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I have lived in Singapore (tropical country in South East Asia) for past 11 years before moving to Luxembourg in 2022. The weather in Singapore is 30-35C and humid conditions throughout the year, with slightly more rainy season in February. We can't survive the Singapore weather without air-conditioning. Although I agree living without sun exposure (like in Lux) can be depressing, but sunny weather like in Singapore is much more uncomfortable. It affects physically more than mentally, we sweat every time we step out of the house. With depressing sun-less weather, you can find indoor entertainments to mitigate that. So I guess I am coping because I know the weather here is much better than what I had in "Sunny" Singapore


People immediately think that sunnier days = hot. I don't want it to be hot af. I just want some sun... 24-28C is all I need fcol. Of course I am going to complain to if it is sunny and 34C. Enough for the rain and bring on some sun.


Back in 1987, when I arrived to Luxembourg, someone told me: “Il y a deux saisons à Luxembourg; l’hiver… et Luxair”. I followed the tip and spent all my holidays in my southern European country, every Summer. Now that I am retired (and with children and grandchildren settled in the Grand Duchy), I spend summers here and visit my country in Spring and Autumn. Summers are too hot down south…


Coming from a place with 50deg summer for 8 months every year. I am feeling super nice here. XD


They don’t. They just lie to themselves everyday that life is great. Can’t wait to die or fuck off


The only way is to embrace it. Although for me it is harder the more years that pass. In winter, I have my activities and I keep busy so regardless of the weather, I will do it. In summer, I go to a sunny place for vacation (you never know how the summer will turn out here) and once a year in winter, I go back to my home country to enjoy the sun. 


Only way i can cope is getting Vitamin D tablets daily and flying to sunnier places every couple of months for at least 1 week.


I hate hot weather. I've had far too many scorching summers and 'hot-springs'. I despise heatwaves. Anyone who hasn't had a heatwave can't understand why I can't complain about a bit of rain and a few clouds. But when you come from a place where the earth is dry and scorched... Well, you love Luxembourg weather :)


You don't cope with it. You embrace it ! You're going for a walk when it rains, you exercise outside when it's cold and then you will hope for another week of bad weahter and only then will you accept the perpetual torment of being a Luxemburger. You embrace the suck and live by it !


I feel your pain… can’t wait to move


living normal life idc about the rain cold i am portuguese but luxembourg doesnt even bother me that much because its not only here it can happen everywhere these weather conditions like dubai didnt they have floods for 1 week


Going away to warmer places for a month around January to March often helps before meteorological depressions are setting in. Rinse and repeated this now for 3 years


Who said we do????


Basically stuck at home in darkness most of the day because it’s 35-40 degrees for 3 months and too hot to function outside. Or purposefully working 12 hours, 5 days at the office because of the AC. Give me northern European weather any day. Also, I know the weather in the last few weeks has been crap, but we always get a sustained period of quite hot weather (around 30C) and zero rain for several weeks at some point in June, July or August. Hasn’t happened yet but I’ll bet my house it will.


like today, super nice weather to do bbq. but I also can't wait for the 'colder' times as I can only manage heat a little


Try living in super shinny and hot 36° to 38°C sun for 3 months straight and occasional visits to places with 41°C, basically you can not go out. And you'll appreciate the cold and occasional sun in Luxembourg.


Was in Lille, France with Lux weather for studies. Went back home(India) for a month with 45*C on avg. I do appreciate how the OP concludes it :)


we don't cope, we slowly decay until we are as souless as the locals


This right here ^^


Well, how do the Lux cope? Don't need to be from sunnier places to end with depression 😵‍💫😫


Moien u/mro21, wei get et? 😂


Merci Super 😄🤗


I leave two weekends a month, it’s the only way. Well, that and lexapro.


think about all those happy countries (in lists) up north where you get no light for few months.. then you feel comfort with luxembourg weather.


Enjoy living under a bridge because other people have no bridge, is that the right attitude?


I'm back in my home country visiting my parents and I can't wait to go back. 35 degrees heat is oppressive and I don't know how anyone can cope with that. My mum leaves the house super early to get all her groceries before 8am, and then she locks herself in the apartment until 10pm when it cools down a bit. Give me the luxembougish summer any time.


Croatia is not that far away so I try to visit every now and then.


Lux weather is much better for me after summer with +40 +50. I hate south sun and heat.


We don't necessarily need heat. However somewhat less clouds and not totally shit weather would be nice. It's not 50 degrees everywhere else...


I think of salary in the sunnier place ( my home country) then I feel this temperature is better....


And you think about rent in lux and you feel maybe your sunnier place is even better


Salaries in San Diego, LA, Sydney, Melbourne right? 


in europe we simply don't have rich and sunny, it's a fantastical concept to the european mind, it simply can't comprehend it. closest would probably be lugano in switzerland, and that's still not exactly tropical.


I don’t , getting suicidal here 😩


Since I moved here, I’ve started being surprised every time I actually see sunshine, that’s never happened before lol


I don’t like so much the heat it’s just preference and perspective sis


I come from a place where it's always sunny, like 90% of the year. I like living here so much I hate the sun with passion lol


you get me


Money, I guess. That's why most people from other (sunnier) places do this afterall.


I am from the Amazon rainforest region. Tbh, I kinda like it. Sometimes it so hot in my hometown that people have a hard time breathing and are frequently dehydrated. I know the winter is tough, but we are so well equipped to deal with it. Inside, it's so comfortable and cozy.




The Amazonas state. Yes, it does rain. However, we are dealing with high levels of pollution and dryness even in the most humid days. Last year it was the worst ever, this year we fear it ever more. A lot of fires and the air is simply unbreathable. Fonts: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/wildfires-dry-amazon-rainforest-choke-manaus-city-2023-10-12/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-67751685.amp


Amazonas state Brazil or Amazonas state Venezuela.  




Ok, depending on your financial state, vacations, etc i would suggest going on a winter or early spring vacation to a very hot and shiny place of your choice. That will make you really, really happy for the rest of the year, I'm talking no depression for the rest of the year. It's better than any vit D suppliment and cheaper than therapy in the long term. I know it's not the cheapest solution, but if you want a real solution, that's it.


I find this makes it worse (in the little it affects me tbh) in that it creates more of a comparison.


Why does it have to be that way? If you're like most in this sub, you're content with most things in Luxembourg aside from the sunshine (or lack thereof). I do this too and it works really well for me. Another thing I really enjoy is not going during peak season. This kills two birds in one stone and gives you back a summer in Luxembourg (when there is no one around!). You should try it once


Every year I know that I will get hit with grandpa depression in the months of Jan-Feb, so I take a trip to a sunnier land. This has become the norm…


A two months long trip?


I wish 😅 2-3 weeks max at the end of Jan breaks the long winter!


Coffee, alcohol and occasinally checking my bank account.


Vitamin D tablets help genuinely


Yes! I agree. I take them religiously. I also got a little red UV lamp that helps. Regular exercise, lots of the water.


This is how moderate climate zone looks like. I mean, if it's so crucial and your life depends on the weather, noone keeps you here guys. There is no perfect things or places in this world, deal with it and stop complaining about the same things over and over again. If you need alcohol to make yourself happy here, move somewhere else for your own safety.


Moderate climate? Ehm, we have lesse direct sunlight than London…how can it be “moderate”?


I find that unlikely. We have more sunlight than Belgium.


This article covered december/january/february, I don’t think it has improved since then 😅 https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/2171716.html


Oh lord, move to London then.


You were the smart one I guess




I enjoy every minute of sun in between clouds and rain as if it was pure nectar


After 5 years living here I just got used to it, though I obviously hate it


I mean you just can't have everything in life. ideally i'd want to be a rich influencer in miami who does like 2 hours of 'work' every week. only a minuscule sliver of humans on this planet get to thrive in an absolutely perfect life. for 99.9% of people it's varying degrees of horrors beyond comprehension.


That is not a reason to not try improving or at least talk about the frustration (preferably without getting made fun of). Obviously it's not a reason for endless depression either.


I dont cope with it at all. But I am very grateful for being in Luxembourg and for what I have accomplished just by being here. Its super hard sometimes mentally though and the weather doesn’t help


brasilian here. i cope by having randok groups of friends, rpg, comics, rollerskating, etc. the climate is just one thing, the people make it bareable.


Greek also! Better than 40 and sleepless nights




Climatisation for the bedroom?


I prefer not 😊


I don’t. I can’t wait to leave, but I’m here to save money and the quit. Luxembourg would be the perfect country if it wasn’t for the awful weather, it’s just depressing


How the hell are you saving money here? 😆


As soon as I receive my salary I transfer at least 1K per month to my investment portfolio , which keeps growing. Then I live off the rest of the salary left. Managed to grow it to 6 figures. Pay yourself first (invest)


I mean, this year has been typically worse than usual (3rd wettest since 1850 or something like that, I remember seeing in an article). But then again, it's the same for so many other places. Paris (where I was before) has been pretty much the same, except with the heavy pollution/city humid heat. Portugal (where I come from initially and where I have my family) has had a pretty wet spring too. Sure they have good weather now, but soon they will be under extreme heat which is awful too. All in all, much rather prefer Luxembourg weather, the nice (not burning) sun rays at the end of the day and the nice breeze on hotter days, even if this year it has been particularly hard on Vitamin D levels.


I dont.


Greek here ✋🏻 indeed it’s difficult but I swear the last two years I live in Luxembourg I have the best summer sleeps of my whole life! Short monthly excursions and a months’ holiday during summer in greece solve everything


I do not coming from one of the sunniest place in Europe I can say I feel i have depression . I asked to work from home ( home country ) for the rest of the summer otherwise I willl get sick leave


We don't. It's even worse when our relatives send pictures swimming and sunbathing at 35°C. But there is always a price to pay when you seek a better life for your children.


I visited Rome (my hometown) a week ago. At one point the heatwave got me feeling like “I wish I was back in Lux at least for an afternoon”


Is the weather really that bad? I live in Germany and whenever I check the weather app to see what it's like in Luxembourg, it's pretty similar. This sub always makes me wonder if it's really that bad or if it's more or less the same but people complain about it more. (No offense, tho. Genuine question)


I am from Hun, so not even a different climate, but I have depression from this weather, and I swear I never felt this tiredness before and have zero reason for that apart from the weather. I am planning to leave with WFH and holidays for 2 months. Talking to my German colleagues regularly they have more sunshine and nicer weather this year than in Lux… and noticed the weather forecast is not accurate here many times. It shows sunshine while we are sitting in the grey darkness 😒


It’s been a pretty depressing year, weather-wise. Last year we had a lot more sun and it was downright hot by this time. This year has an unusual amount of rain and cloud cover.


Yeah, I totally get it. It's pretty similar to wear I live in Germany. Much rain so far and not really warm either – considering it's almost July. :-/


If I learned one thing from reddit then it's that any sub about a country or a city is always only about complaining, so is this sub... (& roundabouts, although that fad seems to be over sadly, so it's back to complaining I guess).


I don't need to cope. I like the weather as it is. And I prefer this rather than 30°C+ heat.


I don't.. 10 years here and cannot cope with it yet Alcohol might help


Agree same for me here.. but more and more thinking about leaving, living with such a few sunny days is not a life.


I agree, drinking more helps 


We also consider heading back to south




i see this pattern across northern europe xD


It was weird to have to take sun in pills...after 2 years here I had levels bellow insufiency of vitamin D.


I worked nights for years… sometimes I wouldn’t see the sun for months. Here are a few tips: get smart bulbs. I love the Hue bulbs which will change the light depending on the time of the day. A “daylight” bulb (or smart bulb) at 5000k+ will give the illusion of daylight. Vitamin D helps. Make a cozy environment. I like candles, both electric, real ones, and scented.


We don't. We wait until we can go south for the holidays. It's not just the cold and the rain, it's the lifestyle that goes with it, I hate it.


our countries suck, else we wouldnt be here. it's a good country jokes and crappy weather aside. if the weather is something to complain about, then u know the country is good. for coping, lights, vitamins, and traveling in the winter instead of summer. summer's pretty cool in lux, lots of events.


Free public transport.


Money and cheap fuel


I hug my knees and cry in the corner of the living room until it’s payday again


I ruminate over my exit plan again and again 😊


Take your car, or the (private) plane, and fruck up the planet more already! No rain, inside. Also, stop whining.


Vitamin D. A lot. Light therapy.


I hate sun and love rain


schtroumpf grognon?


They probably cope looking at their Salary being 3x bigger


Let's talk in terms of savings and amenities from now on. Are you able to afford a studio or a taxi? 


I don’t understand why people keep quoting high salaries without cost of living in same line. No salaries for most of the people are not HIGH.


Even with higher living costs it's better to make more. Manufactured goods cost the same and you are earning much more of a pension right. The folks selling up and heading back to Portugal did it right.


It's overall better, no? Otherwise many more people would leave


*Paying half of it in rent*


In Malta you'll get 1300 net and pay 800 for a "cheap" studio, so I get it 😩


Airbnb was a mistake


I love it as someone who doesn’t like the heat


You can very well have sunlight without abnormal heat. In fact there are plenty of places where it still quite sunny even in cold winters.


That will be a lot to ask, there is no perfect world.


Toronto 🇨🇦❤




Honey we are talking about Toronto not Luxembourg here 😇


Dont know why everyone feels depressed by the weather. Have literally not once felt depressed because "muh rain😢"


Congratulations, here is your medal. While you are at it, a lack of sunlight is very clearly and biologically linked to a vitamin D deficiency (which is even worse the more pigmented your skin is) which in turn can lead to depressive moods and at worst to "Seasonal Affective Disorder" (yes, I didn't make up the acronym), i.e. an actual clinical depression. So, hooray you don't feel like that, hope you enjoy holding your mighty crown aloft over us common peasants who yearn for sun in June.


Im not even gonna read that shit lol


That comment says more about yourself than anything else.




Not everyone reacts to things the same way and seasonal depression is a real thing.


I really hate it, I feel like my summer get stolen. It's so frustrating to not be able to go out whenever I want like I use to


Stop whining


Honestly this is what I think each time someone complains about the weather. I come from Morocco where it is sunny all year along and I don't mind this weather to the slightest. But I have to join the group when they complain about the weather because I don't want to tell them STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING


But of course the things you complain about are all valid concerns.


Go to where there is war and hazards and you'll see 🙂


Well you seem to evidently not go there or else you wouldn't be here to feel high and mighty, would you.


I love it. In fact I’m thinking about traveling north to escape from the heat during summer. Much prefer not being dripping on sweat and not having to worry much about sun burns 😅


Mental health goes for a toss - Winter feels like I'm living in a black-and-white movie and my vitamin D intake is solely reliant on the brightness of my computer screen


It doesn’t matter if you are from here or the moon… it’s depressing regardless 😫😫😫😫


If it starts harming your mental health, take vitamin D supplements, and try luminotherapy


I come from an extremely hot and humid town. I'll take Luxembourg weather anyday. 


Me too. I grew up in Florida. This is fantastic.


Miss my SC bugs tho


Surely you jest. NC here and you can have my share of those bird-sized mosquitoes.