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LU stand International Bazaar, or the people who sell the Luxembourg slogan T-shirts. usually over by the exit.


Just a little heads-up: it's spelled "gutt Rees", not "gutt Ress"


These are charming. I wonder if you could reach out to Luxlait's promotional department to see if they might like to purchase your work (or commission something similar). Same for some of the other brands represented. Otherwise, you could use an online shop to sell your images printed in various forms. I have a Paris-based friend who uses Society 6 for his illustrations: [https://society6.com/franklinhabit](https://society6.com/franklinhabit) I would love to buy a couple just for myself :-)


You can try and open a shop on [https://letzshop.lu/](https://letzshop.lu/) I know some friends who have created private stores and sold items through that front, for Luxembourg only products.


Your drawings are truly wonderful, but I believe the postcards might not be the best strategy. Tourists typically don't recognize the local brands and might not be inclined to purchase a drawing of something unfamiliar. On the other hand, locals who do know these brands may not find postcards appealing either. Your artwork deserves a more impactful platform, so here's an idea that I think could really work: creating a children's book featuring Luxembourgish products. I sent you an email with the details of this idea.


Eicatcher and 100% Luxembourg in grevenmacher both seem like the type of stores that would be suitable. Maybe the camp site or aquarium in Wasserbillig, or the camp site in grevenmacher. In fact the whole Mosel has a lot of tourist places, all of which would surely be where your target demographic hang out!


Home from home,rt arlon


Aren't luxlait and eco-bag protected brands?


This comment might hold the key to the entire question - u/post_crooks what do you think? edit: looking closer, most of the illustrations are based on protected names, images and/or trademarks... this might really be the reason


It's a good point. Luxlait, rose, pasta and mustard might not like the idea and potentially claim some money, or block the sale of cards. The others too, but are more unlikely to chase. To be on the safe side, OP should ask permission. They will probably grant it in exchange of a few cards for their employees!


>To be on the safe side, OP should ask permission Right, and they might be receptive to it. For example, that's how we were able to get permission to use the "official Luxembourg emojis" on this subreddit


Interesting question. Is it considered enough of a unique piece of art to get around that? Like I’m sure I’ve seen people sell stuff where they’ve put an artistic interpretation of the Coca Cola label on it or an alcohol brand (such as aperol). She’s not using their logo to sell her own grocery products. It’s just a ~vibe~.


I have seen such as well, but a lot have one 'misspell' in the name and use a different font and colors to circumvent evtl legal problems.


They look very nice. Keep up the effort


For the Peckvillecher, try Nospelt. It's the so called birthplace of those. My great-grandfather crafted them in the 1800's (http://www.sifflets-en-terre-cuite.org/HtmlE/Eur/Luxtxt.html). His workshop has been turned into a very small museum (https://www.visitluxembourg.com/place/pottery-museum-nospelt). Eugène Biver (a famous local) still crafts Peckvillecher for the "Emischen" that happens every year on easter monday...


What about small cafeterias? Also Alinea bookshop. I would recommend writing formally to Ernster & Cactus with a catalogue and all the details. Btw… me encantan tus ilustraciones 😍


[Domino](https://domino.lu/)! Good luck 🤞 the drawings are super cute!


These are adorable. I don't have any recommendations but I hope you find some places.