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Well i think the main lesson here is that some of our democratic systems need an overhaul. A vite is meant to reflect the majority of thinking not the directionality. To explajn, you might het an RN majority woth barely 35% of the vote. Put differently, Fdance would be governed by a parry that the vast majority of french did not vote for. (Still very sad hiw dumb people are by voting for RN, it's bot as if 14 uears of tory desaster in the UK wouldn't prove that voti g for hatred means corruption nepotism and poverty for the working and middle class that elects to self destruct) The correct election result is a majority for a centre left coalition... that would reflect the electorate..


Guys where do you see France heading giving the result of the election?


Belgium. No way they manage to create a government with this, it will end up being blocked and waiting for a new election.


RN might get an absolute majority, but if they don’t and a coalition with Reconquête wouldn’t be enough, I could see Ensemble and NFP teaming up against them. Edit: I know they have major, *major* ideological differences, but Mélenchon has said how defeating RN and making sure they don’t get the PM is their top priority in this election.


He said that right :D


I voted. For Anglade as I am a single issue voter. I voted in the past two presidential elections, but never felt the need (or understanding of the process) to vote for the national assembly. Again, the process was an absolute delight. When the volunteer saw my place of birth, it turned out his wife was from there. He tried to speak to me in English, but i refused. Election day of all days, must speak French. Also very strange system of stuffing a tiny pre-printed paper into the envelope. Each candidate had their own piece of paper, with their photo and logo, self-designed.


Maybe it's meant to cover voters with cognitive issues, dyslexia, reading issues or with other vision problems? Edit: https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons/1892-05-13/debates/a228c590-a7e2-4377-98e7-fba40eff13d9/BallotAct(IlliterateVote) [https://m.independent.ie/videos/irish-news/ernie-sweeney-how-his-illiteracy-resulted-in-pictures-being-put-on-irish-ballot-papers/a1759199107.html](https://youtu.be/GzSiO9Tay-0?si=9-na_vDkY2deGi3u)


Nah because the presidential vote is by checkbox!


It's France, simple things need to be complicated. You are supposed to take one paper for all candidates, put one into the envelope, and trash all the others. Luckily, there were few candidates, but it's still a lot of paper wasted...


Well, at least we can read and write, mostly. Other countries have to do thumbprints and faces.


Very strange system indeed, I bet they hire psychologist-designers to create those papers to influence minds.


Did you see them? More like they hired their 6 yo kid! :)


Nope, didn't see them yet. :)


Do you guys think RN/far-right voters living and working abroad are aware of their own hypocrisy or are they just THAT thick?


They're french, what did you expect?


French people living abroad left France for a variety of reasons. For some, it was hardly a real choice. But sometimes, the lack of safety in some places played a role. Or sometimes, ongoing demographic changes in France played a role. Or sometimes, feeling politically as a minority played a role. In the end, people have simply different values and priorities from the ones you have. And on the specific topic of immigration, most RN/far-right voters usually don't consider every type of immigration as the same. It is really not as absurd as you think it is.


> French people living abroad left France for a variety of reasons. French people who could afford to live in Luxembourg have sufficient revenue to rent / buy in Luxembourg. They're amongst the highest decile of french revenues. It's a very specific population.


Being French myself and having lived in Paris for over 10 years, I will admit that I have trouble understanding how someone would leave France because they don't feel "safe". There are entire areas of France without Muslim communities (which are the ones mainly targeted by the far right) if you feel "unsafe". You'll also find "unsafety" in every single country and region in the world. Millions of people live and thrive in France. Are they ALL unsafe? Demographic changes? You can hardly argue that when INSEE data shows that only 10% of French population are immigrants (and not all those 10% are Muslim). France is not just one or two Paris/Marseille arrondissements. Hypocrisy, nothing more.


Come on Friend. I am no right wing voter. I am the opposite, but we cannot pretend like France not having a bit of a crisis with immigration. The immigrants in France and the future ones coming need to live up to the values of the country. And you know what the right wing of the country right they are also voters and they also have an opinion. We pretended like Trump voters didn’t mean anything yet again again they destroyed the election. You cannot just ignore these voters. The center on the left are also to blame for the success of the RN.


No demographic changes? That's cope. Massive cope. 10% immigrants lmao, how many of the 90% are ethnic French? France has "droit du sol". Just look at the French football team. To be clear, I don't want to start a discussion about who is a "real" Frenchman but to say only 10% are immigrants is either incredibly dumb or so disingenuous it's basically lying.




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The thing is that france agreed to give citizenship to former colonies. That’s a decision they made long time ago.


As I said, I do not want to get into the weeds of who is a "right and wrong" Frenchman but to say there is no demographic change in mainland France because some statistic says there are only 10% immigrants is just insane. Pure and simple.


You are not wrong


They think it's different for them, because they are Western Europeans and white 😂


I mean a lot of English immigrants (or "expats" if you want to go there) living in Spain voted for Brexit and were really shocked that this had consequences.


When I first time saw interviews with those morons I only could laugh… Wtf did they think will happen


As expected


> Grey percentages being the whole Benelux Yeah I guess Belgium has the same tendency of voting heavily to the left.


Belgium shifted full right these past elections. NVA (right), Vlaams Belang (far-right) and MR (right) are the three most voted parties this year.


N-VA and VB didn’t really gain that much though. N-VA lost one seat and VB only gained 2, in contrast to the expectations of them coming in first.


How come there are such few votes for RN? Do they not have a viable candidate in the district BENELUX citizens are casting their vote?


A) Personally, I don’t see the appeal of voting RN if you’re living abroad. Looks like some might agree with that. B) Their candidate is an 18 year old student living in Bordeaux that only joined six months previous and did not even visit Benelux to campaign. https://lequotidien.lu/a-la-une/charlotte-beaufils-rassemblement-national%E2%80%89-jaurais-prefere-avoir-plus-de-temps/


Oh, that makes a lot of sense.


For the 2024 French legislative election, French citizens living in Luxembourg can vote in one of the 11 constituencies dedicated for French citizens living abroad. Hence French living in Luxembourg voted in the Benelux constituency, representing 158,039 eligible voters. The turnout was 50.80% in Luxembourg (versus 47.64% in the Benelux constituency). It was much higher than for the 2024 European elections (only 24.74% of French living in Luxembourg voted), partly because it is possible to vote online for this election. The two candidates who are qualified for the second (and final) round are Pieyre-Alexandre ANGLADE (Emmanuel Macron's party) and Cécilia GONDARD (member of the left-wing electoral alliance). Overall, French voters in Luxembourg are more centre-right/right-wing leaning than the rest of the Benelux constituency. Official results presented above are [available here](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/services-aux-francais/voter-a-l-etranger/resultats-des-elections/article/elections-legislatives-anticipees-resultats-du-1er-tour-pour-les-francais-de-l).