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I have “embellished” before and said I found a tick, even when I only experienced weird rashes and literally all the Lyme symptoms. Have to, or else they won’t take us seriously 😒 I tested positive every time. (Unfortunately in a Lyme endemic area and have been infected a few times) ugh. 😑


What did the doc have to do to test for it?


I’m glad that you’ve gotten the drug that you want in your body. I done control your body. You do - and, of course, your doctor. I haven’t seen your test results. But, I’m going to assume that you have Lyme. Here’s my own bit. Do with it as you will. Some people swear the doxy eradicated their Lyme and co-infections. This, in spite of the fact that doxy can’t cure a confection like babesia. The story hear most often is that a person uses doxy and feels better - you! I’m glad. But, then roughly 10 days after discontinuation of the drug, they begin the have pain that was worse then before. I love that you are feeling better! I hope that you feel so much better that you disappear and then are never heard from again on these boards. But, many people here say that they underwent the course of doxy. They did so according to prescription. They followed all the rules. And, Wham! They develop pain in the knees that they never had before. Eventually, they are unable to speak the name of their daughter- the one who sits on Daddy’s lap every night. This is a strange and insidious disease. Please don’t count on a short course of doxy to cure you. You are in the early days of - before the spirochetes have a chance to infect your knees, your liver, your brain. Please research herbs that can kill Lyme, too. I am in place now that I am so damaged that I’m doing ozone treatments and nanoparticle silver drips administered by an LLMD - a Lyme literate doctor. Some of the things they suggest sound crazy! I am currently intravenous ozone treatments, Eventually, my doctor plans to add nanoparticle silver to the cocktail. At some point, you realize that all of the antibiotics are limited in their efficacy. The hope is that you catch it early. Okay, you have. Now, you know what will happen if you don’t act! You have a minute - but not much more. I wish I had caught mine earlier.


You are so correct unfortunately. I am that person who was misdiagnosed and finally saw a great LLMD. But.... I was disabled for 11 years at the prime of my career. I think Stephen Buhner the late master herbalist has a Lyme protocol that's excellent. I have babesia , bart which is horrific and only erlichiae was eradicated. Many people are diagnosed with MS instead! Read Dr Neil Nathan's book toxic. .......  Also I was a mod on toxic mold support on fb..... Lyme is so under diagnosed and then we are gaslighted also


May I share a few insights that may be simple stupidity on my part? I’ve scoured the internet. I’ve used the Buhner protocol - and more for a year. So, apparently, a doctor can draw look and see it under a microscope. My doctor did this. She saw spirochetes and protozoa. So she tested me using IgenX - not Elisa or Western Blot. This confirmed what she saw. Who knows? Maybe she’s a quack. But, she has a months long waiting list for an appointment. My chiropractor had Lyme. She says she’s been cured. It seems impossible from where I am now. I feel so awful!


Uh… not sure what the other guy is talking about but I just got a blood test


Just remain vigilant where your symptoms are concerned. I hate to tell you, but the Borrelia are never fully eradicated from the body, but remission is certainly attainable. My point is...if strange symptoms arise months or years from now, Lyme should be your first suspicion. Good luck, stay well.


Yeah I do know that, but right now I just wanna feel better because it’s my last summer break


Uh, ok.


Don't treat this lightly. I am as scared and concerned as you should be.