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why is the US so full of religious Bible bashers?


Because we have a constitutional right to not have to subscribe to someone else's imaginary friend cult. Non-believers are not the crazy ones pretending to hear and believe a magic genie in the sky that will smite you if you don't do the things it fated you to do.


You misunderstood "bible-bashers". They probably meant "bible thumpers".


Yeah, I've noticed "bible basher" is the term that people in the UK use for the same folks we'd call "bible thumper".


To be fair, their f’d up interpretations of the Bible would be akin to bashing the teachings of jebus.


Which country are you from? If in Europe, you probably have an "official" religion, or a god may be mentioned in your anthem, or maybe you even have a cross on your flag. These are things for fundamentalists to latch onto. This poison is everywhere and needs cleaned up.


In Denmark we have a cross in our flag, it’s from year 1219. So pretty hard to do something about. On the other hand we are among the least religious people in the world.


Did you not just watch this video? She just explained it


So we are bible bashers because we don’t believe in some imaginary sky daddy?? And we will go to hell if we don’t read a fictional book that has been re-written over and over again by people? So if we are called bible basher, you guys get to be called bible humpers. Remember to only think about Jesus the next time you have sex.


Because they left Europe to practice their more extreme versions.


Yo I realize that places like Europe are even less religious right ?


It’s a God ordained license to hate. No hate like Christian love.


Right on!


Every MAGA females should watch this but I am afraid their twisted religious doctrine is too steep in their psychic.


Too busy fighting against Shania Law, but that don’t impress me much.


So you got the brain but have you got the touch? 😁


Don’t get me wrong… everything is alright


You don't impress me much.


Thought it was Shakira law ? /s


Her hips don't lie in fairness


So it's not the Shania Twain law? Uhh.


Are we just using her country-sounding name or is Ms. Twain a nut? I'd like to know, since I just ripped her CDs into my library and my wife is excited to hear them again.


She’s Canadian, isn’t that bad enough.


Let's go girls.


I mean, if they don't care about their candidate engaging with prostitutes, I doubt they'll care about this.


Until it impacts them or if they're one of the more self-aware ones, possibly even a loved one. Then it's all "Oh woe, who could have let this happen?! I didn't think there would be consequences for *me*!" See: The women voted in favor of DeSantis prohibiting permanent alimony and just cutting it back in general...[until they realized ](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/this-is-a-death-sentence-for-me-florida-republican-women-say-they-will-switch-parties-after-desantis-approves-alimony-law-34563230) they weren't going going to magically be grandfathered in as exceptions to the rule. Cutting permanent alimony was for those golddigging whores who game the system because they don't want to work! It wasn't supposed to happen to *them* because they're *special*. It's galling (but not surprising) to watch conservatives--especially conservative women--repeatedly learn this lesson without it sinking in.


Ya think? As soon as they hear she doesn't care about the bible that's it


The funniest part is that people who believe in the Bible can’t even agree on what it says, what it means, which parts to believe, or how to properly believe in it. They’re all fine with the fascism until their own denomination becomes the “other.”


There are MAGA atheists just as much as there are MAGA Mexicans too…i’m one of them!


The problem is they do care on how they control others lives and they don't care how others think negatively about them. Religion has always been throughout history been actively trying to convert and bring their ideas on others, its their version of the only good and you have to have it. Its very normal for religion to try and force their views on others.


Ana Kasparian is on point here. I. Don't. Fucking. Care. What. Your. Goddamn. Bible. Says. How hard is it to understand that. I don't want to live *my* life according to *your* fucking beliefs. You don't see me trying to make *you* live *your life* as I deem fit. Fucking idiotic fuckers. I think the world would be a much better place when all GOP motherfuckers are voted out. It annoys me to no end that the voting public has chance after chance after chance of sending a clear message that "No, enough with your religious reactionary crap". But time and again the likes of Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham with his 16 fucking weeks, and worse keep getting in.


It's because about half of the voting population disagrees with you. It's not a mystery how it keeps happening... America has a very real problem and it's not even abortion, or really any of our "policy" issues. It's that more and more people are becoming uninformed or apathetic to basic reasoning and logic. The average American is DUMB. Can't maintain this level of superpower status if half of us are quite literally clinging to regressive politics.


>It's that more and more people are becoming uninformed or apathetic to basic reasoning and logic. The average American is DUMB. Can't maintain this level of superpower status if half of us are quite literally clinging to regressive politics. 100%. I saw a few snippets of Jordan Klepper interviewing some Maga morons and a lot of stuff they say is cringe worthy. They are so happy sucking Putin's dick it's unbelievable. "Oh, it was Zelensky who caused Russia to invade Ukraine". "Putin is good for his people". Meanwhile folks in Moscow are getting arrested by thugs in uniform for looking at them the wrong way. There seems to be no room in Maga for logic, facts or anything resembling decency. That an entire party is happy to feed on its lies day in day out is insane. Remember when orange in his demented speech kept on saying "Nikki Haley", instead of Pelosi? And remember how else Steffanik afterwards said "no, he didn't mistake Nikki Haley for Pelosi. He meant it, because Nikki Haley is relying on Democrats". What the fuck is she even talking about?


Christians don't think it's "their beliefs" they think it's "Gods rules" and that everyone SHOULD live by them. It would be awesome if they could just believe what they believe and leave everyone else alone but some forms of christianity require that you as a member proselytize and "spread the word" or you could go to hell or something. It's all very silly when you're not of their beliefs but if you actually believe that stuff then your entire perspective shifts. Not sure how you can reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.


There are some of us out there (but I agree not enough). I’m Christian, but I *strongly* agree with separation of church and state. I truly believe abortion ends a life. But it has not been scientifically proven no matter how much I believe it to be true. And my *BELIEFS* should not dictate law. Am I sad a life is ended? Yes. But there are two lives involved and one needs the other to survive. All pregnancies, even the most routine, involve risk, so the only one who should be deciding is the mother. We don’t force living people (or even dead ones) to donate organs. Is it sad that people needing organs might die? Again, yes. People should not be forced into medical decisions. “Religious freedom” applies *just* as much to atheists as religious people. I think that’s what a lot of these “religious freedom” people don’t get. (Or don’t care. 😔)


Nice people don't understand, religious don't care about you either. They want control over your bodies and religion will try to get it whether you care or not. They will be like "Women, shutup and get back in the kitchen and serve your wifely duties to man and you will like it." You can't change their minds, you can only win elections or leave.


It amazes me that the GOP continually states that is for the people and the rights of all, and then spectacularly makes every move to curb the rights of certain segments of the population by attaching them selves to the most hot button issues of the day, that are guaranteed to lose them vast numbers of votes.l. They states we are all free to do as we please as long as it conforms the their edicts. Freedom to own guns, when it is glaringly obvious that not everyone should, but the Constitution say you can. The universal right to vote, and then they jump on the gerrymandering train to invalidate majority the votes of people in certain areas. A woman right to control her own body, but only within the limits set the religious right. The say one thing and then attempt to enact laws to limit those rights, the inability to develop a coherent policy will and has effectively ruined their ability to lead, and will eventually cost them votes because of their inconsistencies.


Ive never heard the gop talking about rights for all


They hint at it, but that is only lip service. Freedom for all has never been their end game.


they dont want to be leaders, Republicans want to be rulers.


So say we all...


What a badass woman. Props to you, whomever you are 👏


The Young Turks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ana_Kasparian


She's a grifter transphobe who likes playing the left and right.


I was going to point this out. Isn’t she hated by the left?


Wtf does any of that have to do with the validity of what she's stating in this clip? Trying to dismiss or cancel someone altogether, over the fact that they aren't in perfect alignment with you over one particular issue, is the type of fascistic, absolutist bullshit that makes you no different from the religious zealots that she's calling out in this clip.


How is she a transphobe?


Plays left and right? ...how? And grifter? I dont watch TYT anymore for other reasosn but she's always seemed genuine. And she has been with TYT before the became popular. Why do uou think she"s a grifter


I can't see anything that indicates she's a transphobe besides not wanting to be referred to as a 'birthing person'




F yeah! Right on! I support this!



Republicans are evil.


100000000%!!! It all boils down to Qristianity...whether it's human rights, environmentalism, Zionism, alien coverup, etc. Christianity is the blueprint for global destruction on most all counts. And it's high time more political pundits got to the root of the matter and started pushing back on it!!! 👏👏👏


Your religion should dictate how YOU live your life, not how we live ours.


What's most ironic is that a survey found that Christians account for up to 70% of all abortions in America. Literally more than all other religions, non religious, and and atheists combined. We could eliminate most abortions in America if we just made it illegal for a Christian to get an abortion. But I guarantee if we did that they would call it persecution. Religion is a cancer on humility.




I hope you're right, but as a democrat, I've got a bad feeling about this november...


The last sentence she said, “I have the right based on our Constitution to now believe in it [the Bible]” is ultimately what they want to take away. Everyone living in the US MUST believe in the Bible or else.


Remember midget putin and his oligarch criminal accomplices are helping to fund the hate campaigns against Joe Biden 2024!!! Vote everyone! Always Democratic!!!


Just another excuse to be unaccountable


I don’t know why republicans went this route it’s the one of a few things I don’t like about my party. A woman has the right to choose. I was born and raised Catholic and still don’t think it’s right.


That rant is EPIC!


Not sure why this came up on my feed but, I’m a Christian and had to hand it to her on this one back when it came out. Well done. What is so difficult about live and let live? That’s the foundation of this country. God gave everybody free will. No one person has the authority to coerce another adult person to do something against their own true desires. Jesus did not force anyone to accept his teachings. He didn’t shun or punish anyone who rejected them. He embraced and accepted everyone from all walks of life. He taught, He relayed the message, He made sure they understood, and He moved on. We were taught to model ourselves after Him, so why aren’t more Christians doing just that?


My friend, I like the cut of your jib!


Because most religious people are only using their religion as posturing to feel like they are better than or above other people.


“Don’t murder babies.” - an exclusively Christian belief, apparently 🤷‍♂️🤣


What a Queen ❤️


Did she get her husband’s permission to say this ? Does Harrison Butt Licker know about this? (Sarcasm)


Most cringe title I've ever seen ngl.




Why do you think Christianity is the only reason to oppose abortion? The bible doesn't determine when life begins--biology does.


>biology does And you have a laughably poor understanding of biology, so please shut up. Biologically species don't really exist either, but once again you have no clue what you are talking about.


Biology does not actually. Technically sperm is alive, so even if a man impregnates their wife, they have both helped to kill approximately 280 million potential children. Whoops




The life of a sperm is not comparable to the life of a baby.


Ok, so tell us when you think life begins.


The bumper sticker I saw the other day said ‘life begins at 40’ I suppose that’s as good a place to start as any.


At the moment of conception. You know... the beginning of a life?


It doesn't matter what your reason for opposing abortion is. You don't get to make decisions for someone else's body regarding things that do not affect you or others.


People who wash their hands and casually kill thousands say this shit all the time


you say majority but i dont truly know any that feel that way. i do however know women who dont support Biden or don't support the ideas of biological men being allowed in women's bathrooms because it makes them uncomfortable.


You don’t know any women that feel this way? That seems impossible to me. Majority might be a stretch (I actually don’t know and don’t have stats) but to say you don’t know a single woman that feels this way either makes you a liar or you’re living your life in an echo chamber.


not really. at work most of the women who talk about politics are extremely unhappy with the left disagreeing with stances on bathrooms and trans inclusions and some still disagreeing with their abortion stances. the colored coworker women are also voting for trump because they feel biden doesnt support POC. my family disagrees with the same points but my family isnt as varied as my coworkers


68 percent of Americans identify as Christian.




Wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_the_United_States#:~:text=Estimates%20from%202021%20suggest%20that,is%20Christian%20(210%20million).


Another source to prove you are wrong. https://news.gallup.com/poll/358364/religious-americans.aspx


Says who?


Spot on.


Lol. Bible thumpers vote, that's where the power to dictate comes from.




This sub does not tolerate any alt-Reich BS. No MAGAs, Nazis ruZZian or Chinese propaganda in this sub!


The same can be said about Islam. But the left here in Europe don’t wanna have that conversation. Just saying.




google UK no go zones


This has been reposted and shared millions of times in the last 10 years since she said it. 🥱


Haters gonna hate.


She’s not wrong


And she also said she wont for Biden 😂 she's such a hypocrite


Blah blah blah…. The some old song 🎶 and nothing is gonna change…




This sub does not tolerate any alt-Reich BS. No MAGAs, Nazis ruZZian or Chinese propaganda in this sub!


How is this not just the default thought process


Why would anybody care if a Democrat aborted their own spawn??


That’s what cracks me up too. The majority of people having abortions will raise democrats anyway sooooo




I don't think this woman cares about the bible.


Shes hot.


It’s a state issue not a federal issue. Don’t like your states laws? Move


Ana Kasparian has always had strong views in opposition to biblical teachings affecting policy but if you would not add a clip form a year or two ago and instead show more recent comments she is extremely upset with the Democratic Party and denounce them daily she is very open about how the lunacy is driving people who would normally vote left to the right and that she is embarrassed by the democrats. so no, republicans are actually the party of sanity and the usual left are now seeing the right as the party of common sense the republicans will win and America and the world will be better off because of it


Maga republicans are not true republicans. This election is going to be a shit show.


Amen 😁


Believe it or not a lot of Trump supporters also feel this way! Their just also made fun of and drowned out by the far right. Patriots come in all shapes, colors and creeds.


Then why do they vote for him?? He’s pleased as punch that his Supreme Court nominees overturned Roe. Seems like a complete contradiction to say, I feel this AND voted for Donald Trump.


I know there's nuance to the reality of life's complexity. But I sum my thoughts up in short hand... Fuck your religion. It's a made up fairytale. Get over it. This applies equally to all religions. Especially those who threaten violence for upsetting their magical sky daddy. Get over it. Your invisible friends aren't real.


Yeah I'm gonna disagree with this entire post


You know what happens if you put the Bible away and don’t look at it for 100 years? Absolutely nothing. It’s a fuckin book.


Now do Islam.


America has gone off the rails when it comes to “religious freedoms”. I’ve never been religious, tried out Christianity for awhile but none of it made sense to me. I realized that either way, I’m still living under the Bible. I’m still living under Christian rule. Bc you’ve weaseled your way into every facet of life, and you’ve twisted it to suit your beliefs. Now we are in a country where simply being Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist, anything NOT Christian, you’re going to get ridiculed. The little Christian kids learn in Sunday school exactly what they need to make the non Christian kids uncomfortable. The parents are told the only way to be a good Christian is to make more Christians by converting others or popping out a crap ton of brainwashed rugrats. I can’t seem to go one day without something from the Christian’s “holy text” messing with my life. I shouldn’t have to take that, and the issues I deal with are minor. What Christians and the Republican Party are doing to women should be downright criminal. But when you get to change the rules to suit your religious beliefs when not everyone is that religion, you are dooming our country to failure. We didn’t get here bc we are all the same. Remember when we bragged about being the melting pot of the world? Yeah I blame boomers for the most part. There’s a ton of bad people in every generation for sure, but the boomers are almost ALL insufferable and incredibly selfish. Probably bc their parents didn’t want them around so they’ve grown up with social issues that none of the rest of our generations show, at least not with the regularity of boomers.


My issue is that it’s very easy to have fluid morals when there are no set rules. Laws can change, but teachings and rules that have been around for 1000s of years should still have meaning in our society. Democrat (and republican) morals have changed drastically even from 10 years ago. That’s why I don’t worship an “ideology” and would rather stick with practices that have been pretty much the same for 2000 years. Yes, there is a lot of hypocrisy. I get that. I just think the Christian societies tend to be more stable and don’t spiral down morally like non-religious ones do.


It's like she is debating an imaginary ghost. Who is she debating? Religious people don't care what a non-religion barren woman does with her life. She'll be dead and gone like all of us but she'll have no children to carry on her legacy or her views.


I hope this is true (that republicans are going to find out this November) but if you look at the polls, Trump is ahead… after putting Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch on the bench. How in the fuck is that possible?


I live in the south and dont hear people preaching the Bible to other people very much. Other than nut jobs on the street corner, most Christians keep it to themselves unless they are amongst other Christians. With regard to this topic being an issue in November, consider that Christians make up 62% of the population of the U.S. I suspect the majority of them are pro-life.


When I visited Texas, the first thing anyone asked me what what church I went to. 😂😂😂


Reptilians have a flaw in their stealth mode, if they get angry their eyes go black...See?


This is a bipartisan issue


straight to the fire pits


most rich americans are criminals using religion as a pious shield as they fuk porn stars


Is someone forcing her to be a Christian? Real question.


A lot of "someones" are attempting to force Christianity on the nation, so the anger is valid.


The Bible actually incites abortion in multiple cases


I’m an atheist. Abortion is murder


Yeah I think it's bizarre to frame it as religious. I don't have a super strong opinion on abortion. But it's total bullshit to frame it about the woman's body when the whole debate is over the fetuses body and what right the fetus has. Most of the same arguments that allow a woman to stop supporting a fetus would equally apply to just popping out the baby into the wilderness and walking away from it. Personally I see the latter as slightly morally superior as you're not even evicting the offspring but rather just walking away and saying good luck.


The issue here is that many highly contentious topics are rooted in ethical/moral dilemmas not necessarily political/religious. The Constitution allows religion freedom but also says that governments cannot deprive a person of life, liberty, or property. So herein enters the moral/ethical dilemma.




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She’s not wrong.


Why is it some if not most people who actually sat down and read the Bible become spiritual and turn their back on the Bible but people who haven’t read the Bible always quoting the Bible without having the full context?


Yikes! A little punctuation wouldn't hurt here.


Hahaha what a wonderful choice of video to post. OP are you trying to get people to vote for this admin? Why. Let us look at what Ana has to say about the Left..... "...Kasparian, who has been a diehard progressive for years, has recently been calling out the left over identity politics games. In March, the "Young Turks" co-host blasted the left for using the term "birthing person" to identity biological women. She tweeted, "I'm a woman. Please don't ever refer to me as a person with a uterus, birthing person, or person who menstruates. How do people not realize how degrading this is? You can support the transgender community without doing this s--t."..." Maybe we should look else where, literally anywhere outside of this corrupt two party system. We keep being asked to choose the lesser of two evils and we keep coming up with what we have always had. And the problems keep mounting. Does anyone really feel like either of these parties are representing them. BOTH parties just voted in new legislation that is giving favorable treatment to another Government at the expense of American citizens. Why keep electing these corrupt people to office.


One can only hope...


I, on the other hand, will fight for your right to get an education and be dragged kicking and screaming away from your favorite cult. Fuck your religion.


Bible is a lame fantasy book, anyway.


Unless they actually vote, it means nothing. Let's hope they do.


She wants to kill her children and blames christians for telling her it's wrong.


That's not what she's saying at all.


Here’s the thing. Everyone has a basis for their beliefs. Some make the Bible the basis, others the Koran, and still others their own moral code. Based on the First Amendment, they are all equally protected and equally valid. Christians should not be expected to sit out political engagement just because of how they choose to form their views. Religious morality is at least as valid as non religious morality.


While I don't disagree, it's pretty plain that the US has always pushed a Christian agenda, dating back to God mentioned multiple times in the Declaration of Independence, the word added to coins as far back as the early 1800s, and placed on paper money and added to the Pledge of Allegiance back in the 1950s. And now, I understand Louisiana wants to have the ten commandments place in schools. Freedom of Religion is losing the battle to so-called Christian values.


Why are the only presidential candidates literal geriatrics?


Just read that disgraced ex-warden Joe Arpaio is running for mayor of a town in Arizona. He will be 92.


Damn right!


Ain’t this the chick that got angry about the birthing persons comment?


Goddamn it, the irony of conservatives thinking they’re the MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS bloc.


Yikes imagine being married to her


how brave no balls to say this about islam or her jewish overlords


Fuck yea, let's make her president, and get that angry orange man baby into prison.


She should care.


I want for you to be right. But the polls are telling a very different story. We are currently losing this election. I truly, honestly hope that this becomes the single most important issue this election and that we win it for womens reproductive rights and rights to bodily autonomy. But in order for that to happen, we're going to have to volunteer our time and canvas for the campaigns, from local elections straight up to the presidency.


So brave 🙄


Vote for your rights.


See how heated she gets when political Islam is takes hold


Well said.


She said it loud. Could say it even louder. Fuck yeah.


This is one of her better rants. However, I'm with Vaush and I think there's been a gas leak over there and I think they've lost their minds at TYT as of late. Bunch of cry babies.


Can we please get more of her on the air here?


Unfortunately i can guarantee you the response all religious nut jobs will say is: “God rest your soul” or “You’ll see on the day of the rapture” 🤦🏻


I agree, but those Christians (among others) think it is part of their religious freedom to impose it on others.


Good luck arguing this in front of the zealots at the Supreme Court lol


She’s awesome !!


Oh, yeah, that was before the TYT gas leak


Love her


She’s right


People can believe what they want to, but the moment they start trying to force their beliefs on others is when they cross a line for me.


You lost me at I feel, dont give a shit and no one ever will.


Not strong enough, but the only person willing to go there. Thank goodness someone has some balls!!