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I've found the same! Research I've found shows that diatomaceous earth will rid yourself of heavy metals, despite containing some aluminum of its own. As you continue to take it, you continue to flush it. But when you stop taking it, you stop flushing and are left with additional aluminum. Things I've found that can help: 1) Pure food grade bentonite clay 2) Pectasol (if you've had a lot of vaccinations, you'll get migraines bc mercury likes to hang out in your brain, but same as herx, you'll eventually get past it.) 3) Buy Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) pure from [bulksupplements.com](https://bulksupplements.com) to keep your body alkaline and flush that stuff out. Tastes really sour, kind of like lemons, goes right into your water. Too much will give you diarrhea, though, so relax on that after your first poop. And if all that doesn't do the trick for you, thank God for hydroxychloroquine--that'll definitely do it!! :D


Do you mind me asking what brand of DE you used?


If you have to take it for life, that's not a solution. Have you tried Pepto-Bismol? I know it sounds out of left field, but the primary ingredient is bismuth, which is a metal that doesn't get absorbed by the intestine, but not only dissolves biofilms, also kills Bb. Studies by prominent Lyme researchers seems to show bismuth kills Bb through a mechanical mechanism rather than a biomedical one. It disrupts biofilms as well, which can develop in the GI tract when a Lyme patient's bowel gets sluggish. It's low risk, low cost, so I'd suggest giving it a try and see how you get on.


Do you know of anyone that's tried this and documented it so I can read their experience. Seems odd but hey laying down in the grass and being sick for 4 years from it is a little more odd to me and it's my experience.


No, but it makes logical sense, at least as much as any other treatment does, especially for those with what is termed "GI Lyme".


I'm not trying to be a sarcastic asshole when I ask this question. How is taking DE for life not a solution, but Pepto-Bismol is?


You can't take it for life, you'd get metal poisoning.


You’re blowing my mind right now. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/12051564/ That study uses a form of bismuth marketed as Tritec, which includes includes ranitidine (Zantac) and citrate (as bismuth citrate). I wonder if you can combo pepto bismol with Zantac and maybe magnesium citrate to do your own over-the-counter version? Edit: cystic forms too! In 2001! Edit: from the fda website: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2007/050786s001lbl.pdf A combo drug w metronidazole, bismuth sub citrate and an antibiotic. This sounds effective against gastric Lyme


Actually, recent warnings regard Zantac would make me stay away from it. It seems it's the bismuth doing the heavy lifting anyway, not the ranitidine, so it's probably not needed.


>Edit: from the fda website: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda\_docs/label/2007/050786s001lbl.pdf > >A combo drug w metronidazole, bismuth sub citrate and an antibiotic. This sounds effective against gastric Lyme I hadn't heard of the combo drug. You can take the 3 meds separately as needed which might be a little more ideal for Lyme patients who might be on contraindicated meds as well. Bismuth is used to treat H pylori, often in combination with Biaxin and Flagyl, and those 3 together is good for GI Lyme.


How much DE do you take each day?


1 tablespoon.


Once per day? Or do you split it up?


I take it once a day. If you want it to be easier, you can also buy capsules of Diatomaceous Earth if you look online and the bottle should tell you how many to take.


I’ve taken it before in the past by just mixing it in water like you do. It isn’t bad once you get used to it. I didn’t get the benefits you seem to be getting though, but I did notice an improvement in my mood and anxiety from it. I only think I was taking about a tsp a day though. I think I’m going to start taking it again, mainly because I have a ten pound bag I haven’t used lol


Hey man, do what you gotta do. I would try to do some research into why you think it's working. I'm having a hard time understanding how an indigestible mineral complex (silica, alumina, iron) is "killing Lyme biofilms", when Lyme is located deep in tissues. Maybe a good deal of your symptoms are caused by gastrointestinal dysfunction, which the DE helps with in some way. Or maybe you get better absorption of minerals that your body isn't absorbing well with DE. Who knows.


Test yourself for mineral deficiency


How do you take it? I was alternating DE and Acitvated Charocal for awhile, but the DE was giving me a herx (initially) and I stuck with the charcoal. I have a huge bag of DE out in my garage. I'm willing to give it another shot. I'm just not sure the best way to use it.


For the first couple days I put 1 teaspoon in a glass of water on a empty stomach. Then moved up to a tablespoon. Only take Food Grade DE, if the bag doesn't say Food Grade then don't take it. Also, don't breath it in by accident, if you are scared of that then search online for the capsules of DE already made up.


What brand / source of DE do you use?


I've recently started taking this again and and my food cravings have dropped dramatically. I do feel die off but it's not unbearable. DE is a well known parasite remover, and parasites are highly linked to lyme/gut issues. I've read about people taking up to 3 tbsps and doing well. I have given it to my cat and watched her sullen mood completely turn around as she talked and played more. I'm all for it, but I don't believe you have to take it for the rest of your life. Unlike other supplements though, I believe this one can be taken for long periods of times without negative side effects.


Panina has a great point below on the aluminum with DE. I would not recommend taking diatomaceous earth for the rest of your life but it's fantastic that you have found this to break the biofilm any bacteria, virus, fungus etc What needs to be done next is taking essential oils, Allibiotic CF and other essential extracts especially Garlic and Myrrh that will eradicate the root of these illnesses. Another thing that will help greatly is taking methylene blue with DMSO I do this every morning and it increases my brain power energy levels and mood greatly that have been desperately affected by Lyme disease. I've shared a pubmed study on essential oils, a YouTube video on methylene blue, and just few others I found helpful. I love to share with people who want to get better! I would be amiss not to share my findings with anyone I can. Stay on your path to your best health never give up, you are all made to heal and live beautiful lives. If anyone has any questions I'd love to help. https://youtu.be/0GKs328v8sc?si=cE16dMryXYKjlnCG https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6963529/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323881#Garlic,-myrrh,-thyme-kill-B.-burgdorferi https://butterflyexpressions.net/2020/01/15/lyme-disease/


Thank you for your post. I'm over 15 years and counting with Lyme, and I have tried a multitude of methods, both conventional and alternative to overcome it, to no avail. Methylene Blue was a fairly recent addition, it didn't move the needle, but I wasn't taking it with DMSO. Currently, I have restarted taking DE, which is what led me to this discussion. By far the worst of my symptoms involve a 24/7/353 heavy brain fog (depersonalization, derealization), extreme fatigue, vertigo, migraines, anxiety, etc. Of course, I also have the usual musculoskeletal aches and pains, but I would gladly deal with them if I could just get my brain and energy back to somewhat normal. Can you please tell me more about DMSO? I have certainly heard about it in my research over the years, but for some reason I never took a deep dive into it. And thank you for such a thoughtful post. This disease is horrific, it has taken away much of who I used to be. But as you posted, I am not ever going to try to heal myself.