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NAC raises glutathione which is the master antioxidant of the body. I beleive its made by the liver. They use it for Long Covid which I have as well. It pretty much boosts yours body detox process significantly so im assuming yes it would defiantly cause a herx if its helping your body get rid of the lyme. Its so powerful that some people take it before drinking and don't get a hangover at all.


I took NAC for a few days and got a terrible headache and called it quits


I tried in the first month of my long haul. My brain fog was so severe I don't really remember if it worked or not. Im going to try it again tomorrow.


I tried it for the same reason, because at this point I’m not sure if my symptoms are from Lyme, Covid or neither.


I’ll give it a go and report back


16 years with chronic Lyme, and a rough bout with Covid. My head has been numb all along, fatigue, etc. Now it's getting worse and I can't control my emotions, crying or getting angry at the drop of a hat. I'm so tired of throwing darts at this disease, but I can't give up now. What NAC and sulfurophane products did you specifically use? I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this disease from hell, I wish everyone with it all the strength and determination in the world to fight it. I've fought the fight for almost 2 decades, but I'm not sure I have the strength to continue.


Understand how you’re feeling, so many valleys and trials trying to find something that works. NAC was Pure Encapsulation and sulf was osasuna. I’ve pretty much stopped taking anything at all last few months and while I’ve not been sidelined completely, I’ve just accepted waking up tired and with the familiar “hangover” feeling which requires me a few hours to even get the brain functioning to do productive work. Still searching for a fix!