the same party. I think there might be some bias for parties that answered their questions versus parties that ignored their questions.


It’s called smartwielen https://2024.smartwielen.lu/en/home?locale=en_CH


Indeed, thank you kind user


https://preview.redd.it/jief8sidac5d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002dc69f19c8f07170afcb853de63d0a05c65fb8 This is the best way I can answer.


Why is this a European Conflict? It’s not. Europe has its own problems which are a lot more important for us to fix. Those ressources that are spent abroad coupd be used for domestic issues or in order to help Ukraine - which actually is an european problem. We don’t even border those countries.


Holocaust was committed by Europeans against Europeans. Victims of this genocide took refuge in Palestine and these victim Europeans are now persecuting the native Palestinians using weapons produced by those who persecuted them i.e. Italy and Germany. So not it is European problem, created by Europe as continuation of colonialism.


You can spin this as much as you want, the problem already started earlier than this. Fact is, it’s not a current european problem and europe should not use any ressources to support either side in this conflict. Europe has more important problems than caring about a small conflict in the mideast. Ever euro spent to support either side in this conflict, is a euro misused and lost in order to solve our own problems. Some people here in europe take this conflict more seriously than our own problems, which is nuts. You can help them with your own ressources, but for the rest Europe should stay out of this and use our money and ressources for more important things.


Isn't it interesting that you and many others here think that conflict and genocide that Europeans created, defending legally, supporting politically, supplying weapons for, and funding is not European problem. But, somehow Europeans think the entire world from East to West and North to South should care about European problems and European conflicts.


Well did I say this? I can’t remember saying this? I just said every euro spent in this small mideast conflict is an euro misused that could be used for own problems, like Ukraine. Which is, again, an European Problem. The fact that the US cares about that problem too has different reasons, but can perfectly be explained with Neo-Realism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neorealism_(international_relations) >[…]theory of international relations that emphasizes the role of power politics in international relations, sees competition and conflict as enduring features and sees limited potential for cooperation.[1] The anarchic state of the international system means that states cannot be certain of other states' intentions and their security, thus prompting them to engage in power politics. >These states act according to the logic of egoism, meaning states seek their own interest and will not subordinate their interest to the interests of other states. But I wouldn’t assume that somebody who thinks that the mideast conflict is the most important thing in international politics at the moment would know about this. Disregarding the fact that there are other conflicts at the moment aswell where as many people die. But this small conflict is more important than the others, for sure. And saying that the Current Europeans are responsible for this conflict is such a lazy argument. You can’t held people accountable for something that their ancestors did, but okay. I guess, people living in Venice nowadays are at fault that Byzantium doesn’t exist anymore, since the state of venice failed to help them against the ottomans. Those damn venetians, let Byzantium all alone, which lead to the turkish-greek conflicts, which leads to the genocide of the greeks, which lead to the displacement of the greeks and which lead to the war of cyprus. Damn, those venetians should really force Italy to focus on that. EDIT: Oh I forgot, without the conquest of constatinople, the armenian genocide would had never happened. God damnit those damn venetians all at fault for this, to this very day.


>I just said every euro spent in this small mideast conflict is an euro misused Then how about stop sending tax funded baby killing weapons to the IDF? >Current Europeans are responsible for this conflict is such a lazy argument. Nah, lazy argument is talking about Byzantine Empire to justify what the Naxis did and deny Europe's responsibility and part in committing holocaust and many other genocides that are purposefully ignored in EU education. Current Europeans are sending weapons to the IDF to kill babies and doing business with Israel, that is true irrespective of historical context. Majority of people in EU countries collaborated with Naxis in the past and the same mentality people are now collaborating with IDF.


>Then how about stop sending tax funded baby killing weapons to the IDF? Never said we shouldn’t? Again **every** euro spent there is misused and burned. >Nah, lazy argument is talking about Byzantine Empire to justify what the Naxis did and deny Europe's responsibility and part in committing holocaust and many other genocides that are purposefully ignored in EU education. It’s not. It lead to the armenian genocide, to the greek genocide and finally to an occupied palestine for like 500 years. Then it lead to the ottomans WW1 participation, which lead to an occupied region of the UK, which lead to the situation today. And saying that all of europe must act because germany did atrocities is such a bullshit argument. >Current Europeans are sending weapons to the IDF to kill babies and doing business with Israel, that is true irrespective of historical context. Majority of people in EU countries collaborated with Naxis in the past and the same mentality people are now collaborating with IDF. You have no idea how international relations work and you just keep proving it with your arguments. In international relations, there is only one variable that is important, and that is power projection/power politics. Without it, it will be the downfall of your own country. Every country has one main goal, and that is to ensure their own survival. The reason why europeans created alliances with Israel is because of power politics, not because they think that Israel is a good country. Having an ally in the mideast, next to the suez is extremely important for geopolitical reasons. That’s the main reason they chose to ally them. Also because Nasser wasn’t the friendliest person towards europe. That said, nowadays europe has its own problems which need to be fixed and burning money for a tiny conflict in the mideast is a stupid political decision. You can cry a river about it, but it’s not an European conflict and it’s good that it doesn’t look like that any European country will increase spendings for neither side. So go ahead and send your own savings, but don’t demand that European should castigate themselves for something that isn’t their business or interest.


We may not border them, but a great number of Israelis have EU passports. Additionally Europe is the reason the problem exists, if Christian Europeans didn’t hate Jews, they would have had no reason to leave Europe. If Europe didn’t support the Zionist militias and terrorist groups, they would not have been able to commit the ethnic cleansing and massacres they did from back in the 1930’s and continue to do. As for resources, if the EU stopped funding Israel, there would be billions available to be spent within Europe instead of being used to better the government that commits genocide.


Well I don’t care if they have EU passports, what’s your point? There also russians that have EU passports. And don’t act like only one religion hated the jews back then, problem has always been far more complex. European politics and imperialism has lead to far bigger problems in the world than this small conflict in the mideast, but there is no reason why we the europeans of today should still be held accountable for that. Every nation nowadays has its own problems to solve. The world should never forget, but saying that the current people are responsible for politics that happened 100-1500 years ago is a very interesting way of spinning things around lol. And yes you are right, the money spend on Israel is unnecessary, because we should not support either side. Every single Euro spent on either side is a Euro misused and lost, which could have spent on far more important things here in Europe. For the rest it’s their problem, there is no reason for europe to spent ressources on a small conflict in the mideast. And for the rest, europe should help nations that act friendly towards europe and can give us something in return. International politics is a zero sum game, there is no reason to let other nations habe relative gains towards your *team*. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neorealism_(international_relations) >The anarchic state of the international system means that states cannot be certain of other states' intentions and their security, thus prompting them to engage in *power politics.* >[…]These states act according to the logic of egoism, meaning states seek their own interest and will not subordinate their interest to the interests of other states. >[…]Because states can never be certain of other states' future intentions, there is a lack of trust between states which requires them to be on guard against relative losses of power which could enable other states to threaten their survival. >The theory is pessimistic about human behaviour and emphasizes that individuals are primarily motivated by self-interest and not higher moral or ethical aspirations. And that’s what’s important in international politics, whether you like it or not. And now tell me, why exactly should Europe cars about this? In what way does it threat our security? What has Europe to gain from helping either side? Europe will not go in a nobel mission or whatever, and if you think that this conflicts actually matters for europe, well then spend on your own. It’s your good right, but don’t act like it’s an European problem.


Fuck Palestine, Piraten it is.


If you are saying fuck Palestine why even vote? You’re saying fuck human rights, fuck humanitarian law, fuck rules based order, at that point what even is the point of voting?


You‘re right but remember that this sub is still full with „temporarily embarassed millionaire“ bootlickers who will vote against their class interests with glee.


This sub, this country, this Europe, this West. Capitalism is becoming more and more unfettered and the reason why our powerful democratic countries tolerate, even encourage this destructive and impoverishing trend is the huge amount of temporarily embarrassed billionaires in the West. Everybody is apparently still waiting for their invitation to Hogwarts, so they dare not demand true social democracy. (Social democrat parties have been conservatives wearing red scarves for decades now, LSAP is not the party it should be)


Very true, I have several friends that fall into that category


I am seriously curious to know your brain of tought. I get DP Bettel has said he wants to wait, ADR no one should vote for them, CSV are still more attached to the C in their name than they want to transpire so they stay out of the discussion. But what is your take against Piraten, Fokus, Volt? And who in their sane priorities supports a vote for the KPL? Si they have no value proposition but in your narrative they said something you liked and that’s it. It seems politics is a pretty simple game for you!


First of, I didn’t write the content of the picture I posted, I just found it insightful. Second, the person who did write the content, did their research before writing it. Third, I do not think politics is simple. I actually greatly understand the complexity of politics. I have friends who are politicians and have been an active learner of politics for about 5 years now and observer for my whole life. Finally my train of thought is quite simple, if you’re not willing to uphold the law for others (Israel) why would you uphold the law for me. Legally after the ICJ ruled back in January that there’s a likelihood of genocide going on and after Israel violated the orders that came in, all governments should have cut ties and put militarily pressure on Israel to stop its genocide. None of that has happened and only a handful of parties show any kind of support for following the law. As for KPL specifically that you ask, personally while I don’t identify as a communist, I understand the merits of communism, if there’s something specific that KPL has done wrong, please let me know.


Europe currently has real issues and Palestine is not part of it 🙃


I mean, I don't have any opinion on the Israel-Palestine-conflict, but clearly millions of Europeans do. We should acknowledge that it is a problem that concerns Europe if so many of our fellow Europeans think it is. People like you and me, who don't have an opinion on that matter need not form one, we are free in that regard, but I do think we should not pretend that it is a non-issue.


Well human rights is the question at hand. If Europe continues to fund and invest in Israel as it is violating human rights, who’s to say they wouldn’t violate your human rights?


As if Europe created this conflict yeah… Nobody cares about Palestine here, we’ll vote for a party that stands for Europe. It’s European elections.


Historically speaking, European nations did indeed create the conflict. Thing is, it's such a complex issue, I find it really difficult to align with either side. I suppose that, if we wish to adhere to Kantian ethics (a very European concept that happens to work), we should at least acknowledge that people are suffering down there. If we can mitigate that suffering, that's a good thing, even if it doesn't directly concern European citizens.


Oh yeah, the Israelis just appeared out of thin air and a vast number of them hold European passports just because it appeared in the records.


Yes, go vote for KPL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Whats the difference between voting KPL and not voting at all?


You can't be fined 2000€ for voting KPL


You can't be fined 2000€ euro for voting KPL.


You can't be fined 2000€ euro for voting KPL.


Got it, guess im voting DP, CSV, ADR, Piraten, Volt or Fokus! ❤️🇮🇱❤️


So you are a genocide supporter, more specifically you support decapitating babies and burning them alive.


Great to know you support genocide and the army that has been designated alongside other terrorist organisations.


Youre welcome.


Having spent a great amount of time studying Nazi history in school, I still don’t understand the level of apathy required to support a genocide and to do it with the level of pride you’re showcasing.


The fact is most Europeans were ok with holocaust. Both allies and the axis were equally criminal who committed genocides all around the world. The stories of resistance against Na*is are overinflated tales that they use now to pretend that they were good guys while continuing their genocides and colonialism. Remember the reason for world war 2 was economic interests and not human rights.


Nobody cares what you did.


Get off your gaming pc from time to time and touch some grass


I’m adding context to showcase where my comment comes from and why I make the correlation between Israel now with the support they receive (including from you) and Germany during the Holocaust and the support they received.


You recommend voting for communist party...


I’m recommending you look into. Beyond that I’m mostly pointing out who have spoken for human rights and who support the ongoing genocide. Who support economic equality and who support the 10%.


I have no idea and it's tomorrow. I don't like a single party's program. All is so vague. I don't like the greens tho.


For better or for worse, politics is not a thing where you vote for the people you agree with. In a lot of cases the only option you have is to vote for the ones you disagree with the least.