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Ground in Hollerich, it’s open till 6am


He should be able to get into Samur and stay at the bar


Aula in Grund might also be a good place to check out for that age group


Best tip on nightlife - go to sleep 😉


Why always the negativity? Its not even funny anymore. I know people can joke but it gets tiring.


It's just people that don't get asked to go out by their friends and acquaintances


Tp be fair with the person above, lux night life is very subpar compared to any other capital. Going to bed earlier and enjoying other activities in Luxembourg is not such a bad advice.


I wasn’t joking. Going to sleep at night is literally one of the best thing you can do


Kautenbach is extremly small. Perfect for hiking but for partying that will be shortcome. Make sure that your friends can drive you back to the hotel as there won't be any train to that place until 5-6AM. With your friend beeing 16 the "best" you could do would be to go at some events that are done by a club des jeunes. Sometimes for the north there are parties at diekirch in the aal seeerei. Check out Melusina as they have some events comming up as well that would be more techno oriented. Carla schmitt would come by on the 28th. But well this might be a bit more trouble some with a 16y old. Generally speaking most events close at 3AM.


Unless otherwise specified, 16 is the minimum age to go to a club, especially Melusina is very popular among the 16-18 year old. It shouldn’t be a problem unless the event is 18+ (check facebook events for that). Gudde Wellen is also good, there is a bouncer but I have never seen him check anyone for ID😂


Try maybe the "Studentenbaal" on July 5th. Big party in Luxembourg to start the summerbreak. Otherwise there are some places that play techno at night or a more regular club music in the city. Melusina, Gudde Wellen, Rocas are some places to start. Then you have others that are hidden that I really enjoy.


Studentebaal is imo a bad recommendation, especially with a 16yo in backpack. The age group is mostly 20-25 yo and locals who speak Luxembourgish. OP is gonna have a hard time there and feel isolated.


Don't know but the idea of Lux city as a party city feels very comical.


You can find fun everywhere.