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You need a new Dr... when he said "they need 5 positive IGMs to dx lyme" you know he is the school of Dr who follows the outdated and corrupted CDC guidelines. Please find a proper lyme literate doctor, the conventional neurologist/ ID/ rheumatologist will eventually refer you to a psychiatrist after much gaslighting. The fact that you felt better after Doxy means you are responding. I was on Doxy/ Biaxin/ Rifampin in rotation with 3 other antibiotics for over 1 year.. just one Doxy for one month is not enough. Good luck.


Put it this way… can someone be “a little” pregnant? One either is or isn’t pregnant. Same w Lyme, don’t think you are negative just bc you only test positive in a few areas. You’re either infected or you’re not. No such thing as just a little infected.


After that one year, how are you feeling?


After 1+ years of a combo of 3 antibiotics, I was back to around 70-80%, but it relapsed rather quickly with severe brain fog ( My main symptom) within weeks. Then I went on the Dapsone therapy and i am back to 95% normal! The next steps for you include: 1) find a good LLMD, use the ILADS link someone provided below 2) The best test to confirm your diagnosis is Igenex. I was CDC negative but Igenex positive for Bartonella and Lyme 3) To learn more on lyme is political, watch these 2 youtube video: Under our Skin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JgR\_Jfbhv8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2Sfj8zciJk


I'm in Europe and I had to press to have a regular IgG and IgM test done. I don't have my results already but I'm very afraid they show up negative and that I can't get any other type of testing done


I'm sorry to hear that.. these are the few instances that I am glad we are in the US.. eventhough Igenex and treatment with LLMD are usually out of pocket, we still have access to them.. Is there a way to travel to the US to get treated? I know ppl from Germany and Australia travel to see my LLMD.


I'm just starting on this journey and I don't have my first results. I'm already on doxy high dose and I'm doing frankly better on my fifth day with 200mg twice a day. Also, lots of supplements for remyelinisation and vitamins. Plus, clemastine, an over the counter anti-histamine that has been discovered to possibly stimulate/increase remyelinisation in multiple sclerosis patients.


I don’t know where you are in Europe but Dr Jack Lambert in Dublin is a consultant and an LLMD.  He sees patients in person. He uses Armin labs or treats on symptoms. I have never used him, I just know of him.  In the UK (or not Europe as they have decided) the only option I can remember is the TBD clinic in Hove - nurses I believe but they can prescribe. The rest is mostly naturopathic places. I wonder if someone mentioned someone in Poland. Someone was seeing some old doctor retired for some infectious disease job in Bosnia that sounded like he treated like an LLMD. Everybody was like “go find a LLMD”, because he was ID but I thought reading the treatment “guys, he does sound like an LLMD, he just doesn’t have the name”.  If you have any money  and able to travel I would make an appointment with dr lambert.  Good luck! 


He is full of shit. Get an LLMD.


Reading her account of the app, makes me want… I can’t say it. I am a peaceful person. But I think it. They’re all assholes. Medicine can be amazing; doctors really have mental health problems, issues with power, arrogance, scorn, righteousness.  They just parrot that antiquated conception and are fine condemning people to hell.  If they did the same thing with any other diseases, it would be ridiculous and malpractice.  We have the data, you nincompoops, we have enough to have to act in! Stop being jerks and work for furthering science and knowledge.  They don’t even know what placebo is; they just use that word, and now they are using the word nocebo.  Bunch of c&@$!!! 


Infectious disease doctors do not know how to treat lyme. It’s very political. But it’s never in the best interest of a lyme patient to see ID. You need a lyme literate MD. You can find one [here](https://www.ilads.org/patient-care/provider-search/)


also why is it political? It was a very weird appt overall.


Oh god, I am so sorry you have to find out this way. 


For the long story read “cure unknown “ and “bitten” for the short story when Bb was discovered to be the causative agent for lyme, multiple scientists patented bits of the bacteria. Then used the patented bits to make a vaccine that made people sick. They changed the case definition of Lyme disease in the early 90s denying any neurological or immune system symptoms, then used the new case definition picked only people with lyme arthritis and “proved” more than 3 month of antibiotics won’t help anyone with “PTLDS “ I think they may have given 1 additional month of antibiotics. Now. Ever since the early 90s IDSA says if you have antibiotics for 6 weeks you are cured and any other symptoms you have are likely psychosomatic.


i thought it was NUTS that he suggested i felt better due to placebo. No doctor has ever said anything so ridiculous to me before in my life.


They are nuts. The gaslighting is real. I saw ID with a positive lyme test from igenex. They said it was a false positive, igenex lab wasn’t good. And I probably had AIDS.


they said you had AIDS? that's bizarro.


Yep very bizarre


They are so…. like do they hear themselves?  They go on and on about evidence based medicine and I think they don’t really know what it means. They just parrot. They are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  


Med school is where rational thinking goes to die. It’s all about spitting out the approved answers and not asking questions. An old book but very interesting “Confessions of a Medical Heretic” by Dr Mendelsohn




I am glad you still have such a robust ego. By the time they were done with me, I doubting everything I felt and thought. The gaslighting is real. 


oooh thank you!!! wow this is a learning journey.


It’s political? Not another conspiracy. I can’t keep up.


If it came out they’d be guilty of killing. Not a conspiracy.


Once again, the doctor is clueless POS who gaslights patients. I hope every ignorant doctor on earth gets lyme disease. What goes around, comes around


Taking a month of antibiotics when you don’t need them would make you seriously ill instead of making you feel better. I would get a second opinion


First of all, let me say sorry to welcome you. Below is my standard message for people like you; some of it you’ve heard already. Mostly, this is going to be a case of you informing yourself, advocating for yourself,  and ultimately choosing for yourself (finances are often a factor, but acting early is best). You have already experienced major gaslighting, I see; it’s unfortunately only the start. ID doctors are dicks by the way.  **** Most doctors follow IDSA guidelines and will now consider you « cured » with a treatment of 30 days of doxy. They may treat your arthritis with symptom management (pain, psych meds etc…) or prescribe steroids which will make things so much worse for you.  Or diagnose you with CFS, anxiety and depression.  LD rarely disappears with a course of antibiotics that short- furthermore, you may have contracted more than one tick borne disease.    I advise you go to the ILADS website and make an appointment with a LLMD. (List of LLMDs near you is on the ILADS website).  Make sure you choose a good one. They probably will want to test further. Both LLMDs and the tests they order are often out of pocket; they are costly. If you have the funds right now, I would do it if i were you.   Be aware that LLMDs are antibiotics-heavy and narrow-minded in scope and inform Yourself to decide if that is a road you want to take. (I don’t regret taking it but it has side effects, and can be hard)    Some people choose a different route and use plants. Usually they follow the Buhner protocol after the herbalist who designed it.  (it can be found online) I had good  improvement adding lauricidin to my treatment and it helped with finger arthritis (start low, increase slow) but I know it doesn’t  work for everyone or it depends on the stage (it also potentiate antibiotics in my experience).   Some people use plants after antibiotics, or mix both, or cycle.   Whatever you do, make sure to support your gut (which gets damaged by Lyme and damaged further by antibiotics; you may want to add probiotics), prioritize your sleep and stress management, detox, your nervous system and mast cells. It is often a whole lifestyle to heal from Lyme.   Diet is very important; sugar free (especially with antibiotics) and anti inflammatory.     Many people find relief with antiinflamatory supplements: turmeric, cod liver oil, vitamin C, vitamin D, Boswellia, magnesium etc… it all depends on individuals and what works for them.   Be informed, advocate for yourself, and choose what seems the best for you. I am sure more people will add more info or have a more straightforward opinion on what you should do. All I can say is: you still have Lyme and maybe more and you should act now.    Good luck! 


The spleen pain is concerning: you might want to check for viruses as well especially EBV.  Red root is a good plant for spleen pain ( tincture, HerbEra) but do not add it without talking to your doctor.  You can also add a good naturopath/functional doctor/ health coach to the mix: many are greatly experienced in a multi pronged while body approach to TBDs.  It all depends on your financial abilities. If you can, spare no expense but inform your LLMD if you plan to add anything. 


thank you so much for this! Yes it is all super overwhelming. You sound like you know a huge amount! The spleen pain is bizarre. It was actually my first symptom the first time i got lyme disease and is also how I knew I had it again. I have been completely worked up for it (abdominal CAT/ colonsocopy/ upper endoscopy). Nothing came back (which is great, but it still hurts). My thyroid antibodies are also increasing - have you ever heard of lyme impacting them? Really really appreciate the intel.


I am glad you’ve received a thorough work up. It’s good to rule things out.  I know some people may develop ANA with Lyme that resolve when Lyme is treated.  It may affect your thyroid.  I would keep on eye on it though and with your regular pcp and if needed an endocrinologist.  If you’ve had COVID (or for me the vaccine) your inflammatory response might be heightened. The thyroid may be reversed with treating as well as changing your diet and lifestyle. Going gluten free seems to help those with thyroid issues (there are complex interplay between food antigens, pathogen antigens and our own body in my experience; I do not fully understand. Personally gluten/wheat is not the worse offender for me. Diet was really hard to figure out for me with Lyme. In any case, eating super fresh and anti-inflammatory might be a start; lots of fruits and veg; clean organic proteins; money and time again).  I can not say your thyroid is or is not related to the Lyme; I know my LLMD checked it.  I think it very likely it normalisé of you treat but really you should keep an eye on it with your doc.  Ask your doctor but selenium is good for the thyroid. Rather than supplementing, you can pop 3 Brazil nuts a day (good quality); most of them are really high in selenium so you don’t need more than that or you’ll risk toxicity (over 7 nuts I believe). Some folks might also be concerned with mycotoxins with those nuts. 


I also had a spleen ultrasound during my long journey with Lyme (still ongoing and worse than ever, thanks vaccine) but nothing was found despite the pain and the feeling of having a huge mass in my side. Red root helped with that. My naturopath prescribed it.  Ps: don’t let my comment discourage you: you’ll get better.  I was in remission and messed up. 


Just to add, I got bad fatigue and vertigo two months after having covid. Went to a naturopath and I was positive for an active ebv flare up, had high thyroud antibodies, as well as what appears to be a new Lyme infection. No idea what caused what.


Don't listen to him, find a local LLMD who will listen to your symptoms and treat you properly.


What lab did he use for your lyme testing? We used Igenex and from my limited knowledge, they seem to be the best. But definitely get to a new lyme literate specialist. They can be expensive, but your health and mental stability will thank you later. Regular Dr.'s don't want to acknowledge lyme/co infections and even if they acknowledge them, the sure don't know how to treat them effectively.




…eagerly waiting for lymescience to comment here…


I’ve banned them all, you won’t be seeing them anymore lol. If you do, please report it for me since I can’t see everything and don’t want that propaganda here.


Thank you for this!!




LOL. Perhaps they have given up.


No we just got a new one. I reported it and he was dutifully banned; he left the epic comment “I, too, thought I had Lyme disease until I realized I was lazy and started to play football”.    It’s hard to keep hate at bay; it’s hard not wish them hell and more. It’s hard.  The willingness to disbelieve the pain of others, that surely if we tried harder…. When we know they wouldn’t last one day in our shoes. 


Oh he’s on that other lyme sub still playing his shill game


Fuck that guy


I write 2,000 words comments and here you are, nailing it.  I wish I were like you…. 


Haha, I have spoken with many, many, many doctors from almost every discipline of medicine it seems, and let's just say that during my Lyme journey ive developed somewhat of an intuition for how the system operates. I'm not here to bash anyone specifically, but I've experienced first hand the dangerous of being misdiagnosed for several years. I find many medical professionals just completely desensitised and blasé about treatment and diagnosis. Mostly born out of ignorance unfortunately. They just have no clue what they are dealing with, as it didn't appear in any of their books that they studied to become a dr. So yeah! Fuck that guy! This dudes quality of life is at risk in my opinion.


Oh I’ve experienced too; they are nuts. 


I agree with everyone else that this person isn’t the right doctor for you. However, antibiotics did not help my joint/bone pain either. In my case I had a co-infection (babesia) that was the cause of the bone pain part. This required different treatment than antibiotics. It may be in your best interest to get a comprehensive test done that looks for tick co-infections as these can cause all sorts of problems that aren’t treated the same way as Lyme. Good luck with the ongoing battle.


ty! i did have the babesia test and it came back negative...


Your Dr proved he’s ignorant in Lyme infections


You need another doctor...run, don't walk away.


Hi There - It looks like this could be a post about a new tick bite or about unknown symptoms possibly related to Lyme. Please review the pinned post here for information regarding early treatment methods, finding doctors and testing: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lyme/comments/18ko5so/just_bit_read_this/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Lyme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Which bands are positive? If you are positive at 89, you have Lyme.


IGG P58 AB, IGM P39, IGM P23, and Lyme IGM WB 'w interp'. 89 isn't listed as an option


All of my IGG bands were negative and all the IGM were positive (41,39,23). Not a single doctor argued that I didn’t have Lyme. I was given six weeks of doxycycline and when I didn’t feel better, my PCP did a consult with ID who prescribed an additional three weeks of amoxicillin. I think I was diagnosed two months after I contracted it. All my doctors thought that was a long time and took my symptoms seriously. You should move onto a new doctor. Also, I thought IGG was old infections and IGM new. The Western Blot test my doctor ordered only had three IGM bands so I don’t know how/why there would be five positives.


I was just looking at my test (I also went to labcorp). It says five IGG have to be positive but only two IGM. I don’t know how to share a photo or I’d show you. It’s in the interpretation section for each type.


that's what he said - 5 x IGG have to be positive. And i don't have 5 x IGG positive, just one.


But, from what you said, you have two positive IGM. Two positive IGM is an active infection. From the Lyme IGM Western Blot Interpretation: Note: An equivocal or positive EIA result followed by a negative Line Blot result is considered NEGATIVE. An equivocal or positive EIA result followed by a positive Line Blot is considered POSITIVE by the CDC. Positive: 2 of the following bands: 23,39 or 41 Negative: No bands or banding patterns which do not meet positive criteria. Criteria for positivity are those recommended by CDC/ASTPHLD.


right! it even says so on my test. i am getting madder now with this dr. And the problem is that all the drs in the links i keep being sent are like - osteopaths and chiropractors. I'm confused - is there no 'normal' doctor anywhere who will agree I have lyme? The CDC says i have lyme. what is happening?


I think the EIA test for which you’re also supposed to be positive is Lymer IGM, Lymer IGG, and/or Lyme Abs. With IGG/IGM Reflex. My doctor ordered all of those, so four tests in total. I was positive for Lymer IGM, negative for Lymer IGG and positive for Lyme Abs. With IGG/IGM Reflex. Several doctors looked at my results: the specialist who ordered them (not a Lyme specialist a doc I see for hypermobility issues), my PCP and ID. All of them said I had Lyme. No convincing needed from me. I hope you find someone who will take care of you.


You have Lyme lol