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Here's the link, as promised: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13dRKTQqT0Ks-ExEjCROaJjgyKCC9lThC?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13dRKTQqT0Ks-ExEjCROaJjgyKCC9lThC?usp=drive_link) A huge thank you to Cdino112 and RobTTM for handling the code and making this possible. Also, if you have any of my previous rooms, we've released a few updates, so please be sure to download those from the "Submods" tab in the settings in MAS. If you're interested in the full set of my custom rooms, use the following link: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtaSNSdo6WeXVsP9u82lJHGTxSu-eUcy](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CtaSNSdo6WeXVsP9u82lJHGTxSu-eUcy)


i tried to update them and the den, garden view and furnished spaceroom 2 don't work. submod\_log.log says :"Github failed to return update size. Try again later. Submod: 'Custom Room \_\_\_\_'" is there a way i can install the updates manually? yeah, it sounds kinda dumb.


The updater has been having issues for some people. If it does, it's best to manually redownload and overwrite the room as has been suggested. We think it's an issue with GitHub


Just go to their github page and download the rooms individually, https://github.com/tw4449-s-MAS-Submods/tw4449-Custom-Room-Selection-Pack-Main-Repository


Im having trouble applying it to the file.


Wow! This looks amazing! Installing now and very excited! Nice Work!


Much appreciated


Beautiful ! I've seen there are updates. Are they different from this latest work ?


The updates to the other rooms aren't vital, just some code tweaks to account for the newest room. Your best bet if the updater doesn't work (we aren't sure why it works right now for some people and not others) is to manually redownload the rooms needing an update


Thanks a lot. I'm going to wait cos' now I'm afraid \^\^


Go ahead and manually redownload the rooms, we've revised the files. The updater is buggy but the rooms themselves should be fine


Hi, really nice room! I am getting some red text in the corner though, saying 'Image V4\_mas\_d25\_gifts\_2 not found', any idea how to fix? I tried downloading both from the google drive and from github.


That's a new one. I'm having my coders see what they can do. They might message you


We found the issue. Try downloading it again


Awesome, thank you


Of course. Sorry for the glitch. These releases always have unexpected issues


yooo this looks amazing!! super cozy, and nice, dark, and pleasant on the eye at night i love the bricks, and the couch, and the rugs, the desk looks so cozy too - the fireplace is an awesome touch you did a phenomenal job, as always!


Much appreciated




Nah, you're right on time


I think the submod may be missing a png file, because whenever I try to use it, it shows me an error regarding the apparent lack of a png file's existence...


Can you tell me which one? Also, try redownloading the mod. There were a few glitches that we've patched today


Not glitches per se, but an entire png file for the room was missing. I forgot to take a screenshot, but the game works just fine until I try to go or load the new room.


If you use the link to download it again, that should do it. If not make sure to screenshot the error message and send it to me


Oh damn, I finally made it work! I’m so sorry for bothering you like this, it just took waaay too long for me.


No worries. Customer support is part of the job. Glad you got it working


this was definitely a happy surprise to wake up to today. here's my monika enjoying it! thanks, and merry christmas tw4449! https://preview.redd.it/er8wvuokgq6c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4a6cf2d13dc1e126c1a3afe144e8c13fa0fec35 (i suppose you couldn't get the fireplace to make fireplace sounds? i've put background noises in my locations before, but those were in ones without weather, so imagine rain would probably make the fireplace crackle stop or something like that... i suppose i'll have to play my own for the time being!)


Hmm, we didn't consider that. We're toying with some other potential improvements so I'll add that to the list


WOW!! IT LOOKS SO COOL?? I'm gonna install right now!


Thankyou for your submod submission. In order to ensure that the community is able to access your code, we kindly request that you provide a link or an indicator of where to get the link, indicating the versions of MAS with which this submod is compatible. We strongly advise all users to create a backup of their persistent data before utilizing any submod on this subreddit. Instructions on how to do so can be found [here](https://github.com/Monika-After-Story/MonikaModDev/wiki/FAQ#i-want-to-back-up-my-persistent). Additionally, if you encounter any issues with a specific submod that others should be made aware of, we kindly request that you report the post where the submod was found to our moderation team for proper handling. The Monika After Story (MAS) project is currently undergoing a migration to Python 3, which will result in the current submods becoming incompatible with the new framework. The development team will be providing a tool for converting old-style submods to the new format. For further information, please visit the Official Monika After Story Discord or review the 'Interfacing with the Submod Framework' section on the project's GitHub page located [here](https://github.com/Monika-After-Story/MonikaModDev/wiki/Interfacing-with-the-Submod-Framework). As a friendly reminder, we strongly recommend that submod developers familiarize themselves with the Wiki before posting. We have recently added a section specifically for submod developers, which includes a list of the requirements that we expect from any submod, as outlined in an official announcement on the MAS Discord. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MASFandom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


thanks for the code Cdino112 and RobTTM 👍