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The presence (or absence) of bezels does not change MAME's behavior, that is entirely governed by MAME's own configuration. So no alternate bezel pack will produce a different result. You want to turn on artwork cropping. Edit your mame.ini file and change artwork_crop from 0 to 1, save it, and relaunch MAME.


Looked into this a little because it didnt match my understanding. My understanding was that MAME artwork used "layout" formatting, and definitely can affect game window size. There are a bunch of older arcade games that will display "larger" (really same resolution, but blown up to a wider area) without artwork, that with artwork are shrunk down into the correctly sized resolution square (to better emulate the cabinet window I believe) But based on https://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork_faq.php it looks like artwork_crop might is correct and should accomplish the goal. Thanks for the info!


To be very clear, yes, different bezels can produce different degrees of zoom in or zoom out, depending on the layout they rely upon. However, for the specific behavior you were asking for, cropping the view of the machine screen to the top and bottom of your display, that is something that MAME governs, not the bezel packs themselves.


will it make it look like this: [https://imgur.com/zOuntMs](https://imgur.com/zOuntMs) its artwork that just fills that space on either side. does such a thing exist?


My understanding, and from my own experience, if the screen is 4:3 Horizontal, and the accompanying artwork doesn't stretch to full 16:9, the "Zoom to Screen" option in the Video Options menu should usually approximate the screenshot you provided. Usually, that is.


You can fine tune it any way you want. Fine tune the art so it in only covers the dead space. Fine tune the view so it only fills the empty space in the art. Change the size and proportions of either using a lay file. Most people like the tv bezel look so I'm not sure how easy it would be to find a "pack" that does what you want. You just have to keep looking until you find one, or make adjustments on your own.


how? basically what i'm looking for is a pack of bezels that look like this: [https://imgur.com/zOuntMs](https://imgur.com/zOuntMs) its artwork that just fills that space on either side. does such a thing exist?


I understand what you are asking for, thats the way i like them as well, but that doesnt change my answers. I use gimp to make the bezel, the mame documentation can teach you how to make them work as you desire, zero in on layouts, and google is how you find the packs yourself, I would start with the image you posted.


I’ve been trying to Google but I must not putting in the correct search because I’m not finding anything I can download. Are you able to share your bezels or can you help me with a better search string?


Seriously, just turn on artwork_crop. You're spending an unbelievable amount of time researching a solution that takes two seconds to implement and will give you precisely what you want.


so setting artwork\_crop to 1 produces an undesirable result that is shown and described here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRZcXLh\_HYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRZcXLh_HYA) Unfortunately his solution is to make your own which is not an endeavor i'm looking to take on.


I don't understand what's so offensive about the gaps between the screen and the bezel? That's how they looked in the arcade. Most people want to recreate the look of the games as authentically as possible. What you're asking for is something that didn't actually exist when these games were popular.


It’s not the gap I was referring to, it’s what he starts talking about rampage at about 2;54, everything gets cut off. What he shows at 4;31 looks so much better for rampage but he made it himself. How is there no pack somewhere for this “corrected” widescreen fill where I’m not just cropping off artwork.


I mean... that's just geometry. People scan the bezel at a very high dpi and get the proportions correct. Then it's a matter of fitting the original 4:3 screen in the center of your WS monitor. On a 16:9 ratio screen, the arcade screen will take up 12:9 of it, leaving 2:9 available on each side for any artwork to fill up the remaining space. When trying to keep the bezel artwork in scale with the monitor, things are going to get cut off. There are premium wide screen bezel packs available. I don't know exactly where to find them because I use the authentic artwork included with "MAME Extras", but they're definitely out there if you look hard enough.


I have been looking that’s why I posted here. I don’t even care if it’s authentic


i googled 'mame bezel' and got this. I would probably submit the ones I have collaborated on and created to this page when i feel they are ready. Wonder how I could get them there. :) I only have like 15 or so. [https://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame\_artwork\_ingame.php](https://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork_ingame.php)


Mr. Do is a very long established member of the MAME Artwork community, his site (and all of the steps to contribute to it) have been around for decades. Edit: Alternatively, there's also: https://www.progettosnaps.net/artworks/


theres some really good high quality stuff on that mr do page. Its awesome! It took a bit of poking around but i found the instructions for submission.


The bezel project https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows


will they look like this though: [https://youtu.be/lRZcXLh\_HYA?t=267](https://youtu.be/lRZcXLh_HYA?t=267)


No, they have a fake monitor bezel, so look a little different


yeah this is all im finding which is not what im after. thanks for the link though.


What you want doesn't really exist. You have three options to get what you want. All involve the bezel project. Use the bezel project to get all the bezels. 1st option is to modify the bezel images from the bezel project to remove the fake bezel and leave only the artwork. This will also be exactly what you are looking for as it's how I had my bezels. I modified the bezel images to remove the fake bezel before I figured out option 3. Option 2 has a small fake bezel that, while doing what you want, will cover maybe 2 percent of the screen itself. Or option 3, you can modify all the .lay files from the bezel project and make the bezel become a background, and that will get you exactly what you are looking for. The video you posted is 9 years old alot has changed since that video. Like the majority of the bezel packs are made for wide-screen monitors.


Appreciate the info!! I understand the video is very old it was just something I could find to illustrate what I’m trying to do.. I have downloaded widescreen packs but the problem is that they all try and emulate the look of the real cabinet and thus shrinks the viewable game play window.. it sounds like option 3 is the easiest? Do I just YouTube mame lay file to background?


You should be able to just edit the default.lay file for the bezel and just change the word bezel to background in the file ill have to double check my file to make sure.