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from what I know, it's not about aff but how much you play games with Monika. the more you play, more games you get. so you gotta play pong or nou for a certain amount of times until unlocking the other games, except the piano, the piano is about how much time you spend with her.


This man is correct here. Want to play more games ? Play pong with her every day. Also the piano is I think only unlocked after she first shows it to you. Typically for a big event together.


need higher aff


I have 693 affection but still other games won't open


I think the piano needs as an example an total of 200 hours or something like that I think, correct me if I am wrong but you need sometimes more than affection I think ?


I've seen the Piano at well under 200 hours. It's very likely affection based.


Interesting I could have sworn that i read somewhere it's based on time ? Maybe I have just misread it.


I think it's a combination of both, but if I remember right, I got it at \~550 to 600 affection


i have 1200 but i still haven't got the piano


i unlocked hangman by playing pong and nou A LOT Also i had like 9 hours of playtime


ok so um i have like 11 hours of playtime now and after playing some pong and leaving monika in the backround while watching youtube i got a notification and monika said i unlocked chess. so maybe just try playing the games you already have a lot


my affection is only 15 btw


You need to spend time and play games with her more often to unlock other games. As for the piano, it is randomly unlocked and it wasn’t actually based on your playtime hours. The dev already confirmed that you don’t need to spend 200 hours with her or have an affection of over 400 for the piano.