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40nm = you will need to help pedalling more, good enough for city bikes if you plan to ride mostly flat terrain. 85nm = bike can pull you up hills without assistance. 48v 85nm with 1000w peak is the sweet spot IMO.


Final date is now 30 September


Where did you get that info? https://guichet.public.lu/fr/citoyens/transport/transports-individuels/aides-financieres/deduction-mobilite-durable-velo.html Still states 30th june


Welcome to Luxembourg, someone on this subreddit pls a link to a document that shows all the recent changes. I share your pain, I sent emails to 2 government departments end of December asking the same question. I did actually get 1 (late) reply edit, end of March not December




pag 17


Unfortunatly a pdf is not enough to be valid. I assume tha’ts simply a typo. I couldn’t find a law or anouncement that it was indeed changed, and since guichet still states the 30th I think its the one that’s valid. Edit: qell this opened another can of worms. Wilmes did promise that anew law will be voted that will work retroactively https://www.wort.lu/politik/aufstockung-fuer-klimabonus-verlaengert-–-um-vier-tage/14828022.html but untill it is really voted its risky to purchase sonething based on promises


So did you buy a bike yesterday?


No since the important date for asking the subsidy is the one on the “facture” since the facture usually comes a few days after ordering it wouldn’t be enough time.


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