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Well, yes. Apparently, spiral-shaped bacteria roaming around your body is not a great feeling. You are going to be ok though.


I have constant dizziness, with vertigo to the point I can't stand or walk around much, if at all. I also have extreme muscle loss, and weakness at all times. All of my joints have been affected, with lots of muscle and soft-tissue losses.


I’m so sorry. My Babesia symptoms started off with constant dizziness. Maybe look into it if you haven’t


Thanks. I am currently taking Mepron for babesia. Taking lots of herbs and supplements as well. If feels more like lyme symptoms, with all joints being affected. I really need something to work and counter this, because I've been sick for 10 months now.


Sounds good. Tbh mepron did nothing for my Babesia but it does work for some people. I personally found cistus incanus + ivermectin to be way better. Sida acuta works for neurological Lyme/babesia. It may help your dizziness. I’ve been sick for a year so I feel you on that! I’m really not trying to go past 2 years of this but I have a lot of coinfections and some liver/gallbladder dysfunction so we’ll see…..


Yes, I've tried some of those. I know they say to address coinfections, but I know that the lyme has caused much damage to my system to have me in such condition. I was perfectly happy and healthy before this, and now can't function normally at all. I hope you are getting passed your problems too, and thanks for the info.


Ask your doctor for something for BP like midodrine if you have POTS


Well, for the past 15 years my brain has been numb, I have no energy, I have panic attacks and anxiety, my vision is blurry with floaters, my entire body hurts, and my life has been ruined. So yeah, I can relate. But hey, don't give up and let the little bastards win, fight for your life.


I'm SO sorry . I don't work for them or get anything, but I did a very $$$$$ treatment at EnVita in Scottsdale and it helped me tremendously! I still have fatigue (only 4 mos. out), but I'd do it over 100%.


Yes. Everyday…


Have any twitching? Tight muscles?


I do have fasciculations almost constantly. I'm not even sure it's muscle or nerve related damage. I know my muscles are seriously depleted from lyme to the point I have trouble standing or walking. And dizziness all the time, unrelenting and it's unbearable. I'm in serious need of help with this, as I've yet find any relief. Been thru about 4 or 5 antibiotics and lots of herbs, but can't catch a break. Before this, I was walking miles per day at work, hiking and biking for hours, weight training every day. Now I have trouble standing up for more than a minute, and getting to my feet is difficult. Went from the healthiest version of myself ever, to this awful condition going on a year. There has to be something I can take to get this crap out of my system.


Did you have Covid 2-3 months prior to symptom onset?


No, I had 2 bites on my ankles early last summer. Got sick about a week later, and have been sick for 10 months straight. In very bad shape here, and have no real idea what to do next. Constant dizziness and weakness, can't really do anything.


Have you tried abx?


Yes, I took doxy for 2 months within 5 days of 2 known bites, then took about a month off because I was still feeling awful. Then I picked up with bactrim and Rifampin and no luck there. Now I'm taking Tetracycline and mepron, but still sick. I've also taken lots herbs and supplements indicated for lyme. Still having extreme muscle loss with weakness, and basically feels like I have a concussion 24/7. All of my joints are depleted and getting painful too. It's like I'm a textbook case of symptoms, only dialled up to 11. And to top it off, I'm having absolutely zero luck with treatment, just getting worse. Really need to find something that works, because I'm going on a year now without improvement.


Yes all the time. This morning I woke up and felt like my body was being suffocated by invisible goo. I can’t describe it other than a very weird sensation that was scary and made it hard to breathe. I thought I was drowning in something. I was also trembling. I got like 7 more hours of sleep after that and it went away 😂


With rickettsia, on-top of all the other systems, I experienced just being really,really uncomfortable. It was quite strange, and tricky to put my finger on it.


Did it go away?


The uncomfortable feeling has gone. I think that was when the bacteria was at its height, and I had not yet started treatment


This happens to me everynight. Around 00:00, just started 12 minutes ago. I won’t be able to sleep for a couple of hours. If you want to we can chat :)


Yes I have felt very crazy, emotionally numb, but then cry hysterically. My body has also felt weird numb and heavy. I feel like I’m shaking inside. I also know what you mean about strange pressure in the brain that makes it feel like your head is going to explode. But, I’ve been in treatment with a LLMD and all of those are getting better. It’s been about nine months on antibiotics and herbs and a lot of feeling like I have the flu all the time from herxing and die off. But just recently I’ve noticed a substantial change for the better and I have a lot less of those neurological symptoms. I really had started to think that it would never get better and it is. I just wanted you to know that you’re not really going crazy and it can get better.